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University Physics Lab

Kinematics, Motion in One Dimension

Purpose of the Experiment

To be able to interpret graphs of position, velocity and acceleration vs. time.

To analyze the motion of a student walking across the room.
To measure a value of g , the acceleration of gravity at the Earths surface.
To understand the relationships between position, velocity and acceleration in
terms of value, slope and area under the curve.


Table of Contents
Background Information......................................................................................................3
Interpreting Equations and Graphs..................................................................................4
Relationships between Kinematic Quantities..................................................................5
Motion Sensor..................................................................................................................7
The Lab..............................................................................................................................10
Purpose of the Experiment.............................................................................................10
Part I: Position vs. Time Graph Matching.................................................................12
Part II: Velocity vs. Time Graph Matching................................................................14
Part III: One Dimensional Kinematics......................................................................15
Part IV: The Effects of Shifting the Position Graph..................................................19
Part V: Relationships between Kinematic Quantities................................................21
Part I: Position vs. Time Graph Matching.................................................................24
Part II: Velocity vs. Time Graph Matching................................................................25
Part III: One Dimensional Kinematics......................................................................26
Part IV: The Effects of Shifting the Position Graph..................................................27
Part V: Relationships between Kinematic Quantities................................................28


Background Information
Kinematics is the branch of physics that describes motion. It answers questions
concerning the motions of objects such as:

Where is the object?

How fast is it going?
In which direction is it moving?
Is it speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction?.

Bear in mind that while kinematics answers the question How do objects move?, it
does not answer the question Why do objects move?. Answering Why? is left to the
branch of physics called dynamics, which is the subject of a later lab.
Kinematics answers these questions with three quantities: position, velocity, and
acceleration. Position tells us where the object is. Velocity tells us how fast it is going
and in what direction. Acceleration tells us whether the object is speeding up, slowing
down or changing direction.
In this lab, for simplicitys sake, we will restrict ourselves to the idea of motion
along a straight line, also referred to as one-dimensional motion. It is important to first
understand one-dimensional motion before adding additional dimensions. Once you
understand one-dimensional motion, it is easy to figure out two- and three- dimensional
motions since they are simply two (or three) independent, perpendicular one-dimensional
motions. However, for the purposes of this lab, the object will only be able to go
forward/backward or, alternatively, up/down, and we dont have to worry about whether
or not it is turning. Two- and three-dimensional motion will be dealt with in a later lab.


Interpreting Equations and Graphs

Consider the kinematic equations of motion for constant acceleration. If we were
to plot these equations on a graph, they would have a particular geometric shape. By
comparing the kinematic equations to the equations for a parabola and straight line, you
can see this more clearly:

Position vs. Time Equation:

1 2
y= a t + v O t+ y O

Equation of a Parabola:

y= A t + B t+ C

Here you can see that since A=a/2 , B=v O and C= y O , then the position vs.
time graph must be a parabola. Also notice that:
Velocity vs. Time Equation:

v =a t+v O

Equation of a Straight Line:

y=m x+ b

Again, if I make the identifications that the slope m=a

and the intercept b=v O ,

you can tell that the velocity vs. time graph must be a straight line. Remember this idea,
we will come back to it in many future labs.


Relationships between Kinematic Quantities

Additionally, there is an important connection between the graph of position vs.
time and graph of velocity vs. time. This relationship is stated as follows:


A similar relationship exists between the velocity vs. time graph and the acceleration vs.
time graph:
The slope at any given point on a velocity vs. time graph is the value at the same point
on an acceleration vs. time graph.
The second statement above is easily proven if you recall that the slope is simply the rise
over the run for a given graph:

slope on v vs . t =

rise v ( a t 2+ v O ) ( a t 1+ v O ) a(t 2t 1)
=a=value on a vs . t
run t
t 2t 1
t 2t 1

Thus, using the first statement above, if one knows an objects position as a function of
time, it is a simple matter to compute the velocity by finding the slope. The process can
be repeated with the velocity graph to find the acceleration.
Is it also possible to reverse these relationships? For example, if we know the
acceleration, can we find the velocity, and then repeat the process to find the position as a
function of time? The answer is yes, and to do so we need to consider the area under the
curve. These reverse relationship between acceleration and velocity is summarized as:




