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FRNC 1631

Junior French Advanced 5

1er semestre 2011

Dr Franoise Grauby
Brennan Building 750

FRNC 1631
Junior French Advanced 5
Unit of Study Outline
UoS Description
This unit is designed for students who have completed HSC French Continuers and
Extension or obtained more than 80% in Continuers.
It consists of two segments (Practical Language and Reading) that together seek to
develop speaking, writing, listening and reading skills, while providing an insight into
contemporary French culture.
UoS Learning Situation
1. Practical language
Classes: 1 grammar lecture (Cours magistral de Grammaire) + 1 tutorial (Travaux Dirigs
or TD) per week.
The course is based on a communicative approach, so students develop reading and writing
skills through the study of a variety of texts and speaking skills in a range of contexts
through role-plays and debates.
2. Reading (Textes et Socit or T&S)
Classes: 1 lecture (Cours magistral de Textes et Socit) + 1 tutorial (Travaux Dirigs or
TD) per week.
The course provides a socio-historical and cultural framework for students studies in
French with the Department. It presents an overview of the social transformations France
has undergone in the 20th century and the political challenges it confronts as it attempts to
redefine its role in the world and Europe. It also develops students reading, analytical and
critical skills through the detailed study of a variety of contemporary texts.
Les profs
Andrea Williams (TD de T&S)
Brennan Building 754
Alice Caffarel (Cours magistral de grammaire)
Brennan Building 743
Franoise Grauby (Coordination Langue et T&S, Cours magistral de T&S, TD de
Langue et de T&S)
Brennan Building 750
T : 9351 6776
Le matriel
Vous devez vous procurer quatre livrets. Vous les trouverez au Copy Centre .
- FRNC 1631 Livret de Grammaire
- FRNC 1631 Livret de Travaux Dirigs de Langue
- FRNC1631/FRNC2614 Booklet 1 Lecture outlines and Tutorial work

FRNC1631/FRNC2614 Booklet 2 Texts and Documents

WebCT :
- Messages des profs et discussions
- Correction des exercices de grammaire
- Cours magistraux de T&S
Login at this address :
Fine print
Students are personally responsible for attendance at classes, active participation (read
below) and for submission of work, in compliance with requirements and guidelines set out
in this outline and in Faculty and University policy. If you find yourself in difficulty for
whatever reason during the semester, and unable to meet the requirements set out below,
you should contact Dr Franoise Grauby as soon as possible.
Objectifs du cours
Le cours de Junior French Advanced 5 fournit le cadre socio-historique et culturel la base de
vos tudes dans le Dpartement de Franais. Il prsente les transformations sociales de la
France au cours du sicle dernier et jusqu nos jours, ainsi que les dfis politiques auxquels
la France est confronte alors quelle essaye de redfinir son rle en Europe et dans le
Lobjectif du cours est de dvelopper vos comptences loral (coute, discussion) et
lcrit (comprhension et production crite), tout en approfondissant vos connaissances
de la culture franaise contemporaine. Vous dvelopperez vos comptences loral grce
lcoute dentretiens enregistrs, discussions et dbats en classe, et vos comptences crites,
analytiques et critiques grce ltude dtaille dune varit de textes contemporains.
A lissue de ce cours, vous devriez :
avoir amlior vos connaissances en langue,
tre plus autonome dans votre apprentissage,
mieux connatre la France daujourdhui et les comportements des Franais,
pouvoir discuter de problmes contemporains,
avoir dvelopp votre aptitude analyser et critiquer.
Le cours comprend deux parties intgres lune lautre: une partie "Langue" et une partie
"Textes et Socit".

1. Langue
1 heure, Cours Magistral de grammaire*
1 heure, Travaux Dirigs**
2. Textes et Socit (T&S)
1 heure, Cours Magistral
1 heure, Travaux Dirigs


Cours Magistral = lecture

Travaux Dirigs (TD) = tutorial

Calendrier des tests:




Tout le semestre

Participation en classe et devoirs

Semaine 7

Test crit en classe 1

(heure de CM de T&S)

Semaine 9

Test crit en classe 2

(heure de TD de langue)

Semaine 12

Test crit en classe 3

(heure de TD de T&S)

Semaine 13

Test de grammaire en classe

(heure de CM de grammaire)
Test oral 4 5 minutes
(TD de langue ou TD de T&S)

Semaine 13

Production orale
Comprhension crite
Production crite
Test de connaissances sur le
CM de T&S et les textes
tudis pendant les TD de
Comprhension crite
Production crite
200 mots en franais sur un
thme li au cours
Production crite
Commentaire de texte sur
LHte de Camus
Test de connaissances en
Production orale sur LHte de

Participation en classe/devoirs
Test en classe 1
Test en classe 2
Test en classe 3
Test de grammaire
Test oral



Participation en classe et devoirs, Tout le semestre (15%)

