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The Idea of Social Justice comes in when we talk about equality
and solidarity. The subject sees primordial social issues which breaches
this idea that Jesus Christ introduced to us.
The problems in the gap of social classes is what the subject
instilled to us, that the reason why social justice is almost nonexistent as
of status quo is because of the polarization of economic social classes,
the rich becoming richer, and the poor becoming poorer. In the perspective
of the church, there is one solution or a mean to alleviate this societal
disease, Lay Apostolate.
The concept of Lay Apostolate was introduced during the early
church. Christians tend to reach out even to those who are not with them
or are different from them. The exercise of this act is said to be the
solution to the polarization. The mechanism of the rich or those who rise
above the standard level of socio-economic class, will step levels lower to
reach and meet the marginalized. We saw how the state, as an actor in
the society launched programs to achieve the equalization of laws, of
social and economic forces. This is the question that the subject posted as
a challenge, if the State can, the Church can, why cant you? Why not use

Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado

the Church teachings and States education to achieve Social

Justice by means of Lay Apostolate?
We answered the question with a challenge to ourselves, what can
we do? How far can we go? How long will our actions last? This is the
reason why, we would like to lead you with the issue that we tried to
answer, study, and do something about it.
We saw the issue of lack of education in reconciliation with the
everyday economic activity of a Filipino family. As college students, we
saw how important is education to our future, and we cannot just imagine

what is the life of a person who leads a family without proper

education, or even an opportunity to have it. As we search and venture on
the roads of Manila, we saw that this scenario is in fact clear and existing,
the bitter fact that we just cannot think of really exist.
We then thought of people who were not given an opportunity to
have education but were still successful despite of that fact. We learned
that this is the closest way possible to close the gap; we realized that
maybe, if we can share the lives of these people to them, and they might
do the same and be inspired. This is a problem with a clear solution.
As Legal Management students, we are all closer to the field of
Legal matters and Business, these two fields are the specialty of our
course, and we thought that this we should use this edge to seize the
opportunity to introduce the idea of business and livelihood to the
marginalized community.
Moreover, two years in college made us realize the root problem of
poverty. It is not just lack of education, but the lack of it takes away
Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado

opportunities to those who do not have access to it, in short, education is

a problem, but because people do not have access to opportunities is the
real problem that we chose because of what we have learned for the past
years, the solutions connection to our chosen field which is Legal
Management, and the groups connections to people who can help the
marginalized establish their business.


We do not have to go too far to see the problem; it is existent even
to communities near San Beda. We found Sampaloc Manila interesting,
not just because of peoples stigma to the place, but also because of the
reality of that label. It is true that the place was depressed, but there is
something that is not true regarding the peoples label about the place.
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The people there are really willing to do all means just to make a living for
their families.
We then found Barangay 415 in Sampaloc, Manila. A community
that boasts hardworking members, but has problems in getting
opportunities for their hardworking citizens.
We interviewed Mr. Joel Marano, the Chairman of the barangay, he
told us that livelihood and unemployment is really the problem of their
community. As we explore the place, we saw women who were having
their daily sessions as what Mr. Marano would say. Constantly talking
about things under the sun, when we talked to them, their concurred with
the problem that the Chairman told us and affirmed that if ever there will
be a livelihood seminar, they will be very willing to participate.

Seeing the problem, and assessing that we can alleviate it, we
organized a livelihood seminar. We partnered with the barangay, as well
as salons who share the same vision and goals with us. We also joined
the women of the community as they learn the basics of cosmetology. We
also tapped salons who can hire some of the women who trained, and
who wants to invest in the cooperative. We planned, shared dreams and
visions with these women.

Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


The community that have hardworking members, but the
community has problems in getting opportunities for their hardworking
The lack of education of the people in the community is something
that people also see, but we thought, that some prominent people in the
business world do not really have formal education but pure hard work.
Some of the women in the community have no income to finance their
families or at least help to finance their families. This problem does not
only present in the community but also in the national sphere.
Honestly, the women in the community are very willing to participate
and make a change in their lives, but we can see one instance wherein
they are resisting the existence of the social issue. We think that if they
are persistent enough to break the problem, they must have exerted
Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado

