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PROGRESSION OF THE WORLDS Joana dArc. 03/ 02/ 2015.

Theme: Progression of the worlds. (In my fathers House there are many mansions)
Source: The gospel according to Spiritism Chapter, III: 19.


19. Progress is a law of nature. All beings of creation be they animated or not, have been submitted to this law
through the bounty of God, Who wishes everything to be exalted and to prosper. Even actual destruction, which
appears to Man to be the end of everything, is only a means of reaching a more perfect state through transformation,
seeing that everything dies only to be reborn again, suffering no consequences from the annihilation.
At the same time as living beings progress morally, so the worlds in which they live progress materially. If we
were to accompany a world during its different phases, from the first instant the atoms destined to its construction
began to agglomerate, we would see it travelling along on a constantly progressive scale, although these steps would
be imperceptible to each generation. It would offer its inhabitants a more agreeable home as these generations
passed, according to the manner in which they themselves advanced along their pathway to progress. Nothing in
nature remains stationary. So we find that together with Man, the animals who are his helpers, the vegetables, and the
habitations are all constantly marching along parallel to one another. How glorious this idea is and so worthy of the
grandeur of the Creator! It would be paltry and unworthy of His power if, on the contrary, He concentrated His solicitude
and providence on an insignificant grain of sand, which is this planet, so restricting humanity to the few people who
inhabit it!
According to this law, the world has been in a materially and morally inferior position to that which it finds itself
today, and it will lift itself up in both these aspects so as to reach a more elevated degree in the future. The time has
now been reached for one of these periodic transformations, which will move the Earth upwards from a world of
atonement to that of a regenerating planet where men will be happy because God's laws will reign.
- SAINT AUGUSTIN (Paris, 1862).
The question of the progress of the worlds it is more of a question of the spiritual/moral progress of man,
inasmuch as man progresses morally with responsibility before the moral laws and the ones of nature, the world
accompanies progressively serving man efficiently, but when man irrespectively in virtue of his selfishness ego
centered, unblended and demoralized does what he wants or intends, thinking that everything is worthwhile to satisfy
ones ego centered egotism, ones pride, ones ambition destroying everything and everybody to obtain ones desired
results, he does not even think that there will come the return, since the gathering is according to the sowing, that is the
law; it is giving that one receives, one says: the moral law to love ones neighbor that I do, but one forgets that the law
also is to love God above all things, and that is obviously having nature as one of the things we ought to love and
respect, however that does not mean for us to be materialists, because the materialist does not take God in account.
I speak these questions because it is Happening that the Nature is uncontrolled as never had been before and it
is frightening with different storms from the ones of the passed etc., and we ought to ask ourselves if it is us or not the
responsible for what is happening, scientists say that pollution is devastating and is destroying the Earth, that jungle
clearing destabilizes the air, the atmosphere, the weather, if that is true we are about time of the repentance and of
treating the Earth well respectfully with due responsibility and understanding that it should be with fear of God because
the Earth is not ours, but of God!
If we do so God blesses us and inspires us to progress ourselves and the Earth, in case contrary God allows
Nature to follow its course of unbalance in causes and effects for our apprenticeship, because if we do not learn
through love it is left out only through painfulness, because it is of the Will of God that man matures himself in science
and morals, and He does lend us the Earth for our apprenticeship, we ought not forget that we are moral beings,
immortal spirits a work of God that although God has given us Free will and freedom of a prodigal son He loves us
and awaits for our good sense and spiritual equilibrium and He accompanies us in our maturing growth and the
comprehension of who we are, did not Jesus say: we are more worth than all the world (Matthew, XVI: 26), the world as it
is material will have an ending , but the soul of man is of divine nature it is immortal not material, it has no price, it
cannot be bought nor sold, belongs to God, our carnal body springs from our carnal parents but the spirit derives from

Let us lean on the Spirits Book our spiritual comprehension in the questions therein: 779 to 783
and 1019:
March of Progress.

