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Engleza de afaceri

Test 1
I. Translate the following text into Romanian:
What the world needs is healthy, sustainable growth. To achieve sustainable
growth - growth compatible with the needs and constraints of nature- we must
secure the link between environmental and economic policies at all levels of
government and in all sectors of the economy.
Harmonizing economic expansion with environmental protection requires a
recognition that there are environmental benefits to growth, just as there are
economic benefits from healthy natural systems.
Good growth unifies environmental , social and economic concerns, and stresses
the responsibility of all individuals to sustain a healthy relationship with nature.
Lucrul de care are nevoie lumea este o cretere sntoas, durabil.
Pentru a realiza o cretere durabil crestere compatibil cu nevoile i
constrngerile naturii trebuie s asiguram legtura dintre politicile de
mediu i economice la toate nivelurile de guvernare i n toate sectoarele
Armonizarea expansiunii economice cu protecia mediului necesit o
recunoastere a faptului ca exist beneficii de mediu pentru cre terea
economic, la fel cum exist beneficii economice din partea sistemelor
naturale echilibrate.
Creterea bun unific probleme de mediu, sociale i economice, i
subliniaz responsabilitatea tuturor persoanelor de a susine o rela ie
sntoas cu natura.
II.Translate into English:
1.Terenul arabil reprezinta aproximatic 30% din suprafata totala a
Marii Britanii, iar printre produsele agricole de baza se numara
cerealele, sfecla de zahar, fructele si legumele.
2. In Statele Unite ale Americii, suprafata arabila ocupa doar 21%;aici
se cultiva porumb, soia, grau, bumbac, tutun, sorg, cartofi si
fructe(lamai, portocale, mandarine, ananas, mere, piersici, struguri,
3. Cresterea animalelor are un rol semnificativ in economia Statelor
Unite, in special cresterea bovinelor, porcinelor si cabalinelor.
4. Desi numai 7% din teritoriul sau este destinat agriculturii, Canada
este unul dintre marii producatori mondiali de grau; alte produse
agricole importante sunt: orzul, ovazul, inul, rapita, cartofii si
5. Australia face parte din principalii exportatori de carne de vita si
miel, de lana si grau, cu toate ca numai circa 9% din teren este

1. The arable land represents about 30% of the total area of the UK land, and
among the basic agricultural products include cereals, sugar beet, fruits and
2. In the United States, the arable land occupies only 21%; here are cultivated
corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, tobacco, sorghum, potatoes, fruits (lemons,
oranges, tangerines, pineapples, apples, peaches, grapes, etc.
3. Livestock plays a significant role in the US economy, especially the growth
of cattle, pigs and horses.
4. Although only 7% of its territory is for agriculture, Canada is one of the
major world wheat exporter; Other important agricultural products are:
barley, oats, flax, canola, potatoes and tomatoes.
5. Australia is part of the leading exporters of beef and lamb, wool and wheat,
although only about 9% of the land is arable.
Imagine a dialogue( at least 10 lines Question Answer ) based on
the following situation:
A British tourist wants to know what he can see in the North of Romania, in
Dobrudja and in Transylvania. What would you recommend?
Hello Mr. John! How are you?Its lovely that yo finally managed to visit
Hello Mrs. Liana. Its so good to be finally here. I have heard only
great things about Romania and this is my opportunity to see for
myself. Tell me, what would you recommend to visit in the Dobrudja
Well, thats a great point to start: you could see the ruins of the
ancient town of Tomis (now Constanta) - its precinct wall, aqueducts,
underground galleries, basilica, painted crypt and Roman
amphitheater; also the ruins of the ancient Greek town of Callatis
Oh! I love exploring ruins. Its great! What could I see in The North of
the country?
Another wonderful region. There you could visit the unique Merry
Cemetery in Sapanta with its colorfully decorated wooden crosses;
and the glacier lakes, waterfalls, volcanic mountains, caves and the
geological reserve of Creasta Cocosului.
Waw.. I have heard so many things about this Merry Cemetery.Thats
definitely a place to see. What about the Transylvania and the great
Dracula story?
Well...I can see you have read so many things about my
country..Indeed in Transylvania you can visit the Bran Castle(also
known as Draculas Castle), built in 1377; another great place is the
Rasnov Fortress built in the 1300s by the Teutonic Knights to protect
Transylvania against the Tartars and the Turks.

I cant wait for this trip to start. Any thanks for your invitation and
guidance. I will go now to start the preparations. Will talk to you
soon. Good bye Mrs. Liana.
Farewell Mr John. I hope you enjoy your staying. Let me know if there
is anything I can help you with. Bye bye.

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