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Lesson Code:_______
Review nouns and how to Identify
Classify a noun as common or proper form
Use correct quantifier in terms of using nouns
Write and use nouns in their singular or plural form.
Identify common and proper
Identify when to place a partitive in a mass noun.
Make use of possessive nouns in writing
Define count and mass nouns
Construct sentences using nouns as a subject, subject complement
Differentiate singular and plural
and appositive
Classify concrete, abstract nouns and collective nouns.
Recognize the possessive form of
Recognize derived nouns
Differentiate concrete nouns,
abstract nouns and collective
nouns from each other.
Using nouns as subjects, subject
complements and appositives in
Names of persons, places, or things
Refer to names of persons, places or things in general.
Common Nouns


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Proper Nouns

Classifying Nouns as Count or Mass


- police
- designer
- town
- country
- home
- park
- flag
- book
- pen
- award
Names of particular persons, places or things
- Marcela Agoncillo
- Lorenza
- Emilio Aguinaldo
- ApolinarioMabini
- Kawit, Cavite
- Hong Kong
- Luneta
- Manila
- Nobel Peace Prize
- Newsweek Magazine
- The Holy Bible
- The Rizal Monument
Nouns can be classified as count and mass or noncount nouns
Singular Count Noun can be made Plural by adding s or es to it

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Cardinal number - can be placed right before a count noun.

Twelve months
Three women
Eight towns

Quantifying Mass Nouns

Mass Noun cannot be made plural by adding s or es

Mass nouns can be quantified in several ways, one way is using
Partitives(a word for a part of a whole. Used to quantify nouns. It is
followed by of that precedes another noun. Cardinal numbers are often
placed before partitives to express a singular or plural number)

Singular and Plural Nouns

- A bowl of soup
- Five kilos of meat
- One gallon of vinegar
Some Partitives are called idiomatic partitives that use a noun for
- A head of cabbage
- A stalk of celery
- A bunch of grapes
- A ear of corn
- A sprig of parsley
You can recognize a noun by its form. A noun is a part of speech has a

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singular and a plural form.
A noun that names only one entity is called a singular noun.
A noun that names many entities is called a plural noun.
The plural form most nouns end in -s or -es . These suffixes are added to
the singular form.
Rules in Forming Plural of Nouns :
1. Add s to most nouns
flea fleas
2. Add es to nouns ending in s, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x, and z.
bus buses
dish dishes
glass glasses box boxes
church churches buzz buzzes
3. Change y to i and add es to nouns ending in ypreceded by a
candy candies lady ladies
4. Add s to nouns ending with y preceded by a vowel
key keys
joy joys
5. Add s to nouns ending with o preceded by a vowel.
zoo zoos
boo boos
6. Add s or es to some words ending in o.

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Mango mangoes, mangos
Motto mottoes, mottos
Volcano volcanoes, volcanos
other such words are mosquito, tornado, buffalo, flamingo,
memento, and torpedo.
7. Add es to some words ending in o.
tomato tomatoes hero heroes
potato potatoes
other such words are domino and veto.
8. Add s to some words ending in o such as:
photo photos
radio radios
piano pianos
ratio ratios
9. Add s to most nouns ending in f, -f, or fe.
belief beliefs
puff - puffs
safe safes
chef - chefs
10.Change f to v and add es to some nouns ending in f or fe.
shelf shelves
knife knives
Not all nouns form their plurals through the addition of s or es;
1. Some nouns have the same singular and plural forms.
deer deer sheep sheep
species species
corps corps
chinese Chinese
Series series

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2. Some nouns have two plural forms.

elk elk or elks
index- indexes or indeces
medium mediums or media
criterion criterions or criteria
3. Some nouns have plural forms only
pants shears
scissors trousers
4. Some nouns that end in s but are singular in meaning
physics measles
5. Some singular nouns undergo internal vowel change to form their
tooth teeth
mouse mice
foot feet
woman women
crisis crises
man men
louse lice
goose geese
6. Some singular nouns undergo internal vowel change and lose a final
radius radii datum data
alumnus alumni
cactus cacti
7. Some singular nouns ending in a form their plurals through the
addition of e.

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alumna alumnae
larva larvae

The Possessive Form of Nouns

8. Some singular nouns have different plural forms.

opus- opera
child children
brother brethren, brothers
The possessive form of nouns show possession or ownership of a noun.
The possessive form of a noun is shown by adding an apostrophe and the
letter (s) to singular nouns or just an apostrophe () to singular or plural
nouns ending in s.
To show ownership
My brothers car
Graces new books
The mens hats
Markos bag
To show human relationships
Miss Reyes father
my sisters friends
The teachers pupils
my brothers playmates
To name something after someone or its source
St. Peters Basilica
Shakespeares Sonnets
Moms Kitchenette

Mozarts compositions

Rules in forming the possessive nouns.

