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Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205

Compound intensity/duration/frequency-relationships of extreme

precipitation for two seasons and two storm types
P. Willems*
Hydraulics Laboratory, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, de Croylaan 2, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
Received 1 June 1999; received in revised form 8 March 2000; accepted 9 March 2000

Intensity/duration/frequency (IDF)-relationships of extreme precipitation are widely used for design of stormwater facilities.
As the properties of extreme precipitation may be very different for different storm types and different seasons, IDF-relation-
ships which permit decomposition into different components are established. The different components refer to different storm
types or to different seasons, depending on the type of decomposition.
The present study is based on the long raingauge record of 10-min precipitation depths at Uccle/Ukkel (Belgium) for the
period 1967±1993. Storms of two different types (type a: airmass thunderstorms, and type b: cyclonic/frontal storms) are
separated based on their distribution of peak-over-threshold intensity. This is done for each duration (aggregation-level) in the
range 10 min±15 days, using a two-component exponential distribution. The exponential decay parameters and the mixing
parameter for the two components are estimated as functions of the aggregation-level. Those functions show scaling properties
for the parameters.
Different mixtures of storms of types a and b are also estimated for summer and winter conditions. It brings new elements in
our current understanding of what determines the IDF curves and their scaling properties. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.
Keywords: Rainfall; IDF curves; Flood design; Scaling

1. Introduction `durations'. Conditioned on such durations, the condi-

tional IDF-relationships (or intensity/frequency-rela-
Intensity/duration/frequency (IDF)-relationships of tionships) are essentially cumulative distribution
extreme precipitation are widely used for ¯ood design functions of precipitation intensity (Eagleson, 1970;
estimation. They describe the relationship between Chow et al., 1988). As one is interested in rather
mean precipitation intensity and frequency of occur- exceptional precipitation intensities (small frequency)
rence (the inverse of the return period) for different during the design of stormwater facilities, the distri-
time intervals of a given duration. These intervals bution functions match extreme value distributions.
over which the precipitation intensity is averaged or To derive IDF-relationships, the proper type of
`aggregated' are called `aggregation-levels' or simply distribution is selected ®rst by an extreme value analy-
sis and the distribution parameters are calibrated for a
* Fax: 132-16-32-18-98.
given range of aggregation-levels. Afterwards, the
E-mail address: relationships between model parameters and aggrega-
(P. Willems). tion-level are analysed. The model parameter values
0022-1694/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0022-169 4(00)00233-X
190 P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205

are eventually modi®ed a little, while still being parameter may be very different from the return
acceptable, to derive smooth relationships. The para- period of the design storm. Systems do not behave
meter/aggregation-level relationships, together with in a linear way when pumping stations, retention
the analytical description of the extreme value distri- basins, non-linear boundary conditions,¼ are
bution, then comprise the IDF-relationships. included. Also after integration of subsystems with
The studied range of aggregation-levels depends on different concentration times (e.g. catchment runoff,
the application. The largest aggregation-level, which sewer system, waste water treatment plant and receiv-
is relevant for the application, is related to the concen- ing water in integrated urban drainage modelling), the
tration time and the recession time of the system under total system may be non-linear. In such non-linear
study (catchment runoff, river, sewer system,¼). The applications, design storms are less useful and the
concentration time is the time the water needs to ¯ow full statistical information of the long-term rainfall
from the (in time) most remote point of the catchment series should be used. The rainfall time series can
to the point in which the design parameter (peak be either historical or synthetic. A synthetic series is
discharge, high water level, storage volume) is studied generated by a rainfall model or a `rainfall generator'.
(Chow et al., 1988). It is also related to the recession It is often applied when historical series of homoge-
time of the studied ¯ow-component in the catchment. neous rainfall is not available for a suf®ciently long
Assuming an exponential decrease of runoff time. The length that is needed for these series
discharges Q in time t during dry-weather periods: depends on the accuracy requirements of the design
  parameter for the maximum return period in the appli-
t 2 t0
Q…t† ˆ Q…t0 †exp 2 …1† cation. Especially, in the relatively new challenging
®eld of applications with spatial rainfall input, rainfall
the parameter K, which is inversely proportional to the generators are often applied. Before being used, the
recession velocity, is de®ned as the recession time. rainfall generators have to be validated by testing the
The larger the system or the more the ¯ow is prediction of the most important statistical rainfall
hampered in the system, the larger the concentration information, which is embedded in IDF-relationships.
time/recession time and the larger the interval over Some generators can even be calibrated on the basis of
which the precipitation intensities can jointly in¯u- these relationships. Contradictory to what is
ence the value of the design parameter. In the present mentioned by some, IDF-relationships should
study, the range of aggregation-levels varies from therefore not be considered `old fashion'. They still
10 min to 15 days. The recession times for overland play an important role in state-of-the-art hydrological
¯ow in small hydrographic catchments and the applications.
concentration times in the largest urban drainage
systems are comprised by this range and, therefore,
design storms for these catchments can be derived on 2. Precipitation data
the basis of the IDF-relationships. An example of
design storms is the so-called `composite storm' In the present study, 10 min clock-time precipita-
(e.g. Chicago storm of Keifer and Chu (1957)). In tion data at Uccle/Ukkel (Belgium) is used. This data
this storm, the average precipitation intensity over is currently available for the 27 year period 1967±
each centred duration equals the IDF-value for the 1993 and is collected with high accuracy by the
given return period of the storm. Such a storm thus Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium. The preci-
contains the most important statistical precipitation pitation data from a Hellmann±Fuess syphon pluvio-
information for hydrological applications: precipita- graph were modulated by the Institute to the daily
tion intensities and storm volumes for different return precipitation amounts from a non-recording pit
periods. They may be useful for the simple design of gauge. By this modulation the data are partly
sewer conduits, dikes, dams, irrigation systems,¼. In corrected for measurement biases by wind effects
more complex applications, with non-linear systems and wetting losses. At the non-recording pit gauge,
and when different aspects are involved (e.g. water the wind effects are reduced by the ground level of
quality aspects), the return period of the design the gauge (the recording gauge is 1.3 m above the
P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205 191

