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Vol. 27, No.

1 /2009



Dr.Eng. Markus BUX Hohenheim University,Stuttgart, Germany
Prof.Dr.Eng. Adrian MITROI, Liliana CRLAN - USAMV Bucharest
Dr.Eng. Tilo CONRAD, Dr.Eng. Steffen RITTERBUSCH - Thermo-System Industrie&Trocknungstechnik, Germany
Abstract. The research goal is related to solar drying of
sewage sludge. Using solar energy allows to reduce
energy consumption from other sources, that represents
a main ecological advantage. The drying potential
depends on solar direct and diffuse radiation, natural
drying air potential, exothermal process of sludge
decomposition, additional heat from outside. In order to
provide optimal drying performance, the unit components
are ordered on account of climate conditions and
moisture content. The parameters values are measured
and studied, in this respect: air temperature, inside and
outside, relative air humidity, inside and outside, solar
radiation and sludge humidity, as well.

Rezumat. Scopul este de cercetare legate de solare de uscare a

nmolului de canalizare. Utilizarea energiei solare pentru a permite
reducerea consumului de energie din alte surse, care reprezinta
un avantaj principal ecologic. De uscare depinde de potenialul
solare directe i difuze de radiaii, potenial natural de uscare a
aerului, exothermal procesul de descompunere a nmolurilor,
suplimentar de energie termic din afara. Pentru a oferi
performane optime de uscare, unitatea de componente sunt
ordonate pe cont de condiiile climatice i de coninutul de
umiditate. Parametri sunt valorile msurate i studiat, n aceast
privin: temperatura aerului, n interiorul i n afara, umiditatea relativ
a aerului, n interiorul i n afara, radiatiei solare i a nmolurilor
de umiditate, de asemenea.

Keywords: instalation for solar drying, sewage sludge,

electric mole, ecological advantages

Cuvinte cheie: instalaie pentru uscare solar, nmoluri de

epurare, crti electric, avantajele ecologice

Processing of sewage sludge to their neutralization
and bring in a form that can be more easily stored,
handled, used a gain increasing importance. In different
countries on all continents recourse to this process, both
in places with large number of inhabitants, and in places
with low or average number of inhabitants. In May in
many parts of the world this form of processing is
already mandatory environmental considerations.
According to the regulations of EU countries, but also
from other countries, storage of cleaning mud is no longer
Using cleaning mud as organic fertilizer in
agriculture is becoming less applicable, inter alia
because mud cleaning substance contains not only
useful but also large amounts of harmful substances
such as heavy metals, residues from drugs, chemicals
with household applications, pathogens, etc.
Burning mud is mechanically separated only with
the support of the burning of another fuel.
Conventional drying of mud cleaning is extremely
expensive, particularly because the cost of other energy
sources. Further reducing the mass of mud cleaning has
positive effect, by lowering transport costs.
There are different types of processing plants for
cleaning mud, with different efficiency and often with
high specific consumption of energy.
The solar drying of mud cleaning, patented by
Thermo-System allows reducing the weight of the sludge
treatment plant and is characterized by reasonable
investment cost, low power consumption and extremely
low cost of operation. The plant can process both the
mud pre-drain and the one nedesecat.
Reducing quantity and improving the pretabilitii
mud dry storage lead to a reduction of transport and thus
environmental advantage. With high energy dry mud can
be saved in fossil fuel plants, and solar energy is directly
used by the installation. Through the thermal solar dried
sludge can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and
global environment.

Procesarea nmolurilor de epurare n vederea
neutralizrii lor i aducerii ntr-o form n care s poat fi
mai uor depozitate, manevrate, utilizate capt o importan
tot mai mare. In diferite ari de pe toate continentele se recurge
la aceast procesare, att n localiti cu numr foarte mare de
locuitori, ct i n localiti cu numr mediu sau mic de
locuitori. In mai n multe zone de pe glob aceast form de
prelucrare este deja obligatorie, din considerente ecologice.
Potrivit reglementrilor din ri UE, dar i din alte ri,
depozitarea nmolului de epurare nu mai este permis.
Folosirea nmolului de epurare ca ngrmnt
organic n agricultur este din ce n ce mai puin aplicabil,
printre altele deoarece nmolul de epurare conine nu numai
substane utile, ci i cantiti mari de substane nocive, cum
sunt metale grele, reziduuri de la medicamente, substane
chimice cu aplicaii menajere, ageni patogeni .a.
Arderea nmolului separat mecanic este posibil doar cu
susinerea prin arderea unui alt combustibil.
Uscarea convenional a nmolului de epurare este
extrem de costisitoare, n special din cauza costurilor altor
surse de energie. Reducerea ct mai accentuat a masei
nmolului de epurare are efect pozitiv, prin scderea
costului transportului.
Exist diferite tipuri de instalaii de procesare a
nmolului de epurare, cu eficien diferit i de cele mai
multe ori cu consumuri specifice mari de energie.
Procedeul de uscare solar a nmolului de epurare,
brevetat de Thermo-System, permite reducerea masei de
nmol de epurare i se caracterizeaz prin costuri rezonabile
de investiii, consumuri mici de energie i costuri deosebit de
reduse de exploatare. In instalaie este posibil prelucrarea att
a nmolului pre-desecat ct i a celui nedesecat.
Reducerea cantitii ca i mbuntirea pretabilitii la depozitare
a nmolului uscat duc la o diminuare a transportului i prin
aceasta la emisii reduse, aceasta constituind un important
avantaj ecologic. Prin valoarea energetic ridicat a nmolului
uscat poate fi economisit combustibil fosil n centrale, iar
energia solar este direct utilizat de instalaie. Prin valorificarea
termic a nmolurilor uscate solar se poate contribui astfel la
reducerea emisiilor de CO2 i la protecia mediului global.