Likewise, a nearly identical relationship exists between velocity and position:





In this lab, we will use these concepts to analyze the motion of a ball. When a
ball is tossed straight upward, the ball slows down until it reaches the top of its path. The
ball then speeds up on its way back down. A graph of its velocity vs. time would show
these changes. Is there a mathematical pattern to the changes in velocity? What is the
accompanying pattern to the position vs. time graph? What would the acceleration vs.
time graph look like?
In this experiment, you will use a Motion Sensor to collect position, velocity, and
acceleration data for a ball bouncing straight up and down. Analysis of the graphs of this
motion will answer the questions asked above.


Motion Sensor
One of the most effective methods of describing motion is to plot graphs of
position, velocity, and acceleration vs. time. From such a graphical representation, it is
possible to determine in what direction an object is going, how fast it is moving, how far
it traveled, and whether it is speeding up or slowing down.
In this experiment, you will use a Motion Detector to determine this information
by plotting a real time graph of your motion as you move across the classroom, as well as
a ball in freefall. The Motion Sensor measures the time it takes for a high frequency
sound pulse to travel from the sensor to an object and back.

Figure 1: PASPort Motion Sensor.

Using this round-trip time and the speed of sound, you can determine the distance to the
object; that is, its position. The Capstone data acquisition software will perform this
calculation for you. It can then use the change in position to calculate the objects
velocity and acceleration. All of this information can be displayed either as a table or a
Motion Detectors are useful tools for measuring the distances to objects and
exploring the laws of kinematics. They are easy to use if you keep two limitations in
1.) Min/Max Distance: The Motion Detector will have difficulty measuring distances to
objects that are less than about 15 cm or greater than 8 m away from the sensor.
2.) Obstructions: The sound pulse is emitted in a cone from the speaker on the front of the
detector. Make certain that the cone only intersects the object you are trying to
monitor. Keep other objects, such as the detectors cord, the edge of the lab table, or
stools out of the sound cone.


Prelab 1: For this question, go to the website:

You will need Java on your computer. You can download this program for free at:


Mac OS users will need to use the Download button on the PhET website.
Once the simulation is downloaded to the computer, open up the Downloads
directory. Then, right-click (or control-click) on the simulation file and select
Open with from the pop up menu, and open the simulation with Java.
For each situation listed below, set up the appropriate parameters in The Moving

Man program under the Charts tab, and then press Play to watch the mans motion.
On a separate graph for each situation listed below, sketch the position vs. time and
velocity vs. time curves plotted by the computer. Be sure to label your axes clearly.
a.) The man at rest (standing still) at an initial position of x=5 m . For clarity,
Pause and Clear your graphs between each run.
b.) The man moving (walking) in the positive direction with a constant speed.
c.) The man moving (walking) in the positive direction with a greater constant
speed than in part (b).
d.) The man moving (walking) in the negative direction with a constant speed.
e.) An object accelerating (accelerating) in the positive direction, starting from
rest (use a small acceleration of 0.5 m/ s 2 or 1 m/ s2 and zoom in and out
on the graphs as needed using the magnifier + and - symbols next to the


Prelab 2: Consider a ball that is tossed vertically upward into the air. Think about the
changes in motion a ball will undergo as it travels straight up and down. On a graph,
sketch your prediction for the position vs. time graph in the vertical direction. Describe
in your own words what this graph means. When answering, refer only to the position
and time.
Prelab 3: Repeat Prelab 2 for the velocity vs. time graph. Describe in words what this
graph means. When answering, refer only to velocity and time.
Prelab 4: Repeat Prelab 2 for the acceleration vs. time graph. Describe in words what this
graph means. When answering, refer only to acceleration and time.
Prelab 5: When a ball that is tossed vertically reaches its highest point in the air, what are
the objects velocity and acceleration for that instant? Explain carefully. Your answers to
Prelabs 3 and 4 might help.
Prelab 6: What are the two important limitations to keep in mind when using the Motion


The Lab
Purpose of the Experiment:
To be able to interpret graphs of position, velocity and acceleration vs. time. To
analyze the motion of a student walking across the room. To measure a value of g , the
acceleration of gravity at the Earths surface. To understand the relationships between
position, velocity and acceleration in terms of value, slope and area under the curve.