779. Does man contain in himself the force that impels him onward in the path of progress, or is his progress
only the product of instruction?
"Man is developed of himself, naturally. But all men do not progress at the same rate, nor in the same manner;
and it is thus that most advances are made to help forward the others, through social contact."
780. Does moral progress always follow intellectual progress?
"It is a consequence of the latter, but does not always follow it immediately." (192-365.)
- How can intellectual progress lead to moral progress?
"By making man comprehend good and evil; he can then choose between them. The development of free-will
follows the development of the intelligence and increases the responsibility of human action."
- How comes it, then, that the most enlightened nations are often the most perverted?
"Complete and integral progress is the aim of existence; but nations, like individuals, only leach it step by step.
Until the moral sense is developed in them, they may even employ their intelligence in doing evil. Moral sense and
intellect are two forces which only arrive at equilibrium in the long run." (365-751.)
781. Has man the power of arresting the march of progress?
"No; but he has sometimes that of hindering it."
- What is to be thought of the men 'who attempt to arrest the march of progress, and to make the human race go
"They are wretched weaklings whom God will chastise; they will be overthrown by the torrent they have tried to
Progress being a condition of human nature, it is not in the power of any one to prevent it. It is a living force that
bad laws may hamper, but not stifle. When these laws become incompatible with progress, progress breaks them down
with all those who attempt to hold them up and it will continue to do so until man has brought his laws into harmony
with the divine justice which wills the good of all, and the abolition of all laws that are made for the strong, and against
the weak.
782. Are there not men who honestly obstruct progress while believing themselves to be helping it forward,
because, judging the matter from their own point of view, they often regard as "progress" what is not really such?
"Yes; there are persons who push their little pebbles under the great wheel; but they will not keep it from going
783. Does the improvement of the human race always proceed by slow progression?
"There is the regular slow progress that inevitably results from the force of things; but, when a people does not
advance quickly enough, God also prepares for it, from time to time, a physical or moral shock that hastens its
transformation." Man cannot remain perpetually in ignorance, because he must reach the goal marked out for him by
Providence; he is gradually enlightened by the force of things. Moral revolutions, like social revolutions, are prepared,
little by little, in the ideas of a people; they go on germinating for centuries, and at length suddenly burst forth,
overthrowing the crumbling edifice of the past, which is no longer in harmony with the new wants and new aspirations
of the day.
Man often perceives, in these public commotions, only the momentary disorder and confusion that affect him in
his material interests; but he who raises his thoughts above his own personality admires the providential working which
brings good out of evil. Such commotions are the tempest and the storm that purify the atmosphere after having
disturbed it.
1019. Will the reign of goodness ever be established upon the earth?
"Goodness will reign upon the earth when, among the spirits who come to dwell in it, the good shall be more
numerous than the bad; for they will then bring in the reign of love and justice, which are the source of good and of
happiness. It is through moral progress and practical conformity with the laws of God, that men will attract to the earth
good spirits, who will keep bad ones away from it; but the latter will not definitively quit the earth until its people shall be
completely purified from pride and selfishness.
"The transformation of the human race has been predicted from the most ancient times, and you are now
approaching the period when it is destined to take place. All those among you who are laboring to advance the
progress of mankind are helping to hasten this transformation, which will be effected through the incarnation, in your
earth, of spirits of higher degree, who will constitute a new population, of greater moral advancement than the human
races they will gradually have replaced. The spirits of the wicked people who are mowed down each day by death, and
of all who endeavor to arrest the onward movement, will be excluded from the earth, and compelled to incarnate
themselves elsewhere; for they would be out of place among those nobler races of human beings, whose felicity would
be impaired by their presence among them. They will be sent into never worlds, less advanced than the earth, and will
therein fulfil hard and laborious missions, which will furnish them with the means of advancing, while contributing also