Vol. 27, No.1 /2009

The solar drying of sewage sludge was carried out
by Thermo-System company in collaboration with the
Institute of mechanization of agriculture from the
University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart Germany. Note that
in the same cooperation has been made and are already
operating in several countries, with good results,
installation of solar drying of tobacco plants for solar
drying timber.
The main components of the plant (fig. 1) are as
follows: sera with drying rooms, the ventilation system of
homogenization-aeration of nmolulului, electrical
equipment and automation. Additional equipment ensure
the proper conduct of the process of drying in different
climatic conditions: supplementary heating device, a device
for melting snow on the roof. Building a greenhouse that
is an integral part of the solar drying frames are made of
metal with coating of transparent polyethylene film, UV
resistant, or plates of polycarbonate or glass.
Depending on the capacity of sera may have one or
more drying chambers. Room drying nedirijat not
communicate with the external environment. Front or
side wall is a register of admission of the air, ordered by
the electric device automatically command. On the
opposite wall are one or more fans repression. For
routing and mixing of air from which the drying mud
works suspended ceiling fans.


Instalaia solar de uscare a nmolurilor de epurare a
fost realizat de firma Thermo-System n colaborare cu
Institutul de mecanizarea agriculturii de la Universitatea
Hohenheim Stuttgart din Germania. De menionat c n
cadrul aceleiai cooperri au fost realizate i sunt deja n
exploatare, n mai multe ri, cu rezultate foarte bune,
instalaii solare de uscare a tutunului, instalaii solare de
uscare pentru cherestea.
Principalele componente ale instalaiei (fig.1) sunt: sera
cu camerele de uscare, sistemul de ventilare, sistemul de
omogenizare-aerare a nmolulului, echipamentele electrice i de
automatizari. Echipamentele suplimentare asigur desfurarea
corect a procesului de uscare n diferite condiii de clim:
dispozitiv de nclzire suplimentar, dispozitiv de topire a
zpezii de pe acoperi. Cldirea de tip ser care face parte
integrant din instalaia solar de uscare este realizat din
cadre metalice, cu nveliul din folie polietilen transparent,
rezistent la UV, sau din plci de policarbonat, sau din sticl.
In funcie de capacitatea de lucru sera poate avea una sau
mai multe camere de uscare. Camera de uscare nu
comunic nedirijat cu mediul exterior. Frontal sau pe peretele
lateral se gsete o clapet de admisie a aerului, comandat
electric prin dispozitivul automat de comand. Pe peretele
opus se gsesc unul sau mai multe ventilatoare de refulare.
Pentru dirijarea i amestecarea aerului care servete la uscarea
nmolului lucreaz ventilatoarele suspendate de plafon.

Fig. 1 - Functional scheme of the solar drying mud cleaning / Schema funcional a instalaiei solare de uscare a nmolului de epurare

Fig. 2 - Mixing machine and return (Patent Thermo-System) / Robotul de amestecare i ntoarcere (Brevet Thermo-System)

The automatically adjusting the interior climate at

all times ensure optimal drying capacity. Drying the
components are ordered according to climatic
conditions, the characteristics of the mud and, where
appropriate, the amount of heat removed. To do this,
depending on the constructive variant, are measured
and interpreted the parameters: air temperature (inside /
outside), air relative humidity (indoor / outdoor), humidity
and solar radiation mud. The adjustable interior climate
control, based on data measured mixing air dryer, air
exchange rate and the frequency mixing robot turns and
To increase capacity of the drying and prevent the
formation of mud smell must be turned regularly. This
task, which would involve high labor and time is taken by