efforts to find opportunities other than we offered. But when we asked

them this, they told us that it is not as if they are not persistent enough, but

it is because of the lack of opportunity, i.e. companies want to have

people who went under trainings etc. This is something that we saw and
were determined to help them have an access to, trainings. They also told
us that as much as they really want to attend TESDA trainings, but the fact
that the trainings are held far from their place which is the City Hall makes
it hard for them to devote and commit themselves considering that they
have children to take care of.
People there believed that God will always be with them. Some
even told us that we are the answer to their prayers. The community is indeed
a religious one, notwithstanding the church beside them, but they really show
faith in everything that they are in. We can still remember one member of the
community during the seminar saying that, God is really alive! He answers
prayers at the right time, Thank God my children are at school so I can attend
the seminar. Despite the depression of the area, still, the faith of the people
that God will deliver them is manifested.
And their actions are shown when they consistently attended the week long
seminar, and actively participated in the cooperative meeting, they even told
us that Faith without actions is nothing

Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado



Deuteronomy 15:7-8 ESV

If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of
your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall
not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you
shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever
it may be.
This verse explains social justice, but the explanation extends to
teaching them their sufficient needs. Sufficient needs are not
tantamount to immediate needs only, but also to long term needs.
Clearly, the scripture says that at to some extent we need to sacrifice
things just to meet the marginalized. Livelihood program is one of the most
challenging projects we have done. Finding speakers, sponsors, target
community, enticing them to engage in economic activities is not a joke, it
really requires sacrifice, but all of these are required if we want to achieve
a goal, and that is meeting our poor brothers halfway.
History tells us that even the apostles extended their help to the
poor ones. We saw tax collectors before who gave up their job just to help
others and follow Jesus Christ.

Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado

We see the establishment of a cooperative and aiding them to

access livelihood opportunities as a way to meet their long term sufficient
needs to answer their immediate needs.
The Rerum Novarum paved way to the other social teachings of the
church. The center of this Social Teaching is the issue of poverty brought
by problems in labor or unemployment.
Clearly, the church already saw this problem way before. The idea
of helping others sustains their cost of living. Rerum Novarum and other
related Church social teachings send the message of economic equality.
The text clearly states that economic opportunities should be afforded by
all classes
History tells us that church has been proactive in leveling the
playing field. We can see lending institutions which target poor families
and aid them to put up their businesses. This is something that we want to
have as our model. Helping others put up their own business.
For us, we can apply these social teachings, the core principle of
Rerum Novarum about economic equality by lending a hand and
sacrificing efforts, even lending connections, for God gave us this
opportunities and connections for us to use in a purpose which can lead to

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development. As a proof, here are some passages that the group

selected to back up the support of the church or desire to answer the
problem or issue:
It is not wrong to want to live better; what is wrong is a style of life, which is presumed to
be better when it is directed towards having rather than being.
Centesimus Annus - The One Hundredth Year (1991), paragraph 36
Its [the Church's] desire is that the poor should rise above poverty and wretchedness,
and should better their condition in life; and for this it strives.
Rerum Novarum -Condition of Labour (1981), paragraph 23
When there is a question of protecting the rights of individuals, the poor and helpless
have a claim to special consideration. The rich population has many ways of protecting
themselves, and stands less in need of help.
Rerum Novarum, paragraph 29
While an immense mass of people still lack the absolute necessities of life, some, even
is less advanced countries, live sumptuously or squander wealth. Luxury and misery rub
shoulders. While the few more enjoy very great freedom of choice, the many are
deprived of almost all possibility of acting on their own initiative and responsibility, and
often subsist in living and working conditions unworthy of human beings.
Gaudium et Spes - Joy and Hope (1965), paragraph 63

The principle of participation leads us to the conviction that the most appropriate and
fundamental solutions to poverty will be those that enable people to take control of their
own lives.
Economic Justice for All, US Catholic Bishops (1986), paragraph 188
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If someone who has the riches of this world sees his brother in need and closes his
heart to him, how does the love of God abide in him? (1 John 3:17) It is well known
how strong were the words used by the Fathers of the Church to describe the proper
attitude of persons who possess anything towards persons in need. To quote Saint
Ambrose: You are not making a gift of your possessions to the poor person. You are
handing over to him what is his. For what has been given in common for the use of all,
you have arrogated to yourself. The world is given to all, and not only to the rich.
Populorum Progressio -Development of the peoples (1967), paragraph 23
The Church continually combats all forms of poverty, because as Mother she is
concerned that each and every person be able to live fully in dignity as a child of God.
Pope John Paul II, Lenten message, 1998
The Churchs love for the poor is a part of her constant tradition. This love is
inspired by the Gospel of the Beatitudes, of the poverty of Jesus, and of his concern for
the poor.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2444
I exhort every Christian, in this Lenten season, to evidence his personal conversion

