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Sistem Fosa ecologica este alcatuita dintr-un rezervor circular si o teava de drenaj care ajunge la suprafata solului Teava
de drenaj, care strapunge peretii fosei, are pe partea inferioara a circumferintei, fante dreptunghiulare, intrerupte la baza,
creindu-se astfel un canal de scurgere. Deasupra tevii de drenaj se afla teava de apa uzata, cu descarcare pe teava de
drenaj. Fosa este amplasata intr-un camp de percolare.

1. teava de ventilatie
2. teva de drenaj cu fante
3. canal de scurgere
4. fante
5. camp de percolare
6. rezervor
7. teva apa uzata
fig.1 fosa ecologica economica

II. Functionare
La caderea apei uzate care intra in fosa, pe teava de drenaj, datorita efectului Coanda ( fig.2) partea lichida se prelinge
pana la fante unde apa patrunde in teava de drenaj curgand apoi pe canalul de scurgere al tevii de drenaj in afara

Grasimile lichide,,datorita coeziunii moleculare, se preling pe exteriorul tevii in fosa.


La fiecare depasire a nivelului tevii drenaj, de catre apa din interiorul fosei, si iesirea acesteia in campul de percolare
uleiuri, grsimile si corpurile organice sunt retinute datorita vascozitii sau dimensiunilor mai mari decat fantele tevii de
drenaj si macerate prin agitare de catre apa uzata in cadere. Aceastea sunt descompuse de microorganismele aerobe
activate de aerul pompat natural prin teava de ventilatie a canalizarii .Digestia este amplificat de miscarii materiei
organice si microorganismelor aerobe datorit turbulenei mrite de prezena tevilor si fantelor la fluxurile si refluxurile
de apa. Dupa descompunere, acestea patrund in campul de percolare prin canalul de scurgere al tevii de drenaj.
Cmpurile de percolare sunt instalaii extensive cu biomasa bacterian aerob sub form de pelicul fixat pe un mediu
granular, care realizeaz epurarea apelor prin intermediul a dou procese principale, i anume:

- filtrarea superficial a apei supuse tratamentului, prin care suspensiile solide sunt nlturate prin reinere la
suprafaa i n porii patului filtrant; avnd n vedere c suspensiile solide reinute sunt att de origine mineral ct i
biologic, rezult c prin procesul de filtrare superficial se elimin i o parte semnificativ din ncrcarea organic a apei
supuse tratamentului;
- fermentarea aerob a ncrcrii poluante dizolvate a apei supuse tratamentului, prin care materia organic
dizolvat (cuantificat prin CBO) precum i azotul amoniacal i organic sunt transformate biochimic de ctre o pelicul
biologic de bacterii aerobe care se formeaz pe suprafeele particulelor materialului granular al paturilor filtrante, mai ales
la suprafaa, dar i n interiorul acestora; de fapt paturile filtrante de material granular devin adevrate reactoare biologice
care ofer o zona de suport cu suprafa foarte mare pentru formarea peliculei biologice; aerarea n interiorul stratului
granular se produce i este chiar intensificat att de convecia cauzat de micarea de infiltrare a apei prin mediul
granular, ct i de difuzia aerului de la suprafeele paturilor n interiorul straturilor de material granular prin adsorbie pe
mediile poroase reprezentate de acestea.
Oxidarea biochimic a materiei organice este nsoit de dezvoltarea culturii bacteriene, adic ngroarea peliculei
Dac terenul de baz pe care se construiete patul de infiltrare este impermeabil, atunci patul de infiltrare este
realizat direct pe terenul de baz, fr nici un fel de izolaie, n timp ce dac terenul de baz pe care se construiete patul
de infiltrare este permeabil, atunci patul de infiltrare se izoleaz fa de terenul de baz cu o membran impermeabil.
Alimentarea intermitent cu influent a paturilor de material granular favorizeaz, pe lng gestionarea echilibrat a
dezvoltrii biomasei bacteriene, i meninerea unor concentraii ridicate ale oxigenului n straturile granulare, mai ales
datorit fenomenelor de difuzie a aerului prin adsorbia n materialul poros al straturilor granulare, care au loc n special
perioadele de inactivitate dintre dou alimentri consecutive cu influent.
Valoarea de dimensionare la nfinarea cmpurilor de percolare este de cca. 1,5 m 2/locuitor echivalent al
obiectivului .
Performanele care se obin cu instalaiile de epurare cu cmpuri de infiltrare-percolare sunt urmtoarele:
- reduceri ale CBO5 (sub 25mg/l), CCO (sub 90mg/l), i suspensiilor solide SS (sub 30mg/l) n efluentul rezultat din