Windows PC

Pasco 850 Interface


PASPort Motion Sensor

Meter Stick


Ring Stand

Right Angle Mount

Short Mounting Rod


Air Pump
o Needle


Part I:
University Physics Lab/1D Kinematics/Graph Matching.cap

Part II:
University Physics Lab/1D Kinematics/Graph Matching.cap

Part III:
University Physics Lab/1D Kinematics/Bouncing Ball.cap

Part IV:
University Physics Lab/1D Kinematics/Bouncing Ball.cap

Part V:
University Physics Lab/1D Kinematics/Bouncing Ball.cap


Part I: Position vs. Time Graph Matching
1.) Connect the Motion Sensor to PASPort 1 of the 850 Interface, and set the range
switch on top of the Motion Sensor to Long Range (i.e. the People symbol). Then,
place the Motion Sensor so that it points toward an open floor space at least 3 m
long, as shown in Figure 2. Position the computer monitor so you can see the screen
while you move in back and forth in front of the Motion Sensor.

Figure 2: Graph matching.

2.) Aim the Motion Sensor at your midsection when you are standing in front of the
sensor. You will hold the provided whiteboard in front of your body to improve your
results, since reflections from different parts of your body as you move can mimic
rapid motion back and forth.
3.) Start Capstone and power on the 850 Interface. Load the file:
University Physics Lab/1D Kinematics/Graph Matching.cap

A graph of position vs. time will appear. The object of this exercise is to walk either
towards or away from the detector so that your motion duplicates the graph on the


4.) On each of the three Position tabs in Capstone, there is a graph you will try to match.
For these position graphs, you can see the starting distance on the graph, and you
should try to start at that position. Try to match the graph by moving forward or
backward. The Score display will show how closely you match the graph. The
closer to 100 , the better. It is fairly easy to get a score above 95 on the position
5.) After starting data collection by clicking Record, there will be a three-second
countdown before data recording begins to allow you to get in position. Watch the
Ready clock on the bottom of the screen and be ready to move when it reaches zero.
When the countdown finishes, walk in such a way that the graph of your motion
matches the target graph on the computer screen. This works better if you hold the
whiteboard in front of you at the same height as the detector and keep the flat part of
the whiteboard aimed directly at the Motion Sensor so the sound waves bounce off
the surface and straight back to the sensor. The recording will stop automatically
after 10 s .
6.) Repeat the data recording process as many times as you need (time permitting) to get
your best match. Capstone will save every data run you take unless you use the
Delete Last Run, Delete Run #X or Delete All Runs buttons on the Controls
palette at the bottom of the screen. Additionally, you may use the Select visible data
button at the top of the graph to display any previous data run. Let all members of
your lab group try, and see which lab partner can get the best score. On a piece of
paper, note which Run #s were the best and who did them.
7.) When you have a good match, retain a copy of the graph with your score for your lab
8.) Repeat the graph matching exercise for the additional target graphs under the tabs
Position 2 and Position 3 in Capstone.
9.) When you are finished, leave the apparatus and software set up as is for Part II.