1. Add an apostrophe and s (s) to singular nouns not ending in -s,
plural nouns that do not end in s, nouns that end in x, -z, -sh, or
ch, proper nouns ending in s or just an apostrophe ('), nouns
ending with the sound [zh] or [j]
The girls face

Beckys teacher

The mens socks

the childrens playground

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Pazs pair of scissors

Maxs Restaurant
Mitchs comic books

Darishs wedding
Ms. Sanchezs album

Mr. Reyess barber shop or Mr. Reyes barber shop

Criss candies or Cris candies
Judgess decision
Madges ideas

the sages saying

2. Add an apostrophe (s) to Plural nouns (proper or common) that end

in s
The babies cribs
the girls
The fairies wings
the pupils uniform
The Santoses mansion
The Arnaizes children
The Gonzales building
3. Add an apostrophe and s (s) at the end of singular compound
My father-in-laws house
The commander-in-chiefs orders
4. Possession can also be shown by using the of-phrase.
The foot of the bed
The walls of the house
The fruit of the tree
The waves of the sea
*the of-phrase is used after name words for nonliving things.
5. Add an apostrophe and s(s) to form the plural of words, letters, or

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Derived Nouns

Concrete Nouns, Abstract Nouns, and

Collective Nouns

symbols being discussed words, letters.

Many nouns are formed from other nouns and also from other words like
verbs and adjectives. These nouns are called derived nouns. Derived
nouns bear word endings called noun forming suffixes.
Base Words
Derived Nouns
Some more noun forming suffixes and derived nouns
Noun-forming Suffixes
Derived Nouns
Relationship, companionship
Childhood, adulthood
Totality, superiority
-tion or ion
Completion, rejection
-ance or ence
Resistance, dependence
-er, -or, -ist
Farmer, actor, artist
Achievement, government
Kindness, loneliness
Heroism, colonialism
Nouns that name things you can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch are called
concrete nouns. These are nouns that can be experienced with one or all
of your five senses: the sense of sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste.
Name words for ideas, feelings and qualities are called abstract nouns.
Abstract nouns cannot be perceived by the senses.

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Using Nouns as Subjects, Subject

complements and Appositives in

Some nouns name a group of persons or animals These nouns are called
collective nouns. They stand for groups of more than one members.
Most collective nouns have singular and plural forms.
Team teams
Family families
All sentences have subjects. The subject of a sentence is the doer of the
action. It is also who or what is talked about in the sentence. The subject
of a sentence can be a noun or a pronoun.
Ninoy Aquino is an extraordinary man.
The noun Ninoy Aquino is what is talked about in the sentence. It is used
as the subject of the sentence.
A subjective complement renames a subject.
Don is a positive thinker.
The noun thinker restates the subject of the sentence, Don. The noun
thinker functions as the subjective complement.
Nouns can also be used as appositives. An appositive is a noun that
comes directly after another noun and gives more information about it. It is
set off from the rest of the sentence by commas before and after it.
Don, a teacher, is also a league of legends player.

The noun teacher comes right after another noun, Don. The nouns teacher
and Don refer to the same person. Don is the subject of the sentence.
Teacher is an appositive.
A. Underline the common nouns once and the proper nouns twice *(Seatwork)
1. Marcela Agoncillo was the wife of the spokesman of the General Emilio Aguinaldo, Felipe Agoncillo.
2. The rays of the sun stand for the eight provinces that rebelled against Spain.

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3. The star symbolize the three main islands in the Philippines, namely, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
4. This flag raised during the Declaration of Independence in Kawit, Cavite on June 12, 1989.
5. The design of the flag expresses the proud spirit of Filipinos.
Rewrite the sentences below. Write the proper nouns correctly. *(Assignment)
1. The spaniards introduced christianity in our country.
2. The spaniards did not encourage education among Filipinos.
3. The first university that the Spaniards opened was the university of santotomas on espana street in manila.
4. The americans introduced the public school system in the philippines.
5. During the Japanese occupation, Filipinos also learned the Japanese language.
Write the plural form of the following nouns: *(Seat work)
1. City
2. Eagle
3. Shadow
4. Island
5. Wing
6. Prey
7. Predator
8. Branch
9. Leaf
Write the singular form of the following nouns. *(Quiz)
1. Journeys
2. Airplanes
3. Lunches
4. Rays
5. Machines
6. Losses
7. Pennies
8. Thieves
9. Duties
Write C if the word is a count noun and M if it is a mass noun. *(Quiz)
1. Salt
2. Sand
3. Magazine
4. Pencil

