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Extraterrestrial Contact Protocol

David Kobza
Coordinator / Facilitator



In order to establish fully conscious, direct contact with benevolent &
loving, intelligent and spiritually-advanced extraterrestrial beings, you
must first understand that everything is inter-connected and that ALL
is ONE within Creation. Like a giant holographic singularity of which
All is related to so is micro to macro scalar relativity.
Opening a direct channel of communication with loving Beings at a
distance is an act that is also an ACTIVE DEMONSTRATION of how
effective we are in applying love, light & feeling from our heart center
and our mind's intention, focus and visualization skills together as a
symbiotic unit.
It requires practice and takes knowing and overcoming any latent
fears or traumas which may cloud one's abilities.
When we raise our body's vibrational frequency, we become resonant
with higher planes of consciousness where relationships co-exist
within Creation's higher dimensions of light and love.
Radiating this loving light Energy authentically will lead to experiences
beyond your expectations if you can become experienced and skilled
at the managing the interrelated duties of heart, mind, will and focus in
a way that is potentiating every other part in an invisible yet
increasingly clearly perceived realm of shared oneness.
The higher dimensional planes of existence are realms of unified

consciousness, love & light energy. And as we are in essence sparks

of consciousness., we realize that we can align ourselves to these
higher octaves of consciousness-based reality.
At the deepest level in our Souls we share oneness, love & blissful,
ecstatic joy, light of understanding.
As love is what we essence is within, So this protocol should be
thought of as "allowing love to emerge".
I have discovered over time that in order to have the sort of
meaningful contact we truly seek the Mind and the Heart must work as
a team in certain ways in order to raise our body's vibrational state so
that it is aligned and resonates with those we are wishing to connect
As we actively align ourselves with the loving light energies of the
cosmic or galactic expression of Creation our realm of experience too
is re-defined in that the activity of raising one's frequency of
expression is a key to access the rare opportunity to further acclimate
ourselves to intergalactic/multi-dimensional realities.
Using this loving light from your heart, the frequency of love you
become aligned with is our link to the unified consciousness which
transcends distance limitations, present in All things near and far.
Dr. Steven Greer's (CSETI, Disclosure Project) 'Coherent Thought
Sequencing' is also directed on becoming aware of these expanded
states of awareness required for establishing contact.
Let's focus on unconditional love and why sustaining and projecting an
individual or group mental thought/intention, both of which serving a
desired outcome, play a major part of the method in our ability to
establish a true UFO and/or ET contact. Various forms of telepathic
communication often occur during a contact experience,
demonstrating a richness of communication not possible through
spoken language.
Love is something you hear about every day, but a closer look at love

reveals divine and miraculous attributes, far more powerful intelligent

than we ever knew or ever felt. The emotions the heart can generate
& sustain are not emotions but are active demonstrations of wisdom,
intelligence & respect.
They are like I have said key components in accessing a realm which
hosts a multitude of advanced, responsible conscious beings. There is
Great intelligence in the Heart's connection to Creation, connected to
a hightened ability to sense energy which does not function in that
refined domain.
Love is a Frequency of Consciousness, and overlaps into Bliss,
Joy, Compassion. It's the natural state of the deepest part of your
Unconditional Love and Respect for ALL life, wit Gratitude & Joyful
acceptance...To embody this vibration feels like radiant, flowing
unconditional love pouring out of you. And with it, a complete absence
of fear, hate, or negativity would result. True, Pure Love is devoid of
even the slightest hint of fear or our negative emotions.
Love is a frequency which is Light and also Warmth like the Sun - so
be like the Sun and visualize your Heart expand it's Loving Rays
outward - "as deep and as wide as the rays of the sun should you
become', as my Star Family explained it to me.
Humans often times fail to perceive this kind of light energy with the
optical senses but it's very much a frequency of light energy our Star
Friends acknowledge and perceive quite easily. When we focus on
embodying & expressing Love - however that may arise (romance/
family ties/passionate desires/compassion) we exude some degree of
this loving light energy.
Our human eyes cannot see it, but it is apparently easily perceived to
the more advanced humanoid species in the cosmos.
Love is within All things - things material, and throughout space itself.
It's essence is present in all of Creation...So Love is like Creation's
fundamental resonant frequency, like glue that holds it all togetherfrom micro to macro. Among it's many amazing qualities, it can also

