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Self Help

A comprehensive self-help reference to
solving ghost and demonic hauntings

2008-2014 Kenneth & Farah Deel / Swords Of Saint Michael

Book Cover Design 2014 Kenneth Deel,
Girl Alone image Anna Sponer,
All rights reserved.

Copyright 2008-2014


For my wonderful wife Farah; my best friend, love of a lifetime.
And also for my parents, my beloved father Gerald, who taught me
to always question, and who has passed on from this world into the
You cannot get a different result doing the same thing over
and over. If you want to achieve a different result, you must
change what you are doing and not stop doing it until you do
see and achieve exactly the result you want - Farah Rose Deel


Very little is discussed in the book as to the hows and whys,
as this publication. It is indeed designed to be a self help guide for
the spiritually afflicted. This book is to provide the solutions to a
ghost or demonic haunting, or infestation, on through to and
including oppression stages of demonic infestation, which is one
step away from possession.
Technically possession is a state where self-help is no longer
possible. As in true cases of possession, the possessed does not
know they are possessed. Although the methods in the book may
for some aid the victim to some degree. Sadly, the very nature and
seriousness of this later stage leaves the individual by default
unable to help themselves or even know they are possessed. At this
advanced stage, the time for a self help phase has passed, the
spiritual illness has gone from acute to beyond chronic, and now
professionals (properly trained and ordained clergy), need to be
handling the healing and recovery process. Possession is discussed
in much more detail in our other books.
This book can also be applicable in advising others who may also
be afflicted or even questioning the possibility. The practical
solution is simple, no ghost gadgets, no detailed investigative
techniques, this book merely offers the suitable and most effective
spiritual solutions. After all it is true that with real hauntings,
whether there is a ghost or a demonic, are in fact spiritual
problems and thus require spiritual solutions only. As you read on,
I wont beat you over the head with a bible, or ask the question:
have you been saved instead I offer the prayers and practices that
work, time tested in the field by many.
This book assumes that all other possibilities have been exhausted
at the time of reading and that the experiences and phenomena are
not naturally explained by science, and they are indeed

paranormal in nature. Of course the physical and mental

health of the individual should always be considered first.
However, we find no real harm can come from prayers and actions
that help to rebuke any and all evil and unclean spirits from ones
home or life. These will also help to heal your spirit. As a
practicing Roman Catholic for example, it is recommended that
you bless your house every month. These are measures of
prevention, just as eating right and exercise is a good practice for
the body.
We daily face these lower levels of spiritual warfare through
temptation, free will, these personal choices that go from thoughts
to words, to action this is a daily encounter, and part of every day
life for everyone. In short, just as we try to protect and preserve
our minds and our bodies. The spirit needs its healthy habits as
well. This is a book of spiritual solutions to counteract spiritual
problems. The solutions in this book do not replace or seek to
diagnose the irreplaceable practices of mental health professionals
and medical doctors. They are not to replace your spiritual pastor
or spiritual mentor. It can however be a companion guide, as when
you feed the spirit, the mind and body tends to heal faster as well
in many cases. We must also remember one of the signs of a
demonic spirit can be in part, when one does NOT respond to any
medication or therapy. Especially when under the diagnosis of the
physical or psychiatrist, they should in fact be responding. We
know from experience and case studies alone, a demonic spirit can
cause a variety of mental and physical ailments and illnesses as
well as wreak havoc in your environment that the victim will not
be able to remember doing. An actual rare possession may
exhibit signs of both supernatural and psychological problems. We
always remind everyone to keep an open mind for BOTH
possibilities. Not just go by a pure science or strictly spiritual
viewpoint. Never assume something is demonic, look for the
obvious physical and mental signs of stress and strain before
considering anything else. Never assume because you have strange
noises that it is a true haunting as it could be just a temporary
mouse or raccoon invasion. Pray for discernment to help you know
the difference, and have the professionals diagnose you and your
physical problems.


Virtually any denomination of faith can utilize what is in this book
and benefit from it. We are all one in Christ. These solutions will
help anyone even agnostics if the practitioner themselves is a
Christian with a level of faith and piety. Non-Catholics for
example may go to the chapel and sit before the Blessed
Sacrament, attend church services (Mass), ask the priests to bless
specific objects, go in the back and refill your holy water, etc. If
you attend a catholic or orthodox mass, please do go forward at
communion time and cross your arms in front of your heart so the
priest may give you a blessing. In order to receive Holy
Communion, the church does require that you have been baptized
and confirmed in a Catholic or Orthodox church.