- nitrificare virtual complet;

- denitrificare limitat, valorile obinute fiind diferite n funcie de tipul de instalaie i anume: reducerea cantitii de
azot cu pn la 40% n instalaiile cu flux vertical .
- reducerea fosforului este relativ ridicat (circa 60-70%), n primii 3-4 ani de funcionare, dup care se diminueaz
progresiv pn la anulare, dup o perioad de 8-10 ani de funcionare;
- posibilitatea eliminrii contaminrii cu bacteriile din fecale, dac exist o nlime suficient a stratului de material
granular i dac filtrarea se realizeaz ct mai uniform n stratul granular, fr trasee prefereniale (se obin reduceri de
1000 de ori a numrului de bacterii fecale pentru fiecare 1 m de grosime a stratului de material granular).
Biodegradarea si dezintegrarea compusilor organici din interiorul fosei este continuata de ctre microorganismele aerobe
din sol, activate suplimentar de aerul absorbit prin teava de ventilatie a fosei. Cmpurile de percolare sunt instalaii
extensive cu biomasa bacterian aerob sub form de pelicul fixat pe un mediu granular, care realizeaz epurarea
apelor prin intermediul a dou procese principale, i anume:
- filtrarea superficial a apei supuse tratamentului, prin care suspensiile solide sunt nlturate prin reinere la
suprafaa i n porii patului filtrant; avnd n vedere c suspensiile solide reinute sunt att de origine mineral ct i
biologic, rezult c prin procesul de filtrare superficial se elimin i o parte semnificativ din ncrcarea organic a apei
supuse tratamentului;
- fermentarea aerob a ncrcrii poluante dizolvate a apei supuse tratamentului, prin care materia organic
dizolvat (cuantificat prin CBO) precum i azotul amoniacal i organic sunt transformate biochimic de ctre o pelicul
biologic de bacterii aerobe care se formeaz pe suprafeele particulelor materialului granular al paturilor filtrante, mai ales
la suprafaa, dar i n interiorul acestora; de fapt paturile filtrante de material granular devin adevrate reactoare biologice
care ofer o zona de suport cu suprafa foarte mare pentru formarea peliculei biologice; aerarea n interiorul stratului
granular se produce i este chiar intensificat att de convecia cauzat de micarea de infiltrare a apei prin mediul
granular, ct i de difuzia aerului de la suprafeele paturilor n interiorul straturilor de material granular prin adsorbie pe
mediile poroase reprezentate de acestea.
Oxidarea biochimic a materiei organice este nsoit de dezvoltarea culturii bacteriene, adic ngroarea peliculei

Dac terenul de baz pe care se construiete patul de infiltrare este impermeabil, atunci patul de infiltrare este
realizat direct pe terenul de baz, fr nici un fel de izolaie, n timp ce dac terenul de baz pe care se construiete patul
de infiltrare este permeabil, atunci patul de infiltrare se izoleaz fa de terenul de baz cu o membran impermeabil.
Alimentarea intermitent cu influent a paturilor de material granular favorizeaz, pe lng gestionarea echilibrat a
dezvoltrii biomasei bacteriene, i meninerea unor concentraii ridicate ale oxigenului n straturile granulare, mai ales
datorit fenomenelor de difuzie a aerului prin adsorbia n materialul poros al straturilor granulare, care au loc n special
perioadele de inactivitate dintre dou alimentri consecutive cu influent..
Valoarea de dimensionare la nfinarea cmpurilor de percolare este de cca. 1,5 m 2/locuitor echivalent al
obiectivului .
Performanele care se obin cu instalaiile de epurare cu cmpuri de infiltrare-percolare sunt urmtoarele:
- reduceri ale CBO5 (sub 25mg/l), CCO (sub 90mg/l), i suspensiilor solide SS (sub 30mg/l) n efluentul rezultat din
- nitrificare virtual complet;
- denitrificare limitat, valorile obinute fiind diferite n funcie de tipul de instalaie i anume: reducerea cantitii de
azot cu pn la 40% n instalaiile cu flux vertical .
- reducerea fosforului este relativ ridicat (circa 60-70%), n primii 3-4 ani de funcionare.
- posibilitatea eliminrii contaminrii cu bacteriile din fecale, dac exist o nlime suficient a stratului de material
granular i dac filtrarea se realizeaz ct mai uniform n stratul granular, fr trasee prefereniale (se obin reduceri de
1000 de ori a numrului de bacterii fecale pentru fiecare 1 m de grosime a stratului de material granular).
Apa epurat este absorbit in final in straturile laterale si superioare de sol si eliminata prin vaporo-transpiratie


