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Scientific Approach

In observing, students are provided with reality about their world, instead of
imaginary idea. This way, students are guided to discover the interrelatedness between the
phenomena in their real life and the topic being discussed in the classroom session. This step
is also supposed to facilitate the students in connecting their prior knowledge and the
oncoming one. In language learning, teacher directs the students to observe by displaying
picture, newspaper, audio visual or real objects.
Questioning raises students curiosity, interest and attention toward the topic being
discussed. Also, it will encourage them to enquire their own knowledge and subsequently
develop their mastery of a subject.
Associating is the process of thinking logically and systematically over the empirical facts
that can be observed in the form of knowledge to obtain conclusions. It also refers to the
effort to interrelate various ideas and phenomena into a chunk of memory. The experiences
stored in the memory then relate and interact with the previous experience to construct
knowledge. This theory views organized knowledge as an elaborate network of abstract
mental structures which represent ones understanding of the world.
To be able to undertake meaningful learning, merely receiving teachers explanation
is not enough. Students, therefore, need to be involved in real activity to engage better with
the topic being presented. They can be instructed to solve a problem, make an essay, or obtain
information from the internet.
Networking is also called collaborative learning, at which not only do the students
acquire content of the subject, they also develop what so-called meta-disciplinary
competence. In group work, if each learner finds that their contribution is necessary and
useful, their self-esteem will rise. Finally, collaborative learning promotes as well social-

affective development. Students learn to support each other, to deal with heterogeneity and
different perspective. Solving problems together will also lead to the increase of motivation
and less fear. The principle lies on Vygotskys theory of social constructivism, which views
that students will learn best when they have opportunity to share ideas and concepts. It is
suggested that knowledge is socially constructed before internally processed. Moreover,
learners who perform better help and assist their partners who have less competence and
performance. Therefore, the success of the task accomplishment depends on the cohesiveness
of the group (Cook & Cook, 2005:25)
Cook, Joan Littlefield and Cook, Greg. 2005. Child Development. Principles and
Perspective. Allyn & Bacon
Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2013. Diklat Guru Dalam Rangka Impelementasi
Kurikulum 2013. Konsep Pendekatan Scientific
Schunk, D.H. 2008. Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective. London : Upper Sadler

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