Part II: Velocity vs. Time Graph Matching

1.) Open the Velocity 1 tab in Capstone. A graph of velocity vs. time will be displayed.
As in Part I, the object of this exercise is to walk either towards or away from the
detector so that your motion duplicates the graph on the screen.
2.) On each of the four Velocity tabs in Capstone, there is a graph you will try to match.
For these velocity graphs, start about 0.5 m from the Motion Sensor. Try to match
the graph by moving forward or backward. The Score display will show how
closely you match the graph. The closer to 100 , the better. Most groups will find
the velocity graphs are more difficult to match than the position graphs. As a result,
scores above 80 are considered good for the velocity graphs.
3.) After starting data collection by clicking Record, there will be a three-second
countdown before data recording begins to allow you to get in position. Watch the
Ready clock on the bottom of the screen and be ready to move when it reaches zero.
When the countdown finishes, walk in such a way that the graph of your motion
matches the target graph on the computer screen. This works better if you hold the
whiteboard in front of you at the same height as the detector. The recording will stop
automatically after 10 s .
4.) Repeat the data recording process as many times as you need (time permitting) to get
your best match. Let all members of your lab group try, and see which lab partner
can get the best score. On a piece of paper, note which Run #s were the best and
who did them.
5.) When you have a good match, retain a copy of the graph with your score for your lab
6.) Repeat the graph matching exercise for the additional target graphs under the tabs
Velocity 2, Velocity 3 and Velocity 4 in Capstone.


Part III: One Dimensional Kinematics

1.) Connect the PASPort Motion Sensor to PASPort 1 of the 850 Interface. Set the
range switch on top of the Motion Sensor to Long Range (i.e. the People symbol).
2.) Power on the 850 Interface and start Capstone. Open the experiment file:
University Physics Lab/1D Kinematics/Bouncing Ball.cap

Three graphs with a common horizontal time axis are displayed. The top graph is a
position vs. time graph, and the lower two are inactive. The data collection is set for
5 seconds at 100 samples per second.

3.) Set up the following apparatus. Place the MotionSensoron the ring stand and then
adjust the positioning dial on the side of the sensor so that the sensor is pointing down
and veryslightlyawayfromthelabtable.Thesoundemittingportionofthesensor
shouldbe 1 m offthefloor.Usethemetersticktocheckthis.

Figure 3: Setup for Part III.


4.) Make absolutely certain that the Motion Sensor is not picking up the cord, the table,
or any other object besides the floor that is 1 m below the sensor. Click Record in
Capstone while the Motion Sensor is aimed at the floor as per the previous step. On
the position vs. time graph, there should be a single fluctuating dot at on the vertical
axis at 100 cm . If not, adjust the positioning of your Motion Sensor and try
again. Use the Delete Last Run button on the Controls palette to remove any
unwanted data runs.
5.) Capstone is set to start taking data once the ball falls underneath a certain threshold
height. So, starting with the ball about 20 cm above the floor, click Record and
let the ball fall towards the ground underneath the sensor. Reposition the Motion
Sensor if needed and be sure to move your hands out of the way after you release the
ball. You need to record a minimum of four clean bounces on the distance vs. time
graph. This step may require some practice, and smaller bounces around 10 or
20 cm are better than larger ones. But keep doing it until you get it right. Use the
Delete Last Run button on the Controls palette to remove any unwanted data runs.
6.)Not all of the recorded data on your graph is useful. You need to neatly display only
four of your cleanest, largest bounces on the top graph. To do this, you can either:

Pan and Scale: Pan (i.e. use the hand cursor on the graph area to move the
viewable area around) and scale (i.e. use the double arrow cursor on the
horizontal and vertical axes to change the scale of the graph to show the four

Highlight and Autoscale: Click the Highlightrangeofpointsinactivedata



7.) Displaythevelocityvs.timegraph.Todothis,clickontheleftverticalaxislabelof
8.) Displaytheaccelerationvs.timegraph.Todothis,clickontheleftverticalaxislabel
1 2
9.) The motion of an object in free fall is modeled by y= g t + v O t+ y O , where y
is the vertical position,
velocity, t

y O is the initial vertical position, v O

is the initial

is time, and g is the acceleration due to gravity ( 9.8 m/s 2 ). This is

a quadratic equation whose graph is a parabola. Your graph of position vs. time
should be parabolic. To fit a quadratic equation to your data:
Select the position graph and then click the Highlight range of points in active
data button on the menu bar at the top of the graph. A resizable Highlighter tool
will appear on the graph. Highlight a portion of the position vs. time graph that is
parabolic, selecting just the free-fall portion of the graph (i.e. the smooth parabola
between the spikes where the ball bounces off the floor).
Click the Select curve fits to be displayed button on the menu bar at the top of

the graph. In the pull down menu that appears, select Quadratic fit from the list
of models. A summary of the fit will appear in the position vs. time graph
window. Move the summary box out of the way if needed. Do not move the
Highlighter tool until Part IV.
10.) The equation displayed on the screen is y= A t 2+ Bt +C . Write the values of A ,

and C

in the following data table.

