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Gods love is perfect.

It is the only
thing in the world that is absolutely
perfect. There are a lot of things that
are nice, beautiful, and wonderful,
but nothing is perfect like His love.
We live in an imperfect world, with
imperfect humans, in imperfect
conditions, but His love is what makes
it possible for us to weather
everything that life brings our way. He
is perfect, and so is His love.

El amor que Jess nos prodiga es

perfecto. Es lo nico en este mundo
que es absolutamente perfecto. Hay
muchas cosas bonitas, hermosas y
maravillosas, pero nada tan perfecto
como Su amor.
Vivimos en un mundo imperfecto, de
seres humanos imperfectos y en
circunstancias que dejan bastante que
desear; pero Su amor nos permite
remontar las dificultades de la vida.
Dios es perfecto, y Su amor tambin.

His love is free. It's not something that we have to work for, or earn or
somehow prove that we're worthy of. That's a good thing, too, because
we all sin and make mistakes. If we had to earn Jesus' love, none of us
would have it. Jesus, in His divine foresight and wisdom, knew this and
chose to love us with no strings attached.

Su amor es gratuito.
No tenemos que
ganrnoslo a pulso ni
demostrar que somos
dignos de l. Menos
mal que es as, porque
todos pecamos y
cometemos errores. Si
tuviramos que
merecernos Su amor,
ninguno lo lograra.
Jess sabiamente lo
previ y por eso decidi
amarnos sin exigir
nada a cambio.

His love is unconditional. He doesn't only love us through the good times.
He loves us when we're up and when we're down. He loves us when
we're well and when we're sick. He loves us when we do things worthy of
His praise, and He loves us even when we do things that sadden Him. To
think that there isn't even one condition to His love is truly amazing!

Su amor es
incondicional. No solo
nos ama cuando todo
va bien. Nos ama
cuando estamos
contentos y cuando
estamos tristes; cuando
estamos enfermos y
cuando estamos sanos;
cuando tenemos un
comportamiento digno
de Su alabanza y
cuando incurrimos en
faltas que lo apenan.
Maravilla pensar que no
pone una sola condicin
para amarnos.

His love is everlasting. It's not something that will be here one day and
gone the next. Jesus' love will not expire or fade. It can't be stolen or
forfeited. It doesn't get old with the times or go out of style. It's
traditional and historic, but also modern and current. It's always. Even
before we knew Him, He loved us. He has loved us from the very
beginning of time, and He will love us throughout eternity.

Su amor es eterno. No es pan para hoy y hambre para maana. No tiene

fecha de caducidad. No nos lo pueden quitar ni robar. No se desgasta ni
pasa de moda al cabo de unos aos. Si bien es tradicional e histrico, es
tambin moderno y actual. Siempre est vigente. Aun antes de que lo
conociramos, ya nos amaba. Nos ha amado desde los albores de los
tiempos y seguir hacindolo por la eternidad.

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background TFI.
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