1. While reading and attempting to use the solutions we are putting
forth here, dont allow yourself to be isolated from family and
friends. This isnt saying to hang with people who might have
been harmful to you, it is to encourage you to move even closer
to positive family and friends while you are going through
your haunting experience. Dont dwell over what is affecting
you but rather, distract yourself with everything but what is
related to your haunting.
2. Remember there are others like you out there who have been
through the same thing. How do you think my wife and I have
come to writing books on the subject? We have been there,
experiencing these things since childhood and can relate to the
fear, uncertainty and grappling with faith. When you read this
book, think of it as group therapy as we share what we have
learned and experienced with you, to better help you.
3. Believe it or not, there have been cases with other people and
families that were more severe than yours, that have been
successfully liberated.
4. Once you become plagued with a haunting, which is a spiritual
issue, you need to be prepared to make positive changes in your
spiritual life. Once you are infected in this way, it is more
likely to return at some date in the future. So whatever new
spiritual changes you make, they cannot be a temporary thing, it
must be an ongoing practice. Like the diabetic who has to
monitor his/her sugar intake more closely.
5. Try hard to find ways to get your sleep. When an evil spirit is

present it is clear that sleep deprivation is part of a demonic

strategy to wear you down. Take day time naps for example if
necessary to get need rest inside each 24 hour day.
6. Positives not- Negatives I tell clients this universal
advice, and that is to fill their lives with as much positive as
they can. And therefore seek to remove the negative in their
daily lives where they can. However, dont replace one negative
with another, because change in NOT good unless it is clearly
a change for the better. For some it may not be clear as to what
changes to make, this is when good friends and family and
professionals (Clergy, therapists, etc), might help to shed some
light on this.
7. Lastly, Read all of this book, so you dont miss something.


We should all forget trying to label spirits with other titles
based on their behavior or varied appearances, such as in calling a
spirit malevolent, poltergeist, hat-man, a wraith,
banshee, and so forth. For too long such labels have made it
over complicated by others needlessly classifying spirits in such
ways. This is truly not necessary in our line of work in removing
the spirits. ( i.e. deliverance, Exorcisms or ghost busting) We
should be concerned with ONLY the true nature of the spirit. That
is it good or evil, and is it human or inhuman. Where as I
a.) Good spirits, which are in between this world and Heaven, in
a phase of existence called Purgatory, or
b.) They are from Heaven, angels and saints for example. or
c.) Evil spirits would be in reference to the other spirits, I refer
through-out this book to as dark spirits, they are also called the
Lost Souls, Condemned The Damned. Regardless of their
various names their new masters are demonic, and we should
never expect them to stray from demonic control to do any good

for example. They can work with the demons, yet be a slave to
them, as the puppet is to the puppeteer.

So, concerning yourselves with the heritage, age or gender of the

spirit for example, is not necessary. Also note, labeling a shadowy
being Hat Man for example, just because it looks like it has a
"hat", these classifications dont mean anything. It is still a dark
spirit and likely a minion with demons, human or inhuman it isnt
good. It would save time to ask yourself what type of spirit
category does it fall under? While using the above "types" to help
you sort out the possible nature. That is how we derive the proper
So dont try to over analyze with an array of spirit types, it is
unnecessary to over complicate these things like this. To narrow it
down further, it is not the nature of good angelic beings to
haunt (as in fear causing poltergeist ugly activity) a home so we
can almost entirely eliminate the TYPE: GOOD-INHUMAN from
the typical haunting scenario.
So this mainly leaves:

