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Three Taiwanese fishermen were rescued yesterday from a small uninhabited

island in the South Pacific. The men had disappeared for more than three
They had left Taiwan in a small fishing boat and had planned a week-long trip.
their fifth day, however, they encountered a typhoon, and it badly damaged
boat. Fortunately, no one was hurt.
After the storm had passed, they discovered that the engine wouldnt start, so
their boat just drifted at sea for over a month. During this time, the fishermen
caught fish to eat and drank rain water to stay alive.
Finally, the boat drifted toward a small island. When it got close enough, the
jumped out and swam to shore. On the island, they found fresh fruit and
vegetables, and they continued to catch fish to eat. The fishermen had lived on
island for two months when a passing ship rescued them. Although the three
had lost a lot of weight, they were still in fairly good shape. Their families
that the fishermen had died during the typhoon. They were surprised a
Tres pescadores taiwaneses fueron rescatados ayer de una pequea
isla en el Pacfico Sur. Los hombres haban desaparecido durante ms de tres
Haban salido de Taiwn en un pequeo barco de pesca y haban planeado un
viaje de una semana. en
su quinto da, sin embargo, se encontraron con un tifn, y graves daos a su

barco. Afortunadamente, nadie result herido.

Despus de la tormenta haba pasado, descubrieron que el motor no
arrancaba, por lo
su barco apenas flotaba en el mar durante ms de un mes. Durante este
tiempo, los pescadores
capturado peces para comer y bebieron agua de lluvia para mantenerse con
Finalmente, el barco se desvi hacia una pequea isla. Cuando lleg lo
suficientemente cerca, los hombres
salt y nad hasta la orilla. En la isla, se encontraron con fruta fresca y
verduras, y continuaron la captura de peces para comer. Los pescadores
haban vivido en la
isla durante dos meses cuando un barco que pasaba los rescat. Aunque los
tres hombres
haba perdido mucho peso, que todava estaban en bastante buena forma. Sus
familias teman
que los pescadores haban muerto durante el tifn. Estaban sorprendidos y
que el barco los haba encontrado y que estaban sanos y salvos.
Durante muchos aos los tatuajes se asociaron con los marineros y soldados, a
continuacin, en los aos 60
y 70 con los ciclistas y los metales pesados estrellas de rock. Pero hoy en da a
ms personas de todo
clases sociales estn teniendo tatuajes hechos y se ha producido un aumento
significativo de
el nmero de mujeres que los tienen.
Muchos personajes famosos han tenido los tatuajes hacen tambin. Futbolista
David Beckam, y
su esposa, Victoria, ambos tienen tatuajes de nombre de su primer hijo
Brooklyn. David tiene

uno en la espalda y Victoria tiene uno en su brazo. Otros personajes famosos

cantantes, actores y actrices, como Robbie Williams, Britney Spears, y
Angelina Jolie, entre otros.
Los tatuajes han existido por ms de 5.000 aos. La palabra tatuaje proviene
de la
Polynesian palabra tatau, que significa '' smbolo ''. En Polinesia tatuajes eran
un signo de
la condicin social y la transicin de la niez a la vida adulta. Se hicieron
conocidos en
Occidente cuando los marineros en viajes de descubrimiento a las islas de la
Polinesia tenan
tatuajes hechos porque queran ser aceptados por las personas nativas o
que queran un recuerdo de su viaje El mtodo tradicional del tatuaje es hacer
un dibujo en la piel y luego
trazar las lneas del tatuaje final por inyeccin de tinta debajo de la piel,
utilizando una mquina
con una aguja. Suena doloroso? Lo es. Pero no es tan doloroso (o costoso)
como tener un
tatuaje quitado!
Ciruga lser moderna ha mejorado la situacin, pero incluso con este mtodo
hay garanta de que un tatuaje puede ser eliminado completamente. As que
un montn de gente tiene
tatuajes de henna, que no son permanentes. Estos estn bien si el tinte de
henna pura es
utilizar, pero a veces los artistas utilizan tintes inferiores contienen el PPD
qumica, que
puede causar problemas permanentes en la piel. Tambin hay tatuajes semi
que puede durar hasta cinco aos

Question 1
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Question text

Complete the following Congratulation sentence with the appropriate words

This year our team won semi-finals, Answer

____ finishing a great sports year at

Congratulations fo

the University.
NOTA: Do not use / in this one just space, example: like this
Question 2
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Question text
Select the correct option according to the statement.
When Camilo went out to the supermarket, He (do / already) Answer

his homework.
had already done

Note: Write the three words without / example: just space here
Question 3
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Question text
According to reading 2 "native people" are:
Select one:
a. PolynesiansSailors
b. Colombians
c. Sailors
d. Rockers