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5. Cup
6. Gasoline
7. Envelope
8. Rice
9. Cheese
A. Rewrite each phrase to show the correct possessive form of the italicized noun. *(Seatwork)
1. The wings of a butterfly
2. The music of Beethoven
3. The parents of Shirley
4. The dresses of the women
5. The magical dust of fairies
6. The neck of the giraffe
7. The children of the Dela Cruzes
8. The telephone of the boss
9. The loan of the student assistant
10.The articles of the editor-in-chief
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct Possessive form of the Italicized nouns in the parentheses *(Assignment)
1. (skin most fishes) The skin of most fishes is covered with protective scales.
2. (tail dog) The ________________ wags whe it is excited and friendly
3. (leaves some trees) The ________________________ wither during summer.
4. (roof House) The _______________________ was blown away by the storm.
5. ( hands clock) The ____________________ do not seem to be moving.
A. Add an appropriate noun-forming affix to each word below. Write the derived noun on the line. *(Seatwork)
1. Friend
2. Girl

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3. Manage
4. Teeth
5. Move
6. Establish
7. Assist
8. Sail
9. Play
B. Write the noun in which the word is derived from. Write the letter of your answer on the line after each number.
1. Sponsorhip
2. Endurance
3. Conclusion
4. Ability
5. Clarification
6. Intrusion
7. Objection
8. Painter
9. Transportation ___
C. Add an appropriate suffix to each word in parentheses to make the sentence meaningful. Write the derived
noun on the line. *(Quiz)
1. ___________________ The pupils need much (encourage) so they will perform better in class.
2. ___________________ The (descend) of kings and queens are princes and princesses.
3. ___________________ The city mayor appreciated the (generous) of the volunteers.
4. ___________________ Who won the (declaim) contest?.
5. ___________________ Our means of (transport) is much improved.
6. ___________________ What is the (predict) for tomorrows weather?
7. ___________________ (Patient) is a virtue that every person should learn.
8. ___________________ The street (clean) is very efficient.
9. ___________________ Where is our pencil (sharpen)?
10.___________________ There were many people at the (amuse) center.
11.___________________ (Prevent) is much better than cure.
12.___________________ The teacher gave individual (assign) to the pupils.
13.___________________ A profile data sheet is a (require) in all school clubs.
14.___________________ (Differ) in views among the members are resolved by acceptance.

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15.___________________ Our coach told us to strive for (excel).
16.___________________ They were not used to seeing much (confuse).
17.___________________ We were Given (refresh) after an hour.
18.___________________ The (instruct) was not clear.
19.20.___________________ The (active) was interesting but it created a little (disturb) among the people living
21.___________________ The (admit) to the movie was P150.00.
22.___________________ Her blouse will have to be altered, and she has to have the (alter) done professionally.
23.___________________ The (inform) I gave to the police led to the arrest of the robbery suspects.
24.___________________ The witness (describe) of the suspect matched the picture in the police files.
25.___________________ Oscars younger brother has problems doing his homework on (multiply).
A. Write C if the noun is a concrete noun, AB if it is an abstract noun, and COL if it is a collective noun on the
space provided. *(seatwork)
1. ____ committee
2. ____ love
3. ____ dishes
4. ____ crew
5. ____ Courage
6. ____ trees
7. ____ crowd
8. ____hope
9. ____ children
10.____ audience
11.____ faith
12.____ school
13.____ class
14.____ beauty
15.____ house
16.____ music
17.____ soldier
18.____ throng
19.____ country
20.____ happiness
B. Identify the nouns in each sentence. Classify them as concrete, abstract, or collective. Write your classification
on another sheet of paper. *(Assignment)
1. Do you know the story of the creature who stole the most joyful day of the year?

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2. This monster was dressed up like Santa Claus.
3. He rode through the town with a group of reindeer.
4. Then he went through the chimney of each house.
5. Once inside, he stole the gifts and the food meant for the celebration.
6. As luck would have it, a little girl saw him and asked him what he was doing.
7. The monster lied and said he was going to repair the lights of the Cristmas tree.
8. Out of kindness, the little girl even helped him.
9. The thief, called the Grinch, turns childrens happiness into sorrow in taking out the joy of Christmas.
10.Every community has its own Grinch.
11.A committee should be formed to watch out for such bands of killjoys.
12.I wonder if squadron or airplanes could keep out such wickedness.
A. Box the subject in each sentence.
1. Lorenzo is the student government president.
2. His teachers admire him for his high grades.
3. His schoolmates regard him as a brilliant Leader.
4. Great leadership is something that he shows by example.
5. His parents are really proud of him.
B. Circle the subjective complement in each sentence.
1. Robert is an honest employee.
2. He is a role model in his workplace.
3. Julian is an outstanding team player.
4. His medals are a proof of his talents in playing.
5. A good leader is a good follower.
C. Underline the Appositives, then insert the necessary commas where they should be placed.
1. Roy the class president presided over the meeting.
2. Jenny the secretary recorded the minutes of the meeting.
3. Loida the treasure read the financial report.
4. When all matters had been discussed, Edwin a class member moved that the meeting be adjourned.
5. Roger his classmate seconded the motion.

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