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HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, Bast Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 APRIL. 1960 US. Fran er CONCERNING THE CAMPAIGN FOR PRESIDENCY ‘A person named Richard M. Nixon will enter his name this Fall ata convention as citizen aspiring to the Presideney ofthe United States. Many Scientologists think he is all sight Boeause T once quoted him. Ths is very far from the facts and I hasten to give you the real story why Richard M. Nixon must be prevented a all costs from becoming president. ‘Two years ago in Washington this man’s name appeared in a newspaper article 2s uttering an opinion about psychology. I called attention to this opinion asa matter of Thana terest in an article Shortly wo members of the United States Secret Service stating they had been sent directly by Nixon, entred the establishment of the Founding Church of ‘Washington’ D.C. armed wth pistols, but without warrant or formel complaint, and with fol nd abusive language threatened the wns on dy thre Hulking over desks, shouting violently, they stated that they dally had to make such calls on Tots of people” to prevent Nixon's name from being used in ways Nixon disliked, ‘These two men stated they were part of Nixon's office and were acting on his ‘express orders, They said that Nixon believed in nothing the Founding Church or Scientology stood for ‘Their conduct before the ladies present was so intolerable that Mary Sue, having heard the shouting and curses from her office, had to come and force these men t0 leave, which they finally did, but only alter she threatened to cll the police. As Scientologists were present, much information was obtained of course, from these agents a to thei routine activites, These were not creditable. Nixon constantly used the service agains the voteles and iepless people of Washington to suppress the use of his name. Lam informing you of an exact event. It convinced me that in my opinion Nixon {isnot fitted tobe a president. I do not beliove any public figure has a Fight to suppress the use of his name in articles, Ido not believe a public figure should enforce his wil ‘on wtiters or organizations by use ofthe Seeret Service. I believe a democracy ceases to exist when deprived of freedom of speech. I do not believe any man closely ‘connecied with ps¥chiatry should hold a high public office since psychiatry has lent its violence to politcal purposes, Would you please write your papers and tll your friends that Nixon did this and that his ations aguinst private people in Washington cause us to dely hs cravings to be president. 11's my hope you'll vote and make your friends vote. But please don't vote for Nixon, Even his own Secret Service agents assure us he stands for nothing we do, 1 do not tll you this because Mary Suc caine close to serious injury at Nixon's hands, Ill you this because I think psychiatry and all FascistCommie forces have had their day. We want clean hands in public office inthe United States. Let's begin by sgeedy denying Nixon the presidency no mater what his Seret Service ws od usnow in Washington Is beter far beter, fora orn the sk of saying this now”, hie thee sil sence tha oft tell ou of For fear of eps a hen bs Wiped out without defence by the Secret Service of oer ageney if Nixon became Sens He hates us and has usd what polio fexne was avaiable ihn to sy 6. Bo please got busy ont Lam only elling «fw frends 1. RON HUBBARD LRH sd Copyright © 1960 by L-Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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