function as a carrier frequency for our thought-forms to

be sent instantly - at the 'Speed of Love' to our desired recipient.
Love is at the core of Everywhere & EVERYTHING - an underlying
energy essence making a love-embedded transmission instant, as
Love is resonant EVERYWHERE in an instant.
So the Sky's NOT the limit, but more so the clarity of thought form and
intention of the activity and one's creative ability to also become
Loving Light consciousness is our only theoretical long as our
'Love Amplifier' (our Heart) is powering intention of organized thoughtform, you're making progress. "Heart before Mind, else it's a crime..."

Methodology / Structure
So to sum this whole thing up, We need a method of generating that
Love vibration to open our Hearts up. Then we want to enhance our
body's capacity to radiate Love by visualizing the Heart's Loving Light
expanding and extending out through all things...
We then want to expand this beyond the body's perceived limited
material form (body), visualize ourselves as if becoming the Sun:
Radiant, flowing in all directions through all things...expanding,
becoming larger & larger, even becoming the 'size' of our
galaxy...even larger.
Visualization will certainly be a big part in how our own personal
energies merge and associate with Creation. We represent the
consciousness and the miracle of Creation, as we were 'Made in
God's Image'..."Pretend is actually a friend. Fake is always a Flake."
So keep these things in mind in order to create reality to YOUR
And finally, incorporating a thought-form/intention/call for contact to
then 'ride' this Unified current of Love,(inherent in all of Creation),
instantly to our desired destination for that thought-form. This is in
essence what the meditation exercise portion of this text document will
attempt to accomplish.

Our awareness of just how significant a role each of our individual

hearts minds play is in it's infancy.
Most of our Lives we experience very few moments where that
Frequency of LOVE exists. In every day life vibrating at that level are
often fleeting, often due to letting our lower emotional reckless
habituated tendencies introduce fear and/or jealousy, or hate which
seriously compromise the frequency of Love.


This brings us to Extraterrestrials. So what's Love got to do with UFOs
and/or ETs? Overall, a GREAT deal. With us having freedom in
space, it will depend on our overcoming fears from tales of abduction
These advanced ETs exist in a constant state of high vibratory Loving
We do not. Not yet. With a little practice we very well could, as word
on the cosmic street is, is that we're no different than them. But
apparently there is a Universal Law (or a Cosmic Law ETs are abiding
by) which requires raising a human body and mind's vibrational
frequency to become 'compatible' with the evolved beings who
operate in these higher states of consciousness. Its begins with HeartMind Coherence.
This higher frequency is a state of Blissful, Unconditional Love & Joy.
A state the average person sadly seldom if ever spends much time in.
Awareness devoid of polarity such as the Coherent Heart-Mind allows
for Heart led thinking, Currently we are mind-directed species, with an
afterthought if that, regarding our emotions which are key to this
magical re-orienting of the roles of the heart and the way we use our
Whether or not energetic commonalities between us & our star visitors
are present/coherent, . If energy is in flow It seems then that theres an
'allowing' on their part to then manifest to teach us or 'show' us some
"new tricks" for our own self-evolution hinting towards where we need
to be in our own individual frequency of Heart-centered Love and Joy.
And to simply exist in this state 24/'s coming.

This is a real challenge for us to realize.

It often takes some dedicated heart-felt practice (especially for those
not familiar with meditation), but it can be done by anyone with sincere
intention, an open mind and open heart, and loving disposition.
It takes one who is free from unaddressed/unresolved fear issues.
Fears of the unknown or worries of being 'violated' by little grey 'aliens'
may need some attention. -Attempts out of momentary curiosity will
likely be fruitless.
Many times conditions must be optimal (weather, one's state of mind,
among other considerations) for a successful visually-oriented
experience to unfold.

Be Loving...Be Grateful & Allowing...And..Be Patient!