through a concrete sign of love toward those in need, recognising in this person the face
of Christ and repeating, as if almost face to face: I was poor, I was marginalised and
you welcomed me.
Pope John Paul II, Lenten message, 1998
We begin with the scandal of poverty. Half the worlds population, some three billion
people, live on two dollars or less a day. Of these 1.2 billion people, 20 per cent of the
worlds population, live in extreme poverty on less than one dollar a day. This poverty
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occurs in a world of plenty, in a global economy capable of satisfying all the demands of
its richest consumers but seemingly and scandalously unable to meet the needs of vast
numbers of the poorest, whose needs ought to be at the heart of public policy. That is
why poverty is the proper starting point for all discussions about aid, debt cancellation
and trade.
Catholic Bishops of England, Scotland and Wales, 2003
Love for the poor is incompatible with immoderate love of riches or their selfish use.
Catechism of the Catholic Church: 2445
People who are poor and vulnerable have a special place in Catholic teaching: this is
what is meant by the preferential option for the poor. Scripture tells us we will be
judged by our response to the least of these, in which we see the suffering face of
Christ himself. Humanity is one family despite differences of nationality or race. The
poor are not a burden; they are our brothers and sisters. Christ taught us that our
neighbourhood is universal: so loving our neighbour has global dimensions. It demands
fair international trading policies, decent treatment of refugees, support for the UN and

control of the arms trade. Solidarity with our neighbour is also about the promotion of
equality of rights and equality of opportunities; hence we must oppose all forms of
discrimination and racism.
Bishops of England and Wales,The Common Good, 1996
Faced with the tragic situation of persistent poverty which afflicts so many people in our
world, how can we fail to see that the quest for profit at any cost and the lack of effective
responsible concern for the common good have concentrated immense resources in the
hands of a few while the rest of humanity suffers in poverty and neglect? Our goal
should not be the benefit of a privileged few, but rather the improvement of the living
conditions of all.
Pope John Paul II,
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Lenten message 2003

The solidarity which binds humanity together as members of a common family makes it
impossible for wealthy nations to look with indifference upon the hunger, misery and
poverty of other nations whose citizens are unable to enjoy even elementary human
rights. The nations of the world are becoming more and more dependent on one
another and it will not be possible to preserve a lasting peace so long as glaring
economic and social imbalances persist.
Pope John XXIII, Mater et Magistra -Christianity and Social Progress (1961),
paragraph 157
Countless millions are starving, countless families are destitute, countless men are
steeped in ignorance; countless people need schools, hospitals, and homes worthy of
the name. In such circumstances, we cannot tolerate public and private expenditures of
a wasteful nature; we cannot but condemn lavish displays of wealth by nations or

individuals; we cannot approve a debilitating arms race. It is our solemn duty to speak
out against them.
Populorum Progressio, paragraph 53
It is the person who is motivated by genuine love, more than anyone else, who pits his
intelligence against the problems of poverty, trying to uncover the causes and looking
for effective ways of combating and overcoming them.
Populorum Progressio, paragraph 75
As followers of Christ, we are challenged to make a fundamental option for the poor
to speak for the voiceless, to defend the defenceless, to impact on the poor..As
Christians, we are called to respond to the needs of all our brothers and sisters, but
those with the greatest needs require the greatest response.
Economic Justice for All, paragraph 16

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As individuals and as a nation, therefore, we are called to make a fundamental option

for the poor. The obligation to evaluate social and economic activity from the viewpoint
of the poor and the powerless arises from the radical command to love ones neighbour
as ones self. Those who are marginalized and whose rights are denied have privileged
claims if society is to provide justice for all. This obligation is deeply rooted in Christian
Economic Justice for All, paragraph 87
The obligation to provide justice for all means that the poor have the single most urgent
economic claim on the conscience of the nation.

