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Curs 6



Este partea de vorbire care determin un verb n general, sau

completeaz un adjectiv sau un alt adverb.
Formarea adverbelor :
A. Adverbe formate prin adugarea sufixului ly la adjectivele
slow (lent) slowly (cu ncetineal)
Reguli de ortografie :
1. Adjectivele care se termin n l l vor dubla cnd devin
usual (obinuit)usually (cu obinuin)
careful (grijuliu)carefully (cu grij)
2. Adjectivele terminate n y, care are nainte o consoan, l
transform n i cnd devin adverbe
happy (fericit)happily (din fericire)
3. Adjectivele terminate n e, l pstreaz naintea terminaiei
4. Dac adjectivul se termin n le, e-ul final dispare
B. Adverbe care sunt identice ca form cu adjectivele
back, early, enough, far, fast, ill, little, long, low, straight
- the back door = ua din spate (adjectiv)
to come back = a se ntoarce (adverb)
- an early train = un tren matinal (adjectiv)
to get up early = a se trezi devreme (adverb)
- a straight line = o linie dreapt (adjectiv)
to go straight home = a se duce direct acas (adverb)
C. Adverbe care au dou forme o form identic cu adjectivul i
una format prin adugarea terminaiei ly au traduceri diferite
1. He always plays fair = ntotdeauna joac cinstit.
The results are fairly good. = Rezultatele sunt destul de bune.
2. I always work hard. = ntotdeauna lucrez din greu.
He could hardly work. = De-abia ar fi putut s lucreze.
3. The plain was flying high. = Avionul zbura sus.
It was highly interesting. = A fost foarte interesant.
4. I have just come in. = Tocmai am intrat.

5. I got here late. = Am ajuns aici trziu.

I havent seen her lately. = N-am vzut-o n ultima vreme.
6. He was standing near me. = El sttea lng mine.
She nearly fainted, when hearing the news. = Ea aproape c a
leinat auzind tirile.
7. I went right to the door. = Am mers drept acas.
You judged him rightly. = L-ai judecat corect.
8. He turned short. = El s-a ntors brusc.
They will be shortly. = Ei vor fi aici n curnd.
Gradele de comparaie :
Adverbele se mpart n scurte, lungi, neregulate.
a) Adverbe scurte
1. Pozitiv ca n dicionar : hard, early
2. Comparativ
- de egalitate: as hard as = la fel de greu ca
- de inferioritate - not so hard as = nu att de greu ca
- less hard than = mai puin greu dect
- de superioritate: harder than = mai greu dect
3. Superlativ
- relativ: the hardest = cel mai greu
- absolut: very hard = foarte greu
b) Adverbe lungi
1. Pozitiv ca n dicionar : quickly = repede
2. Comparativ
- de egalitate: as quickly as = la fel de repede ca
- de inferioritate - not so quickly as = nu att de repede ca
- less quickly than = mai putin repede dect
- de superioritate: more quickly than = mult mai repede dect
3. Superlativ
- relativ: the most quickly = cel mai repede
- absolut: very quickly = foarte repede
C. Adverbe neregulate
- wellbetterthe best = binemai binecel mai bine
- badlyworsethe worst = rumai rucel mai ru
- littlelessthe least = puin
- much(many)morethe most = mult
- farfartherthe farthest = departe (ca distan)
- farfurtherthe furthest = departe (ca timp)
Poziia adverbelor
I. Adverbe de mod se pun dup verb sau dup complementul
direct (indirect), dac exist
She sing beautifuly. = Ea cnt frumos.

They speak English well. = Ei vorbesc engleza bine.

II. Adverbe de loc se pun imediat dup verb sau dup complementul direct, indirect, adverb de mod
He lives abroad. = El locuiete n strintate.
She sent him there. = El l-a trimis acolo.
III. Adverbe de timp se pun numai la nceputul sau sfritul propoziiei, nu se intercaleaz
Hell go to London tommorow. = Va pleca mine la Londra.
IV. Adverbe de frecven sunt de tipul:
always, often, sometimes, usually, rarely, seldom, never
- Se pun dup prezentul sau trecutul simplu al verbului to be
He is always late. = El ntrzie ntotdeauna.
- Se mai pun dup prezentul sau trecutul simplu al celorlalte verbe
i dup auxiliare (to have, to be) la timpurile compuse
I always helped her. = ntotdeauna am ajutat-o.
You have often visited my town. = Mi-ai vizitat adesea oraul.
- Cnd toate adverbele sunt prezente, ordinea este urmtoarea:
verb + adverb de mod + adverb de loc + adverb de timp
They worked hard there yesterday. = Ei au muncit greu acolo
- Adverbele hardley i sinonimul lui scarcely pot fi puse pe primul loc-ceea ce nseamn c auxiliarul se va inversa cu persoana-pentru subliniere.
Hardley had I entered the room. = Abia intrasem n camer.
Never before have I seen such a monster. = Niciodat n-am
vzut un astfel de monstru.
- Construcia care n romnete se traduce prin nu numai...dar i
se traduce n englez prin not only...but also. Not only i but
also sunt urmate de aceeai parte de vorbire.
He is not only handsome but also clever. = Nu este nu numai
artos ci i detept.
Not only writes in English correctly but also speaks it fluently.
Ea nu numai c scrie n Englez corect dar i vorbete fluent.
- Ceea ce noi n romnete spunem din ce n ce mai, n Englez
se traduce prin comparativ + and + comparativ
It is better and better = E din ce n ce mai greu
- Ceea ce n romneste se spune cu att, n Englez se
traduce prin the + comparativ + subiect + predicat, the + comparativ + subiect + predicat
The longer the days are, the shorter the nights are. = Cu ct
sunt zilele mai lungi, cu att sunt nopile mai scurte.

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