ground level) and by a Nipher windshield. The interevent time of 12 h in the independency criter-
wetting losses are smaller in the non-recording pit ion, the return period calculated in this study should
gauge because of the smaller area of the internal be interpreted as the average time between two days
walls of the collector. or nights with ¯ood events.
The sampled extremes are derived from the time If the calibrated distribution of independent preci-
series as peak-over-threshold values by the moving- pitation extremes x for a given aggregation-level is
average technique. The 324 largest extremes (the denoted by F(x), the return period T (also called recur-
threshold corresponding to the precipitation depth rence interval) is de®ned here by the following
with an average return period of one month) are formula:
extracted; the threshold-level being different for n
different aggregation-levels. As independent extremes T ‰yearsŠ ˆ …2†
t…1 2 F…x††
have to be derived at the different aggregation-levels,
an independency criterion has to be used. By such with n the total length of the precipitation time series
criterion, it is, however, dif®cult to approach total [years] (27 in this application) and t the total number
statistical independency, which is assumed in extreme of sampled extremes used for calibration of the distri-
value theory. Only a large physical independency is bution.
approached. This large independency often allows This de®nition of return period corresponds to
application of extreme value theory and forms a theo- the peak-over-threshold or partial-duration-series
retical basis for distribution calibration. method of data sampling. It does not agree with
In river ¯ood applications, consecutive peak ¯oods the de®nition used in combination with the annual
are de®ned by the US Water Resources Council maxima method: the return period is the inverse of
(1982) as independent if the interevent time exceeds the population survival distribution of the annual
a critical time and if an interevent discharge drops maxima. After Langbein (1947) and some assump-
below a critical ¯ow. Only the ®rst condition is used tions mentioned by Chow et al. (1988), it can be
here, as the second condition has no meaning in preci- easily shown that this de®nition corresponds to the
pitation time series. The critical interevent time following formula whenever population distribu-
should be large enough so that the derived design tions F(x) of peak-over-threshold values are used:
parameter values (see Section 1) can be consid- 1
ered independent. The larger the concentration/ T ‰yearsŠ ˆ   …3†
t…1 2 F…x††
recession time of a system, the larger this value 1 2 exp 2
should be taken. In the present study, it is taken
equal to the aggregation-level, with a minimum This de®nition is historically based on the use of
value of 12 h. A minimum value of 12 h is set annual maxima in extreme value analysis: return
out by the fact that two ¯ood events within the period de®ned as the inverse of the probability of
same day or night are commonly interpreted to be exceedence in any year. Anyhow, by the use of
one extreme event. annual maxima no predictions of return periods
The choice of the independency criterion is rather lower than or equal to one year are possible.
subjective and it in¯uences the number of extremes Predictions of the lower return periods (lower
and also the interpretation of the return period of a than ten years) can be achieved more accurately
precipitation extreme. This in¯uence might be by extreme value analysis based on peak-over-
important only for the smaller return periods. The threshold values, as one is not restricted to
larger extremes are more independent and, for maxima in ®xed time intervals: a variance reduc-
return periods much larger than the length of the tion is achieved in the quantile estimates of the
precipitation time series, the in¯uence of the inde- distribution (see e.g. Buishand (1989) and Madsen
pendency criterion on the IDF-relationships is rather et al. (1997)). Although these lower return periods
small if compared with the intrinsic statistical are not important in river ¯ood design applica-
uncertainty of a large extrapolation on the basis of tions, they have relevance in many other applica-
an extreme value analysis. Based on the minimum tions: sewer system design (predicting sewer pipe
192 P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205