Economic Justice for All, paragraph 86

The primer purpose of this special commitment to the poor is to enable them to become
active participants in the life of society. It is to enable all persons to share in and
contribute to the common good. The option for the poor, therefore, is not an adversarial
slogan that pits one group or class against another. Rather it states that the deprivation
and powerlessness of the poor wounds the whole community. The extent of their
suffering is a measure of how far we are from being a true community of persons. These
wounds will be healed only by greater solidarity with the poor and among the poor
Economic Justice forAll , paragraph 88

Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado



The Birth of the dream of the Marginalized
(Implement an effective and long term Livelihood Program)
Community: Brgy. 415, Sampaloc Manila, Philippines
ISSUE: Social Justice Focus: The Unutilized Human Resource
1. To Assist in the livelihood of the unemployed women of the community
2. To interact with the marginalized sector of the society
3. To have a long term and progressive help assistance and program

Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


Things to do there:
1. Will help in establishing of a cooperative
2. Volunteer and assist the trainers as they train women regarding job
ippotuinities and income generating activities
3. FOCUS: Propose a Long-term livelihood program by finding competent
people to inspire and train Brgy. 415s women

What is the Livelihood program about?

It is a program uniquely planned and designed by the group. This is
the heart of our Immersion Proposal. We think that by just assisting the
community and helping them to scout income generating activities and job
opportunities will be a great job for us to fulfill, but that should not stop there. We
believe that what lasts is what counts.
We propose to have a unique but profitable job opportunity. After
scanning and examining the community, we assessed that the best profitable
activity is to produce or make beauty. The group will tap foundations and even
salon companies to provide training for these women. The group will also provide
kits and other start up materials for the activity.
Lastly, the group will also assist the community if they want to make a
cooperative out of the things that they have learned. At the end of the day, we still
believe in the power of cooperation to make great things happen.

Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


Day 1 (September 26, 2012)

Second Negotiation with the Chairman regarding logistics

Information Dissemination

Day 2 (September 27, 2012)

Updating the number of the Audience

Second day of Information Dissemination and promotion

Day 3 (September 28, 2012)

Purchasing of Kits

Delivery of Kits

Workshop Proper:
Day 4 (October 1, 2012)

Manicure and Pedicure Semina

Day 5 (October 2, 2012)

Planning for the next day workshop

Evaluation meeting with the Barangay Officials

Planning the cooperative

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Day 6 (October 3, 2012)

Hairstyling Workshop

Day 7: (October 4 2012)

Planning for the next day workshop

Evaluation meeting with the Barangay Officials

Planning the cooperative

Day 8 (October 5, 2012)

Giving away of Kits

Introduction of the cooperative project

Mini-Farewell Party

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The group planned a strategic action to make the people connected, informed,
and ensured the access of our fellow countrymen to economic opportunities such as

We are humbled because of Gods favor, because as of the moment, some of the
trainees were hired by salons around the community and some of them are now
planning for their cooperative. Our group is their official partner in this endeavor.
That In All things God may be glorified!


Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


Capacity Building on Agri-Business and Cooperative Enterprise ...



By: Antonio, Karlo Jennuel

The first time I heard that we will have another immersion as our final exam for
THED 05; I was very hesitant and kind of irritated because I thought to myself Why
am I going to do this again? I mean, I already did this during my NSTP in 1 st year. To
be honest, I dont like immersions, not because I have to interact with the lowly
members of the community, but because I just think that I can spend my time better
elsewhere. But like Saul on his way to Damascus, this immersion of ours has changed
my entire view regarding immersions.
Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


Our group went to Barangay 415, Sampaloc Manila, to conduct our livelihood
program for the poor women there. We invited experienced beauticians and hairstylists
to teach the participants regarding the basics of cosmetology and hairstyling. The very
kind-hearted and hospitable Barangay Chairman and Kagawads readily gave us their
Barangay Hall as our venue.
As the participants went in and took their sits at our venue, I saw the struggles in
their eyes; the struggles of poverty, the very struggles that are keeping herself and her
family alive. I felt that a bucket of cold water was thrown at me. I realized that this

immersion of ours might be a matter of life-or-death for them, because these women
have already been denied of access to any legitimate source of income, and through
our livelihood program, it might, at the very least, give them a chance to get by through
the day.
I gazed upon them as they actively participate and listen to the speakers. I saw in
them hope, which has replaced the despair that gloomed on them before. Maybe, based
on what I witnessed, they saw another chance for them to earn through the new skills
that they are learning.
After the entire program, a participant approached and thanked me because now,
she has another source of income other than doing laundries; I have never been
happier ever since.

Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


If before, I never saw the value behind immersions, now I know that we are used
by God to become tools for delivering social justice to others, whom the rest of us have
already robbed them of.
By: Barrantes, Hannah R.

Livelihood is not my forte, nor even the idea of it. Somewhere in my heart, I have a
desire to have a law firm someday, but engaging of entrepreneurial business is
something that I cant even imagine Im doing.

I am not business minded, and honestly, I dont get it how people use this as a
resort of them, fighting poverty. But everything changed when I was exposed to the
real world.
All the while, I thought that I already know the real world, with all the books that
Im reading, political and economic problems that I study, and everything in between
books and reality. But I never thought that my ideal education society does not really
exist most of the time. I always thought that education and not livelihood is the way to
rise, but not. Most of the time, or sometimes, livelihood is the most practical way to do
things. Education will still be needed, but the idea of formal education can be waived if
we are finding a practical way.
At first, we are planning to have our immersion in a rural area. We think that
when we target the people there, we are really targeting the countrys poorest. But we
soon realized that whenever we go to school, or even go home, communities that need

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response or aid coming from extension other than the government also needs attention.
Hence, our dream to give birth to the marginalized dream was born.
While we are searching communities around Sampaloc Manila, everyone of us
tend to be awestricken by what we saw, but sadly, it is a sad surprise. We can see
different faces of the society, these leaders who are sleeping, women playing cards and
talking, shirtless children, etc. There are lots that we need to respond to. We met this
hardworking Chairman, we then thought, that this is the community that we would love
to help. It took us 3 days to assess the community, what do they need? Who should be
the subject? What is the problem? What is the cause? And we discussed everything in
the discussions of this paper.

Over-all it was tiring. Since we found out that unemployment is the communitys
primordial problem, and we saw livelihood as the wisest solution, planning the whole
seminar, getting sponsors, getting speakers, organizing the event, gathering funds, and
talking to different people required lots of
time, money, and effort, but when we saw how dedicated and committed the women of
Brgy. 415 were, trust me, every sweats worth it!
Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead
the widow's cause.
It is not just a simple verse, it is the core. Circumstances might bar people to
exercise the extent of humanness, but as co-humans, we should not sit back and watch
others be doomed by worldly circumstances. Planning the cooperative was the best
part. We invented names with them, shared dreams with them etc. Over all, I might not
Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


be so inclined with entrepreneurship, but building dreams, helping others, and

envisioning a Godly, thriving, and fighting society makes every effort, and interest count.
I would love to help other communities too, and it is glad to know that the one that we
have started still continues up to today. Ut In Omnibus Glorifecateur Deus!
By: Bulusan, Amapola

The moment we found out that we are going to have an immersion, many ideas
immediately popped out of our minds. Each and one of us had our own suggestions like
baby-sitting at CRIBS foundation, volunteering at ----, a cancer foundation for children,

be one with Penafloridas Cariton Education and etc. But we learned that most
of the other groups are already going to have a child-centered immersion. We realized
that teaching children is already common and it will not have a long-term impact. We
want to have an immersion that will really help not only during the times that we are
conducting our immersion but also even after the hours needed for our term paper. So
we come to an agreement to conduct a livelihood program. Our livelihood program aims
to give the mothers of our chosen community the ability to help their husbands in their
familys finances. And we chose the manicure, pedicure, hairstyling program because
we know that it doesnt need a high capital.
Our chosen community is not far from the lions den. As much as we want to help other
communities we chose to prioritize our neighboring communities. We scouted along the
Sampaloc area and we met Hon. Captain Joel Marano of Barangay 415. He
immediately briefed us with things needed by the community. Aside from the peace and

