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Summoners Prototype Gameplay Rules

The object of the game is to take your opponents Summoner down to zero health.
Players decide which Summoner they are going to play as, the game can accommodate either 2
or 4 players. The game is generally played with 2 people but for a 4 player game both game
board are used. Two sets of players duel each other and the winners of the first games play one
another in the final game using the same Summoner for both matches.
Which game board illustration players choose to use has no effect on the game. Place the board
between the two players.
Players take their 25 spell cards and 8 mana gem cards (six mana cards valued at 1 mana, two
mana cards valued at 2 mana) and shuffle them in separate piles (mana cards will be flipped at
random so they must be shuffled).
Place the spell deck and mana deck, your Summoner player card, and tokens on the table as
show in the image below on opposite sides of each other. (Necromancer spell cards = grey,
Elementalist spell cards = yellow). Place your unsummoned miniatures wherever you want.

Each summoner starts with 20 health. On the player mat Start by placing your health punch
token on the life bar as well as the ability token on 0 on the ability point bar.

Ability Token

Necro Health Token

Elementalist Health Token

The number in this symbol represents the ability point cost to use an ability.

Next, both players draw 4 cards from their spell deck, they can look at them and if they dont
like their hand they can reshuffle and draw 4 more cards (this can only be done one time). Once
players have their tokens placed and hand drawn they can determine who goes first however they
The player who goes first draws a fifth card on the start of their turn, flips over one mana gem
card, and moves their ability token counter up to 1. (With the prototype the player using the
Elementalist will flip two mana gems over on their first turn because of her passive ability)
At the start of a turn players always do four things if able:

Reset any mana gems used in previous turn

Gain 1 ability point (6 is the max)

Draw one card from their spell deck (maximum hand size does not matter)

Flip over one card from their mana deck (you will have 10 total mana once all are

Now the game plays like a normal CCG card game with each players taking turns in succession
and following the text on the cards they play.
There are 4 kinds of spell cards in your deck:

Summon spells (pets cards)

Direct spells (can only be played on your turn)

Instant spells (can be played at any time)

Attachment spells (Equipment & Enchantments to pets, only played on your turn)

Instant spells can be used at anytime, even as an interrupt, as long as you have mana available to
pay the spells cost. So if a player casts a spell that does 1 damage to your pet and it would
destroy that pet, you have time to react to that spell and use an instant spell that instead sacrifices
your pet to gain Health for your summoner. Your opponents spell fizzles and is discarded as if it
were used. Likewise if your opponent uses the same spell to deal 1 damage and you use an
instant spell that allows your pet to gain 2 extra health, the spell will only do 1 damage and your
pet would still be alive.

Player one is John and he is using the Necromancer as his summoner. On his first turn he flips
over a mana gem worth 1 mana and in his hand he has a Skeletal Warrior. He can use the mana
gem by rotating it (to indicate it has been used) to spend 1 mana point and summon the Skeletal
Warrior to the game board. The Skeletal Warrior has 2 health so John places a health token on
the #2 at the bottom of the pets health bar.

Pet Health Token

A summoned pet must be placed on any open space in the first row closest to the player (see
image below) and cannot move or attack on the turn it is summoned unless specified. John
cannot do anything else so his turn is over. (There is no penalty for using a mana gem worth 2
mana to summon a card that only costs 1; however at the end of your turn that extra mana is not
available anymore for instant spells)

On Johns next turn he draws a card, gains another ability point, and flips over another single
mana card. He now has 2 ability points and 2 mana gems. Being that he is a necromancer he can
use his Summoners ability Flesh Rot at any time during his turn. He simply moves the ability
token from 2 back to 0 and his opponent takes 1 damage. He can now play any spells from his
hand using his 2 mana or move his pet to attack other pets or his opponents summoner. In order
for a pet to attack a summoner it must be in the last row on the board (your opponents
summoning row).
The Skeletal Warrior only has a movement value of 1 so he cannot reach the other side of the
board on this turn. Pets can move any direction they desire (even horizontal) but each space on
the board counts as 1 movement. Instead John plays the Direct Spell Touch of Death for 2 mana
and deals 2 damage to his opponents summoner, bringing their health down to 17. John ends his
The Skeletal Warriors attack pattern attacks 1 enemy in all directions (including horizontal). He
attacks for 2 damage. For Example, if the Elementalist has a Fire Elemental on the board and the
Skeletal Warrior attacks it from a horizontal position the Fire Elemental will take 2 damage and
be defeated and the Warrior would take no damage. However, attacked creatures also counter if
the pet attacking them falls within their attack pattern. So if the Skeletal Warrior attacks the Fire
Elemental from the front, this falls in the Fire Elementals attack pattern. The Fire Elemental
would take 2 damage and the Skeletal Warrior would take 3 damage. After the counter attack if
no Instant Spells are cast then the damage is resolved and if any pet dies it is removed from the
board. In this case both pets would die.
The first player to take his opponents summoner down to 0 health wins.

Side Notes
A player should always start their hand with 2 cards (so if you have no cards draw 2 instead of 1)
Pets can take three actions per turn in any order attack, move, and use their ability.
When a pet or summoner gain health it can go above their starting health (there is no maximum).
Attachments on a pet that is returned to a players hand are discarded
Frost Blade pet cannot move next turn but they can attack from their position
A summoner can use the same ability more than once per round if they have enough ability
A summoned pet always faces forward on the board (the back of the pet toward the player that
controls them)
If you draw all of the cards from your spell deck and you have no pets on the game board you
will take 3 damage at the end of your turn. This ensures the game will end even when there are
no cards left to draw.
The Magic Barrier spell card absorbs 1 damage per round not per turn. So if your pet counter
attacks on your opponents turn it will absorb 1 damage, if your pet attacks on your turn the
barrier has already absorbed damage in the current round. 1 round = both players turns.
Pet abilities can only be used on the turn of player that controls them.
The Soulless Shadow is the only pet in the prototype with an ability that costs mana.
Attachment cards can be placed below or next to the pet they are equipped to.
If your opponent has pets on all 4 of your summoning spaces you cannot summon any pets until
a space opens up. (Controlling your opponents summoning spaces is a quick way to win if you
can manage it)
If you use a mana gem with a value of 2, the 2 mana can be spent however you like (such as
using two, 1 mana spells). But if only 1 mana is used the second is not available for instant spells
once your turn is over.
Players will have 10 mana to use on each turn once all mana gem cards are flipped over.

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