1. Procedee Extensive de Epurare a Apelor Uzate. Published by Laura Ghidia Elena


A total of 9.34 million Romanians had their houses connected to sewage systems in 2013, meaning 46.8 percent of the countrys
population, according to data from the National Statistics Institute INS. However, the number is slightly lower than the figure
registered the year before.
In the urban area, over 8.9 million inhabitants had their homes connected to sewage systems, or 89.2 percent of the urban population in
Romania. In the rural area, only 427,000 inhabitants benefited from the sewage system, meaning 4.7 percent of the rural population of
For wastewater treatement, statistics show 8.8 million people had their houses connected to sewage provided with treatment plants last
year, representing 44.5 percent of the countrys population, according to INS data.
Irina Popescu,


3.1 Description of the current state of affairs:
S.C. AQUA - BIOTEC S.R.L. is a Romanian legal company with private equity, founded on the 18th of February 2005, having as basic field of
CAEN 4674 -Wholesale trade of equipment and iron accessories for sanitary installations as well as for heating and secondary fields
specific for the production activities;
CAEN 2223 - The manufacture of articles from plastic material for constructions
CAEN 2229 - The manufacture of other products from plastic material.
The r equest for financing is encoded in CAEN 2229, code 2223 being an auxiliary one, containing the activities by means of which the output of
expendable goods used in the flow of production is ensured.
a} The naming of the company and legal status :

Table no.1 - The legal status of S.C. AQUA - BIOTEC S.R.L.

Registration number in the Trade Register

J 40/3180/18.02.2005

Tax number and revenue authority


Telephone/ fax


Contact name


Bank account
b} Form of organization:
S.C AQUA-BIOTEC S.R.L. is a Romanian legal person, in the legal form of a limited liability company, performing in conformity with the Romanian
laws and the provisions in its constitutive act.
The social residence of the company is in Romania, str. Sg. Marcu Ion nr. 23, sector 6, Bucharest. The maintenance in operating conditions is for
an unlimited period of time.
c} Complete names of managers and shareholders :
The unique associate and manager of the firm is Ivan Aurelian-Dan, Romanian citizen, born on 22.02.1952, in Bucharest, son of Petre and
Georgeta, married, male, resided in Bucharest, str. Sg. Marcu Ion nr.23, sector 6, owner of CI series RX no.172563/ 15.05.2003, released by
Police Office 22, Personal Identification Number 1520222400141.
d} Fields of activity:
The main object of activity according to the registration certificate and the constitutive act is code CAEN 4674 - Wholesale trade of equipment and
iron accessories for sanitary and heating installations.
The secondary objects of activity are:
Works of sanitary installations, heating installations and air conditionaing - code CAEN 4322;
Unspecialized wholesale trade - code CAEN 4690;
The manufacture of articles from plastic material for constructions - code CAEN 2223; .
The manufacture of other products from plastic material - code CAEN 2229;

3.2 The history of the undertaking:

The S.C. AQUA - BIOTEC S.R.L. trading company was founded in February 2005. It began its activity as exclusive distributor of WWTPs in
Romania from EKOPROGRES (Slovakia).

