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Depression and Kidney Transplantation

Joseph Chilcot,1,4 Benjamin Walter Jack Spencer,2 Hannah Maple,3 and Nizam Mamode3
While kidney transplantation offers several advantages in terms of improved clinical outcomes and quality of life
compared to dialysis modalities, depressive symptoms are still present in approximately 25% of patients, rates
comparable to that of the hemodialysis population. Correlates of depressive symptoms include marital status, income,
kidney function, history of affective illness, malnutrition, and inflammation. Depressive symptoms are also associated
with poor outcomes following kidney transplantation including nonadherence to immunosuppressant medication,
graft failure, and all-cause mortality. Efforts to detect and treat depression should be a priority if one is to improve
treatment adherence, quality of life, and outcomes in transplant recipients.
Keywords: Depression, Kidney transplantation, Renal transplantation, Kidney transplant, Transplant, Outcomes.
(Transplantation 2014;97: 717Y721)

t is well documented that end-stage renal disease (ESRD)

patients experience high levels of depression with approximately 20% to 30% suffering from depressive symptoms
(1Y3). When compared with dialysis modalities, kidney transplantation is associated with improved clinical outcomes (4),
better quality of life (5), and lower rates of psychiatric morbidity (6, 7). Despite this, transplantation requires psychological adjustment and comes with its own treatment challenges.
This can produce problematic feelings such as fear, guilt,
and global distress. Depression is likely to be the most common psychological complaint in kidney transplant recipients
and is the focus of this review. Specifically, this article describes
the estimated prevalence, correlates, and consequences of depression in this setting, and evaluates treatment options.

Prevalence Rates of Depression in Kidney

Transplant Patients
Prevalence rates for depression in renal patients vary as
a product of the assessment undertaken (1, 8). As discussed
elsewhere, the assessment of depression is complicated in
kidney disease patients, partly as a result of overlapping physical symptoms between renal insufficiency and the features of
The authors declare no funding or conflicts of interest.
Health Psychology Section, Psychology Department, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, UK.
Department of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings
College London, UK.
Department of Transplantation, Guys Hospital, London, UK.
Address correspondence to: Joseph Chilcot, Ph.D., Health Psychology
Section, Psychology Department, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College
London, 5th floor Bermondsey Wing, Guys Hospital Campus, London
Bridge, London, SE1 9RT, UK.
All authors contributed to the reviewing of references, and the writing and
editing of this article.
Received 30 August 2013. Revision requested 3 October 2013.
Accepted 21 October 2013.
Copyright * 2014 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 0041-1337/14/9707-717
DOI: 10.1097/


& Volume 97, Number 7, April 15, 2014

depression, such as lethargy (2, 9, 10). Screening approaches

that utilize standardized questionnaires with predetermined
cutoff scores often inflate estimated prevalence rates, with
diagnostic approaches (i.e., clinical interviews) often attenuating these estimates (8). Several screening and severity measures have been used to evaluate depression symptoms in
kidney transplant patients, and these include the Hospital
Anxiety Depression Scale (11), Beck Depression Inventory
(BDI) (12, 13), the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90) (14), and the
Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)
(15). It is important to recognize that screening tools are
not diagnostic measures; rather they are helpful indicators
of those who have significant symptoms that might require
further enquiry. It should therefore be noted that throughout
this article when studies have adopted such measures, the
term depression used does not refer to a diagnosed condition, rather high levels of depressive symptoms. Within the
context of renal transplantation, the relative accuracy of
screening and severity measures in relation to a clinical diagnosis of depression requires attention in suitably large studies.
In one of the earliest studies looking at distress in
kidney transplant patients, 46% were found to be distressed
as defined by a General Health Questionnaire-30 score
greater than 5 (16). More recently, Novak et al. (17) reported
a 22% point prevalence of depression (CES-D score Q18)
among 840 kidney transplant patients and Zelle et al. (18)
reported a 31% prevalence using the SCL-90 (925). Use of
the BDI has led to estimates between 13% and 39% (19Y24)
with variability partly being attributable to methodological
differences, such as differences in BDI cutoff scores used.
Few studies have examined the incidence of depression over
time among kidney transplant recipients. An analysis of
Medicare claims in 47,899 kidney recipients revealed a cumulative yearly depression incidence of 5.05%, 7.29%, and
9.1% 3 years posttransplantation (25). Comparing the prevalence of depression symptoms between dialysis and transplant populations has led to mixed findings, which are often