So in detail, I will help to outline ways to first determine the nature

of the ghost as evil or good.
Most often the solution for ridding the residence of any ghost, is
to pray for its liberation. Part of the penance may be that they are
unable to simply move onto the 'next life' entirely until they learn
something, or in the form of some other penance. Such penance
might be to let go of their worldly possessions, to let go of their
life, or to do one specific act of charity or to let go of one person
they have unresolved conflict or violence associated with. Evil or
demonic, pray for deliverance. As I say often, as you are
discerning good or bad, start prayers now, dont wait, as they are
never wasted.
I had said once something I think sums it all up in a catch

phrase. that is, in how we seek liberation from evil spirits, but
liberation for good spirits. We are never to try to directly
intervene, communicate or offer tools for them to communicate
with us with any of these spirits either.
Some tried and reliable prayers are listed later in this book, to help
you get rid of the good ghosts. Consequently, there are separate
prayers to help with deliverance of potential bad spirits that may
plague your life.
By the time most people call a Paranormal investigation team,
they already are sure they have a haunting of some sort. Calling
these teams in when the majority are in it for their own glory,
most often and trying to merely validate what you already suspect
is asking for lingering major potential problems. This isnt so bad
if they were to comport themselves as professionals, like when you
have a leak and the gas repair man from the utility company
checks for leaks. When the certified repair man says it is clear, I
believe him. He has done this a hundreds of times before and he
does it for a living. He is more than likely insured, bonded as well
as certified through the utility company. Most Ghost teams
consist of untrained, unseasoned and for the most part uneducated
members of John Q public. You will find any number of them
willing to traipse through your house with any variety of electronic
gadgets from on any website from $10 1k bucks. Are they
bonded? Listed with the Better Business Bureau? Are they
accredited with any established ecclesiastical church? Probably
not. So do we even trust these investigators solutions after their
big hunt and reveal of evidence? Better off not to!
Consider these valid reasons to not call Ghost busters:
1. Provocation is a direct invitation ghost hunters can be
so obsessed with evidence captures that they will provoke
the entity to show a sign of its presence. If a ghost guy
asked to spirit to turn of that flashlight for example, he
had just given that spirit an invitation and permission to

Here in this you may begin to see alone why these people
may leave with more trouble behind, then when they
initially arrived. Indeed
2. This obsession goes further, where they hear voices in a
clip of background noise; some of these EVP specialists
have themselves become Haunted. We can relate to you
several personal cases, where it all began with this practice
of listening for ghostly voices. In this instance, please, be
careful what you wish for!
- Something else that is important to note, is that you
should avoid listening to EVP recording entirely. This is
due in part because you are in a more vulnerable state as
one who is living with a haunting. Dont expose yourself
to these things! There are cases where people played EVPs
from online websites and become haunted as a result. How
can that be? Consider that if any of these spirits are in fact
ghostly voices, you are inhabiting your ear, mind or room
with the audio of potential evil spirits and your body is
flesh they are all spirit and can be invited anywhere at
3. The Ghost Hunter will probe the spirit for an answer:
Why are you here? Which is an irrelevant question in
solving a problem haunting, and it is more a matter of
unhealthy curiosity, as we shouldnt expect the truth to
come from any communicating spirit anyway. Number one
rule: do to not even try to initiate communication. Period.
4. Mixed faith solutions. Bravo for political correctness, in
feeling a need to have each faith represented to handle
nearly everyone in need. Absolute no no to bring this
mixed bag of religions into one household, wont work.
5. Using science, not spiritual solutions. Trying to detect a
ghostly presence with electronic devices is one thing. How
much can we gain from a scientific approach to the
spiritual realms that are beyond most of our basic senses?

Science has no real solutions, unless it is not paranormal in

origins, and these devices they bring in cant even be
trusted to bring credible information that can be of use.
6. Psychic-Mediums, trance channelers. Every ghost team as
their own sensitives, who are proved as wrong often as
the answer youll get from an Ouija board. Whether it is a
person, electronic gadget, or an Ouija board, we cannot rely
on the bits of information these sources provide. None of
the above can discern the true nature of the spirit without
divine inspiration from God (a true wisdom). We dont rely
on *any* of our senses or feelings because we can not
trust them to reveal the truth. When a Psychic-Medium
may perceive is a childs spirit is often in fact a demonic
spirit that has managed to fool her intuitive senses. This
is an age old trick and why the book of John tells us to
test every spirit.
7. Inviting strangers into your home can get your family in
more trouble than you can get rid of. Most of these so
called reputable teams are more after evidence and proof
not solutions for the victim or homeowner.


It is better to determine which of the above is truer, to better solve
the haunting affliction. For example, if you exorcise the spirits
from a home, and someone living in the home is going through a
form of oppression (or possession), the haunting will continue.
But it may be noted more so when this spiritually afflicted
individual is near by. The same can be true for an object as well, it
can be mobile, but not in the way a living person can be. An object
can be hidden, vary greatly in size, and appearance. Therefore it is
harder to detect.