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order, he said that one of the things that his constituents need is a kabuhayan. We
immediately offered our program and he promised to help us with the location and etc.
Last September 26, 2012 we went back to the barangay and formally talked with
the other Barangay Councilors. They assisted us to roam around the barangay and
asked the people there of their time availability etc. The next day we went back to post
some posters and tarpaulin and we left the registration form to their secretary. The
following days were allotted for the follow-up at community and to look for people who
will teach our trainees.
And finally last October 1, Monday, after the flag ceremony of all the barangay
officials at the city hall, we started with our livelihood program. Our 3-day program went

well. It was a week-long activity because even if the trainors only went there MWF, we
regularly check them, the trainees, and conduct practices. We also gave them kits that
will help them start their own business. Our program ended last Friday, October 5, 2012.
It was indeed a tiring but a fulfilling activity knowing that you have helped not only
10 people but 10 families. I am satisfied with our immersion because we may not have
given them the grand Kabuhayan Showcase but I know that we have given the
enough knowledge needed for their jobs and I hope that our simple kits will become
Parlor Shoppes in the future. This activity also made me realize how important
education is. It is hard to earn money and live well in the future and it is even harder if
you did not finish your school. I know diploma is just a paper, but in the real world it is
our key to a bright future.
By: Cabagbag, Andrea
Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


Last week, we had our little outreach program not that far away from the school.
At first, our group havent had a final decision regarding our immersion, we didnt know
where to start, what kind of program we should be doing, who to take as partners, how
much will it cost, shall we include sponsors, what materials to use, should we do this or
that. It was a total chaos. For weeks, we were contemplating what to do. Until finally, we
decided to go through one of the barangays near San Beda and look for their chairman,
we asked if we could do a little livelihood program for their barangay and fortunately
after several stops, the chairman agreed.

We held a program for at least 10 to 15 women from the barangay with the
assistance of the barangay officials, we hired a manicurist and a hair cutter to teach
them the basics of nail and hair treatment. We gave them kits containing the necessary
materials for them to start a living through our program. It was tiring yet at the end of the
day, we felt good and fulfilled that somehow through our little efforts we were able to
help for a cause and hopefully they could use all the teachings we have imparted for a
long term benefit.
By: Llamas, Patrick

The first time I heard that we were going to have an immersion, these words
popped in my head: WHAT! Tsk! I have a lot of things to do! This immersion will just be
a waste of time! But when the day of our immersion came, something changed the way
I reacted the first time I heard about our immersion.
Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


My group started planning about our immersion. We thought of a livelihood

program. We have decided to have a livelihood program where we can help women
learn new skills like haircutting, manicuring and the like.
We actually had a hard time finding a place where we can have our immersion
until we finally found the perfect place to have our immersion and that was in Barangay
415, Ssampaloc, Manila.
On our first immersion day, as I travel on my way to Barangay 415, Sampaloc
Manila, my mind wandered about and thought of what could the people whom we were
going to help possibly offer us that might make us think that this immersion was worth it.

When I arrived at the barangay hall, The chairman and the other barangay
officers welcomed us warmly. After a while they started calling the woman who will be
benefited by our immersion. One by one, woman whom we were going to help arrived at
the barangay hall. The beautician and the cosmetologist also arrived.
As the Kabuhayan Program started, the question that popped in my head while I
was on my way to our immersion venue was answered. This was answered by the smile
and the eagerness to learn on their faces. These cannot be replaced by anything
valuable; not even the money we have spent for our immersion.
By: Intal, Christine

Looking for a good place to conduct immersion is I think, the most time
consuming and hardest part of activity. Not to mention the time you will consume in
planning the whole program, in budgeting your group mates money contribution and in
Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


scheduling all the activities; but all this problems are nothing once you saw the smile on
their faces, once you knew that they appreciate all your help and every time I hear the
words Thank you from their lips. But nevertheless, I was so excited maybe because I
like to meet new people and I had never really done this before.
The first day of our immersion was held on October 1, 2012 in Barangay 415
Bustillos. We invited one speaker to teach them how to properly use tools in manicuring.
On the second day of our immersion (October 3, 2012), we also invited one speaker to
teach them anything about hairstyling. In our three day program, we also invited 10-15

women as our audience. At first I thought that they will not enjoy the activity, but I was
wrong, they really look interested and focused as the speaker started teaching. On the
third day and also the last day of our immersion (October 5, 2012), we gave away kits
containing tools that they can use in hairstyling and manicuring.
Doing this activity is also one way to get involved with the community. There are
a lot of people who needs help and by helping them, it made me feel like a better
person and made me realize how fortunate I am in life. 20 hours of immersion is just a
perfect amount of time to know the people who we were helping and I am really glad
that I got a chance to meet them. The experience was priceless, it was tiring but I guess
everyone in the group enjoyed the whole immersion experience.
By: Panado, Jardine

Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


Outreach programs were not new to me since in an organization I belong, I

already engaged myself for a couple of times. Knowing that there will be an immersion
as requirement for the Theology subject made me think with confidence that it would be
just the usual outreach programs that we were conducting before. But it is not that easy
as I thought and took it as a challenge.
Our group decided not to go far from San Beda since there are nearby communities that
we can extend a helping hand. At first, we went to one barangay to talk to their
barangay chairman but it seems he is not interested with our proposal. So we tried to
look for another barangay to which we can collaborate
and luckily, Barangay Chairman Joel Marano responded promptly. As we interview him
about what are their main issues in their place and he then mentioned about job

With the said issue, our group chose to conduct a livelihood program to Baragay
415, Sampaloc, Manila in which our group will teach them how to earn income in their
own simple ways. We thought of something that they could use to start a small
business. In line with this, we asked the assistance of the barangay officials to look for
ten women who are interested to join our program. Then, we hired a manicurist and a
hairdresser from two different salons, which eventually became our sponsor, who can
teach them the proper way to execute them. We also provided kits comprising of basic
materials that they could use for the meantime. With all the knowledge had been
shared, our program just not end there but we tried to assess them if they want to form
a cooperative and we could assist them since as Legal Management majors we already
have somehow knowledge regarding that matter.

Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


This activity requires a lot of effort from the time of conceptualization up to the
execution but these tiring days were paid when I saw the smiles on their faces. It really
feels good to help especially when you know that it is not just for requirement sake but
instead you wanted. Also, it made me realize through our little ways we can make a big
By: Prado, Tamsin Vizzenta

I think that almost all students would agree with me when I say that having an
immersion is not the type of thing that we students would have fun doing, primarily
because it demands a lot of time and of course, a big deal of effort. There are a lot of

things to be done. We have to be able to fill up certain papers, we have to come up with
a plan, we have to think of a place for immersion and we have to talk and negotiate with
several people. Definitely, its not an easy task, especially considering the fact that we
need to spend hours in a particular area which may not be comfortable for us.
Unfortunately, having an immersion is one of our requirements, and we have no choice
but to comply with it. Luckily, the type of immersion that me and my group mates had
turned out to be fun.
Actually, when our group knew that were going to have an immersion, we didnt
immediately choose this Barangay. We also considered a lot of options. CRIBS and
areas in Quiapo also crossed our minds. However, we arrived into a concession that
wed carry out our immersion in a place near our beloved institution. Me and my
Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


groupmates dont have our own cars yet. Therefore, to be able to go to San Beda, we
commute. And because we travel every day, we are already aware of the image of the
places near our school (places with small streets, unpleasant smell, loud noises and
massive pollution). Due to this, we agreed to give premium to these places.
Fortunately, we were blessed with a very accommodating Barangay, Brgy. 415,
Sampaloc Manila. The officers and the people there were really approachable and kindhearted. Even if theyre a small and underprivileged community, I saw that theyre a
happy one. It was very apparent that each and every Barangay official helps each other.
Indeed, they live and work harmoniously, thats the reason why I am confident that if
they continue that particular manner, they will be able to step above their current level.
Our group decided to organize a livelihood program for them. We tapped
sponsors and we invited professional manicurists and hairstylist to execute our plan. We
wanted to give the mothers who have no jobs an avenue wherein they could be

empowered as women and at the same time, have an extra income for their families.
Since our target people are mothers, we thought that it would be ideal if wed conduct
seminars regarding nail polishing and hair styling since these are naturally the interests
of ladies. We asked help from their chairman and he immediately agreed with us.
By GODs grace, our immersion became successful. Its quite fulfilling because I
know that even in simple acts, I was able to contribute for the betterment of a certain
facet of society. Indeed, being able to help is quite gratifying. Its an opportunity. Its true
that its more blessed to give than to receive. As CHRISTians, we have the responsibility
to carry on the job of our Lord Jesus Christ. We should be selfless and think of ways to
help those who are underprivileged and down in the dumps. Indeed, this immersion has
Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


left a great impact in my life. Its true that whenever Im out to help, I shouldnt think of
the grades and of other benefits that I could get, instead I should think of how can I
genuinely please GOD through my actions.

Antonio| Barrantes| Bulusan| Cabagbag| Llamas| Panado| Prado


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