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Kuthumi and A.D.D.


thee at this time, to bring unto thee the wisdom that you are seeking to assist you on this
pathway of awakening and of healing. Greetings, Sister, and we greet you from the heart in the
presence. It is at this time that there is great need for those of the holistic world to bring
forward different techniques to assist these children that are being misdiagnosed quite often
and those who are in truth suffering with this ailment, having the chemicals put into their
The most disturbing factor at this time is that many children who are below the age of five and
six years old, in fact, young toddlers are also being given the drug of Ritalin and Dexedrine
which are having very negative effects on their brain, the chemical structure of the brain.
These chemicals have been created to dull certain senses in the brain in order to bring
passivity with the child. However, very often, what is being diagnosed as Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder is simply that diagnosis of Light in the new
children that are in this world at this time.
The parents who are guardians to these children are also needing to learn to adapt to what
these children are demanding, not only in the structure of their environment, but in the
structure of their physical and emotional bodies too. It is suggested by Spirit that these
children who are having difficulty with concentration on one specific task at any one specific
time, are to be supported with the animal kingdom. Perhaps a space can be created where
certain animals are kept and children are given time, perhaps 10 to 15 minutes at a time to
spend with these animals, to observe how they eat, to observe their habits. This will in itself
begin to bring a sense of focus to the child. As much creativity as possible is needed. And
these children cannot be educated in a strict disciplined format because it will only push the
child more into the state of disruption.
In truth a whole new way of education is needing to be brought forward for these children,
where they are taught in what many will consider most unconventional ways. These children
need to be held in nature. When the weather is not permitting this, then it must be in an
environment that has as much natural material as possible, very little man-made objects.
Using animals, using clay, mud, organic paints, recycled paper, wooden toys is all very
important. Each child needs to be given the opportunity to express the energy within
themselves that they need to channel; even those who are diagnosed correctly are also
needing the proper environment to support their needs. What is happening at this time, is that
the children are being forced to fit into the mould that the adult world has created for them teachers and doctors and parents. But what needs to happen in truth is that the adults need to
learn to adapt to what these children's needs are, because they are an entirely different breed
of souls. Now we are in full understanding that many parents and teachers will laugh in the
face of you telling them this.
You will also find that the education of these children goes beyond the parameter of child
education, but it will also be a process of educating the parents of this Star Child. The more
that parents can come to see how these chemicals are affecting the child in long term, perhaps
they will come to seek more freely alternative methods of bringing balance to the child.
We would suggest that in any space that you create, that you have lavender plants, as many of
them as possible. Lavender emits an energy of tranquillity.
The colours that are used in the child's environment must be ones that pacify, not stimulate,
therefore blues, pinks, soft hues of greens and blues and pinks, peach and apricot, pale, very
pale yellows are what will pacify the children. Do not under any circumstances have just red,
or bright yellows, for this will stimulate the child's mind. Even in the clothing that they are
wearing, there needs to be pastel hues of colour and energy. Yellow stimulates the mind, red
stimulates the energy. Black is not a good colour to use for this also spins the child's energy
into unlimited consciousness, therefore drawing their energy even further into the Star World,
bringing more energy through to channel. This is often what causes much of the confusion
between the third dimensional world and the sixth, seventh and eighth dimensional worlds that

these children have access to in their conscious body. Most people are not aware of this, and
this is why the Ritalin and Dexedrine have such an affect on these children, because it shuts
down access to these dimensions.
The children who express aggressiveness with the Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder need to be observed in the manner of how the aggression is
being displayed. This is often because there is certain energy that they are unable to
communicate, to express. It plays greatly upon the base chakra, therefore contributing to this
energy of being more active than usual. The frustration causes a lot of the aggressive
behaviour. Many of these Star Seed Children, you will find, are not accustomed to the third
dimensional world. Therefore, they must learn how to adapt through the survival mechanisms
of the genetic makeup of the human form. This also results in much of the aggressive
behaviour. Utilizing an environment that does not feed the base chakra will also assist in
calming the child.
Foods that do not stimulate these aspects of the child are also extremely important. Sugar is
one that should be avoided as it is a processed food. Processed foods irritate the nervous
system of the child. This processing also causes unnecessary production of energy causing the
body to become imbalanced. Sugar in its natural form from fruit and honey is appropriate, but
these children are to avoid all forms of processed foods altogether.
These chemicals also cause much of the upset because the natural make-up of their form is
not like the make-up of the physical body some fifteen or twenty years ago. As a result, their
bodies rebel against much of the food, which is why so many children these days, and adults,
but more so these children, suffer with allergies. The make-up of the body is different. These
children are not two strand DNA; they are 12-strand and some 13-strand. Therefore nothing
that the adult is accustomed to using will support these children. In truth, it will have the
complete opposite effect. Therefore, even fruits and vegetables need to be organically grown.
It is our suggestion that the parents in their gardens, create vegetable patches to grow organic
fruit and vegetables. When the child is consuming a vegetable or a fruit that has not been
organically grown, or that has been tampered with in the sense of GM (genetically modified), it
will also affect their energy negatively. These children are in a way forcing humanity to go back
to the very basics of life, or using the energy of the earth to feed their bodies by eating food
that has been nurtured by the purity of Mother Earth, without chemicals placed in the earth
before the seeds are planted. It must be organic manure and fertilizer.
Humanity has become fixated on quick fixes. This is no longer the order of the day, because it
will only cause these children's "disability" - and we place this in inverted commas - to go into
remission. When the child is an adult and stops taking these pills, then the same symptoms
will re-emerge, causing even more havoc. Because what will emerge from this is ME (myalgic
encephalomyelitis - a mysterious, exhausting illness) what you will know as yuppie flu. It will
affect many of these ADHD and ADD children in their adulthood. They will have great difficulty
in focusing on an area specifically in their life; therefore they will have difficulty in being
consistent in their careers, in their relationships, causing much disruption within themselves.
This could lead to many, many psychiatric diseases amongst these ones, because mentally
they have not been given the proper environment to support the stimulus within themselves
that has been stifled in childhood. Parents of these children have agreed in (soul) contract to
support these children because they too are needing to learn to simplify their lives, to see what
aspects of their lives need to change, because of the amount of energy that is required in
order to be guardians to these children.
When these children are fed wholesome foods, their energy will slowly begin to become more
stable. Using the natural substances of this earth is what is needed to support these children,
not chemicals. No matter how far ADD of ADHD is within the child, the Ritalin or Dexedrine will
not put the process on hold, therefore giving the individual's soul an even greater task in
childhood to overcome. This will take some time to convince the world that these substances
are causing great, great disharmony to the children of the future; that in truth they are
creating another generation of mental disorder, of emotional instability, and of physical
In order to live wholesomely, the body needs to be fed wholesomely; therefore free-range
chicken is an excellent choice. Adults who are choosing to rid their body of toxins also would