Curve Fit Parameter A


Curve Fit Parameter B

Curve Fit Parameter C


11.) In the region where the ball was in free fall, the graph of velocity vs. time should be
linear. To fit a line to this data, highlight the free-fall region of the motion and then
choose Linear from the list of models. Write the values of the slope and intercept
from this fit in the following data table. Do not move the Highlighter tool, as you
will need to compare the curve fit for the exact same points here and in Part IV.
Slope m


12.) The graph of acceleration vs. time should appear to be more or less constant for the
times when the ball was in the air. Again, highlight the free-fall region of the motion
between the large positive spikes. Then, click the Select statistics to be displayed
button on the menu bar at the top of the graph, and select Mean from the pull down
menu. Click the Display selected statistics for active data button, and write the
mean value of the free fall acceleration in the data table below. Do not move the
Highlighter tool, as you will need to compare the curve fit for the exact same points
here and in Part IV.
Free Fall Acceleration


13.) Select the position graph and click the Create annotation on data or graph button.
With the Text Annotation Tool that appears, indicate and label (Maximum Height)
the position where the ball reaches its maximum height. Using additional
annotations, indicate and label (Velocity at Maximum Height) the corresponding
point on the velocity graph as well as the corresponding point on the acceleration
graph (Acceleration at Maximum Height). Note that all three points occur at the
same time on the horizontal axis.
14.) Retain copies of these three graphs displaying the annotations, statistics, best-fit line
and curve fit information.
15.) Do not move the three Highlighter tools, leave the graphs set up as they are and go
directly to Part IV.


Part IV: The Effects of Shifting the Position Graph

1.) To further understand the relationship between position, velocity and acceleration, you
are going to shift the position of the ball by a constant amount in the vertical direction
and see how this shift affects the velocity and acceleration graphs. To do this, we will
adjust the position graph to make the floor correspond to the origin ( y=0 ) of our
coordinate system.
a.) Click on the position graph window to select it. Use the Add Coordinates
Tool>>Add Coordinates/Delta Tool button to find the height of the lowest
part of the bounce for three bounces, as shown below. Average these three
values. When you are done, right click on the Coordinate tool and delete it.
Height of Lowest Points

Average these points

Figure 4: Averaging floor impact points to zero your position vs. time data.

b.) Click on the Calculator button in the Tools palette. In the Calculator side
bar that opens, row 1 under the Calculations column heading will read:
y =[ Position ( cm ) ] ( 0 )
Replace the 0 in the calculation with the average of the three impact
points you calculated in the previous step. For example, if your average from
Step (a) was 0.551m , your final calculation entry would look like the
y =[ Position ( cm ) ] (0.551 )
Close the Calculator side bar.


c.) Click on the top window. Delete the Highlighter tool here. Pan and scale the
graph to show your shifted position vs. time data with the bounces occurring
at y=0 , as shown below:

Figure 5: Sample of data after zeroing.

2.) Place a new Highlighter tool on the position graph over the exact same points you
used in Part III. With the highlighted data on each of the three graphs, record your
data in the data table below for your graphs after the shift.
A (After Shift)
Curve Fit Parameter B (After Shift)
Curve Fit Parameter C (After Shift)
Curve Fit Parameter

Slope m

(After Shift)
b (After Shift)

Free Fall Acceleration (After Shift)

cm/s 2

3.) Retain copies of these three shifted graphs displaying the statistics, best-fit line and
curve fit information.
4.) Delete all the Highlighter tools. Hide the curve fit summary boxes by clicking on
the graph, selecting the Select curve fits to be displayed button and unchecking the
selected fits. Finally, hide the Mean value on the acceleration graph by toggling off
the Display selected statistics button. You should have 3 clean graphs again before
going in to Part V.