¯ooding, over¯ow emissions,¼), retention basin equal:

design, highway design,¼. The interpretation  
x 2 xm
that should be given to return period following F…x† ˆ 1 2 exp 2
the de®nition of Eq. (2) corresponds much more
to the interpretation given in practice: return F 21 …1 2 p† ˆ xm 2 bln…p† …4†
period as the inverse of the average number of
exceedences in any period of one year length. The quantile function then equals:
Engineers are interested in the occurrence of
U…p† ˆ 2ln…p†: …5†
certain events in terms of a frequency, and not
in its occurrence as a yearly maxima. Therefore, Adapted QQ-plots are very useful to study the tail
this de®nition is preferred here. Anyhow, the behaviour of empirical distributions. By looking for
differences between the two de®nitions are small the QQ-plot in which the largest observations behave
for the larger return periods; they can be consid- in an asymptotic linear way, the type of the distribu-
ered negligible for return periods larger than ten tion of the studied extremes can be derived. By
years (Chow et al., 1988). performing weighted linear regressions in this plot,
also the optimal threshold xt can be derived. The opti-
mal threshold xt is the value of x above which the
3. Extreme value analysis calibrated distribution F(x) is the most accurate one.
Related to the ordering of the sampled extremes, the
3.1. Type of distribution index t is called the `order' of the threshold. Based on
the recent work of Beirlant et al. (1996), a systematic
The most ef®cient way to analyse the type of distri- methodology is presented in Willems (1998a,b) to
bution, is by means of the so-called `quantile±quan- derive the type of the distribution and the optimal
tile plots (Q±Q plots)' (as stated in Willems, threshold.
1998a,b). In QQ-plots, empirical quantiles are After applying that methodology to the presently
shown against theoretical quantiles. The empirical studied precipitation data, it is seen that the tail of
quantiles match the observed extremes xi, i ˆ 1; m the distribution behaves in an exponential way (zero
…x1 $ ¼ $ xm † (the order-statistics), with pi ˆ extreme value index) for the whole range of
i=…m 1 c† as their corresponding empirical aggregation-levels (see Fig. 1). It is also seen that
probabilities of exceedance. In this study, the scores the optimal threshold increases to lower orders with
c…0 # c # 1† are given a value of 1, corresponding to increasing aggregation-level. At the aggregation-level
the so-called Weibull plotting position of a quantile of four days, the optimal threshold even reaches the
plot. For each empirical quantile xi, the theoretical largest sample (order 1). For the larger aggregation-
quantile is de®ned as F 21 …1 2 pi †: The function F(x) levels, an optimal threshold larger than the largest
is the cumulative distribution that is tested in the QQ- sample is expected and the extreme value distribution
plot and the QQ-plot is named according to this distri- cannot be calibrated. Also for the aggregation-levels
bution. If the observations agree with the considered larger than 0.25 days, the extreme value distribution
distribution F(x), the points in the QQ-plot approach cannot be calibrated accurately, because only a few
the bisector. samples (less than ten) are available for the calibration.
To study the validity of the distribution F(x) with- For aggregation-levels larger than six days (thus
out the knowledge of the parameter values, adapted when almost no precipitation intensities from the
QQ-plots are used. In these adapted QQ-plots, the so- extreme exponential population are observed),
called quantile function U(p) is plotted instead of the another exponential tail behaviour is observed. This
inverse distribution F 21 …1 2 p†. The function U(p) is second exponential distribution has a lower mean
de®ned as the most simple function of p that is line- (lower value for the slope of the asymptotic linear
arly dependent on F 21 …1 2 p† and independent of the path in the Q±Q plot) and the second exponential
parameter values of F(x). For exponential QQ-plots, distribution can also be observed below the optimal
for instance, the distribution and inverse distribution threshold for the lower aggregation-levels. Therefore,
P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205 193

Fig. 1. Calibration of the two-component exponential distribution by different methods; representation of results in exponential QQ-plots for
aggregation-levels of 60, 360 min, 2 and 15 days.

a `two-component exponential distribution' is chosen distribution functions:

to represent the tail behaviour of extreme precipitation  
x 2 xt
intensities for a large range of aggregation-levels and Ga …x† ˆ 1 2 exp 2
a large range of samples. ba
Following the two-component extreme value  
x 2 xt
distribution, introduced by Rossi et al. (1984), Gb …x† ˆ 1 2 exp 2 …7†
the two-component exponential distribution is de®ned
as: The probability distribution G(x) can thus be considered
as the combined distribution of two exponentially
G…x† ˆ pa Ga …x† 1 …1 2 pa †Gb …x† …6† distributed populations a and b, in which pa represents
the proportion of the population a. It is presumable that
in which Ga(x) and Gb(x) are two different exponential the two distributions arise from the fact there exist two
194 P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205

