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Booklist for the third year students of the full-time studies in English

at the Faculty of Medicine, Medical Program (2013/2014)

Books marked in red are recommended for buying.

Pathophysiology of Disease An Introduction to Clinical Medicine, S.J.
McPhee, W. F. Ganong. International Edition 2006, fifth edition.
Pathophysiology Clinical concepts of disease processes. S. A. Price, L.
M. Wilson. Mosby, Inc. 2003.
Prawon D., Singer CRJ, Baglin T., Lelleyman. Oxford handbook of Clinical
Haematology. Oxford University 2004.
Robbins & Cotran: Atlas of Pathology & Robbins Basic Patholog. W. B. Saunders
Company 2006
Sylvia A. Price, Lorraine M. Wilson: Pathophysiology, clinical of disease process.
Mosby, sixth edotion, 2003
Medical microbiology and immunology
Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Pfaller MA: Medical microbiology. MOSBY
Elsevier, 2009
Laboratory medicine
Marshall WJ. Bangert SK. Clinical chemistry, 6th edition 2008. Mosby.
ISBN 9780723434559
Fraser CG. Biological variation: from principles to practice. 2001, AACC
press. ISBN 1-890-88349-2
Fischbach F, Dunning MB . A manual of laboratory and diagnostics tests.
Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 8th edition, 2010. ISBN 9781451108743
Guder w. Samples:from the patient to the laboratory. 2nd edition 2001.
GIT Verlag ISBN 3-928-86531-5 *
Gaw A et al Clinical biochemistry: An illustrated colour text 4th edition
2008, Churchill Livingstone. ISBN 0-443-06932-8
Kellerman GM. Abnormal laboratory tests results. 2nd edition 2006,
McGraw Hill Medical ISBN 9780074715864
Anderson SC, Poulsen KB. Andersons electronic atlas of hematologic
disorders. Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2003. ISBN 9780781726450
Anderson SC, Poulsen KB. Andersons atlas of hematologic disorders.
Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2003. ISBN 9780781726627
Brunzel Nancy A. Fundamentals of urine and body fluid analysis.Second
Edition, Elsevier 2004 ISBN
Bayes-Genis A, Januzzi JL. NT-proBNP as a biomarker in cardiovascular
diseases. Prous science 2008. *
Robbins Basic Pathology Kumar, Abbas, Aster; Elsevier 2012, 9th ed.

Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease Kumar, Abbas, Aster; Saunders
2009, 8th ed.

Pharmacology and toxicology

Clinical Pharmacology (Farmakologia Kliniczna) H.P.Rang M.M. Dale
J.M. Ritter. Redakcja naukowa wyd. polskiego prof. dr hab. med. M
Wielosz Edt. Czelej 2001.
Foundations of Pharmacology for physicians, pharmacist and medical
students (Podstawy Farmakologii dla lekarzy, farmaceutw i studentw
medycyny). Red: prof. A. Danysz, prof. Z. Kleinrok Edt. Volumed 1999
Pharmacology. The set of test questions for students of medicine and
dentistry. (Farmakologia. Zbir pyta testowych dla studentw
medycyny i stomatologii) J. Petrusewicz, I. Gongao, E. Cha. Edt.
PZWL. 2002.
Internal diseases- general diagnostics

1.Macleod's Clinical Examination Edited by Graham Douglas, Fiona

Nicol, Colin Robertson,12th Edition ELSEVIER 2009
2.Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicune - 18th Edition, editors Dan
L. Longo et al., Mc Graw Hill Medical
Propedeutics of pediatrics
Behrman R., Kliegman R.: Nelson Essentilas of Pediatrics
Schwartz M.: Clinical Handbook of Pediatrics
Behrman R., Kliegman R.: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics
Lissauer T., Clayden G.:Illustrated Textbook of Pediatrics
Medical psychology
Suzanne M. Kurtz, Jonathan Silverman, Juliet Draper (2005). Teaching
And Learning Communication Skills In Medicine. Oxford ; San Francisco :
Radcliffe Pub
Christine A. Hinz (2000). Communicating with Your Patients: Skills for Building
Rapport. American Medical Association
Stanley B. Messer PhD (Editor), Alan S. Gurman Phd (Editor) (2011).
Essential Psychotherapies, Third Edition: Theory and Practice. The
Guilford Press
Ethics and deontology
Haeffner G., Wprowadzenie do antropologii filozoficznej, Krakw 2006
MacIntyre., Krtka historia etyki, Warszawa 1995.
Sociology of medicine

W.H. Cockerham, Medical Sociology. 12th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall,

S. Nettleton, The Sociology of Health and Illness, 2nd ed. Polity, 2011.
Kevin White, An Introduction to the Sociology of Health & Illness, 2nd ed, 2009

Clinical genetics

Bridge PJ. The Calculation of Genetic Risk. Worked examples in DNA

diagnostics. 1997, The Johns Hopkins Press.
Jorde L.B., Carey J.C., Bamshad M.J.. Medical Genetics. 4th Edition. 2010.
MOSOBY, Elsevier.
Tobias E.S., Connor M., Ferguson Smith M. Medical Genetics. 2011. 6th
Edition. Wiley-Blackwell.

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