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A function is a rule that assigns each element of a set (called the Domain) to a
unique element in another set (called the Range). The graph of a function is the set
of (x, f(x)) such that x belongs to the domain of f.
If f(x1) < f(x2) when x1 < x2, then f is said to be increasing on the interval containing
these two points.
If f(-x) = f(x), f(x) is even and symmetric about the y axis. If f(-x) = -f(x), f(x) is odd
and symmetric about the origin.

A function f(x) is periodic if there is a positive number p such that f(x + p) = f(x) for
every value of x. Smallest such p is the period. Sin, cos, sec, cosec have period 2
and tan and cot have period .
The graph of f-1(x) is obtained by reflecting the graph of f(x) about the line y = x.


Composites of continuous functions are continuous.

If the distance between the graph of a function and some fixed line approaches 0 as
a point on the graph moves towards , we say that the graph approaches the line
asymptotically and that the line is an asymptote of the graph. An asymptote can be
horizontal, vertical or oblique. Horizontal or vertical asymptotes can be established
by the remainder theorem. Vertical asymptotes can be established by seeing the
value of x for which the function goes to infinity.

When is a function not differentiable?

Strategy for curve sketching

For each function state the domain. Determine all relative and absolute maximum
and minimum values and inflection points. State clearly the intervals on which the
function is increasing, decreasing , concave up ( ) , and concave down ( ) .
Determine x- and y-intercepts and vertical and horizontal asymptotes when
appropriate. Neatly sketch the graph.
1. If the first derivative f' is positive (+) , then the function f is increasing
2. If the first derivative f' is negative (-) , then the function f is decreasing
3. If the second derivative f'' is positive (+) , then the function f is concave up (
4. If the second derivative f'' is negative (-) , then the function f is concave down
( )
5. The point x=a determines a relative maximum for function f if f is continuous
at x=a , and the first derivative f' is positive (+) for x<a and negative (-)
for x>a . The point x=a determines an absolute maximum for function f if it
corresponds to the largest y-value in the range of f
6. The point x=a determines a relative minimum for function f if f is continuous
at x=a , and the first derivative f' is negative (-) for x<a and positive (+)

for x>a . The point x=a determines an absolute minimum for function f if it
corresponds to the smallest y-value in the range of f
7. The point x=a determines an inflection point for function f if f is continuous
at x=a , and the second derivative f'' is negative (-) for x<a and positive (+)
for x>a , or if f'' is positive (+) for x<a and negative (-) for x>a
8. THE SECOND DERIVATIVE TEST FOR EXTREMA (This can be used in place of
statements 5. and 6.): Assume that y=f(x) is a twice-differentiable function
with f'(c)=0
a. If f''(c)<0 then f has a relative maximum value at x=c
b. If f''(c)>0 then f has a relative minimum value at x=c

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