Fig. 2. (a) Hill-type regression above the optimal threshold t ˆ 112 in an exponential QQ-plot. (b) Left vert. axis (V), Hill-type estimation of
slope in the exponential QQ-plot; Right vert. axis. (S), Mean squared error of Hill-type regression in the exponential QQ-plot; Precipitation
intensities at an aggregation-level of 5 days.

different types of storms: storms with single convec- with population a (largest parameter b ), because it is
tive rain cells (associated with airmass thunder- known that the extreme precipitation intensities are,
storms in summer) and storms with many spatially on average, larger for this storm type.
clustered rain cells (associated with cyclonic and fron- As was mentioned before, the order of the optimal
tal storms in winter). The ®rst storm type is associated threshold for the ®rst exponential distribution
P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205 195

Fig. 3. (a) The threshold-level xt in relation with the aggregation-level. (b) Modi®cation of the threshold-level.

decreases for increasing aggregation-level. This pa becomes very small and population a is not
means that fewer precipitation samples are available observed any more.
for calibration of the distribution of population a. This
also means that the proportion p of population a 3.2. Calibration of the distribution
decreases with increasing aggregation-level. At
aggregation-levels larger than 6 days, the proportion The two-component exponential distribution is
196 P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205

calibrated by different methods: the traditional maxi- MSE represented in Fig. 2b. For this threshold, a Hill-
mum-likelihood (ML) method and a method that is type linear regression is performed in Fig. 2a and the
derived from the method proposed by Beirlant et al. slope of the regression line equals the parameter b b of
(1996) to calibrate exponential-type distributions. As the exponential distribution. In Fig. 2b, this parameter
the ML-method is well known, only the second is plotted for all threshold-levels. At the high
method is brie¯y described. threshold-levels, there is a large ¯uctuation of the
Extreme value distributions are calibrated by Beirlant parameter values, because of the statistical uncer-
et al. (1996) by a weighted linear regression in a QQ- tainty; only a few observations can be used for esti-
plot. Although there exist optimal weights for such mation of the parameter. At lower threshold-levels
regressions, good results can be derived by applying …t . 170†; the parameter values start to deviate from
no weights or the weights suggested by Hill (1975). A the earlier values. They are continuously increasing
regression based on the `Hill-weights' is called here a with increasing t. This behaviour is caused by the
Hill-type regression. The optimal threshold can be deviation of the points from the linear path in the
found as the threshold which minimizes the mean QQ-plot of Fig. 2a. In the intermediate range …30 ,
squared error of the regression. For exponential distri- t , 170†; the parameter values remain almost
butions, the regression is performed in an exponential constant. This is the range in which the optimal
QQ-plot (see Section 3.1). The two-component expo- threshold is situated. In that range, the MSE reaches
nential distribution is calibrated here in the same way by local minima at three threshold orders: t ˆ 53; t ˆ
regression in an exponential QQ-plot. The threshold 112 and t ˆ 150: These thresholds are considered as
which minimises the mean squared error of the regres- the optimal ones: the parameter b b can be estimated
sion is considered as the optimal threshold. on the basis of linear regression most accurately at
The results of the calibrations by the different meth- these thresholds. An inventory of all local minima
ods (non-weighted regression in an exponential QQ- is made, and the threshold levels are chosen at the
plot, Hill-type regression in an exponential QQ-plot, local minima, which give rise to a smooth
the traditional ML-method) are shown in Fig. 1 for decreasing path in relation with the aggregation-
some aggregation-levels (60 min, 360 min, 2 days and level. This path is shown in Fig. 3a, together with
15 days). As can be seen in this ®gure, the calibration the local minima, at different aggregation-levels
becomes more dif®cult for the larger aggregation- larger than 2.75 days. The path is ®tted by an exponen-
levels, because the number of points indicating an tial curve. For aggregation-levels smaller than
asymptotic linear behaviour in the QQ-plot becomes 2.75 days, the optimal threshold order is taken equal
smaller. As stated before, these points are associated to maximum sample size (324). If the threshold levels
with population a. For the aggregation-level of 2 days, corresponding to these orders are plotted in function of
there is even a large difference between the calibration the aggregation-level D (see Fig. 3b), a non-smoothed
results of the different methods. Applying the non- curve is found by the discontinuous behaviour at D ˆ
weighted regression method, a two-component expo- 2:75 days: As a more smoothed curve is preferred in the
nential distribution is found with clearly different present study, the threshold levels are modi®ed by the
parameters b a and b b. Applying the Hill-type regres- linear curve in Fig. 3b:
sion and ML-methods, a single exponential distribu-
tion (a full linear path in the QQ-plot) is found. log…xt ‰mm=hŠ† ˆ 20:05±0:58 log…D ‰daysŠ† …9†
The optimal threshold of the two-component expo-
nential distribution is for most aggregation-levels whenever a distribution can be calibrated for a threshold
smaller than the smallest sample. The distribution xt, the distribution can indeed also be calibrated,
function is then calibrated to all samples and the although in a less accurate way, for higher thresholds
order of the optimal threshold is taken equal to t ˆ xs …s , t†: A curve is chosen that approximates the
m ˆ 324: For aggregation-levels larger than 3 days, a tangents at both ends of the discontinuous curve in a
lower order is found. This is shown in Fig. 2 for the close way. At the same time, it could be chosen equal
aggregation-level of 5 days. The optimal threshold is to the curve ®tted to the rainfall intensities with the same
found as the threshold …t ˆ 112† which minimises the order 54 (or the same return period of 1/4 years) for all
P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205 197