Part V: Relationships between Kinematic Quantities

1.) Copy the following data table into your lab notebook.
Slope on Position vs. Time
Value on Velocity vs. Time
Percent Difference


Slope on Velocity vs. Time

cm/s 2
cm/s 2

Value on Acceleration vs. Time

Percent Difference

2.) On your position vs. time graph showing your four clean bounces, click on the
Determine slope of line between endpoints of interval surrounding data point button
at the top of the graph area. Using the Slope tool that appears, pick a point on the
left half of your position vs. time graph at which to measure the slope. Using the
snap to arrow to guide your placement, put the tool at that point.
3.) Next, select the velocity vs. time graph and click on the Add Coordinates Tool>>Add
Coordinates/Delta Tool button. Place the Coordinates tool that appears at exactly
the corresponding point on the velocity graph to the point you chose on the position
graph in the previous step (i.e. the point on the velocity graph should be at the exact
same time coordinate and therefore directly underneath the point you chose on the
position graph). Using the snap to arrow to guide your placement, put the tool at
that point.
4.) Record the slope from the position graph and the value from the velocity graph in
your data table.
5.) Repeat Steps 2 and 3. This time, however, pick a point on the right half of the graph,
use a Slope tool on the velocity graph and a Coordinates tool on the acceleration
6.) Record the slope from the velocity graph and the value from the acceleration graph in
your data table.


7.) Retain a copy of all three graphs with their common axis, slope and coordinate
information displayed.
8.) Right click on each of the Slope and Coordinate tools and delete them.
9.) Copy the following data table into your lab notebook.
Area Under Curve on Velocity vs. Time
Change in Value on Position vs. Time
Percent Difference


Area Under Curve on Acceleration vs. Time

Change in Value on Velocity vs. Time
Percent Difference


10.) On your velocity vs. time graph, click the Highlight range of points in active data
button. Highlight a section of data near the left side of the graph. Be sure to expand
the Highlighter so as not to miss any data points in the range you picked. The data
you select will be highlighted in yellow like a highlighter pen. Then, click the
Display area under active data button to display the area under this section of the
velocity curve.
11.) Next, on the position vs. time graph, click the Add Coordinates Tool>>Add
Coordinates/Delta Tool button. Right click on the Coordinates tool that appears,
and turn it into a Delta tool by selecting Show Delta Tool from the pop up menu.
Place one side of the Delta tool at the point on your position graph that corresponds
exactly to the left side of the range of your velocity graph you selected in the previous
step. Place the other side of the Delta tool at exactly the other side of the range.
Again, use the snap to arrow to guide your placement. (Hint: Be sure the range of
points that are bracketed by the Delta tool here in the position graph correspond
exactly to the yellow highlighted range of points in the velocity graph, otherwise your
results will have a systematic error.)


12.) Record the area under the curve from the velocity graph and the change in value
from the position graph in your data table.
13.) Repeat Steps 2 and 3. This time, however, pick a range on the right half of the
graph, use a Highlighter tool on the acceleration graph and a Delta tool on the
velocity graph. Careful: Do not let the range you select to highlight begin or end in
one of the large upward spikes! Because the bounces happen very quickly, there is
not enough data to work with and the results will be off. The range can include entire
spikes, however.
14.) Record the area under the curve from the acceleration graph and the change in value
from the velocity graph in your data table.
15.) Retain a copy of all three graphs with their common axis, area under the curve and
delta information displayed.


Part I: Position vs. Time Graph Matching
1.) Describe in your own words how your lab group had to walk to produce each graph.
Be detailed, but brief, in your answer. Specifically, connect the shape of each graph
to the way you had to walk to reproduce the graph. Be very descriptive and strive to
write your explanations so that a physics student at another school could understand
your meaning. Do not presume that the grader will know what you mean.
2.) Why are your graphs different than the target graphs you had to reproduce?
3.) For the target position vs. time graphs in Position 1, Position 2 and Position 3,
first copy the position vs. time graph, then directly below it (so the time scales match)
plot the velocity vs. time graph. Below your velocity vs. time graph, plot the
acceleration vs. time graph, again with time scales matching.
4.) Explain the meaning of the slope of a position vs. time graph. Include a discussion of
positive and negative slope.
5.) What type of motion is occurring when the slope of a position vs. time graph is
a.) zero?
b.) constant?
c.) changing?


