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Indigenous cow farm project | NGOPost


Indigenous cow farm project

by syamantak
without walls

(/us er/s yamantak)

on Jun 17, 2011


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Category: Useful Resources

alternative education


Tags: school



Dear Friends,
Here is an appeal to support our below mentioned Products for self-sustainability of "Indigenous cow farm & breed center" at

We are happy to inform you that at our Indigenous cow farm Padma (The Gir C ow) has given birth to a she-calf whom we have
named as Surabhi. Few months back we bought this 100% pure Gir C ow (A Vedic Indian cow). While at our farm only surplus milk
is used by us to make Hand-churned ghee and digestive medicine called Gau-tak-rasav (Fermented Butter-milk). In Vedic
scriptures cows are called as mothers and their products are called amruta i.e. nectar or elixirs. But today the scientists call milk as
white poison. What may be the reason for this?
C ows produce milk for the same reason that humans do: to nourish their young. In order to force the animals to continue giving
milk, factory farm operators typically impregnate them using artificial routine every year. C alves are generally taken from their
mothers within a day of being born. After their calves are taken from them, mother cows are hooked up, several times a day, to
milking machines. Using genetic manipulation, powerful hormones, and intensive milking, factory farmers force cows to produce
about 10 times as much milk as they would naturally.

Hand-churned Ghee from Gir Cows Milk:

In Vedic scriptures ghee is termed as nectar i.e. elixir. In Sanskrit it is known as ghruta which increases longetivity and good health.
We have been observing, those who consume milk and ghee are becoming sick and are also getting modern diseases like BP, heart
attacks etc. Why is this happening? Its because cow ghee is great science and we have either forgotten or neglected it out of
laziness. Ghruta which is amruta should be of naturally feed Indigenous cow and made in Vedic way. Ghee made properly will be
costly compared to so call ghee available in market today. Ghee made by other machine process will cost around Rs 250 350 per
Kg. In order to make 1 kg of hand churned Ghruta we have to spend on 30 liters of milk which we get from Padma cow.
Wrong methods of ghee and rearing of cows is the cause of sickness as we have experience that these cows and its products will
lead to various diseases. Ghee from factories is made by cream-separation method. This cream-separated ghee is mostly made by
artificially separating the cream in machines. This is called cow ghee in India and in small brackets it also mentions animal fat.
Factory butter and ghee made in such a way will have exactly opposite qualities as that of butter and ghruta made by us.

Our Product details (Very limited stock. Individual clients only)

1) Hand Churned Ghee (From pure Gir Cows milk)

Ghee manufactured from Gir cow Padma only.Manufactured by traditional Hand churned method. Padma cow is feed herbal natural
feed and medication. Moreover, her calf Surabhi is feed ample amount of milk while we make hand churned Ghee from the balance

Direction: Should always be consumed with hot item . It is nectar when consumed hot. You can use for cooking as well.
Available in: 1 kg food quality plastic bottle Or earthen pot
Price: Rs. 1500 (Including packing and forwarding charges within Maharashtra only)

2) Gautakrasav (Ingredients-Fermented Buttermilk, Rock salt,Turmeric,Mustard seeds)

It is tasty, digestive drink. Four spoonfuls mixed with water, two times a day, after a meal is beneficial. Same amount if consumed
regularly it is beneficial for our overall health. It destroys all unnecessary gases from our stomach. It is beneficial for piles in all
stages. it cures all diseases of stomach. Loss of appetite, indigestion, gas.



Indigenous cow farm project | NGOPost

Direction: Two table spoon Gau-tak-rasav + equal amt of water after lunch and dinner every day.
Available in 1 liter bottle
Price: Rs. 450 (Including packing and forwarding charges within Maharashtra only)

Meenal Desai (94041-64945)

(http ://www.s ya m a nta k .o rg )


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(/no d e /91733)

(/fo rwa rd ?p a th=no d e /91733)

1 us e r ha s vo te d .


(/us e r/s ya m a nta k )

syamantak (/user/syamantak)
Birth of our first child led to question the value of leading this completely ontrack,build-your-business-at-any-cost kind of life. Inspired by the vision of scientist
turned educationist Dr.Srinath Kalbag we founded a non-profit organisation. After
dispersing our commercial venture I and my wife more

(/us e r/s ya m a nta k )

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