We begin to ask many questions, maybe to eliminate the possibility
of an object as the source. Has someone found an object lately,
such as in the trash or at a demolition site? Was there a family
heirloom recently inherited? Did you buy an old antique,
something second hand recently from a thrift store? The
acquisition of something used can bring with it the previous
owners problems with it, in the form of spirit attachments. It
may be best to remove such items, even if only temporary, from
your home and automobile. Sometimes this is to test the potential
proximity affect, as the item may not be the problem at all. We
have found that in some cases, activity has ceased after such items
have been removed from the premises. As a safeguard, even if this
is the case in your situation, it is always best to follow up with the
home cleansing and blessing. (This is detailed further in the book.)
We also must realize that some objects are by intention are more a
problem, such as occult items like tarot cards, Ouija boards and
books on Satanism and so forth. I noticed how the satanic star
for example, (an inverted pentagram within a circle), can show up
on a variety of popular, and seemingly innocuous sources.
In the music industry, metal bands like Motley Crue, Slayer, and
King Diamond for examples, sport this symbol for whatever
reason. There are video games aimed at children and adults like
Quake, Doom3, and Diablo, where unlike rock bands using it for a
gimmick or paying personal homage to Satan. In video games it is
often to denote the nature of the evil you are fighting. Regardless I
think if some of these video game developers really knew about
these symbols they would probably exclude them from these
games. This symbol in todays society is currently widely used for
representing white witchcraft as well as white witches.
Psychics, self proclaimed wizards and workers of white light all
new age metaphysical descriptions of some form of polytheism
or another. This symbol has become mainstream in the new age
movement of diversity, acceptance of all religions, and respect
of the wiccan religion which people now claim is really
different that being a witch. This symbol is also used and worn
on pop culture icons as jewelry, maybe to denote one world
religion? It is also marketed to children and adults alike where

older adults wear this as a cool tattoo.

This symbol is used as a spawning point for demon conjuring. I
recommend that your remove all traces of this symbol from your
home and life. Thoroughly bless your home after its removal,
which is what I recommend for exposure/ownership of any and all
unholy objects. This should be a practice of any voodoo symbols
as well. It should be obvious to (properly) dispose of these
immediately. As with the disposal of such items, you must not
simply sell it or pass it on to another. It is best to have it safely
buried as is detailed it later on in this book. We realize that this is
not always an adequate solution because the item may be too
precious, very expensive or maybe even a personal cherished
family heirloom.
In other cases, a proper prayer/blessing may be in order, but the
problem with this is, if the item has a spirit attachment with it, it is
as it was cursed. This qualifies as being a satanic symbol,
regardless of any blessing done on the object; it is not going to
cough up all of its attached demons so easily. We must make the
presumption that at least one will always remain, as the symbol
belongs to satan and his followers. You cant turn a sows ear into
a silk purse after all.
Always follow these methods of protection in order:
1. Do your prayers of protection before, for self protection
2. Recite out loud, prayers/rituals of rebuking of evil spirits
3. Followed by speaking aloud prayers of binding.
4. Then recite aloud breaking curses prayers.
5. Dispose! If the item is an occult item like a ritual dagger, Ouija
board, alter item, black candles, tarot cards, pendulum, scrying
mirror, crystal skull, candles, angel cards, crystal jewelry, divining
rods, incense, chalice just dispose of it. Again, dont give it to a
friend, DO NOT sell it, as-is knowing it is infected with
something evil in a spirit attachment. The idea is that you curse
yourself with whatever you are given for its trade or sale.
If we are to understand it is your goal to fully be librated form evil
spirits, it is best to follow all of the advice that is applicable in this

book. Even if the scenario may not occur in SOME cases and not
others, play it safe! If you knew the stove was lit and you might
get burned from putting your hand over the grill would you do it
any way to see what would happen? Likewise, why take a chance
something lingers that you cant see in an inanimate object used
for occult practices. Dont take chances leaving any stone
unturned! Go through your memory files and retrieve things you
may have tried, played with and possibly forgotten about.
Always remember, that when determining if its a haunted object
or haunted home, it can be as simple as recalling when the first
known occurrences have occurred. Then looking at what else had
coincided with this time frame.