The firm has further become a distributor in Romania for other prestigious firms in the field of waste water equipment such as OTTO
GRAF(Germany) - tanks, septic tanks, WWTPs, percolation tunnels, JUNG PUMPEN (Germany) - pumps , manhole pumps, POL YDUCT
(Hungary) - tanks, WWTPs, manhole pumps and street manholes, AQUATEC (Slovakia) - WWTPs. Also, starting 2007, the firm sells grease and
hydrocarbon extractors, sewer pipes and street manholes from Romanian distributors.
Having behind it the experience of trading various types of specific products, starting June 2008, AQUA - BIOTEC has begun producing in its own
workshop, with subassemblies supplied by Valplast Industries (Romania) septic tank, with over 50 pieces already produced up to this date.
At the moment, the company is involved in the merchandising of the entire range of equipment for the sewering and treatment of waste water such
as: septic tanks, WWTPs, pipes, manholes, pumps, reservoirs, eco-toilets, grease and hydrocarbon extractors. Through the present project, the
company aims to produce in its own workshop items such as A-B septic tanks and A-B WWTPs, resulting in the purchase of just a small amount of
these items from other distributors.
The goal of the company is to offer its clients products that are innovative and of excellent quality. The company's goal is to offer its clients products
that are both innovative and of first rate quality. In this respect, the septic tanks, reservoirs, WWTPs and containers on sale are built from top
quality vessels, made of environmental-friendly, 100% recyclable materials.The competitive advantage of the company, which will desirably be
consolidated by this project, is generated by the large range of primary products that are being manufactured and traded, the septic tanks, which
are based on an innovation in the course of being patented, for which the company has bought exclusive use rights from the inventor, as well as on
the contracts of exclusive distribution with foreign trading partners for products that are competitive to a high degree on the Romanian market.
Besides trade and production, the company also offers service in constructions and repairs for exterior sewerage and service with tools and
equipmennt for the sewerage and treatment of waste water.


4.1 Introduction:
The buyers are very numerous, very scattered and diverse with respect to their needs and the
techniques they resort to when purchasing a product. A firm's potential for development rests in
its capacity to serve different segments of the market, by offering personalized products in due
time and of a high quality.
The segmentation of the market can therefore determine a compromise within the firm between
the supposition according to which all buyers are identical and the one according to which each
buyer requires a special marketing effort. The segmentation of the market for septic tanks and
WWTPs of low capacity (4-6 L.E.) takes place function of geographic and economic criteria, and,
in view of satisfying and attracting this market, the aim is towards a developping a capacity for
production, through which personalized products can be offered at competitive prices and
minimum time intervals. S.C. Aqua - Biotec S.R.L. is directed towards the following market
the rural area - 95%
the suburban area- 5%
According to statistics, these areas are the ones that attract more than 90% of the investments
made by natural and legal persons in constructions in Romania. From a geographical point of
view, the sales are centered around major cities and touristic areas, where the consummers'
demand is high. In order to reach a high market share and become competitive at a national
level, the firm must offer a diverse range of personalized products. thus the realization of the
present investment and the subsequent development of the products are necessary steps in the
survival of the company on the market. The company's lack of its own productive capacity will
determine the gradual reduction of competitivity and the impossibility of developping the patented
4.2 The description of the investment:
The protection of the environment is a fundamental duty of every member of society and, in the
future, each citizen or company will have to consistently apply methods of conservation and
rehabilitation of the natural environment, as well as endow themselves with the technological
means of pollution prevention and containment. In present-day Romania, most of the rural
buildings and a great part of the urban ones (especially residential areas built on the outskirts of
the cities) don't dispose of the possibility of a connection to a centralized sewarage system. Most
of the village houses have a toilet in the back yard, where the WC is situated above a hole dug in
the ground. These are the so-called 'dry toilet' cases. The faeces are deposited in there, where
they decompose through fermentation, the soil being affected to a less extent by the compounds
in this material, because it rapidly becomes clogged up and nothing else circulates from the
outside into the ground.The firm S.C. AQUA-BIOTEC S.R.L. is directed towards to all natural and
legal persons that own new buildings in areas where there are no water-sewer network and
require our products. The company-owned outlet also extends to localities that are not connected
to the afore-mentioned sewarage networks. In order to meet the demand of this (still) large
market in Romania, the firm needs to create its own section for manufacturing septic tanks and
WWTPs, in order to offer products that are made in Romania and satisfy specific needs.
4.2.1 Necessary equipment:
The manufactured septic tanks
1. The tank:
Meets the needs of up to four inhabitants and has a capacity of 1600 l.. It has as main
advantages over the other products, both on the Romanian and on the international market, the
following factors:
the size-price ratio
the performance-price ratio

the safety of exploitation, due to the interior separating filter.