Part II: Velocity vs. Time Graph Matching

1.) Describe how you walked for each of the graphs that you matched.
2.) Why are your graphs different than the target graphs you had to reproduce?
3.) For target velocity vs. time graphs in Velocity 1, Velocity 2, Velocity 3 and
Velocity 4, plot the position vs. time graph and the acceleration vs. time graph. Be
sure to copy the velocity vs. time graph as well, and make sure the time scales on all
three graphs line up.
4.) What type of motion is occurring when the slope of a velocity vs. time graph is zero?
5.) What type of motion is occurring when the slope of a velocity vs. time graph is not


Part III: One Dimensional Kinematics

1.) Looking at the annotations on your graph, what was the velocity of the ball at the top
of its motion? What was the acceleration of the ball at the top of its motion? Explain
how it is possible to have a zero velocity but a non-zero acceleration. Why dont both
velocity and acceleration have to be zero at the same time?
2.) On the acceleration graph, there are (1) long horizontal stretches of negative value
punctuated by (2) large positive spikes. Comparing your acceleration graphs in the
regions (1) and (2) with the corresponding regions in the velocity and position graphs,
describe physically what is going on in each of these two regions of your graph.
3.) What physical meaning do the coefficients A , B

and C

from the quadratic fit

4.) What units are associated with each of the coefficients A , B

and C ?

5.) Considering your answer to the previous two questions, what value for g is
obtained by the quadratic fit?
6.) What value for g is obtained from the linear fit to the velocity vs. time graph?
7.) How closely does the free-fall acceleration value you found from your acceleration vs.
time graph compare to the values of g found the previous two questions? If these
values are not identical, comment on the implication for the uncertainty in these
8.) Compare all three of the acceleration values from previous three questions to the
accepted value of 9.8 m/s 2 with percent error calculations. List some reasons why
your values for the balls acceleration may be different from the accepted value for
g of 9.8 m/s 2 . (Hint: There are at least 2 reasons that the fact the experiment
was done in air would change this value.)


|experimental valuetheoretical value|

error =

theoretical value


Part IV: The Effects of Shifting the Position Graph

1.) Compare each of your values for the quadratic curve fit coefficients A , B


of your position graph before and after the shift of the position graph. Which

coefficient(s) remain the same? Which coefficient(s) are different?

2.) Compare each of your values for the linear fit coefficients m and b of your
velocity graph before and after the shift of the position graph. Which coefficient(s)
remain the same? Which coefficient(s) are different?
3.) Compare the values of your free-fall accelerations before and after the shift. Are they
the same or not?
4.) Visually inspect your graphs of position, velocity and acceleration and compare the
before and after cases. Which graph(s) have shifted? Which graph(s) have changed
5.) What is the fundamental reason for the observations you made in the previous four
questions? That is, what is the effect on the position, velocity and acceleration graphs
when you shift the position graphs origin to correspond to the floor (or anywhere else
for that matter), and what is the cause of this effect?


Part V: Relationships between Kinematic Quantities

1.) Complete your data tables by calculating the percent differences between the
appropriate values.

|value 1value 2|
(value 1+value 2)/2


2.) How do low percent differences in your experimental values taken from an actual
bouncing ball support the relationships between the kinematic variables listed below?
Explain thoroughly.
The slope at any given point on a position vs. time graph is the value at the same

point on a velocity vs. time graph.

The slope at any given point on a velocity vs. time graph is the value at the same

point on an acceleration vs. time graph.

The area under the curve for a given time interval on an acceleration vs. time
graph is the change in value (delta-v) over the same time interval on a velocity vs.

time graph.
The area under the curve for a given time interval on a velocity vs. time graph is
the change in value (displacement) over the same time interval on a position vs.
time graph.


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