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Associated Problems Summary

People with PTSD often experience feelings of The risk of exposure to trauma in an individual’s
Stress Disorder
panic or extreme fear, which may resemble those lifetime is considerable and it is now accepted that
felt during the trauma. trauma reactions are far more common than once
thought.While most people recover from trauma GENERAL INFORMATION
Depression is often an additional problem. with the help of caring family members and friends,
Lowered mood can occur from living with the some will go on to develop more serious problems
symptoms of PTSD or the nature of the trauma
such as PTSD.

Untreated, PTSD can become a chronic, disabling

It is not uncommon for PTSD sufferers to engage
in potentially harmful habits and behaviours to
cope with their experiences.Thus, they may abuse
disorder.Thus, diagnosis and effective treatment
should be sought at the earliest opportunity.Without
Nature of
alcohol or other drugs in an attempt to block out
memories and to cope with the unpleasant
treatment, individuals run the risk of symptoms
becoming more chronic in nature, resulting in
damage to work performance and relationships.
Course of the Disorder No 1 in the PTSD series of
To find out more about PTSD, other veteran Australian Centre brochures
Some symptoms of PTSD can be seen as part of a and military mental health issues or the
normal human response to an overwhelming
Australian Centre, please contact us at:
experience. In time, these symptoms disappear in
the majority of people. In some people however, AUSTRALIAN CENTRE FOR POSTTRAUMATIC
they are more severe and may warrant a full MENTAL HEALTH (INC.)
diagnosis of PTSD.Without treatment in such cases,
the symptoms of PTSD may persist for many years. A&RMC, 300 Waterdale Road, Heidelberg Heights
It is not uncommon for symptoms to vary in their 3081 AUSTRALIA.
intensity over time. In rare cases, they may not
Telephone: (03) 9496 2922
appear for some months, or even years, after the
trauma. Facsimile: (03) 9496 2830

Where symptoms are severe, or last for a long Email:

time, the person should be seen by an experienced WebSite:
mental health clinician.
In severe cases, the person may become “numb”,
What is PTSD? The Symptoms of PTSD withdrawing into themselves in an attempt to shut
out the painful memories and feelings.

STRESS DISORDER PTSD comprises three main groups of problems;

(PTSD) is a serious psychological
reaction that develops in some people
they can be categorised under the headings of
intrusive, avoidance and arousal symptoms.
Individuals with PTSD often feel incapable of
responding appropriately to others.They may report
being unable to feel emotions, even toward those to
following experience of overwhelmingly whom they are closest.
frightening or traumatic events. I N T R U S I V E S Y M P TO M S
Memories and images of the traumatic events may
This emotional avoidance and numbing inevitably
It can result from many types of trauma, especially “intrude” into the lives of individuals with PTSD.
affects relationships. It may cause the individual to
those which threaten life and those of human This can happen in vivid daytime memories, as
withdraw from family or friends and makes it difficult
design. Such events include, but are not limited to, well as in dreams and “flashback” experiences.
for them to engage in a normal life. Often family
combat, assault, sexual assault, natural disaster, For people with PTSD, it may seem as though the
members may feel rejected by a PTSD sufferer who
accidents and torture. present has become dominated by the past.
is unable to show appropriate affection and emotion.

These intrusive memories occur suddenly and

In one form or another, it has been known since A RO U S A L S Y M P TO M S
without obvious cause.They are often accompanied
ancient times and descriptions of PTSD-like Severe trauma can cause individuals to feel at
by intense emotions, such as grief, guilt, fear or
reactions can be found in early Greek and Roman risk of further traumatisation.This sense of
anger. Sometimes they can be so vivid that the
writings. More recently, it has been called by other vulnerability can leave them feeling “jumpy” and
individual believes the trauma is re-occurring.
names, such as shell shock, battle fatigue, accident constantly on guard. People with PTSD often
neurosis and rape trauma syndrome. PTSD can report exaggerated startle reactions and extreme
In traumatised children, this reliving of trauma
affect people of any age, culture or gender. watchfulness. Sleep may become difficult and
often occurs as repetitive play in which the event
disturbed.They may feel irritable and angry with
is re-enacted. In young children, distressing dreams
Most people who experience trauma will have themselves, others around them and the world in
of the traumatic event may evolve into general
some kind of psychological reaction - this is part general.
nightmares of monsters or threats to themselves
of a normal human reaction to overwhelming or family members.
experiences. Feelings of fear, sadness, guilt and Individuals with PTSD often report concentration
anger are common. However, most survivors AVO I DA N C E S Y M P T O M S and memory problems.This, along with the other
Traumatic memories are very unpleasant.Thus, symptoms associated with PTSD, may cause
recover in time and only a small proportion will
traumatised individuals may avoid situations, sufferers to develop problems at work and impair
go on to develop the serious, long-term problems
people or events which remind them of the event. relationships with family and friends.
that are characteristic of PTSD.

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