it is very easy to transport, manipulate and install, as it is detachable into small-sized
The competitive advantage of the company concerning the innovation is also reflected in the
prizes obtained for the product components. For instance, the Hercules tank has received the
distinction "Product of the year 1999" from the Trade Association for Plastic and Consumer
These are the products that constitute the object of a request for obtaining a manufacturing
licence. Their main advantages over the other products present both on the Romanian and the
international market are:
the performance-price ratio
they are very easy to transport, manipulate and install, as they are detachable into smallsized components
an increased performance in purification by maintaining a low level of the fluid.
General conditions for the manufacturing of A-B tanks and A-B WWTPs:
their piecing together out of subassemblies at a low acquisition price in comparison with
other similar items, due to the large scale production of these items by the distributor.
Such is the case for: the Herkules S and Carat S tanks, the Sicker Tunel percolation
tunnels and the separation walls for the Carat S tanks;
the reduction of the transportation expenses for the supplies by using palletizable
subassemblies, such as the Herkules S and Carat S tanks, the Sicker Tunel percolation
tunnels and the separation walls for the Carat tanks;
the production of our own uniquely designed septic tanks without the need for buying a
locating the factory in a favourable area for the reduction of the transportation costs for
the supplies, as well as for delivery (close to the Bucuresti-pitesti highway, the Bucharest
bypass and the Valplast factory).
the use of a limited inside space for production by the final assembly of the products on
the exterior platform, which is possible thanks to the small amount of time required for
this phase (a maximum of 10 minutes per product).
the reduction of manipulation, internal transportation and assembly time intervals by
mechanizing these operations through the use of a Terex 820 backhoe loader.

4.2.3 Materials, subassemblies, parts ans semifinished articles used:

4.3 The use of modern technology:
S.C. AQUA - BIOTEC S.R.L. will use the following programmes in the manufacturing

4.4 The qualities/ advantages of the product as opposed to those of the competitors:
The Aqua-Biotec S. R. has learned that in order to create a strong bond based on
trust between the vendor and the client, quality, expediency and a very good price are required.
The firm stands out from its competitors through:
1. The low price and high quality of ots products, based on the new technology in use and the
fact that the company already uses an invention for which an application for obtaining a patent
has already been submitted.

the A-B septic tanks have specific production costs that are much lower per magnum
than any other known septic tanks;

they are very easy to transport, manipulate and install, as they are detachable into smallsized components;

their assembly out of subassemblies with a low acquisition price as compared to other
similar products due to the distributor's massive serial production, as in the case of: the
Herkules S and Carat S tanks, the Sicker Tunel percolation tunnels.

the production expenses, in the matter of transportation and supply, are substantially
reduced by the use of palletizable subassemblies such as the Herkules S and Carat S
tanks, the Sicker Tunel percolation tunnels.
2. The use of modern software such as: AutoCAD Mechanical 2009 Commercial New SLM,
CI EL Finance Manager, Microsoft Oftice Ultimate 2007 Win32, Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0,
Windows Server Standard 2008 32 - bitlx64, which will lead to a constant perfecting of the
products, by fast redesigning, with a major impact on firm and product competitivity.
5.5 The evolution of the development strategy:
Instead of attempting to compete on an entire market, sometimes against stronger
competitors, each firm should identify the section of the market that it can best service.
Segmentation is therefore a compromise between the wrong assumption that all buyers are
identical and the uneconomical one according to which each buyer requires a special marketing
effort. S.C. AQUA - BIOTEC S.R.L. considers that the segmentation of the septic tank and small
WWTP (4-6 l.e.) market takes place according to economic and geographic criteria.
On economic grounds, the main segment of the market approached by our company is
the one represented by natural persons who have built or are in the course of building houses in
zones lacking sewage systems. For septic tanks and WWTPs, the market is currently divided and
we cannot speak at this moment of a focusing of important brands that could have a decisive
influence on the orientations and preferences of clients. From the point of view of the client
currently present on the Romanian market and influenced by its tendencies, the financial criterion,
the price, is the most important. It must be mentioned that the price of a septic tank is much lower
than that of a WWTP of the same capacity. For this reason, Aqua - Biofec has already begun and
wishes to further develop, as a priority, the production and merchandise of this product.
From a geographic point of view, the sales are focused around large cities and touristic
areas, especially Prahova Valley and Brasov. Among the large cities, Bucharest stands out,
whose suburban areas belong to the town area or to Ilfov county, with more than ten thousand
immovable properties already built and another almost 5.000 other immobiles being built, all
unconnected to a sewarage system, which represents more than 25% of the Romanian market in
this field and the main segment on the market approached b our company following geographic

