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formula chimica

- Ca(VO)Si4O10.4H2O


- 3-4


- 2.21-2.31

sistem de cristalizare - ortorombic


- vitros


- albastru "paun"


- Poona, India

descriere : sfere de cristale prismatice-asociate cu zeoliti

metafizic: compatibil cu ceakra 6

deschide al treilea ochi formand un canal catre domeniul spiritual
excelent pentru: -tratamentele de la distanta
-regresie in timp

Totul despre cristale, volumul 2. Ghidul complet al cristalelor si intrebuintarea lor - Judy
al doilea volum al bestsellerului Totul despre cristale descrie alte peste 200 de cristale, dintre
care multe sunt pietre cu o vibraie foarte nalt, extrem de utile n practicile spirituale, precum i
recent descoperitele pietre din Groenlanda.
frumos ilustrat, cartea reprezint un compendiu cuprinztor al unor cristale de excepie i
include aplicaiile lor terapeutice i efectele lor karmice i asupra mediului nconjurtor.
Vei gsi aici informaii legate de mbuntirea calitii energetice a spaiului i de purificarea
acestuia, precum i de roata medicinal a cristalelor.

Fragment din carte

Cristalul Cavansit
piatra a purificarii si regenerarii prin excelenta, cavansitul faciliteaza calatoriile astrale
constiente si explorarea vietilor anterioare.
Cu ajutorul acestei pietre, traumele care au cauze karmice pot fi reformulate astfel incat sa nu se
mai manifeste in perioada curenta (numai sub ghidarea unui terapeut experimentat, specialist in
vindecarea vietilor anterioare)
Daca este plasat pe cel de-al treilea ochi, cavansitul stimuleaza Channeling-ul si luciditatea
metafizica, pe care le combina insa cu gandirea logica si pragmatica din viata de zi cu zi.
La nivel psihologic, aceasta piatra extrem de pozitiva confera optimism ssi inspiratie. Conduce la
introspectie si la scufundarea pe nivele profunde ale constiintei.
Corecteaza comportamentul distructiv si tiparele mentale adanc inradacinate, si te ajuta sa te
simti confortabil in corpul tau fizic. Incurajeaza respectul de sine.
La nivel mental, cavansitul te ajuta sa gandesti inainte de a trece la fapte.
Combina logica si intuitia, ajutandu-te sa iti rezolvi astfel problemele cu care te confrunti si sa

comunici ceea ce ai vazut in alte dimensiuni.

La nivel fizic, aceasta piatra stimuleaza secretia de endorfine si conductivitatea inpulsurilor
electrice prin corp, amplificand astfel bunastarea si favorizand vindecarea la nivel celular.
Are efecte protectoare, creand un scut in jurul vindecatorilor sau terapeutilor specializati in
vindecarea vietilor anterioare in timpul sedintelor lor.
Influenteza inclusiv mediul exterior, sensibilizandu-te sa ai grija de el si sa apreciezi frumusetea
din jurul tau.
Este ideal pentru construirea de retele in jurul casei sau a masinii...
Cavansitul stimuleaza memoria celulara si vindeca ochii, dintii, durerile de gat, rinichii, vezica
urinara, sangele si tiuitul din urechi.
Se spune ca trateaza sistemul endocrin, bolile recurente, deficitul de calciu, osteoporoza,
flexibilitatea incheieturilor, migrenele si ADN-ul fragmentat, si ca stabilizeaza pulsul.
Trebuie tinut in mana sau in locul afectat. Poate fi folosit pentru construirea de retele.

Cavansite unites the throat and third eye chakras for clear insight, effective communication
and greater understanding.

Cavansite Healing Crystals

Cavansite activates the throat and 3rd eye Chakras, enhancing insight, communication and and
access to field of higher knowledge. It can help enhance intuition and psychic awareness. It is
also useful for protecting the healer during psychic healing, helping to prevent any of the
patient's problems from attaching themselves to the healer. Cavansite inspires new ways of
thinking and dispels negative thought patterns.

Cavansite is usually a very stunning dark turquoise blue, but it can range from green-blue to dark
inky blue. This crystal helps develop your intuition and will be even more helpful in channeling.
This crystal has the ability to magnify energy and willtherefore, amplify intuitive abilities when
you are working with it.
Cavansite not only clears, but it also merges the three bodies. Cavansite encourages healing on
all three levels and helps you find the location of the dis-ease. It is very useful for psychic
healing, providing the patient with healing and then follows up with long-term protection so that
the dis-ease cannot return. Cavansite is a Blue Healer. It clears and activates all of the Chakras,
and it sharpens your intellect.
Cavansite encourages thoughtful behavior, so if consideration of others is not high on your list of
characteristics, this crystal will help.
Interestingly enough, if this crystal is placed right up on a doorway, it provides protection for the

Canvansite activates the throat and 3rd eye Chakras, enhancing insight, communication and and
access to field of higher knowledge. Canvansite with Stillbite adds the love/joy vibration, aids in
interdimensional travel.

Scolecite Cavansite Pendulum

Scolecite pendulum sterling silver pendant with Cavansite. 60mm x
Cavansite is associated with the throat and third eye chakras. It can
help enhance intuition and psychic awareness. It is also useful for
protecting the healer during psychic healing, helping to prevent any
of the patient's problems from attaching themselves to the healer.
Cavansite inspires new ways of thinking and dispels negative
thought patterns.
Scolecite is an excellent mineral for bringing feelings of inner peace
and harmony. It assists with sleeping soundly and enhancing
meditation. Meditating with Scolecite can bring info from the past
and future to help one in this physical, 3D existence. Scolecite can
also act as a guide for those who enjoy astral travel, helping to
connect with different entities from other realms. It brings uplifting
energy, as if floating on a daydream, often finding your heart opens
and bursts of joy and loving energy spill out. Scolecite gently clears
the chakras and mind allowing for connections with your Higher self
and for the receipt of understanding about your existence. Scolecite
can help one to achieve a feeling of serenity even during the most

tumultuous times, and enhances higher awareness. It helps with

becoming peaceful, bringing balance in times of change and
hardship. It is gentle, as it assists with being receptive to life. It
helps with taking control of your life and helps with the actualization
of your desired life. Use Scolecite Crystals for attuning to the higher
Chakras, Third-Eye, Crown and above. Those who experience energy
blockages may find Scolecite helpful, as it can break through
stagnant energies, emotional, physical, and mental, allowing for the
free-flowing of energies through all of the Chakras. Scolecite is said
to aid in solving or coping with group issues. It can be used to
enhance connectivity between members of a group to make a
greater whole, or it can help individuals in the group to be more
tolerant of one another. Some have also used Scolecite Crystals to
create a cohesive group of different types of stones in a grid or

Cavansite is found in southern India, a far as I know the only place in

the world - it is a brittle and rare crystal, very beautiful, very pure

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