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hard to interpret because of methodological limits and the

potential for confounding. While it is generally recognized
that transplantation confers a quality-of-life benefit, there is
still significant variation within transplant patients (26, 27).
One of the first studies to compare dialysis and transplant
modalities revealed similar levels of distress (16), while others
suggested that psychiatric morbidity or emotional distress is
lower in transplanted patients (6, 7, 21, 28). For example,
Szeifert et al. (29) found that the prevalence of depression
is lower in transplant patients compared to dialysis patients
(22% vs. 33%, respectively), and in multivariate analysis dialysis modality predicted higher depression scores. In a recent
meta-analysis, Palmer et al. (8) found that the prevalence of
depression, according to self-report or clinician rated tools,
was lower in kidney transplant patients (26.6%, 95% CI,
20.9Y33.1) compared to ESRD patients (39.3%, 95% CI
Although variation is evident in the literature with
confidence intervals for point prevalence estimates large, it
appears that approximately one in four patients screen positive for depression across the spectrum of advanced kidney
disease, making it one of the more common comorbidities
encountered in renal transplant candidates and recipients.
Nevertheless, it is also clear that studies are needed to establish the trajectory of depression symptoms over time (30),
following up a suitably large sample of patients from dialysis
to transplantation and beyond. This will allow researchers
and clinicians to observe the natural history of symptomatology, identify correlates, and possibly highlight optimal points
for intervention.
Factors Associated With Depression Following
Kidney Transplantation
Multiple studies have examined possible clinical, social,
and psychological factors associated with depression in kidney
transplant patients (Table 1). Demographic correlates of depression include age (25, 31), female gender (17, 25, 32, 33),
race (25), employment status and financial situation (18, 29,
31, 32), education (17, 32), and marital status (17, 29). With
regards to clinical factors, studies have shown a negative association between renal function (estimated glomerular filtration rate, eGFR) and depression in transplant patients (17,
29, 32). Zelle et al. (18) report significantly lower creatinine
clearance and a higher proportion of proteinuria in depressed
transplant patients compared with non-depressed patients.
Lower hemoglobin (18, 32) and serum albumin levels (17, 20)
have also been associated with depression in kidney transplant
patients. Dobbels et al. reported a positive association between

& Volume 97, Number 7, April 15, 2014

Medicare claimYidentified depression and having six HLA

mismatches, rapamycin use, antithymocyte and antilymphocyte globulin for antibody induction therapy, and having diabetic nephropathy as a primary cause of kidney disease (25).
Most of these clinical factors are related to graft function;
therefore, these findings may reflect depression symptoms
resulting from impending graft loss and the associated physical symptoms resulting from low eGFR. However, prospective evaluations are needed to better understand the casual
pathways between depression and clinical factors in kidney
transplant recipients. Others report that higher C-reactive
protein (20), interleukin-6, and longer dialysis vintage (18,
25) are associated with heightened depression symptoms (32),
although again there are conflicting data with respect to these
findings (17, 29). There is little evidence that the duration of
transplant graft survival is associated with depression in kidney recipients (18, 29, 31). More consistent findings suggest an
association between the severity of comorbidity (including
obesity) (17, 25, 29, 32) and heightened depression symptoms
in kidney recipients.
Regarding psychological factors, having a history of
depression predicts concurrent mood following kidney
transplantation (6, 20), which is also the case for hemodialysis patients (34). While psychological predictors of depression have been examined in some detail among dialysis
patients (1, 35) with particular emphasis on patients illness
beliefs (30, 36, 37), fewer data exists in kidney transplant
patients. Poor psychological adjustment and coping are
likely perpetuating contributors. A small study found that
age, general life stress, and transplant-related stress were all
related to levels of adjustment in transplant patients, although interestingly, moderate to high feelings of indebtedness towards to donor was unrelated to adjustment (38).
A strong correlation has been observed between depression
symptoms (BDI) with perceptions of illness and social
support in renal transplant patients, although a small sample size and failure to control for potential confounding
factors are limitations (39). Others have shown that posttransplantation emotional well-being is moderated by the
coping preferences of the patient (40). Specifically, patients
with a more active coping style (i.e., seeking health-related
information) have a reduction in depression symptoms
following transplantation compared to those who have a
low preference for health-related information seeking, who
tend to show increases in depression over time (40). This
work has some relevance regarding extended criteria for
donation because more patients are receiving less than
ideal grafts therefore increasing the potential for clinical