Fig. 4. Calibration results for the parameters b a, b b and pa of the two-component exponential distribution by two methods: Regression in
exponential QQ-plot (V), ML method ( £ ).

aggregation-levels for the winter subpopulation (see is indeed not that smooth in this range. For aggrega-
later). This is shown in Fig. 3b. tion-levels larger than 2 days, it is even not possible to
calibrate the parameters b a and pa because the number
3.3. Relationships between model parameters and the of observations associated with population a becomes
aggregation-level very low. However, it is expected they will have the
same linear behaviour in Fig. 4 for the larger aggrega-
An overview of the calibration results for different tion-levels.
aggregation-levels is given in Fig. 4. After a logarith- The deviation from the linear behaviour that is
mic transformation of both axes, a linear decrease of found for the parameters in Fig. 4 for the range
the parameters b a, b b and pa with aggregation-level is from 0.5 to 2 days is considered as a bias in the para-
found (dotted lines as regression lines in Fig. 4): meter calibration. The bias is caused by the very irre-
log…ba ‰mm=hŠ† ˆ 20:05±0:58 log…D ‰daysŠ† gular path of the points in the QQ-plots for these
aggregation-levels and by the very small number of
log…bb ‰mm=hŠ† ˆ 20:55±0:58 log…D ‰daysŠ† observations associated with population a (see e.g.
Fig. 1; D ˆ 2 days†: Anyhow, it has been shown
visually that the assumption of a linear behaviour in
log…pa † ˆ 21:35±0:58 log…D ‰daysŠ† …10†
this range (dotted lines in Fig. 4) produces a distribu-
For aggregation-levels larger than 2 days, a one- tion ®t with equal quality. As this linear behaviour
component exponential distribution is assumed and seems to continue for aggregation-levels larger than
only the parameter b b is calibrated. The same linear 2 days, it is assumed for the whole range of aggrega-
behaviour is found for b b for these larger aggregation- tion-levels considered in the present study.
levels. As stated before, the calibration results of the
parameters b a and pa (the distribution parameters of
population a) become less accurate for the aggrega- 4. IDF-relationships
tion-levels between 0.25 and 6 days. The curve of the
parameter values in function of the aggregation-level On the basis of the calibrated distribution functions
198 P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205

Fig. 5. Mean annual IDF-relationships for return periods of 27, 9, 2.7 and 1 years; comparison of calibrated IDF-relationships with observations.

Ga and Gb, IDF-relationships can be derived. For each In this formula, n is the number of years that are used
precipitation intensity x and for each aggregation- in the analysis: n ˆ 27: The property t is the
level, the return period (as de®ned in Section 2) can threshold order (the observed order of the thresh-
be calculated from the calibrated distribution old levels).
functions: In Fig. 5, a comparison is shown between empiri-
cally derived IDF-relationships (or samples) and the
n relationships calculated by Eq. (11), together with the
Tˆ …11†
t…pa …1 2 Ga …x†† 1 …1 2 pa †…1 2 Gb …x††† ®tted relationships of b a, b b, pa and xt.

Fig. 6. Comparison of the observations and the exponential distribution of population b for the precipitation intensities in the WINTER period
(October±March) (V), and the shorter winter period (November±January) ( A); representation in exponential QQ-plots for two aggregation-
levels (60 min and 5 days).
P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205 199

Fig. 7. Comparison of the observations and the two-component exponential distribution for the precipitation intensities in the SUMMER period
(April±September); representation in exponential QQ-plots for two aggregation-levels (60 min and 5 days).