The firm S.C. Aqua - Biofec S.R.L. , following the acquisition of the equipment required in
this project, will be able to produce WWTPs and septic tanks in Tantava with subassemblies
manufactured by the firm Otto Graf from Germany and other firms in the field.
The subassemblies for these products will be delivered from the subassembly distributors in
Germany (percolation tunnels, percolation tunnel covers, separating walls, containers and
electropneumatic equipment) and assembled on the new production line established in Tantava.
On the production line, the following operations will take place on the imported subassemblies:

the processing of the adapting pipes for the two types of products to be assembled

the design for every type of product, along with determining the manufacture

the assembly of WWTPs and septic tanks

a last finishing of the products, after which they are packed and sent to the clients
The main phases of the technological process of manufacturing A-B septic tanks and WWTPs
can be divided into three large groups, as follows:

the processing of the pipes, pipe unions and other semifinished parts necessary for the
assembly of the septic tank. It is done with hand tools.

the processing of the pipes, pipe unions and other semifinished parts that will be
delivered unassembled. It is done with hand tools.

the assembly, finishing packing of the septic tank, which consists of:

1. installing the percolation tunnels, of the percolation tunnel covers, the

separation walls, a part of the electropneumatic equipment and pipes, pipe
unions and other parts and semiproducts processed on the inferior part of the
container; itis done manually;
2. installing the superior part of the container by attachment to the inferior one,
done with the help of machinery loaded with memory storage of Terex 820
3. finishing the septic tank by wiping away the dirt spots which have occurred
during the installation; it is done manually;
4. packing the septic tank and the accessories that are delivered unassembled;
it is done manually.
The assembly is realized with round tenons, backing plates, spring clips, screws etc. and can be
For the execution of a septic tank, the duration can be estimated function of the type of
tank and the number of workers and their qualification, at between 1 and 3 hours, to which the
organization and preparation of the materials (1/2 hours) and the final check (1/2hors.) are added.
Concerning the structure of the qualified staff, the factory will have a number of 12
employees, out of which the main percentage of 50% will represent 6 qualified, directly productive
laborers, the rest consisting of 2 TESA staff and 4 indirectly productive laborers.
5.1.1 The description of the septic tanks:
The anaerobic mechanical biological treatment of waste water containing organic polluting agents
with the help of septic tanks has been used for a long time now. The main role of septic tanks is
the mechanical separation and the elimination of the organic part in waste water, thus allowing it
to infiltrate in the ground.
5.2. Intended production (volume):
After realizing the investment, S.C Aqua-Biotec S.R.L. will increase its productive capacity,
consequently reaching the following values for 00-the year of the project's implementation; 01-5 the years prognozed by the present project.


6.1. Existing and potential clients:
SC Aqua Biotec SRL is one of the main traders of septic tanks, WWTPs, percolation
tunnels, pumps, manhole pumps in the country, with a rich activity and experience in this field. SC
Aqua Biotec SRL was established in the year 2005. Aqua Biotec began as a unique distributor in
Romania of EKOPROGRES (Slovakia) WWTPs and continued as a distributor for other firms in
the field of waste water equipment such as OTTO GRAF(Germany) - tanks, septic tanks,
WWTPs, percolation tunnels, JUNG PUMPEN (Germany) - pumps , manhole pumps, POL
YDUCT (Hungary) - tanks, WWTPs, manhole pumps and street manholes, AQUATEC (Slovakia)
- WWTPs. In the year 2007, the company has become the leader on the internal market of trade
with small septic tanks, with over 400 units sold/ year. Starting June 2008, AQUA -BIOTEC has
begun manufacturing in its own workshop, with subassemblies provided by Otto Graf, the A-B
septic tank, producing at this date over 50 pieces.
For all the products on sale by our firm we offer a 24-month warranty.
The service for the firm products is provided at the client's residence iin a maximum of 36
hours after the problem has been signalized.
The activity of the firm upto now has been limited to the distribution of tanks, septic
tanks, WWTPs, percolation tunnels, pumps, manhole pumps, as well as the assembly of A-B
septic tanks with Otto Graf subassemblies in our own workshop in Romania. Because the