Question 4
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Question text
According to reading 2 PPD is?
Select one:
a. The ink used in permanent tattoos
b. A substance that cause health problems
c. None of the aboveyes that is correct.
d. The mark that tattoos leave in the body

Question 5
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Question text

Answer the question false or true according to the

Hellen rode from Florence to Siena (Italy) over the hills?
Select one:

Question 6
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Question text

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
On the third day of class, I Answer

(find) out she _____ ________ (have/sign) up for Literature, one


of my five courses this semester.

Note: (3 words) Write the answer using / and without spaces, example: short/tall
Question 7
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Question text
According to the , how is defined Hellens first bike?
Select one:
a. wheels bike
b. Stabilized bike

c. Stablish bike

Question 8
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Question text
Answer false or true according to the
Hellen rode to Italy to see the of the Giro d'Italia?
Select one:

Question 9
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Question text
According to reading 2 the numbers of people with tattoo that have grown lately are?
Select one:
a. Woman
b. Bikers
c. Punk rockers
d. Man

Question 10

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Question text

Complete the following sentence according to the picture (congrats)

Marcus, you are so lucky, Answer

____ winning that brand new car !!!

congratulations f

Note: Write the two words without "/ " example: Like this
Question 11
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Question text

According to reading 2 in Polynesia the tattoos were

Select one:
a. None of the above
b. Tattoos are in black and white
c. Tattoos are in black and white and in colors
d. Tattoos are drawings made in clean skin

Question 12
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Question text
Where does Hellen used to live, before she moved to her new place?
Answer this according to the
Select one:
a. New Jersey
b. Yarsy
c. In Jersey

Question 13
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Question text

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

Ana: Hello, Enrique, have you already Answer

(meet) John?.

Enrique: Oh yes, I _____ _______ (have/know) him before you introduced us.

Nota: Escriba las 3 palabras separadas de / y sin espacios ejemplo: car/think/bye

Question 14
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Question text
According to reading 2 there are three types of tattoos
Select one:
a. Not permanent- henna used-permanent
b. Permanent-semi permanent- not permanent
c. Permanent- inky not permanent
d. Semi permanent-not permanent- henna removed

Question 15
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Question text
According to reading 2 the word needle can mean?
Select one:

a. A Polynesian dish
b. A toy representing a souvenir
c. An element using for sewing
d. A symbol of respect

Question 16
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Question text
According to reading 2 The word symbol we can infer from the text that is a synonym of :
Select one:
a. Souvenir
b. Tattoo
c. Voyage
d. Sailor

Question 17
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Question text
Listen to the and answer the following question:
What is the listening about?
Select the correct answer.

Select one:
a. It is about moto bikes
b. About electronic bikes
c. about mountain bike
d. it is about bicicling

Question 18
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Question text
According to the Whats the phrasal verb that the intervier said, for expressing that at her 20s she liked (she
had no problem with) bicicling.
Select one:
a. knee on
b. kept on
c. keep on
d. keen on

Question 19
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Question text

According to reading 2 once the tattoo is done?

Select one:
a. The skin does not suffer changes
b. The removing process is painful
c. The ink changes of color
d. The person dies

Question 20
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Question text
Select the correct answer according to
What is their opinion about people getting back cicling
Select one:
a. Its because of the success in the olympics
b. Its the wost thing that can happen
c. Its very healthy

Question 21
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Question text
According to reading 1 This article can be found in :
Select one:

a. a gossip magazine
b. A Journal newspaper
c. A comics magazine
d. A crossword magazine

Question 22
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Question text
Select true or false according to the
The interviewer still ride bike often ?
Select one:

Question 23
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Question text
According to the
When Hellen says "thats the trick parents play on you" she means?
Select one:
a. thats the way how parent learn

b. thats the way they teach

c. thats the clue to play a game
d. thats how they play with children

Question 24
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Question text
According to reading 2, family beckam have?
Select one:
a. A tattoo done in Brooklyn
b. A house in Brooklyn
c. A football team called Brooklynyes that is correct.
d. A son called Brooklyn

Question 25
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Question text

According to reading 1 a typhoon is:

Select one:
a. The last name of one of the fisherma

b. A natural phenomenon
c. The name of the boat
d. None of the above

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