Sistemul automat de reglare a climatului interior

asigur n orice moment capacitatea optim de uscare.
Componentele instalaiei de uscare sunt comandate n
funcie de condiiile climatice, de nsuirile nmolului i, dup
caz, de cantitatea de cldur eliminat. Pentru aceasta, n
funcie de varianta constructiv, sunt msurate i interpretate
valorile parametrilor: temperatura aerului (interior/exterior), umiditatea
relativ a aerului (interior/exterior), radiaia solar i umiditatea
nmolului. Sistemul de reglare a climatului interior
comand, pe baza datelor msurate, amestecarea aerului
n usctor, rata schimbului de aer, precum i frecvena
ntoarcerilor robotului de amestecare i ntoarcere.
Pentru creterea capacitii de lucru la uscare i evitarea
formrii de miros nmolul trebuie s fie ntors regulat. Aceast
sarcin, care ar implica consum mare de munc i de timp, este


Vol. 27, No.1 /2009


a fully automated robot with integrated mixing and

return, called the "electric mole". Machine (fig. 2), made
entirely of stainless steel and plastic reinforced with
glass fibers, are oriented hall drying using ultrasonic
sensors. Scheme of the robot and return mixing is
shown in Figure 3. The frequency of complete turns is
adjusted automatically by the command depending on
the climatic conditions and the characteristics of mud
and is optimized with regard to drying, minimizing odors
and consumption.

preluat de un robot complet automatizat cu dispozitiv integrat de

amestecare i ntoarcere, numit Crtia electric. Maina (fig. 2),
fabricat n ntregime din oel inoxidabil i material plastic armat cu
fibre de sticl, se orienteaz n hala de uscare cu ajutorul senzorilor
cu ultrasunete. Schema robotului de amestecare i ntoarcere este
prezentat n figura 3. Frecvena ntoarcerilor este
adaptat complet automat de ctre sistemul de comand
n funcie de condiiile climatice i de nsuirile nmolului i
este optimizat n ceea ce privete capacitatea de uscare,
minimizarea mirosurilor i consumul de energie.

Fig. 3 - Scheme mixing robot and return. The Charter Electric - Thermo-Patent System /
Schema robotului de amestecare i ntoarcere Crtia electric brevet Thermo-System

By choosing the proper transmission and return,

electric mole can be adapted to different types of mud. In
principle can thus be processed in any different sludge
dry weight, and - depending on the characteristics of
processed mud - at a height of filling up to 30 cm.
Devices and equipment of the plant
Optimal functioning of the solar drying is provided
by the automation equipment, consisting of a central
system and several devices with different functions:
Sensor temperature and humidity. Sensor for
measuring relative humidity of the air consists of
several bands of woven plastic, treated by a
process which acquires special appropriation
higroscopice. A change of length is an effect that
can be measured from the outside. When the fiber
is balanced against air humidity is not taking any
water or disposal. Length achieved in this case
gives a measure of the relative humidity of air.
Solar sensor. With silicon sensor serves to measure
solar radiation. The sensor transmits a voltage
proportional to the intensity of solar radiation. The
cell is encapsulated in plastic resistant to weather
and UV.
Wind sensor. Wind sensor used to determine
horizontal wind speed. To exploit the winter all
appliances are equipped with electronically
controlled heating to prevent freezing of rolling
bearings and rotating parts exterior. Principle of
measurement: OptOut-electronic (disk slit).
Sensor pluvial. The work is based on measuring the
electrolytic voltage alternatives. Surface sensor
reacts to rain or snow. Polarity connection and
sensitivity are adjustable. Prevent additional heating
cover with ice or dew and speeds drying.
The heat. The device is intended to determine the
quantity of heat is supplied to a consumer through a
heating circuit. The amount of heat flow is
calculated from the measured volume of hot water
and the temperature difference between the tour
and return to the heating circuit. The heat from
Thermo - System consists of the following
components: arithmetic operator, the temperature
sensor capsule Submersible debitmetru volume.
Axial fans. Axial flow fans have volume of 22,000