Le calcul de la note de participation est bas sur une contribution active et rgulire aux
cours magistraux et aux TD. La seule prsence en cours ne contribue pas la note de
Chaque semaine, vous aurez des devoirs faire la maison. Le but de ces devoirs est
dlargir votre vocabulaire dans chaque thme tudi et discut en classe, et de vous
prparer au thme tudi en classe. Consultez la prparation pour chaque semaine dans vos

Attendance: The fine print

Satisfactory attendance at classes is a minimum condition of completion of a Unit of Study.
Students who knowingly will be absent from all classes for more than one week should seek leave of absence,
with supporting documentation.
Absences without written evidence of illness or misadventure* may be penalised with loss of marks;
absence from more than 50% of tutorials, regardless of the reasons for the absences, may result in the student
being deemed not to have fulfilled requirements for the unit of study.
*Examples of misadventure may include but are not limited to accident, sudden bereavement, transport
strikes, natural disasters and so on.
Les tests :
Test en classe 1, Semaine 7 (15%)
En semaine 7, pendant votre heure de Cours magistral de Textes et Socit, vous aurez un
test de connaissances sur le cours magistral de T&S et les textes tudis pendant les TD de
T&S. Vous aurez une heure pour rpondre une srie de questions portant sur quelques
dates et vnements importants de lhistoire de la nation franaise.
Test en classe 2, Semaine 9 (15%)
En semaine 9, vous aurez un test de comprhension et de production crites pendant votre
heure de TD de langue. Le test durera 50 minutes. Le thme du texte que vous devrez lire
sera li un thme tudi en classe.
Vous devrez lire un texte (une page) et rpondre la question pose en franais (rponse :
une page et demie environ). Vous devrez utiliser vos propres mots et structurer votre
argumentation en lorganisant de faon logique et en utilisant des mots connecteurs.
Vous serez not/e sur le contenu (pertinence des informations), lorganisation de votre
rponse (structure, mots connecteurs), et la langue (correction et varit du vocabulaire et
de la grammaire).
Vous pourrez utiliser un dictionnaire.
Test en classe 3, Semaine 12 (15%)
En semaine 12, vous aurez un commentaire de texte en classe sur LHte. Vous travaillerez
sur un extrait du texte LHte de Camus et vous rpondrez une srie de questions portant
sur le texte et les ides de Camus. Le test durera 50 minutes.
Test de grammaire, Semaine 13 (20%)
En semaine 13, vous aurez un test de grammaire pendant lheure de cours magistral. Le test
durera une heure et portera sur tout le programme du semestre.
(voir Livret de grammaire pour plus de dtails sur le programme du semestre)

Test oral, Semaine 13 (20%)

Cet oral aura lieu en semaine 13 (heure de TD de langue ou de T&S). Vous devrez vous
inscrire avec un/e partenaire sur lemploi du temps qui sera circul en classe partir de la
semaine 10.
Vous allez prparer avec un/e partenaire un jeu de rle de 4 5 minutes. Ce sera un
dialogue entre Daru et Balducci, les personnages de LHte.
Balducci annonce Daru: Je vais retourner El Ameur, et toi tu livreras le camarade Tinguit
(p.85). Vous vous souvenez que Daru ne veut pas faire ce que Balducci lui demande, donc
vous allez imaginer ce que Balducci et Daru pourraient se dire pour se justifier, sexpliquer,
Il est vident que vous devez relire lHte et identifier tout ce qui peut vous aider pour
construire votre dialogue. Vous pouvez bien sr utiliser le vocabulaire du texte, mais en
dveloppant les arguments et les justifications de faon originale. Vous ne devrez pas lire le
texte de votre prsentation. Vous devrez donc le mmoriser.
Vous serez not/e individuellement sur :
le contenu : arguments et justifications dploys (40%),
la forme : correction et varit de la langue (40%),
les qualits de communication : prononciation, intonation, fluidit (20%).
The marking process
All exercises, papers and other assignments submitted for assessment will be returned to
students with a numerical mark.
In assessing any piece of work, teachers will normally apply as wide a spread of marks as is
appropriate. When several teachers are involved in the same assessment task, a marking
scheme will be agreed on in advance, and scripts will normally be exchanged before final
results are determined in order to ensure consistency of marking. In rare cases where
marking standards produce significant differences between cores, the department may
decide to scale marks in the interests of fairness.
Where a unit is assessed entirely by means of classwork, tutorial papers, essays or other
assignments, results will be communicated to students progressively wherever possible.
Where formal written examinations are a major means of assessment, marked examination
papers may be returned to students at the discretion of the examiner.
Where papers are not returned:
* results will be communicated to all students in the case of an end of semester
* students who wish to sight their marked paper may do so, but will not normally be
permitted to take it away. (The Academic Board has recommended that examination papers
'which involve the repeated use of the same material in successive examinations may
continue to be kept confidential'.)