TABLE 1. Summary of common demographic, clinical, and psychosocial correlates of depression in kidney
transplant patients
Age (25, 31)
Marital Status (17, 29)
Lower income/employment (18, 29, 31, 32)
Gender (17, 25, 32, 33)
White race (25),
Education (17, 32)



Renal function (17, 29, 32)

Inflammation (20)
Comorbidity (17, 25, 29, 32)
Serum hemoglobin (18, 32)
Serum albumin (17, 20)

Past history of depression (20)

Perceived stress (82)
Coping style (40)
Illness beliefs (39)
Social support (39)

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* 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

complications and events. Managing the expectations of

such recipients is likely to be an important factor related
to adjustment in the months proceeding transplantation.
Depression Predicts Poor Clinical Outcomes
Not only does depression impact severely on quality of
life in ESRD patients (41), it is associated with poor clinical
outcomes, particularly mortality (42Y45). Among kidney
transplant patients, depression also appears to play an important prognostic role in terms of kidney graft survival and
patient mortality (17, 18, 24, 25, 46). In a large analysis of
US Medicare claims, Dobbels et al. (25) found that depression was associated with a twofold increase in risk of graft
failure, return to dialysis, and death with a functioning graft,
after controlling for several demographic and clinical factors. Novak et al. (17) studied 840 kidney transplant patients
and found that those defined as depressed (based upon a
CES-D score Q18) were at greater risk of death over the study
follow-up compared to non-depressed patients (HR=1.66,
95% CI 1.12Y2.47). Furthermore, baseline depression scores
were also associated with death-censored graft survival
(HR=1.03, 95% CI 1.01Y1.05), albeit failing to utilize
competing risk survival models in their analysis. A recent
study reported that depression, as assessed by the depression subscales of the SCL-90, predicted both all-cause and
cardiovascular diseaseYrelated mortality (18). These findings support the work of others who have also found that
depression predicts survival following heart (47) and liver
transplantation (48), although taken together the evidence
that depression is associated with clinical outcomes in solid
organ transplant recipients is mixed (49).
The association between depression and poor clinical
outcomes in kidney transplant patients might be explained
by several factors, with nonadherence to treatment regimens
a strong explanatory factor. Nonadherence to immunosuppressant medicines is estimated to be approximately 22% to
28%, with around 16% to 36% of failed grafts thought to be
the result of nonadherence behavior (50, 51). Depression has
been found to increase the risk of treatment nonadherence
threefold among patient populations (52). Both retrospective (53) and prospective studies (54, 55) of kidney graft
recipients report an association between nonadherence and
depression [see (56)]. In a recent study of kidney transplant
patients, intentional nonadherence (i.e., choosing not to
take them, or skip/adjusting a dose) to immunosuppressant
medications was associated with depression symptoms (19).
Furthermore, depression in kidney transplant patients is
associated with unhealthy behaviors including lower activity
levels and higher alcohol use, which may in turn impact
upon transplant-related outcomes (18).
Other suggested mechanisms that might explain poor
outcomes in depressed patients include the well-established
association between depression and cardiovascular disease
(CVD) (57, 58) where malnutrition, inflammation, and
immune function are all implicating factors (17, 32, 59Y62).
In dialysis patients, depression has been found to correlate
positively with pro-inflammatory cytokines (60, 62), which
are also an important factor in the pathogenesis of CVD
(63). As described previously, depression symptoms have be
shown to have a small yet significant association with IL-6
among kidney transplant recipients (32). Nevertheless, the