to the advancement of their brethren of those younger worlds, less advanced than themselves, Do you not see, in this
exclusion of] backward spirits from the transformed and regenerated earth, the true significance of the sublime myth of
the driving out of the first pair from the garden of Eden? And do you not also see, in the advent of the human race upon
the earth, under the conditions of such an exile, and bringing within; itself the germs of its passions and the evidences
of its primitive inferiority, the real meaning of that other myth, no less sublime, of the fall of those first parents, entailing
the sinfulness of their descendants? 'Original sin,' considered from this point of view, is seen to consist in the
imperfection of human nature; and each of the spirits subsequently incarnated in the human race is therefore
responsible only for his own imperfection and his own wrong-doing, and not for those of his forefathers. "Devote
yourselves, then, with zeal and courage to the great work of regeneration, all you who are processed of faith and good
will; you will reap a hundredfold for all the seed you sow, Woe to those who close their eyes against the light; for they
will have condemned themselves to long ages of darkness and sorrow! Woe to those who center their enjoyment in the
pleasures of the earthly life; for they will undergo privations more numerous than their present pleasures! And woe,
above all, to the selfish; for they will find none to aid them in bearing the burden of their future misery!"

Yes, in the House of our Father in Heaven There are many mansions, many varied worlds in which ours is of
Tests and atonements, but, it is becoming a world of regeneration in accord with the Will of God, but, that God counts
on us with our attitude of moral respect in our efforts to help the Earth to regenerate itself and we are to be the heirs of
the Earth, but only the ones with merit will remain on the Earth because many will be substituted and will not deserve to
stay on anymore, however one considering that in love all laws are contained , let us live then in love and faith in God
with hope that we be elected in the new world of Regeneration through the Grace of God our Lord who is merciful,
good and just aware of what is best for us for He knows us as from the beginning of times.
If we are to live in love and be not listed as deserving of a generated world we will be attenuated in our debts
before God, and our spiritual future will gain of anyway be it in this planet or in another world, because our works will
follow us, since to be a Christian it is an interior life in the heart or soul and wherever a person goes that faith goes
together, be here or in the beyond in the immensity of the universe or in Jesus expression: in my Fathers House.
(A Christian or a Spiritist amounts the same as the spiritist moral is the one of Jesus).

This Earth is our Habitation place, here we live, learn, develop, have progress and die, we go on to the erraticity
and come back in reincarnation to go on in our evolutional moral/intellectual journey, but there comes the day
designated by God in which the world has to leave out being a suffering world to be a better world, that is a world of
Regeneration, thence the ones unfitted to stay will be taken out to competitive worlds in accordance to their degrees
and spiritual necessities, they will not be condemned to infernal places as some religious persons think or believe, but
taken by angels, that is servants of the Lord to other worlds of the House of our father , (Infernal places are worlds much

inferior to the ones they lived, and that is a decrease in status, which is in itself a suffering.)

There will be separation in the midst of many united families who themselves love one another, but that will be
temporarily because in the Laws of God everyone will ascend and will find themselves together in the short or long
future in accordance to their efforts of the progress moral/intellectual necessary, and there will be jubilant joy kept for
the meeting again of the families, who might have regrettably been unmerited to stay together in the changing of worlds
status, but being it so, besides the Earth which is to be a regenerating one, we all will ascend more and more nearer to
God in the future infinite times, and surely many a time there will be separations, it is as if we all be competing amidst
ourselves to see who arrives first before God, and in our loving each other the ones who are ahead will aid the ones
who are backsliding afar back them, everyone overcoming obstacles and Jesus our Lord and Master who is heading us
all, will be inciting us to follow him, saying Follow me.
We will understand better our efforts if we take into account that God has created us Simple and Ignorant
giving us always conditions from world to world for our ascension to the uppermost of the spirituality. Jesus our oldest
brother is a Pure Spirit, cooperating with God the Father in the works of God, it is not important for us to know how
long of millions of years would take for a spirit to reach up the topmost of Pure Spirit, because we are not as yet in
conditions of that knowledge, but on getting to know that our spiritual life is better and better, that we do not backward
spiritually although at times we pause helplessly, that faith helps us to go forwards more confident and cheerful in the
Lord with a faith stronger and stronger, because In God we live and have our being, and our bodily life which is
temporarily remains to be a necessary acceptable compromise painless or not in favor of the betterment of the spirit.
May God be with us, as formerly, today and always?

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