In assessing overall performance in FRNC1631, the department expects students to achieve

a pass result (50 per cent or better) in each component: language and reading (Textes et
Socit). However, a narrow failure (45-49 per cent) in one component will not automatically
rule out a pass in the unit overall, providing a good pass has been attained in the other
Late Work and Extensions
Students must keep a copy of all assessments handed in. All assignments, whatever the
form of submission, must be accompanied by the cover sheet fully filled in, signed (in
writing or electronically) and dated. Assignments should normally be handed in at the
relevant School office, either over the counter or in the assignment submission box. Online
submission or submission during classes is permissible only by prior arrangement with the
tutor or coordinator.
Late penalties apply from the day after the published due date. The penalty applied is two
marks (out of 100) per day (only working days). For the purpose of this policy, one mark
means one full point off the awarded mark, not one percent of the awarded mark. So, an
assignment due on Thursday 4 September and handed in on Tuesday 9 September, and
awarded a before-penalty mark of 68%, will be awarded a final, penalised mark of 62%. For
assignments marked out of a maximum total other than 100, the penalty will apply pro rata.
For example, for assignments marked out of 40, the penalty will be 0.8 mark per day.
We understand that students encounter difficulties of various kinds during their study and
we are able to refer you to appropriate counselling services where necessary, but is your
responsibility to contact the Unit of Study Coordinator if you do have problems that affect
your attendance or prevent you meeting assignment deadlines.
Extensions may be granted in the case of illness, personal problems or misadventure; these
must be negotiated directly with the Unit of Study Coordinator.
Determining overall results
In determining overall results, the department reserves the right to take account not only of
numerical scores, but of attendance, participation in classwork and completion of
assignments, including class tests and exercises. As a general rule, students should aim to
attend 90 per cent of all classes, and to complete assignments set for assessment purposes.
Responsibility for determining whether a student has successfully passed a unit rests not
with the department, but with the Board of Examiners of the relevant faculty. The
department can only recommend a result. Following board meetings (mid-July and midDecember), students are officially notified by Registrar's letter of their results. The
department cannot disclose results in advance of the Registrar's letter, but members of staff
are available for subsequent consultation.
Please note that marks for assignments are raw marks only. Marks may be scaled at the
end of semester to correspond to Faculty and University guidelines for the
distribution of grades. These are (Junior units of study):
HD 5%
D 15%
CR 35%
Total of Credit & above 55%
Late Work and Extensions

Students must respect deadlines for assignments and should be familiar with School and
Department policies re late work. Students are expected to become familiar with the
Universitys policies and Faculty procedures relating to Special Consideration and Special
We understand that students encounter difficulties of various kinds during their study and
we are able to refer you to appropriate counselling services where necessary, but is your
responsibility to contact the Unit of Study Coordinator if you do have problems that affect
your attendance or prevent you meeting assignment deadlines.
Extensions may be granted in the case of illness or misadventure; these must be negotiated
directly with the Unit of Study Coordinator (Franoise Grauby).
Special Consideration
Special Consideration should be sought only in cases of extreme difficulty, affecting your
ability to complete attendance and assessment requirements over a significant part of the
semester, or inability to attend an exam held during the Universitys formal examinations
period due to illness or misadventure, and should NOT be used as a way of dealing with
every minor case of illness or misadventure (a request for an extension is the appropriate
course of action here).
See Academic Board policy on Assessment of Coursework (including Illness and
Misadventure) at : Policy : Study at the University : Assessment and
Examination of Coursework, and Faculty guidelines on Special Consideration at

Students are allowed to request extensions on or after the due date (within reason)
in case of sudden illness, accident or misadventure happening on or close to the due date.
We must comply with NSW Medical Board guidelines that permit acceptance of
post-dated medical certificates.

Faculty policy reflects Academic Board policy on Appeals. You should familiarise yourself
with this policy, which can be found at : Policy : Study at the University :
All care is taken to ensure that marking is consistent and fair and that markers adhere to the
assessment criteria as advertised. In some rare cases, however, a student may feel that the
mark awarded does not reflect the quality of the work done. If you wish to lodge an appeal
against the grade awarded, the first step is to contact the Unit of Study Coordinator to
arrange for a time to discuss the assessment task. This should happen within twenty
working days of marks being made available to students.
If you are not happy with the outcome of this discussion, then you may appeal formally
against the grade awarded. The student should first read the Academic Board Resolution on
Student Appeals Against Academic Decisions. This appeal should be lodged within twenty
working days, of the outcome of discussions at local level as outlined above. The appeal
must be lodged through the Faculty Office (attention Dean of the Faculty of Arts) and
include the following:
Appeal for Reassessment Form (PDF) (available online & from the School Office)

Written statement outlining the reasons for appeal and any additional supporting
documentation. The written statement should draw attention to such matters as perceived
injustice in terms of bias or inconsistent application of the grade descriptors published by
the Department.
The Dean will follow up on your appeal within the time limits and according to procedures
set out in the Faculty policy on Student Appeals and Re-marking of Written Work, available
All information concerning your appeal will be confidential and you will not suffer
disadvantage as a result of your appeal (e.g. your mark will not be lowered).


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