Many times I hear the question: How do I safely dispose

of an Ouija board?. Burning it will (more than likely)
release the demon(s), and probably upon you, due to the proximity
effect and any extra ones will attach themselves and follow home
those present to witness the burning. Then we know that throwing
it away will leave the possibility open that someone else might get
a hold of it. Dont even think about pitching it in the refuse can for
the garbage collectors to pick up. From years of experience, let me
say that you would be surprised at the garbage that is recovered
and saved by these collectors, might even be by having gone
through your trash.
Imagine if the item made a ruckus like the Jumangi game box
did in that movie, as to lure someone into uncovering it from
burial. If you say I can just grind it up with a wood chipper, bad
idea! This means the pieces can be left behind, in other words the
possibility exists that the evil that attaches itself to the boards
could open multiple doors for others to stay attached and follow
the pieces to welcoming homes. Another person walks by and gets
a splinter in their foot, and brings it home. Attachments really do
work this way. The world of unseen is effectively animate and
capable of things we cant imagine. I realize it may sound a bit like

Pages 16-140 have been removed from this

sample version of the book. You can purchase
the full of this book "signed" at:


Lastly, we wanted to make mention, that we make ourselves

available to ANYONE who feels a need to ask for help, or in
asking honest questions on the before mentioned topics. This
includes questions about the Catholic faith. Although I come from
a more traditional view, I will try to answer to a post VATICAN
II reply. ;)
So feel free to contact us at:
Or through
Help hotline: 1+ 573-990-1333
FaceBook groups you can join for prayers, direction and help:
Prayer Warrior for the spiritually afflicted:
Extreme Haunting Elite Group Haunting Help:


We have an (Internet) Broadcast stream for a radio show called
Demonology Today, which features myself and my wife Farah
as co-host
-orVisit for more information on times
and past podcasts for your convenient listening times.
You can order the CD with MP3 Audio files of the show with at
least 20 episodes for $15.00 plus $2.50 shipping (Lower U.S.
States) $5.00 Canada. Check for this
item. It will be available there.


May God bless you and your family, and may God give you the
blessings, grace and courage to face the enemy that afflicts
Kenneth and Farah Rose Deel - SOSM
Catholic Demonologist/Spiritual Warfare Counselors


Dedication 2
About this book 3
This book is for ALL denominations 6
Words from the wise 7
Defining basic TYPES of Spirits 8
Ghost Hunters 10
Haunted House or Self 12
Methods of disposing Unholy Items 15
Haunted houses or property 16
Haunted Person 19
How did I become haunted? 21
Free will 21
All ghosts are demons? 24
Spiritual armor of God 25
Blessed Sacrament visits 31
Catholic methods versus protestant 35
Fallen away Christians 39
Modern Exorcisms & Deliverance 41
Your Deliverance toolkit 43
Avoiding demonic retaliation 44
Blessing Objects 44
Why a Priest blessing? 47
Beeswax candles 47
Blessed Salt = 48

The Saint Benedict medal 49

Crucifixes, and not plain crosses in battle 56
Relics 57
Holy Water 58
The name of Jesus 59
Frankincense & Myrrh incense 63
Why not Sage? 64
Witchcraft and Occult practices 69
Prayers Renouncing occult practices 74
Praying it away 80
Rest & nightly practices 85
A nightly checklist 85
Environmental Check list - 91
Prayers one - 96
Prayer two 97
Prayers for deliverance 100
Saint Michael prayer 101
Notes on taking further action 101
More on Exorcisms 102
The Red tape of RCC Exorcisms 106
VIII Post prevention 108


The Four Corners Blessing 109

The 3 Kings blessing 111
Hedge prayer of protection 113
Guardian angel prayer 117
Notes specific to incubus and succubus spirits 117
Children and Adolescence 120
About Mixed faith solutions 120
How long will a liberation/Deliverance last? 121
Why do they return some months after a cleaning? 123
The lord helps those help those who help themselves 125
Dealing with children who see ghosts 126
Solving (Good) human ghost hauntings 134
A final entreaty from the authors 143

The Haunting Self Help Guidebook

Copyright 2008-2014 Kenneth Deel,
All rights reserved.


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