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Church of Sclentology Mor1d Council for Everyman's Enlightenment. Los Angeles, California MENOMWIOUM_OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Septenber 24, 1971 (Tr. John HeHaster 31861 South Coast filghway Laguna Beach, California (phone: 714-449-1046) Bernard T. Loftus ' Office of Comp} iance (85-300) Sclentology - Hubbard E-Meters 1. At 1:00 PH on 9/24/71, [returned(tir, HcHlaster's}tclephone call to me of 2/23/71. (Hr) Nekaster)sald that his Ife had been threatened by a special missiOn (fo Los Angeles called "Class 12 Auditors'tJsent by> L. Ron Hubbard to destroy him. le sald hg had been warned "two days ago by a friend who Is still In Sclentology. [Re said the “Class 12 Audltors' cane the sane nlght with their “black magle" which consisted of, anong other things, putting blood ard candles In hls mall6ox, and making a lot of nolse outside the house.) fr. McHasteg sald they had made threatening? phone calls to hin yesterdSy, and they warned him that hg would be dead in 4 days time. ile Indicated that the sherIff's peoole (From Laguna BeacifJhave been most cooperative having come around to his house twice yesterday at his request and having done sone patrolling around the area to protect hin. 2. fiir. Hetlaster) said that L. Ron tlubbard has an intelligence division that would “shock you". lle sald they got Infornation against people they ar2 after by rifling thelr cabinets. They do thls In varlous ways. They got attractive young women to obtain jobs as stenographers with people they want to persecute, and these girls rifle the filing cabinets to get Information for the llubbard Intelligence people. 3.{iir. sctaster] sata that he does not trusefack Horn af) on he described as betng just Tike L. Ron Hubbard, He sald fe thinks/Tifs. Horner }is good. Ne sald (and he repeated seyaral tives) that he wished that he cguld have: seen me later that evening flast Decesher' when 1 vislted him andthe Horners))because Fhe had so gany tel! me that -he did not want tor” say In Front of (ir. ‘iorner} 4 suggested that he, got touch with s Inspector DiGrazia of our Los Angeles OFEite and have a discussion with him, and thag Hr. DiGrazla would pass onthe comments to us here. fre ctiasterffelt that Hr. DlGrazia either does not take him seriously for saspects that he Is still a menber of the Hubbard group. t attempted to assure hig that Inspector DiGrazta considers serfously everything that fir. ucrasterptells hin. Page 2 - Memo of Telephone Conversation 4. Par. HewasterDsald that he Is through with Sclentology forever but that he still tiinks Auditing is a very good thing. He sttll does Auditing, but at the moment he ts not doing anything. 5, (fr. HeiasterJsald that what he wants Is for people to becons avare of the fact that Sclentolosy Is an addiction. Ne called it 2 superin- posed technology. He feels a great deal of guilt because he traveled around the world a few years ago galning convarts for Hubbard. 6, [itr AcHaster said that when he resigned From Sclentology in 1969, some of Hubbard's strong-arm men stole his files. 7. Mr. HeMaster sald that he recently formed with a phystcian named Or. Julian the “World, Counc] for Everyman's Enlightenment’. The dream of the Yorld Councl1 tas for Or. Julian and Hr. NcHaster to work together combining Auditing and medical science for the good of man. Rut br. Jullan was a crook and took all the money, so the World Council is existent. Hr. Hellaster sald that he has a lawyer in Washington, ar, Charles Horberg, who Is trying to arrange for his permanent resi- dence in'the United States. He sald he 1s not able to get references (which he apparently needs to stay In the U.S.) from his former associates in Sclentology and that he Is In the bad positlon of being an alien with no references. te sald the Sclentology people say they expelled him be- cause of honsexuallty, but he insisted that Is not true. He rostgned. 8. Hr. HeMaster sald that Washington Attorney John Matonis 1s now a Wice President of the National Health Federation, and that Hr. Hatonts ow calls himself a Scientologist. 3: Mr. McHaster sald that he Is a friend of Charles Crecilius of the Satlonal Health Federation. He sald Hr. Crecilius and he had worked together toward combining physical and mental health. 2. (ie, Hetaster)sald he has been and is looking for employment in Geer ies) in relation to drug addletion, He said that through Auditing fe has Seen able to help himself and others and that he can do a lot for addicts. fli sald that his stomach had been renoved because of cancer, and that following the surgery the pain would not go away, but that oneghe became Involved In Auditing the paln went away and never returned.) 11, (fir. Hcitaster}satd: “The President has got lots and lots of letters fromm: and | have nlce letters from hin’. He sald he wrote the PresI- dent many times In 1969 under the guise of being In Selentology. and that he sent coples of those letters to Governors, Senators, Congressmen, and fie U-Thant} with a view to helping mankind through Auditing Scientology). Page 3 - Memo of Telephone Conversation 12. Cite. chaste) said that L, Ron Hubbard had him thrown overboard after he Feturned fron his around the world tour to promote Scien tology "to reduce him to size", and that hls back was broken as 3 result of this huniliating experlences) Nevertheless, "I cannot help Toving the man''. A few of his friend’ have died recent ly on the ship under nysterlous cireunstances (which he did not describe). 