benefit from free-range eggs and, as we said, organically grown fruit and vegetables. As little
as possible of any form of processed food. This may place some responsibility and task upon
the shoulders of the parent, but it is also a way for them to learn what we have said earlier.
These children access the sixth, seventh and eighth dimension for a very specific reason. They
are responsible for bringing forward information that needs to be utilized from the year 2012
through to the year 3033. Now even though many of these children will not be in a physical
body in the year 3033, they are however responsible for paving the way for this to come into
effect. For these children will give birth to future Star Seed Children, and their children to
further Star Seed Children, who are the essence of the Golden Age, to take this world to be in
the thousand years of peace. As long as humanity is supported and allowed to abuse these
children in this way, the world will not come to find its harmony.
Now, we are also fully aware that many adults, parents, teachers and doctors alike, will want
to rebel at this accusation. It is not an accusation; it is simply a statement of facts that are
occurring at this time. They do not believe that they are abusing these children. They believe
that they are assisting them, and we see this very clearly. We are recognizing their intention.
However certain intentions are not that pure, because those, as you know, who are governing
much of the pharmaceutical industry have created these chemicals to suppress the children.
We do hope that you are understanding what we are saying in this too.
The more that parents can be open to the possibility of nurturing these children in a
wholesome way, in an organic way, the more those who are trying to stifle the growth of the
Star Beings, the more their hold on this will lessen. There are already certain groups who are
working with the children with this diagnosis in a more holistic way. We would suggest to you
Sister that you make contact with these ones. We do believe that they are listed under the
'Indigo Children'.
It does not matter the age of the child, or the teenager. The energy, the feeling, the disruption
inside is the same. Begin using the animals and the clay work with the child as well, to assist
with the concentration. Perhaps if your child is feeling aggressive, you can ask him/her to try
to explain what the emotions are; what the feelings are when the aggression is being
displayed. If he/she is not having this as often as other children, talk them through their
displays of aggression. Their emotions are extremely volatile. This is because they are needing
the support to be able to carry the energy from those dimensions to the third dimension. You
can call upon the Beings of the Angelic Kingdom, the Nature Kingdom and the Faerie Kingdom
to assign guardians to each child. These guardians will advise you as to what to do with the
child, what to suggest to the parent. These children will also benefit tremendously from the
ocean's healing energies.
This is causing too, as we said, a restructuring of the parent's lives. Now, many parents will
say that it is impossible for them to take breaks, to get away with their children, but this is
what is necessary, not only for the child, but also in the restructuring of the family; how it is
that the parents balance their work with their family environment. Many families are being
challenged with this at this time, in the form of perhaps retrenchments, where the family is
now having to find a new way to sustain their lives. Perhaps due to a certain physical disability
an individual cannot work in a corporate environment and will need to find ways to sustain
themselves and their family.
These are all the new ways of birthing creativity, of utilizing the energy of the earth, utilizing
the energy of Spirit to create a support structure for each individual to become self-sufficient.
Even if an individual is choosing to start a business of his own, where others will work for him,
it is that structure of the business that must be different. All aspects of the individual's life will
be taken into consideration. Productivity, in order to create financial gain, but also the family
structure of each individual, where there is a time for productivity and there is a time for each
member of the organization to have quality family time. This is part of the new structure of
businesses. We give you this information at this time, so that you can understand how far this
needs to reach, because the more people hide themselves in their careers, the less in touch
with themselves they are. The imbalance will cause even greater dis-ease of the mind, of the
emotions and of the body.
What the individual is needing in order to heal her ailment is time periods, one of rest, one of
play, one of work. People are saying they are needing a pill. The pill will not heal the problem.

