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5 Natural Gas Measurement Systems

5.4.5Odorimetry and Leak Detection Measurement

This section has been split into two parts: odorimetry and leak detection. Firstly,
odorimetry explains why odour is added to the gas and why accurate measurement of odour concentration is essential. Secondly leak detection, leading on from
odorimetry, explains why measurements of the leak are carried out.
Odorosity is an extremely important criterion of gas quality. The smell in gas
is man-made since raw natural gas is odourless. It is added during the gasmanufacturing/gas-refining process so as to be able to detect it. The chemical
is a mercaptan. It is important that the concentration levels of the odorant are
correct and consistent across the country. If the odour is too weak, then gas
leaks may go undetected, and if too strong, then even the minutest of leaks will
be detected miles away. One drop of mercaptan can be detected up to three
miles away. For this reason, it is crucial that accurate measurements of odorisation are made. Figure5.52 shows the schematic features of an odorisation
Odour can be measured using either subjective or analytical methods.
Analytical methods work by tracing the sulphur compounds contained in odorants.
They use the instruments and techniques designed for measuring total sulphur and
hydrogen sulphide to assess odorant concentration.
Subjective measurement of odour is carried out by trained personnel known as
rhino-analysts. Rhino-analysts smell the gas and assess the odour concentration
depending on the intensity of the smell and the odour assessment scale which they
are using. There are various scales of odour assessment which are used within the
global gas industry: the odorisity scale, the odour level and the odour intensity scale.
The instruments used for the analytical and subjective measurement of odour
are detailed in the Odorimetry section of Table5.23. Figure5.53 also shows the
typical British Gas odorimetry. Detection
Subsequent to the detection of a gas leak, measurements of the intensity of the
gas leak must be made. Broadly speaking, this is carried out in order to track
down the exact location of the leak and to assess the immediate danger presented by the leak. Leak detection instruments are listed and detailed within the
Odorimetry section in Table5.23. Figure5.53 also shows the Gasco Seeker, the
typical flame ionisation and electron capture detection for gas leak detection

5.4 Gas Quality


To silencer and
extractor fan

Slide valve
inside chamber

To separate
extractor fan


Fig.5.52Ordorisation chamber. A Test room. B Air lock. C 4 mixing fans. D Carbon air filter. E
Sample injection chamber. F Electric fan switches. G Odorant injection point

5.4.6Sulphur and Hydrogen Sulphide

Concentration Measurement
In addition to water and oil removal, one of the most important parts of gas processing involves the removal of sulphur. Natural gas from some wells contains significant amounts of sulphur. Natural gas with a high sulphur content is commonly
called sour gas because of the rotten smell caused by the sulphur.
Sulphur exists in natural gas as hydrogen sulphide (H2S), and the gas is usually
considered sour if the hydrogen sulphide content exceeds 5.7mg of H2S per cubic
metre of natural gas. The process for removing hydrogen sulphide from sour gas is
commonly referred to as sweetening the gas. Sour gas is undesirable because the
sulphur compounds it contains can be extremely harmful, even lethal, to breathe.
Sour gas can also be extremely corrosive. It is therefore essential that it is measured and controlled. Please refer to the relevant section in Table5.23 for details on
sulphur and hydrogen sulphide concentration measurement devices. Figure5.55

5 Natural Gas Measurement Systems

Table5.23Various gas quality instruments

Description, range and accuracy

The Watson

This is a subjective method

whereby the measurements are
made by rhino-analysts. Gas is
introduced to a stream of pure
air, which then passes through a
funnel into the atmosphere. The
observer smells the effluent from
the funnel and then records his/
her analysis which is recorded
in accordance with the odorisity
scale. Range: Flow range of
0.0021.5ft/h and pressure range
of 0.56 in water gauge
This method is an analytical
method. Sulphur contents are
separated and passed into a
hydrogen/oxygen flame, burning
in a hydrogen atmosphere at the
tip of a burner in a silica tube, any
sulphur compound present forms
species which emit a characteristic
radiation in the violet and UV
regions. Can determine individual
sulphur compounds down to concentrations of 0.01ppm
Portable device for measuring
methane concentrations in gas /
air mixture atmospheres. It uses
a pellister (VQ3 Pellister) and
Thermal conductivity detector as
the second filament. A handoperated aspirator is used to draw
the test atmosphere. Range: +1%
LEL scale +1% Gas scale +3%

British Gas

Gasco seeker
(leak detection)

Flame ionisation monitor

(leak detection)

Effluent gas is passed into

hydrogen/air flame in which two
electrodes are placed with a potential difference between them. The
detector current passes through
the high resistance creating a
potential difference which appears
across the output of the impedance
converter and after suitable attenuation is measured by the recorder.
Max leak sensitivity of 6

Advantages (A) and

disadvantages (D)
Cost, static nature
of the system and
training required for

Gas industry
and laboratory

Extremely accurate

Used in
offtakes and
pressure reduction stations

Gas detector is a
reliable means of
detecting flammable
gas, and of measuring the percentage of
lower explosive limit
and the percentage by
Must be regularly
Does not pinpoint
the exact location of
the leak
Extremely sensitive.
Must handle with

Emergency gas
engineers use
this device on
a daily basis to
detect gas leaks

Used to detect
high-risk main
leakage in winter surveys


5.4 Gas Quality


Table5.23 (continued)

Description, range and accuracy

Electron capture detector

(leak detection)

Consists of an irradiation chamber

and a pair of electrode. Eluted
molecules with a strong electron
affinity will capture electrons to
form heavy, slow moving negative
ions. The resulting decrease in
the current flowing between the
electrodes is measured. Range in
sniffing mode is 110*-8mls.
when sampling 110*-9mls
(Same as BG Gas chromatograph)
sulphur contents are separated
and passed into a hydrogen/oxygen flame, burning in a hydrogen
atmosphere at the tip of a burner
in a silica tube, any sulphur
compound present forms species
which emit a characteristic radiation in the violet and UV regions
Consists of three basic units, a
titration cell, an electronic control
circuit and a recorder. Bromine is
generated by passing an electrical current through a suitable
electrolyte solution. Compounds
bubbled through the solution
react with the reagent. The net
generating current is thus directly
proportional to the concentration
of the compounds titrated and is
continuously recorded. Range:
01,000 in 7 steps, Hydrogen
sulphide (0.08ppm H2S by vol),
organic sulphides (0.16ppm) and
sulphur dioxide (0.16ppm)

The British
Gas Sulphur

The Barton
sulphur titrator

Advantages (A) and

disadvantages (D)
High sensitivity

Used for leak
testing new
mains on air
and pressure
testing of

A: good and accurate

D: Sensitive

Gas industry
and laboratory


Gas industry
and laboratory

also typifies a gas pipe exposed to excessive sulphide gas concentration which led
to drastic deterioration of the corresponding pipe over a period of time.

5.4.7Component Analysis (Chromatography)

The field of component analysis is also very significant as the analyses have a
bearing on the pricing structure for the natural gas. Component analysis or gas
chromatography as it is often referred to is a physical method of separating the

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