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Autor: Gina LICAN

Coordonator stiinific: tefania GDEA
Universitatea de tiine Agricole i Medicin Veterinar, Str. Mntur, Nr. 3-5, 400372,
Cluj-Napoca, Romnia;

Emil Cioran n Amurgul gndurilor scria c Parfumul e istoria unei flori.
Fascinanta istorie a parfumurilor ncepe, potrivit cercettorilor, nc din preistorie. S-au
gsit numeroase dovezi care susin aceast teorie, de la urme de uleiuri aromatice la vase care
conineau esene extrase din plante i flori. Prin urmare, se poate spune c istoria parfumurilor
este la fel de veche precum cea a umanitii.
Oamenii din antichitate au dorit mereu s i arate veneraia fa de zei i au fcut acest
lucru prin sacrificarea de animale, ofrande sau uleiuri aromate. Primele arome au fost tmia,
smirna i busuiocul. n Egipt, aromele erau folosite n ritualuri religioase i ceremonii funerare.
Ulterior, egiptenii au exportat parfumurile n Israel.
La grecii antici, esenele i parfumurile au jucat un rol important n medicin, acestea
avnd un rol antiseptic. De la greci, parfumurile au trecut la romani i apoi obinerea i folosirea
lor s-a extins. Progresul nencetat al chimiei a permis extragerea de esene i arome, dar i
producerea lor pe cale artificial.
n prezent, industria parfumurilor este una puternic, care evolueaz mereu i care ne
aduce noi i noi arome n fiecare an.
Parfumurile reprezint un simbol al civilizaiei i o art ai crei maetri au fost i sunt
foarte respectai. O mulime de arome florale sunt folosite n realizarea unui parfum. Secretele
unui parfum se dezvluie treptat, pe msur ce ptrunzi n universul su, iar n baza acestui
motiv nu este recomandat s se exagereze cantitativ, cnd este folosit.

Arom floral, uleiuri aromate, parfum

John Oakes, 1996, " Cartea parfumurilor "


Author: Gina LICAN

Scientific Coordinator: tefania GDEA

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 3-5 Manastur St., 400372,
Cluj-Napoca, Romnia;

Emil Cioran in Amurgul gndurilor wrote The perfume in the history of a flower.
The fascinating history of perfumes begins, according to the researchers, in the
prehistory. There have been found proves that sustain this theory, from the existence of aromatic
oils to bowls that contained essences extracted from plants and flowers. Based on these aspects,
it can be said that the history of perfumes is as ancient as the humanity.
Ancient people have always wished to show their veneration in front of Gods by
sacrificing animals, offering or aromatic oils. The first aroma was incense, smyrna and basil. In
Egypt, aroma was used in religious ritual and funeral ceremonies. Later, the Egyptian have
exported the perfumes in Israel.
At ancient greek, the essences and perfumes played an important role in medicine, theses
having an antiseptic role. From Greeks, perfumes passed to romans and then, to obtain and to
use them enlarge a lot. The continuous chemistry progress allowed the extraction of essences
and aroma, but also their artificial production.
At present, the industry of perfumes is a powerful one, always improving with new
essences each year.
Perfumes represent a symbol of civilization and an art of whose masters were and are
very respected. Several floral aroma are used in achievement of a perfume. The secrets of a
perfume is shown gradually, once you get in its universe, and based on that it is not
recommended to apply large quantities, when is used.

Floral aroma, aromatic oils, perfume

John Oakes, 1996, "The book of perfumes"

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