Chilcot et al.


apparent relationship between depression and inflammation

is complex and causal assumptions are difficult to infer because pro-inflammatory cytokines can cause symptoms
similar to those observed in depression (64, 65). Taken together, the potential mechanisms linking depression with
transplant-related outcomes are unduly complex, involving
direct and indirect factors, which likely interact to increase
the propensity for a poor outcome.
Interventional Approaches for
Treating Depression
Given that depression is a prevalent and costly comorbidity in kidney transplant patients, efforts to detect
symptoms and intervene with appropriate treatments are
critical. Unfortunately, across the spectrum of advanced
kidney disease, little research has been conducted evaluating
treatments for depression in robust clinical trials. Group
cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to be effective
at reducing depression symptoms among hemodialysis patients (66). Among renal transplant recipients, 12 weeks of
psychotherapy (individual and group) has been shown to
reduce depression symptoms over 12 months, although it
should be noted that the control arm of this trial had significantly fewer depression symptoms at baseline, and the
analysis failed to adequately consider the interaction between group and time (67). A small study of an intervention
designed to improve quality of life and reduce distress in
ESRD patients awaiting transplantation also demonstrated
benefit to well-being (68), suggesting that targeting symptoms before transplantation might be one effective treatment model. Taken together, there is a need to further
develop specific psychological-based interventions that target maladjustment and distress in renal transplant patients,
which are tested in trials using robust methodologies.
Renal transplant recipients are a heterogeneous population, with a range of baseline renal function, comorbidities, and immunosuppressive regimens, which are factors
that need to be considered when treating depression with
antidepressants. When considering treatment with an antidepressant, similar issues are raised as with treating depression in patients with CKD. The authors found no
published trials of pharmacological treatments for depression purely in the renal graft recipient population. Further,
the evidence for the pharmacological treatment of depression in CKD is very limited, with no robust randomized
controlled trials published. As a result, most guidance imports evidence from the treatment of otherwise healthy individuals (69Y75), which may not be appropriate given the
potential effects of impaired renal function, multiple medications, and comorbidities on existing agents. There is a
clear need for high-quality trials, and the authors await the
first data (76).
There are reasons to be cautious when prescribing an
antidepressant. The most widely used antidepressants, the
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), all have an
antiplatelet effect (77, 78). Renal graft recipients already
have a theoretically associated increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding through use of antiplatelet agents (79, 80) and
immunosuppressants, such as steroids, as well as impaired
platelet function in renal impairment. However, caution
needs to be given to the use of gastroprotective agents if an

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SSRI is to be prescribed because some combinations interact

to produce QTc prolongation. Detailed reviews of the pharmacological treatment options and pharmacokinetic considerations have been reported elsewhere (69Y72, 74, 75, 81).
The authors recommend the careful consideration of
non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments for
depression to ensure the most appropriate treatment be offered, particularly because untreated depression is a significant risk to well-being and outcome. Given concerns
regarding harm in the form of gastrointestinal bleeding,
the decision to treat depression pharmacologically is one
best made following a discussion between the renal transplant team, specialist psychiatric liaison services, and renal
pharmacists to ensure the safest and most effective agent
is selected.





Despite advances in renal transplantation, depression
is still a prevalent and problematic comorbidity that remains
mostly overlooked. Depression in this setting predicts poor
outcomes, including inferior graft survival. While the mechanisms underlying this relationship require further empirical
attention, nonadherence is a significant explanatory factor.
Efforts to support the adjustment process are critical and
when mood symptoms require specific attention, psychological therapies show promise but do require further research
into their acceptability and efficacy in this setting. Evidence
regarding pharmacological interventions for clinically diagnosed depression in renal transplant patients also requires
further investigation, specifically the concerns around safety.

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