5. Separate description of winter and summer months October, February and March. Hereafter, the
populations distribution function of the summer population is
denoted by G1(x), while the distribution function of
The IDF-relationships derived in Sections 3.3 and the winter period is denoted by G2(x).
4, are `mean annual' relationships. It is also possible When the summer and winter populations are
to derive separate relationships for winter and described by the populations a and b:
summer. The winter period is de®ned here as the
period April±September, while the summer period is G1 …x† ˆ p1 Ga …x† 1 …1 2 p1 †Gb …x†
de®ned as the period October±March.
As mentioned in Section 3.1, the population a (with G2 …x† ˆ p2 Ga …x† 1 …1 2 p2 †Gb …x† …12†
distribution function Ga) is associated with thunder-
storms in summer. The population b (with distri- it has been shown by Fig. 6 that p2 can be approxi-
bution function Gb) is associated with cyclonic mated well by zero.
and frontal storms in winter. As cyclonic and Furthermore, the return period can be calculated
frontal storms can also occur in the summer from the winter and summer population distributions
period, and thunderstorms occur rather rarely in in the same way as they can be calculated from the
the winter period, it is ®rst tested if the winter distributions of the populations a and b:
population can be described by the single distribu-
tion function Gb. In Figs. 6 and 7, a comparison is n

made between the model Gb and the observations t…pa …1 2 Ga …x†† 1 …1 2 pa †…1 2 Gb …x†††
for the winter period for two aggregation-levels. n
In these ®gures, it can be seen that all but the ˆ …13†
t1 …1 2 G1 …x†† 1 t2 …1 2 G2 …x††
largest observations can be described by the
model. The largest observations are therefore asso- The values t1 and t2 are the orders of the calibrated
ciated with thunderstorms in the early spring or optimal thresholds for the summer and winter popula-
the late autumn. To prove this partially, the obser- tions. In Section 3.2, the threshold order t2 has been
vations from the shorter winter period November± taken constant to a value of 54 for all aggregation-
January are also plotted in Fig. 6. The largest levels. The total number of exceedences t is further-
observations in the winter period are indeed during the more the sum of the number of exceedences in
200 P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205

Fig. 8. The parameter p1 in relation with the aggregation-level.

summer and winter: Eq. (13) can also be written as:

t ˆ t1 1 t2 …14† 1 1 1 1 1
ˆ 1 ˆ 1 …17†
T Ta Tb T1 T2
From Eqs. (13) and (14), the following evident
relationship can also be found: with Ta and Tb the return periods for rainfall events of
population a and b and T1 and T2 the return periods for
tp ˆ t1 p1 1 t2 p2 …15†
summer and winter events. Whenever the compound
The values of p2 and t2 are known, so that Eqs. (14) IDF-relationships are applied to derive separate
and (15) form a set of two equations with three design storms for winter and summer or for the two
unknowns: t, t1 and p1. The threshold orders t and t1 storm types, Eq. (17) must be applied to calculate the
can be easily derived empirically as the number of return period.
exceedences of the threshold level xt in the observed
populations. By considering the empirical values for t
6. Scaling properties of precipitation
and t1 in relation with the aggregation-level, the para-
meter p1 of the two-component exponential distribu-
The relationships of Eqs. (9) and (10), presented in
tion of the summer population can be calculated in
Figs. 3b and 4, show some scaling properties of rain-
relation with the aggregation-level. A smooth linear
fall. The distribution parameters have a power law of
relationship is found (Fig. 8):
the aggregation-level. This means that if the para-
log…p1 † ˆ 21:12 2 0:5 log…D ‰daysŠ† …16† meter values are known for one certain aggregation-
level, they are also known for all other aggregation-
Using this relationship, the two remaining unknowns t
levels only by applying a scaling factor. This is shown
and t1 can be calculated from Eqs. (14) and (15).
below for a parameter b D in relation with the
The IDF-relationships can thus be separated both in
aggregation-level D:
relationships for winter and summer and relationships
for the two different storm types. As a consequence, bD ˆ aDb
P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205 201

Fig. 9. Scaling of raw moments in relation with the aggregation-level (winter season).