13. | advised(Mr. HcMaster)that he did the right think in getting touch with the local police officials when his life was threatened. “I suggested that if he believes the Scientologists have some sort of international or interstate intelligence group that Is destroying people that he tell his story to the FSI. | explained the limitations of the FD&C Act and the FOA with regard to police matters. come: g suspect that{Mr. NcMaster)was probably leading up to asking me (or DA) for some sort of reconimendation that he could give to the imml- gration officials, but he did not do so] | have advised Chief Inspector Dom Zicarrdi of the Jos Angeles District to have Inspector DiGrazia Keep up the contact with{tr. HcMasterJbut Re to become ie In “cops and robbers", There is probably truth in(Nr. McHaster's)statement that he has been threatened by the Scientologists (other pedple have told us they were threatened), but this is a police matter not properly a matter that can be handled by FOA. Bernard T. Loftus The Church of Scientology of Call Los Angeles, California October 21, 1971 Mr. Bene F. McHale Special Investigations Mfyisicn B.S, Postal Service Washington, 9.C, 20260 Dear Mr. Meitzle: This confines cur telephone conversation of October 12, 1971, concerning 2 letter we received from (Reverend Terry Milner, of the Church of Scientology of California, Los Angeles, Calf fornta,) concerning (ir. Jchn Nettaster.7 Gr. NcMaster-was the first “clear” in Sctentoloay. iis "stete of clear” aS announced by the Sclentologists with euch publietty, and he hes toured such of the world as a public relations san for Scientology. ie broke with Scfentology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, in 1969.) Gtr. Hetaster? hes advised us that he never belteved that Scfentolovy or was a religion. fle said he had on occaston appeared on televisicn prograns and at public gathertngs wearing o black suit end a Roman collar because Hr. Hubbard asned him t9:7 To him, Scfentolagy 1s a secular thing, 2 sclence; and whereas he has eschewed its religious cvertones he still practices ft as an “auditor”. He uses the E-Meter, and he cures peon] and he belfeves auditing cures people. I interviewed fiir. HeHester) in (Los Anceles in Necarher 1970,Jvhen we vere Preparing for the retrial of the €-Meter sctzure action inthe District of Colunbia. firs NeHastep and other former grests of Scfentolosy had indicated their willingless te testify for the Gcvernrent. For 3 nucber of reascns, it was decided that the Covermment did not need these people as witnesses. Uhile I was in(Los Angeles) on that trip, three forser important Sctentologist told me thefr lives had been threathened and that in one way or another they hd been placed in Jecnardy by the Church of Scfentotogy. (ve have previously given details on this to Hr. Henk Marsh of vour office.) CAT] three claim that they had been robbed hy Church of Scfentolouy peorle. Gne was assulted personally.) nO says . Page 2 - 'ir, Gene F. Mcliale A few weeks ago, I received a telephone call from(Mr. MctasterJwho now resides at(Laguna Beach, California.) ile told me, enong other things, that his Ife had been threatened again) Me sent you a copy of my meno of that conversation. For your inforniation, fir. McHaster is 2 cherubic looking individual, soft spoken, smal] of frane and effeminate in his mannerisns and speech, Every time he has spoken to me he has mentioned that the Scientolosy people have [accused hin of being a homosexual,) and he has averreé that they do this in an attenpt to destroy his reputation. (7 suspect that Nr, MeMester 1s emotionally unstable) He are now in recetpt of[Reverend I{Iner's)letter. As you can see, a Reverend Milner says bad things about Mr. McMaster: he calls him a ie jomosexval; suggests he 1s a drug user; suggests that in the past he | has been of interest to FBI, Custons, end other regulatory hodies or none of these allegations may or aay not be so, but they would little or no interest to FOA whether tiue or not. le do belfeve that the {Milner Jetter tends to confirm fir. Vclaster's statements that the ‘Scientology people are “out to get hin". Ge re not impressed-Wi th CReverend tttner's)representation that the intent of his letter was to : help guide Hr. McMaster into competent professional hands.) = Ble have not answered or acknawledged(Reyerend Si Iner's)letter and we will not do so,] We do not know whether (fhe /Milnerfletter violates any postal statutes, but we are referring it fo-jourfor whatever value 1t may have to your. - Sincerely yours, Los-po ‘ &. T. Loftus Acting Deputy Mfrector ae Office of Conntance eae Bureau of Drugs Enclosure Copy of(Rev. Miner's 7 letter 9/29/71

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