Prin alegerea adecvat a organelor de transmisie i de

ntoarcere, crtia electric poate s fie adaptat la diferite tipuri
de nmol. In principiu prin aceasta pot fi prelucrate diferite nmoluri
cu orice coninut de substan uscat i n funcie de nsuirile
nmolului prelucrat la o nlime de umplere de pn la 30 cm.
Aparate i echipamente ale instalaiei
Funcionarea optim a instalaiei de uscare solar este
asigurat de echipamentele de automatizare, constituite dintrun sistem central i mai multe aparate, cu funciuni diferite:
Senzor de temperatur i umiditate. Senzorul pentru
msurarea umiditii relative a aerului const din mai
multe benzi esute din material plastic, tratate printr-un
procedeu special ele capt nsuiri higroscopice. O
modificare a lungimii este un efect care poate fi
msurat din exterior. Cnd fibra se afl n echilibru
fa de umiditatea aerului nu se produce nici preluare
nici cedare de ap. Lungimea atins n acest caz d o
msur a umiditii relative a aerului.
Senzor solar. Senzorul cu siliciu servete la
msurarea radiaiei solare. Senzorul transmite o
tensiune proporional cu intensitatea radiaiei solare.
Celula este capsulat n material plastic rezistent la
intemperii i la raze UV.
Senzor eolian. Senzorul eolian servete la determinarea
vitezei vntului pe orizontal. Pentru exploatarea pe timp
de iarn toate aparatele sunt prevzute cu nclzire
reglat electronic pentru a mpiedica nghearea
rulmenilor i a pieselor exterioare rotative. Principiul de
msurare: opto- electronic (disc cu fant).
Senzor pluvial. Principiul de lucru se bazeaz pe msurarea
electrolitic a tensiunii alternative. Suprafaa senzorului
reacioneaz la ploaie sau la zpad. Polaritatea la conectare
i sensibilitatea sunt reglabile. Inclzirea suplimentar
mpiedic acoperirea cu ghea sau cu rou i accelereaz uscarea.
Contor de caldur. Aparatul este destinat determinrii cantitii
de cldur care este furnizat unui consumator printrun circuit de nclzire. Cantitatea de cldur se
calculeaz din debitul volumic msurat de ap cald i
din diferena de temperatur dintre tur i retur pe
circuitul de nclzire. Contorul de cldur de la Thermo
System const din urmtoarele componente: operator
aritmetic, senzor de temperatur cu capsul
submers, debitmetru volumic.
Ventilatoare axiale. Ventilatoarele axiale au debit

Vol. 27, No.1 /2009




m /h and three-phase motors driven by ~ 400 V,

with power / 0.94 / 0.59 kW;
Speed regulator using Thermo - System serves to
regulate the speed of the three phase motor with
voltage regulation and is especially for fans of wall
and ceiling use.
Touch-display the MP 370 offers the user the
possibility to plot the operating conditions, given the
current process and upset a coupled system of
control and to serve and see the car or comfortable
to be monitored.
Optional Features
Automatic clearing of the snow. The device is
automatically glide layer of snow on the roof. Sensors
installed in the roof and roof deformation measured emit
a signal to the central command if strong snow fall a
certain application of the roof. Central command the
service of aerotermelor special, supplied with gas, the
warm air dryer. The heat rises and accumulates in the
roof area, topind snow on the bottom. This layer of snow
falls and slide, and aerotermele disconnects.
Heating system to the roof gutter. The function is to
protect against freezing of the roof gutter. If during the
day the water condensation, the heating of the roof
troughs ensure the scheme automatically, removing water
condensation. Sensors measure the roof gutter of
temperature and quantity of water from the roof gutter. A
control device interpreting the data from sensors and
connects banda heating when necessary.
Operation function in winter challenge prevents
excessive loss of heat through intense air and thereby
prevent abrupt cooling and freezing mud. For this there
is the possibility of adapting the control of microclimate.
Operation in winter may occur on the parameters:
temperature limit for lappet ceiling; temperature limit
indoor and outdoor temperature limit; ventilrii during the
intermittent regime. By adjusting the duration ventilrii,
operation winter may be better adapted to the climate
differences, for example mild temper and harsh winter,
sunny weather or closed.