b l D ˆ lb b D …18† in the probability distribution of the rainfall intensities

observed at different time scales, is called `strict sense
l is the scale factor and b the scaling exponent. The simple scaling' by Gupta and Waymire (1990) and
scaling exponent equals the linear slope of the rela- Burlando and Rosso (1996).
tionship between b and D in a double logarithmic plot When the equality of Eq. (19) holds, the scale
(see Figs. 3b and 4). The scaling property of Eq. (18) invariance should also hold for the distribution
is also called `scale invariance'. Using terminology of moments. Denoting a raw moment of order l and at
scaling theories, the aggregation-level D can also be time scale D by E‰XDl Š; the following property should
considered as a `time scale'. hold:
The scaling property is valid for all parameters of
the two exponential distributions Ga and Gb: b a, b b E‰Xll D Š ˆ llb E‰XDl Š …20†
and pa. Even the scaling exponent is the same for all
parameters: b ˆ 0:58: This means that after scaling of For moment orders up to ®ve it is shown in Fig. 9 that
the rainfall intensities, the same exponential distribu- the scaling properties hold for the winter population
tion is found for all aggregation-levels: over the whole range of aggregation-levels. In this
Ga;lD …lb x† ˆ Ga;D …x† ®gure, the raw moments are shown in terms of rainfall
volumes during time periods equal to the aggregation-
Gb;lD …lb x† ˆ Gb;D …x† …19† level. A linear relationship is found for all moment
orders, with a slope equal to one minus the scaling
Indeed, if all rainfall intensities are scaled with a exponent of the distribution moment. If the raw
factor l b, also the speci®c rainfall intensity with moments were calculated for rainfall intensities
frequency order m (being the threshold level xt) and instead of rainfall volumes, the scaling exponent
the mean rainfall intensity exceeding the threshold would directly correspond to the slope of the linear
(being the scale parameter b , also the ®rst moment relationship. At the ®rst moment l ˆ 1; the scaling
of the exponential distribution) will be scaled with the exponent is found: b ˆ 1 2 0:42 ˆ 0:58 (for the
same factor. The property of Eq. (19), stating equality winter period). In Fig. 10, the growth of the slope is
202 P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205

Fig. 10. Scaling exponent in relation with the moment order.

analysed for increasing moment order. For the winter of the distribution parameters. Because of the simple
population, a linearly growing slope is found. This scaling properties of distribution Gb and the constant
property is called `simple scaling' by Gupta and threshold order t2 ˆ 54; the IDF-curves for the winter
Waymire (1990). It means that the variability in the period represent parallel linear curves in a double
rainfall process does not change with scale. A logarithmic plot (see Fig. 11). Besides for explaining
constant scaling exponent is thus found for the distri- the typical shape of the IDF-curves, the scaling
bution Gb. The value of b ˆ 0:58 is in total agreement properties are also useful for making a scale
with the earlier derived value for the scaling exponent shift from the range of scales spanned by the

Fig. 11. Winter IDF-relationships for return periods of 27, 9, 2.7 and 1 years; comparison of calibrated IDF-relationships with observations.
P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205 203

rainfall data to any scale needed in hydrological appli- is possible. There also exists an upper bound for the
cations. Both scale magni®cation and scale contrac- scale range in that case. By analysing the raw moments
tion (or `downscaling') are possible in the `simple in function of the scale, it is seen that in this application
scaling' case. With `downscaling', the extrapolation the upper bound equals approximately 3.5 days.
to aggregation-levels smaller than the time step of Because of the observed scaling properties, the
rainfall time series is meant here. If an hourly rainfall variability of the rainfall process at the different scales
time series is available, IDF-curves and design storms can also be explained by fractal theory developed by
up to aggregation-levels of 10 min can for instance be Schertzer and Lovejoy (1991). This has been shown
derived in this way. As was also stated by Olsson and already for the same rainfall series as used in the
Niemczynowicz (1994), this is an important practical present study by Schmitt et al. (1998). He also
application of the derived scaling properties, espe- found the same upper bound for the scale range:
cially for urban hydrology (the hydrology of small 3.5 days. Based on fractal theory, it is for instance
scales). expected that the winter population and the separate
Simple scaling of rainfall intensities seems to hold populations for the two storm types (with parallel
for each storm type (for population a and b, the two IDF-curves) can be described by a purely monofractal
populations with a single exponential distribution process (Schmitt, 1998, personal communication).
function). Because the winter population is only Bendjoudi et al. (1997) have shown how formal
built up with population b members, also the equations can be derived for the IDF-relationships
winter population exhibit simple scaling proper- on the basis of the scale invariant properties of
ties. For the summer and mean annual population, multifractals. They only depend on a small
however, a concave growth curve is found for the number of multifractal parameters. In the mono-
scaling exponent (Fig. 10). This corresponds to fractal case, the constant scaling exponent of the
`multiple scaling' of the rainfall intensities distribution parameters …b ˆ 0:58†; for example,
(Gupta and Waymire (1990)). The concave curve corresponds to the single so-called `singularity'
is typical for natural phenomena. It means that the in fractal theory. However, the two-component
variability in the rainfall process decreases with exponential model used in this study for the
increasing scale. Based on the literature on turbu- summer and total year population is not compati-
lence, this feature is explained by Gupta and ble with multifractality, since the moments of the
Waymire (1990), among others, by the `cascading rainfall extremes should be scaling only in
down' of some large-scale energy ¯ux to succes- approximation. However, up to a duration of 3 days,
sively smaller scales. In this study, it is explained the storms of type a, although not dominant in the
by the combination of two populations with mixture for those durations, are those that control
simple scaled rainfall intensities. The separation the rainfall extremes. This is the reason why fractal
in two populations of storm types is of course theory, although theoretically not compatible with the
rather super®cial. A broad range of storm types model derived in this study, can be applied
exists in reality. The current separation in thunder- approximately.
storm and cyclonic/frontal storm types in this More general than the concept of multifractality, is
study is however a ®rst (and most obvious) the notion of self-similarity. It has been introduced by
separation. It already helps in explaining some Veneziano et al. (1996): `a random measure is self-
features in the IDF-relationships, the underlying similar if, when its support is stretched by a factor
distributions and the scaling properties of point greater than one and is translated by an arbitrary
rainfall. amount, the resulting measure is identical in distribu-
In the multiscaling case, the scaling properties can be tion to the original one, multiplied by a random vari-
used for either scale magni®cation or scale contraction, able'. According to this de®nition, the nonlinearity of
but not for both. This is called the `irreversibility prop- the ®tted moment exponents in this study indicate that
erty' of the rainfall process. For concave growth curves the self-similarity does not hold exactly for the rain-
of the scaling exponent, Gupta and Waymire (1990) fall process. However, by the same reason as given
have shown that only scale contraction or `downscaling' above, approximate self-similarity may hold.
204 P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205

