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Chapter 4: Cell energy

Photosynthesis- Sunlight, water, CO2 in; sugars, oxygen out
Cellular Respiration- Sugar, oxygen, ADP in; Water, CO2 out
ATP/ADP- Loses/gains phosphate atom from molecule, uses or gives off energy
Strong Correlation- Follows along line, thin and long
Moderate correlation- Follows along line, more round
No correlation- Doesn t follow line, round
Lurking factors- C affects A and B, makes them seem to affect each other
Cancer- Disease, abnormal uncontrollable division of cells
Chapter 15: Digestion
Mouth- Teeth for chewing, tongue for tasting + moving food, salivary glands prod
uce amylase, acts on starch in mouth
Pharynx- Filter, warm, moisten air
Esophagus- Peristalsis, food to rest of digestive system
Stomach- Churns food, digestion w/ gastric acids, storage
Small intestine- Digestion by added enzymes, absorption of food into bloodstream
Villi- Fiber like projections from intestinal wall, increase surface area
Pancreas- Produces digestive enzymes, sent to small intestine, act on carbs, pro
teins, lipids
Liver- Produces bile, sent to small intestine to split fat droplets
Gall Bladder- Produces pepsin, acts protein, stores bile
Large Intestine- Absorbs water
Rectum- Feces storage
Anus- Elimination of feces
Chapter 16: Blood, immunity, excretion
Artery-thick walls, high blood pressure, blood away from heart
Vein-medium thickness, blood back to heart, valves so doesn t go backwards (low pr
essure), uses nearby muscles to help push blood
Capillary-Connects artery + vein, thin walls, passage of materials in and out
Atrium- Top half of heart chamber
Ventricle- Bottom half of heart chamber
Valve- Keep blood from flowing backwards
Plasma- 90% water, 10% dissolved substances (blood clotting, immune system, food
, waste, hormones), part of blood
Hemoglobin- Iron filled, bonds well w/ oxygen (4 for each molecule), red
Red Blood Cells- Carry oxygen, loses nucleus to fill w/ hemoglobin, lives 110-12
0 days, stay in circulatory system
White Blood Cells- defend body, many types, move in & out of circulatory system
Platelets- Small cell fragments, used for clotting, become sticky & cover wound,
chemical reaction, activates clotting factors w/ calcium, prothrombin -> thromb
in -> fibrinogen -> fibrin
Blood Clots- Above
Nonspecific Immunity- Skin, mucous, inflammation, cilia (small hairs), fluids (t
Specific Immunity- Antibodies, only work on specific pathogen
Pathogen- Bacteria, virus, invades body
Antigen- Makes antibodies,
Antibody- White blood cells
Vaccine- weakened or dead pathogens, used to make memory cells
Diaphragm- Pushes up on lungs to exhale, down to inhale
Trachea- Carries air to lungs from mouth
Alveoli- Endings inside lungs, contain capillaries for gas exchange, moisten, wa
rm, & clean air
Kidney- Contain nephrons, Filter blood for wastes + toxins, blood sugar levels,
1,000,000 nephrons

Ureter- Connect kidneys to bladder

Urethra- tube inside penis
Urinary Bladder- stores urine
Nephron- long tube in kidney, capillaries for filtering blood
Chapter 17- Neurones, Muscles
Skeletal Muscle- Connected to skeleton, used for limbs, voluntary
Cardiac Muscle- Found only in heart, LOTS of mitochondria, never gets tired, inv
Smooth muscle- Digestive system, diaphragm, involuntary
flexors- Contract a joint, muscles can only push, need 2 of them
extensors- Expand a joint
axon- Carries messages within neurone, can be very long, all around body
dendrite- Receive signals
nerve impulse- Electrochemical signal transmitted along neuron
synapse- Space between two adjacent neurons
neurotransmitter- Chemical secreted into gap at synapse between neurons
sensory neurone- Carries impulses from receptors toward brain or spinal cord
interneuron- Transmits impulses from one neuron to another
motor neuron- Transmits impulses from neuron to muscle/gland
endocrine glands- Glands that secrete hormones directly into blood
insulin- Hormone, regulates glucose in blood
glucagon- promotes breakdown of glycogen to glucose in liver
Chapter 18- Plants
Transpiration- Water loss from leaves thru evaporation, moves water upwards caus
e pressure
turgor pressure- When plants have enough water, are rigid
guard cells- Open and close stomata
phloem- Transports sap w/ sugars & amino acids down generally
xylem- Transports water & nutrients up generally
root hairs- Water absorption, large surface area w/ many of them
tap roots- Long root, goes deeper, short side branches, reaches water
fibrous root- many branching roots, hold soil well
stomata- Open to let water in, close to let it out

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