volumic de 22.000 m /h i sunt acionate de motoare

trifazice ~400 V, cu puterea / 0,94 / 0,59 kW.
Regulatorul de turaie folosit de Thermo System
servete la reglarea continu a turaiei a motoarelor
trifazice cu reglarea tensiunii i este special pentru
ventilatoarele de perete, respectiv de plafon, utilizate.
Touch-display-ul MP 370 ofer utilizatorului posibiliti de a
reprezenta grafic stri de funcionare, date actuale de proces i
deranjamentele unei sistem cuplat de control i de a putea
servi i observa confortabil maina sau instalaia care
trebuie supravegheat.
Dotri optionale
Automatul de degajare a zpezii. Dispozitivul automat face
s alunece stratul de zpad de pe acoperi. Senzorii instalai n
acoperi msoar deformarea acoperiului i emit un semnal ctre
sistemul central de comand dac prin cderi puternice de zpad
apare o anumit solicitare a acoperiului. Sistemul central comand
punerea n funciune a aerotermelor speciale, alimentate cu gaz,
care nclzesc aerul din usctor. Cldura se ridic i se acumuleaz n
zona acoperiului, topind zpada n partea inferioar. Prin aceasta
stratul de zpad alunec i cade, iar aerotermele se deconecteaz.
Sistem de nclzire a jgheabului acoperiului. Sistemul are
funciunea de a proteja mpotriva ngherii jgheabul acoperiului.
Dac n cursul zilei apare ap de condensare, sistemul de
nclzire a jgheaburilor acoperiului asigur, n regim de lucru
automat, ndeprtarea apei de condensare. Senzorii din jgheabul
acoperiului msoar temperatura mediului i cantitatea de ap
din jgheabul acoperiului. Un aparat de control interpreteaz datele
de la senzori i conecteaz banda de nclzire atunci cnd este necesar.
Funciunea Exploatarea pe timp de iarn mpiedic provocarea
de pierderi exagerate de cldur prin schimbul intens de aer i
prin aceasta mpiedic rcirea abrupt i nghearea nmolului. Pentru
aceasta exist posibilitatea adaptrii controlului instalaiei asupra
Pentru exploatarea pe timp de iarn se poate interveni asupra
parametrilor: temperatura limit pentru clapeta de plafon;
temperatura limit n interior i temperatura limit n exterior;
durata ventilrii n regim intermitent. Prin reglarea duratei ventilrii,
exploatarea de iarn poate fi mai bine adaptat difereniat la
condiiile climatice respective, de exemplu iarn blnd sau
aspr, vreme nsorit sau nchis.

Physical processes in drainage and drying

Reducing the water content of sludge is achieved
through the following processes:
Draining force of gravity on drainage beds, facilities
for the fluid mud with SU 10-14% SU;
Evaporation of water from the air dryer, where the
potential for drying in the dryer depends on the
following factors: direct solar radiation and diffuse,
the potential for natural air drying (ambient air ability to
processes in the mud (aerobic stabilization later)
brought additional heat from the outside (optional, eg.
residual heat from the central compact mixed heating
and electricity production).
The drying process can be divided into different
stages of drying, depending on the moisture content of the
mud. In each stage of drying different transport
mechanisms for extracting water are crucial.
To obtain an optimal drying capacity depending on the
humidity mud, these different stages of drying must be
taken into consideration in the settlement.
To speed drying are 5 main factors responsible,
which has great importance in the light phase of drying:
the temperature of drying air, air relative humidity, air
current speed over the subject product drying, the
characteristics of the product subject to the drying
surface; temperature of the product under drying.
The work consists of 3 parts: the filling, drying,
emptying facility. Filling plant for drying sludge

Procesele fizice la uscare i drenare

Reducerea coninutului de ap din nmol se
realizeaz prin urmtoarele procese:
Drenarea prin fora de gravitaie pe paturi de drenare, la
instalaii pentru nmol fluid cu SU 1014% SU;
Evaporarea apei n aerul din usctor, caz n care
potenialul de uscare n usctor depinde de urmtorii
factori: radiaia solar direct i difuz; potenialul de
uscare natural al aerului (capacitatea aerului ambiant de a
prelua umiditate); procesele exoterme de descompunere
n nmol (stabilizare ulterioar aerob); cldura introdus
suplimentar din afar (opional, de ex. cldur
rezidual de la centrale mixte compacte de nclzire i
producere de energie electric).
Procesul de uscare poate fi mprit n diferite faze de uscare,
n funcie de coninutul de umiditate al nmolului. In fiecare faz
de uscare diferitele mecanisme de transport pentru
extragerea apei sunt decisive.
Pentru a obine o capacitate optim de uscare n funcie de
umiditatea nmolului, aceste faze diferite de uscare trebuie s
fie luate n consideraie la reglarea instalaiei.
Pentru viteza de uscare sunt n principal rspunztori 5
factori, care posed o importan deosebit n funcie de
faza de uscare: temperatura de uscare a aerului; umiditatea
relativ a aerului; viteza curentului de aer de deasupra
produsului supus uscrii; nsuirile suprafeei produsului
supus uscrii; temperatura produsului supus uscrii.
Procesul de lucru se compune din 3 pri: umplerea instalaiei,
uscarea, golirea instalaiei. Umplerea instalaiei de uscare pentru

Vol. 27, No.1 /2009


predesecat. At the beginning of a batch of drying mud

predesecat driver is placed in the dryer. Mud should be
free of extraneous matter (stones, etc.) And not contain
water in the form of drops. Entering mud can be done
with charger with cup, with the trailer carrying the knife,
ladle tilting or container. In this case are that the
equipment does not exceed the height of the free drying
room to avoid damage to the building hall.
Empty the drying is done mechanically with a
loader or tractor with the front cup.
Installations of solar drying mud of purification,
which were studied are listed in tab. 1. and tab. 2.

nmol predesecat. La nceputul unei arje de uscare nmolul

predesecat mecanic este introdus n usctor. Nmolul trebuie
s fie liber de corpuri strine (pietre etc.) i s nu mai conin ap
sub form de picturi. Introducerea nmolului se poate face cu:
ncrctor cu cup, remorc cu transportor cu raclei, ben
basculant sau cu container. In acest caz se are n vedere ca
utilajul s nu depeasc nlimea liber din interiorul camerei
de uscare, pentru a evita deteriorarea construciei halei.
Golirea instalaiei de uscare se face mecanic, cu un
ncrctor sau cu tractorul cu cup frontal.
Instalaiile solare de uscare a nmolului de epurare, care au
fost studiate, sunt prezentate n tab. 1 i tab. 2.