It is rest. It is a change of habitat within and without that will heal many of these dis-orders.
In times to come that balance will be on a daily basis where one works for a certain amount of
hours, with an equivalent amount of time spent with family. This is also true in education.
Children who are held in classrooms for six, seven and even eight hours a day, having their
intellect constantly stimulated are not benefiting and truly being educated. The child can only
absorb information for an hour at a time. This is why in truth a lesson should be given and
then at least 15 or 20 minutes in nature. Then the next lesson is given for approximately an
hour. These lessons need to be practically applied, as well as theoretically taught. Therefore, as
much as the teacher is giving the information theoretically, there needs to be some form of
practical application so the child or the adult can absorb and retain what is being taught and
learned. Lip service agitates the brain. This is why many children in the schools today have
learning disabilities or difficulties, because the children are more right brain orientated than
left-brain. If the child can use the right brain to understand a left-brain concept, it will retain it
and hold it for the rest of its lifetime. This too is what these children are coming to teach the
world, to change the entire system of education and of living.
We are actively seeking at this time, teachers of Light to work with these children, to show that
this can be done this way. These children have short concentration spans for a reason, because
the children of the new world are having to bring in energy and information from many
different dimensions. It is not localized to the third dimension. When children are supported in
their feelings and in their actions, you create a completely different dynamic. This dynamic
results in a whole new energy, an aura that surrounds individuals.
Children with Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder do not
belong in conventional educational systems. They are not supported in the schooling that has
been created of the past many decades. It is a whole new system of education that needs to
be created. Perhaps you can begin as we suggested earlier with (info given to start with
preschoolers with home-schooling) giving them information for 15 minutes and letting them
play for 15 minutes. If the 15 minutes is initially too long, break it down smaller than this and
you will see the importance of balance in working with these children. And then not having
them sticking their nose in books all the time. Remember that theory and practical need to go
hand in hand. This is where children battle so much with mathematics, because it is all
theoretical, no practical application into the understanding of the energy of numbers. When a
child can feel the energy of the numbers, how it all works together, how it multiplies, how it
creates, how it sustains and vibrates, the child will feel the resonance within, so it will become
as natural as speaking. Calculating mathematical problems will be as easy as putting food in
your mouth. This may sound to you at this time as a long shot but it needs to begin
somewhere. We are recruiting teachers of different fields at this time within the world of art,
and in the field of numbers as with mathematics, in the field of expressing their feelings
emotionally as you are doing. Pitches of music. This is also an important part of bringing
balance to these children.
Now we also spoke earlier of having lavender within the environment. This is important. As we
said, it permeates an energy of serenity and relaxation. Perhaps also you can make foods with
lavender in it to support these children. You will find in your research now by connecting with
these people who are working in a holistic manner to support these children that there is so
much that is being discovered that can completely untie the reasoning, the justification behind
the use of Ritalin and Dexedrine.
There is also proof that children are being prescribed Prozac. Dexedrine, we do understand,
was used within Prozac. You know for yourself how dangerous this is. It is time to stop this
slaughtering of the minds of the children of the future, to start finding new ways to implement
systems that will give their minds a fertile oasis from which to work.
I am Kuthumi and I greet and I bless you in love.
Further information was given at a separate time.
Mother - "The school put pressure on me to put my son on Ritalin. I insisted that if there was
not 100% improvement on all levels within six months, I would not allow it further. There was

only behavioural improvement in class, nothing in work ability or ability to complete tasks on
time. However, it had terrible side effects of my child's character and body functions. Master
Kuthumi told me that the effects on the brain would take up to two years to be removed from
his body. Think of what damage must be done in so short a time of using Ritalin that would
take so long to repair the damage. The "specialists" say it wears off within hours, and side
effects within days.
Master Kuthumi, in his always-loving way, gave me an answer. I was to use the Plant Kingdom
to assist my son. You potentise the flowers of the following plants in sunflower oil. Do not
combine the flowers as this changes their vibrations. Please do not use alcohol, as that in itself
is a mind-altering substance. It is given to the child in the morning and initially also in the
evening. I put the drops on sugar to help make it more pleasant, but cut out all other sugars,
artificial additives and colourants
12 drops Jacaranda
12 drops Morning Glory
12 drops Petunia
12 drops Marigold
12 drops Black-eyed Susan
20 drops Yellow Canna
My son did not even finish 100ml of each before he felt good enough to tell me he did not need
the oils any longer. He still gets into trouble, but that is normal for an outspoken child but he is
getting high marks in his schoolwork. It has not unfortunately changed him from being a bit
lazy. Please remember that the child is still a child and still needs loving discipline and routines.
No outside influence will ever make up for lack of love, or low self-esteem from loved ones
belittling the child."

Michele Eloff , 2003

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