merchandise was imported, it would take at least a month between the launching of the order
until its completion. One of the solutions found by the firm Aqua-Biotec to reduce this waiting time
was the creation of a production department at Tintava, the city of Giurgiu, where the
subassemblies provided by the German firm Otto Graf will be assembled, as well as those
distributed by other firms with which we are currently negotiating in this respect, such as Aquatec
and Ekoprogres (Slovakia). In order to further improve the delivery time of the Otto graf products
in Romania, we have signed a contract with the German firm, according to which they will send
us the jointing fillers for the septic tanks and we will install them in the production hall which we
will build in Tantava. Up to now we have had over 400 firms as major clients, but also natural
persons who have purchased the products traded by the firm Aqua-Biotec.
We have implemented a set of documents and reports related to the commercial flow of
supplying, depositing and trading, the goal being that of tracing back the variables of both internal
interest (the state of the orders/ contracts, the performance in the process of customer service,
customer and personnel satisfation, various reports etc.) but also of external interest ( competition
depending on zone, buyer tendencies etc. ).
All the above-mentioned firms are also our potential clients, but we have in mind the extension of
the market to companies involved in the following activities:
construction companies in areas that are difficult to access;
companies that are active in the field of sanitation and town local services;
natural persons from areas where there is no water/ sewage system.

Approaching the external market

6.2. The competition currently existing on the market:
At present we can speak of only a few Romanian producers of septic tanks and of two
producers of WWTPs, the rest being only retail traders and distributors of foreign brands. The
market is represented by the following companies, which in 2008 have realized together more
than 90% of the sales. The firms mentioned below represent, in other words, the competition,
more or less known on the market depending on the type of product offered and the capacities
they serve. Of these producers we mention: VALROM, C&W WATER CONTOL, CRIBERNET,
ADISS, BIOSYSTEMS PRODUCTION, EUROTANK Brasov, ALP, and the rest are traders.
S.C. AQUA - BIOTEC S.R.L. is fighting to ensure a firm position on the market alongside
brands such as: GRAF, EKOPROGRES si POL YDUCT. S.C. AQUA - BIOTEC S.R.L. at present
has over 10% of the total sales of septic tanks and small-sized WWTPs (4-6 Le.) on the
Romanian market. The market share is divided at the moment as follows:

6.2.1. The form and content of the competition:
In the case of the septic tank and WWTP market, there is a direct competition which
manifests itself as a form of oligopolistic competition (which is characteristic of situations on the
market with few sellers of the type of differentiated oligopoly, in which the offer contains partially
differentiated products, especially by price, quality, models or services). The small number of
competitors creates the premises of a harsh competition, due to the possibilities of each
company's knowing the position held by the others on the market. The competition holds within a
legal setting, having at its root the perfecting of one's own activity, being a loyal kind of
competition. The competitors conduct their actions on the market by using a large range of
resorts and techniques.
The most important direct competitor of our firm that acts inside the same target-market
and utilizes the same strategy is VALROM INDUSTRIE. This company sets up, together with our
company, a strategic group. From other perspectives, our firm's competitors are either fairly good
or weak, with the exception of VALROM INDUSTRIE, which is the only competitor with a high
potential, capable of influencing the evolution of the market, therefore it could be appreciated as a
serious and powerful competitor. From the point of view of the reaction shown when attacked, our
competitors are relaxed (passive), their reaction to the actions of other firms being belated and
lacking in determination. Such a behavior could be determined by the existence of certain loyal
customers, the achievement of large outlet earnings, the belated perception of market changes or
the lack of necessary sources for a response.
Having all these characterstics of the competition in sight, one can assess that the
doubling of the market share is possible without taking measures to counteract the competing
6.3. The size of the marketplace, the prognosis of demand:
In Romania, out of the 2609 localities with over 2000 equivalent inhabitants, only 17%
possess sewage systems. Only 51,1% of the population of the country has the possibility of using
such systems. The sewage systems for residual waters for the localities with over 2000
inhabitants must be finalized by the year 2018. Until then, for the inhabitants of these localities
and hereinafter for the localities with under 2000 equivalent inhabitants, as well as for the
immobiles in suburban areas and those in touristic or agricultural areas, the only possible solution
of the problem of the sewage for residual waters is the use of individual systems of waste water

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