Table 1 / Tabelul 1
Installations of solar drying mud cleaning / Instalaii solare de uscare a nmolului de epurare
de Mallorca *
Content initial SU% / Coninut iniial de SU %
Content SU% final / Coninut final de SU %
75 (max. 95)
Number of rooms drying / Numr camere de uscare
Surface drying / Suprafaa de uscare [m ]
Special glass 4
double plate PC /
Hall coat / Inveli hal
mm / sticl
plci duble de PC
special 4 mm



Special glass 4
mm / sticl
special 4 mm

Special glass 4
mm / sticl
special 4 mm

*) Currently the largest installation in the world / n prezent cea mai mare instalaie din lume.

Table 2 / Tabelul 2
Installations of solar drying mud cleaning with predesecare /
Instalaii solare de uscare a nmolului de epurare cu predesecare
Content initial SU% / Coninut iniial de SU %
Content SU% final / Coninut final de SU %
Number of rooms drying / Numr de camere de uscare
Surface drying m / Suprafaa de uscare [m ]
Hall coat / Inveli hal
Pressing Device / Dispozitiv de presare
Entering mud / Introducerea nmolului
In Table 3 are indicated maximum fill heights
depending on the content of SU.
Filling height depending on the season. Winter
recommended a reduction in the height of the silt layer to
accelerate the drying process.

St. Julien
special glass, 4 mm / sticl
special, 4 mm
perforated tape / band
automatically by pump /
automat, cu pomp

St. Ay
film on the double /
folie dubl de PE
perforated tape /
band perforat
automatically by pump /
automat, cu pomp

In tabelul 3 sunt indicate nlimile maxime de umplere
n funcie de coninutul de SU.
Inlimile de umplere depind de anotimp. Iarna se
recomand o diminuare a nlimii stratului de nmol,
pentru a accelera procesul de uscare.

Table 3 / Tabelul 3
Height of filling of the solar drying / nalimea de umplere a instalaiei solare de uscare
Maximum height of filling of the solar drying / Inltimea maxim de umplere a instalaiei solare de uscare
Content SU / Coninut
Maximum height of filling /
Type of sludge / Tip de nmol
de SU (%)
Inlimea maxim de umplere (cm)
Mud predesecat / Nmol predesecat
> 20
Table 4 / Tabelul 4
Maximum height of filling with fluid mud solar plant /
Inlimea maxim de umplere cu nmol fluid a instalaiei solare
Maximum height of filling of the solar / Inlimea maxim de umplere a instalaiei solare
Content SU / Coninut
Maximum height of filling /
Type of sludge / Tip de nmol
de SU (%)
Inlimea maxim de umplere (cm)
Fluid mud (only to facilities
(calculated coresp. 300500 l / m; effective height
with floor drainage) / Nmol
of filling max. 30 cm) / (calculat, coresp. 300 fluid (doar la instalaii cu
500 l/m; nlimea efectiv de umplere max. 30 cm)
podea de drenare)

