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Bucaneg, Art Philippe

Mercado, Charlemagne
Meneses, Vianca
Rusiana, Eunice

EEE 1 THYMCDE Monday 9 to 12

1. The meter resistance accounted for the 1-mA ammeter, was approximately zero.

Due to the value obtained, it is observed that the measurements in procedure B

are not greatly affected. The theoretical I for 1 V and 10 V are equal to the
measured I. It is only in case 1 wherein the voltage is 0.1 V had a measured 0.6
mA compared to its theoretical value of 0.5
2. In order to construct a 10 mA ammeter from a 1 mA ammeter, a shunt resistor
must be used in the circuit. It is placed across the terminals of the circuit and
functions as a current divider. Using this set-up, 1 mA will go through the circuit
while the remaining 9 mA will pass through the shunt resistor. Given that the
added resistor is a current divider, this would indicate that the voltage passing
through the resistor and at full scale will have the same voltage.
3. plotting the three, comparing the theoretical and actual values, we get the
following graph with their corresponding R 2 and equation

based on the R2 values, a 0.27% deviation from the theoretical value was obtained.
It can be concluded that if the R2 deviation is less than 5%, then the constructed
voltmeter is accurate.
4. The voltmeter can be thought of as an additional resistor connected in parallel
with the resistor whose voltage it is meant to measure. The voltage measured is
then the voltage associated with the effective resistance produced by the resistor

and the voltmeter, and is not the voltage across the resistor that is obtained from
2 and 1:


Color Code

Resistance (k)



10 5%



100 5%



2.1 5%

Procedure E

Procedure F


Resistance (k)










The resistances obtained using the two procedures are different because in procedure
E, the corresponding resistance is the effective resistance produced by connecting the
potentiometer, ammeter and resistor in series. The resistances obtained from procedure

F are more accurate because the internal resistance of the potentiometer no longer
contributes to the effective resistance.
Ra = resistance from the ammeter
Rv = resistance from the voltmeter
R = resistance
V = voltmeter
I = ammeter
Using Figure 5:
I = Iv + Ir
I = V/Rv + V/R
I V/Rv = V/R
(I V/Rv = V/R)^-1
R/V = 1/(I V/Rv)
R = V/(I - V/Rv)
If the resistance term would simply be R = V/I, then the resistance of the voltmeter (Rv)
must be very large so that V/Rv would be negligible.

Using Figure 6:
V = IRa + IR
IR = V IRa
R = (V IRa)/I
R = V/I Ra
If the resistance of the ammeter (Ra) is negligible, then the equation would simply be
R = V/I

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