7. Conclusions (April±September). It has been noticed that the preci-

pitation depths in the winter season approximate very
IDF-relationships have been derived for extreme well the second exponential distribution (with lowest
precipitation intensities at Uccle/Ukkel (Belgium) scale-parameter b ). Besides a few events, extremely
for aggregation-levels in the range 10 min±15 days. heavy thunderstorms are indeed not expected in the
For every aggregation-level (or `duration'), the winter season. In the summer season, however, both
extreme precipitation depths are studied by combining storms occur and the summer population is described
traditional and recently developed methods of by a two-component exponential distribution.
extreme value analysis. The type of distribution, After relating the parameters of the two-component
together with the threshold above which the type of exponential distribution to the aggregation-level, IDF-
distribution holds, is determined by the recently relationships are derived. These relationships can be
developed method of Beirlant et al. (1996). In this applied for many purposes. A widely known purpose
method, the behaviour of the distribution's tail is is the derivation of the so-called design storms for
studied by means of QQ-plots. The distribution is simple design applications. In more complex applica-
calibrated by regression in the QQ-plot (both non- tions, rainfall generators are often used and these
weighted and weighted regression with weights generators can be calibrated (or at least tested) on
following Hill (1975)) and the optimal threshold is the basis of the IDF-relationships. By the possibility
®xed after minimisation of the mean-squared-error to decompose the relationships, following the two
(MSE) of the regression. For reasons of comparison, exponential distributions, separate design storms can
the distribution is also calibration by the traditional be derived for the different storm types and different
ML-method for the same optimal threshold. seasons. Presently, only the winter and summer
By this method, an exponential behaviour is found season and two storm types are considered, although
for all aggregation-levels. For increasing aggregation- it is easily possible to extend the analysis to smaller
level, the scale-parameter b of the exponential distri- seasons, e.g. months, and to more classes of storm
bution decreases and the optimal threshold increases types. The decomposition allows more ¯exibility in
to samples with lower order. At aggregation-levels the applications. In design storm applications, more
larger than 6 days, the optimal threshold exceeds the accurate return periods can be achieved by simulating
sample with lowest order and another exponential different design storms for different seasons, together
behaviour (with scale-parameter of lower order of with different seasonally dependent average initial
magnitude) is found. At aggregation-levels between conditions and parameters in the rainfall-runoff
0.25 and 6 days, the few samples showing the ®rst model. If only two seasons are considered in the appli-
exponential behaviour can also be seen as values cation, the return period T of a design parameter can
much higher than the rest. These values qualify as be calculated on the basis of the return periods Tw and
outliers under the second exponential distribution. Ts for the two seasons:
This presence of two exponential behaviours (with 1 1 1
different orders of magnitude of the slope in the ˆ 1
T Tw Ts
exponential QQ-plot) is attributed to two different
exponentially distributed populations of precipitation In rainfall generator applications, by calibrating/test-
depths: precipitation depths from convective rain cells ing the generator on the basis of the total IDF-relation-
(thunderstorms) and precipitation depths from cyclo- ships, as well as the ones for different seasons and
nic/frontal storms. Analogous to the two-component different storm types, better performing generators
extreme value distribution, introduced by Rossi et al. can be guaranteed.
(1984), a two-component exponential distribution was Referring to scaling theories, it was moreover
assumed. This distribution arises from a mixture of shown that the parameters of the two-component
two exponential distributions. The mixture is different distribution, which underlie the IDF-relationships,
for different seasons. In the study, the mixture has exhibit properties of `simple scaling'. These
been quanti®ed for the whole year, the winter properties could help with explaining the typical
season (October±March) and the summer season shape of the IDF-relationships. They can also be
P. Willems / Journal of Hydrology 233 (2000) 189±205 205

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