Vol. 27, No.1 /2009


Solar drying of mud cleaning preseparat, which

initially has a dry weight of 25% reduction in weight is
5070%. Solar drying of mud cleaning fluid, initially with
a dry weight of 3%, reducing the weight is 9097%.
Dried mud is neutral in terms of odors, it is
biologically stable and can be easily stored or
By providing process heat using solar energy for
drying costs are much lower compared with other drying
mud cleaning.
A prerequisite for application of solar drying is that
a relatively large area for placement of greenhouses. So
far it has not been an obstacle difficult past.
The characteristics of mud cleaning before
The drying material fluid (variant with floor drainage)
- dry weight 110%;
Drying mud preseparat (variant without floor
drainage) - dry weight of 1040%.
The base area of the plant is established according
to local conditions, climate, the content of the final SU
mud of the characteristics of the mud cleaning to be
subjected to drying process. If sun drying only, ie without
any heat source, the performance reported above are:
 Qs1 = 6 t/m mud cleaning fluid, the dry weight of
 Qs2 = 0.53 t/m mud cleaning preseparat with dry
weight of 25-30%.
In case of use and an additional source of heat, for
example waste heat from a central facility cogeneration
flow per m base area greatly increases the overall
requirement can be reduced by the surface.
Height of filling mud cleaning:
installations for the drying mud fluid: HUF = 2030
installations for the drying mud predesecat: hup =
515 cm.
Consumption of electricity:
installations for the drying mud fluid: eff = 10 20
kWh / t water evaporated (extracted);
installations for the drying mud predesecat: VET =
2030 kWh / t water evaporated (extracted).
Working consumption:
filling the room drying: Cmu = 12 ore-om/arj;
emptying chamber drying: CMG = 0.51 ore-om/arj;
reducing the weight of material subject to drying;
installations for the drying mud fluid: RMf = 9097%;
installations for the drying mud predesecat: RMp =
Depending on the purpose of the drying process,
the type of sludge and cleaning the season, there is a
stabilization and aerobic ie about 530% of the organic
substance can be decomposed.
Using waste heat. Residual heat is taken up by the
register of hot water - heat exchanger. Received
increased heat inside the room temperature drying, and
thereby increase the potential for air drying, may
increase the drying capacity of the plant during
unfavorable weather conditions. Since the heating in the
dryer and serves as a system of emergency cooling
system for the heating of the facility at a very high
temperature inside the drying room will be ventilated.
This allows a sufficient removal of heat and higher
temperatures outside.

La uscarea solar a nmolului de epurare preseparat,

care are un coninut iniial de substan uscat de 25%
reducerea masei este de 5070%. La uscarea solar a
nmolului de epurare fluid, cu un coninut iniial de
substan uscat de 3%, reducerea masei este de 9097%.
Nmolul uscat este neutru din punct de vedere al
mirosurilor, este stabil biologic i poate fi uor depozitat
sau transportat. Prin asigurarea energiei termice de
proces prin folosirea energiei solare costurile pentru
uscare sunt mult mai reduse n comparaie cu alte
procedee de uscare a nmolului de epurare.
O premis pentru aplicarea uscrii solare o constituie
existena unei suprafee relativ mari pentru amplasarea serei.
Pn n prezent aceasta nu a fost un obstacol greu de trecut.
Insuirile nmolului de epurare nainte de procesare:
la uscarea materialului fluid (varianta cu podea de
drenare) - coninut de substan uscat 110%
la uscarea nmolului preseparat (varianta fr podea
de drenare) - coninut de substan uscat de 1040%.
Suprafaa de baz a instalaiei se stabilete n funcie
de condiiile locale, de clim, de coninutul final de SU al
nmolului, de nsuirile principale ale nmolului de epurare
care urmeaz s fie supus procesului de uscare. In cazul uscrii
exclusiv solare, adic fr alt surs termic, performanele
raportate la suprafa sunt:
 Qs1 = 6 t/m nmol fluid de epurare, cu coninut de
substan uscat de 26 %;
 Qs2 = 0,53 t/m nmol de epurare preseparat, cu
coninut de substan uscat de 2530 %.
In cazul folosirii i a unei surse suplimentare de energie termic,
de exemplu a energiei termice reziduale de la o central mixt
de cogenerare, debitul pe m suprafa de baz crete foarte
mult, respectiv pe ansamblu poate fi redus necesarul de suprafa.
Inlimea de umplere cu nmol de epurare:
la instalaii pentru uscarea nmolului fluid: huf = 2030 cm
la instalaii pentru uscarea nmolului predesecat: hup =
515 cm.
Consumul de energie electric:
la instalaii pentru uscarea nmolului fluid: Eff = 1020
kWh/t ap evaporat (extras);
la instalaii pentru uscarea nmolului predesecat: Efp =
2030 kWh/t ap evaporat (extras).
Consum de munc:
umplerea camerei de uscare: Cmu = 12 ore-om/arj;
golirea camerei de uscare: CMg = 0,51 ore-om/arj;
reducerea masei materialului supus uscrii;
la instalaii pentru uscarea nmolului fluid: RMf = 9097 %;
la instalaii pentru uscarea nmolului predesecat: RMp =
5070 %.
In funcie de scopul principal al uscrii, de tipul de
nmol de epurare i de anotimp, se produce i o
stabilizare aerob i anume circa 530% din substana
organic poate fi descompus.
Utilizarea cldurii reziduale. Cldura rezidual este
preluat prin registrul de ap cald schimbtorul de cldur.
Cldura primit crete temperatura interioar a camerei de
uscare i prin aceasta crete potenialul de uscare al aerului,
respectiv poate crete capacitatea de uscare a instalaiei pe
timpul condiiilor meteo nefavorabile. Deoarece instalaia de
nclzire n usctor servete i ca sistem de rcire de
urgen pentru ntreg sistemul de nclzire al instalaiei, la
o temperatur interioar prea ridicat camera de uscare
va fi ventilat. Aceasta permite o eliminare suficient a
cldurii i la temperaturi exterioare mai ridicate.

Consumption of electricity to facilities for drying
mud fluid is eff = 1020 kWh/t water evaporated
(extracted) and the facilities for drying mud pre water

Consumul de energie electric la instalaii pentru
uscarea nmolului fluid este Eff = 1020 kWh/t ap
evaporat (extras), iar la instalaii pentru uscarea

Vol. 27, No.1 /2009

eliminated is este VET = 2030 kWh/t water evaporated
The work consumption on filling and emptying is
very low, namely 12 / melt, respectively 0.51
Reducing the weight of material is subjected to
drying RMf = 9097% of installations for drying mud fluid
and RMp = 5070% of installations for drying mud pre
water eliminated.
Ability itself to drying reported water evaporation
does not depend on the height of filling. However a lower
height to a shorter duration of drying and the frequent
changes of arjelor - a height greater filling extended
drying period and reduce the number of cycles of drying.
Drying parameters are decisive for optimizing the
control system installation for each situation and climate
of the different humidity mud. Based on current
measured values outside and inside the program
calculates adjustments for optimum air admitted, and the
air removed, the drying temperature, humidity, air speed
of the product subject to drying and processing intensity
of the surface mud.
By using solar energy, by referencing adjustments
functional components and aggregates using optimized
energy energy needs may only represent a small portion
of the energy consumption of conventional drying
[1]. Bux, M., R. Baumann, 2003 Performance, energy
consumption and energetic efficiency analysis of 25
solar sludge dryers. Proceedings of the WEFTEC (Water
Environment Federation) Congress, Alexandria;
[2]. Mitroi A., 2008 Exemple de utilizare a energiei
solare i a celei eoliene n agricultur. Lucrrile
Simpozionului Energii curate energia verde
alternativ pentru dezvoltarea durabil. Bucureti;
[3]. Bux M., R. Baumann, 2003 Solare
Klrschlammtrocknung Stand der Technik und
Anwendungsbeispiele. In: Mll-Handbuch Band 3,
Kennzahl 3305, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin;
[4]. Bux, M., R. Baumann, 2003 Wirtschaftlichkeit und
CO2-Bilanz der solaren Trocknung von mechanisch
entwssertem Klrschlamm. KA Abwasser, Abfall 50, nr. 9.


nmolului predesecat este Efp = 2030 kWh/t ap
evaporat (extras).
Consumul de munc pentru umplere i pentru golire
este foarte redus, i anume 12, respectiv
Reducerea masei materialului supus uscrii este RMf =
9097 % la instalaii pentru uscarea nmolului fluid i RMp=5070%
la instalaii pentru uscarea nmolului predesecat.
Capacitatea propriu-zis de uscare raportat la
evaporarea apei nu depinde de nlimea de umplere. Cu
toate acestea o nlime mai mic conduce la o durat mai mic
de uscare i prin aceasta schimbri frecvente ale arjelor o
nlime mai mare de umplere prelungete durata uscrii i
reduce numrul de cicluri de uscare.
Parametrii decisivi pentru uscare sunt optimizai de ctre
sistemul de control al instalaiei n funcie de fiecare situaie
climatic i de valorile diferite ale umiditii nmolului. Pe baza
valorilor actuale msurate n afara i n interiorul instalaiei
programul calculeaz reglrile optime pentru aerul admis,
respectiv aerul eliminat, temperatura de uscare, umiditatea,
viteza aerului de la suprafaa produsului supus uscrii, precum
i intensitatea prelucrrii la suprafaa nmolului.
Prin folosirea energiei solare, prin corelarea reglrilor
funcionale ale componentelor i prin utilizarea agregatelor
optimizate energetic necesarul de energie poate
reprezenta doar o mic parte din consumul de energie al
instalaiilor convenionale de uscare.

[5]. Bux, M., R. Baumann, N. Starcevic, 2004 Solare

Abwassertechnik & Gewesserschutz, 13. Aktualisierung. Hrsg.:
Wagner, W., C.F. Mller, Heidelberg;
[6]. Bux, M., R. Baumann, S. Quadt, J. Pinnekamp, W.
Mhlbauer, 2002 Volume reduction and biological
stabilization of sludge in small sewage plants by solar
drying. Drying Technology 20;
[7]. Bux, M., R. Baumann, W. Phillipp, T. Conrad, W.
Mhlbauer, 2000 A new technology for low temperature
drying of sewage sludge with solar energy. Proceedings of
WEFTEC Congress, Water Enviroment Federation,
Anaheim USA.


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