The average time this process takes is at least 15-20 minutes in order
to shift your body's vibration and create a concise and clear thoughtform adequately. (Especially If you haven't been practicing mind &
heart-oriented meditative exercises frequently,

Sit comfortably in meditation position or reclining legs outstretched
facing upwards toward the sky.
Whatever position for you is most comfortable allowing you not be
concerned with it. Surround your entire body with a bubble of white
Gently close your eyelids. Take five deep, rhythmic breaths in and out.
This whole relaxation sequence as well as the entire experience itself
should be un- rushed, patient and allowing, unattached to the outcome
for it to be successful. I can't state this enough.
Upon exhale relax the body and mentally say "relax"...Just let go...
Then, focus in on each part of the body: feet, ankles, legs, knees, etc.
on up relaxing your stomach, chest, arms, heart, neck, face, head,

mind and eyes.

Be calm and relaxed as you do these, focusing on each area until you
feel a sense of release and feeling completely relaxed before moving
on to the next area.
Thank Creation/God for your Blessed body/instrument and this
opportunity to connect with Our Star Brothers and Sisters.


Ask for Creation/God for loving light to fill your body. Visualize goldenwhite light to pour into you through the top of your head like a
cascading waterfall of light, slowly and gently filling your body with
more and more Loving light energy. Use your mind to visualize this.
Act 'as if', as if it is actually occurring.
Ask for even more Loving light energy to fill your mind, body and soul.
And gently allow yourself to feel this as best as you can imagine/feel.
Recall the feelings of the things in life which brought you Joy, Bliss,
Happiness, and Love. Feel Gratitude for all of this to be possible...!


Surrender....and merge with Creation

Focus gently now on your Heart...Affirm inwardly, "I Open my

Like a flower, imagine the petals to slowly open, one by one. The
opened petals reveal a luminous golden-white light. It's warmth is the
Love of the body now concentrated in this opening Heart/Flower.
Breathe into this...Ask for Creation to help raise the Loving light
energy level.
Feel the radiant nature of the rays of light as they are allowed to be
revealed by slowly opening these one by one. This is about feeling!
(The contact really hinges on
your personal ability to muster up enough emotional warmth an

Joyous 'glow' as you surrender and open your Heart).

Open the heart even more, now spreading throughout your entire
As you feel it more and more, radiate these rays of light outwardly, in
all directions: Your chest, back, head, arms, hands, feet and sides.
As this flow is in now in flux, affirm, "I open my heart and radiate
endless rays of loving light energy...As wide as the rays of the sun".
Imagine the great expanse of radiant light energy. Imagine
consciously expressing Love personally through these rays as well as
God/Creation generating Love through your Heart.
Allow yourself to actually become and feel that infinite radiant
It's connecting our visualization capacities and coupling them with the
emotive quality that comes from opening the heart and focusing upon
LOVE. What you think about expands into being. The same goes for
the creative imaging capacity of the mind and the feeling nature of the

Become Love and Light

Just exist as this beyond all else, and see how that feels.
This is leading you to the frequency of expression one needs to be in
to attract into your lives a group of extraterrestrials who have your
personal best interests at heart and who operate out of service-toothers.


Now, while you are feeling at One with the Universe, put out the call
for "Contact with Spiritually advanced, Loving Star Beings" or however
you wish to word it. You do want to keep it as short as possible at first,
so "Hello Star Friends" or other short, welcoming and positive

telepathic thought forms seem to be effective and should be

experimented with.
State this mentally (and verbally if you desire) and sustain this thought
as well as mentally visualize releasing this thought through the Rays
of Loving Light energy. As the thought clarity and potency dissolves,
restate this thought form and again sustain, and project with sincere
Loving intention.
Consciously welcome their Loving presence to where you are....
At this point you could give them your location in case the craft and
crew aren't in our local area. "I'm from Earth" and visualize the Blue
globe, North and South America..."North America" and visualize the
country. "West Coast" and again, zoom- in on region mentally until
you have given generally specific coordinates...
Then re-direct your mind back to the original intended thought form for
contact as described above.

*Having a detached, un-rushed, positive, genuine, honest and grateful
disposition is very, very helpful. These elements should be woven into
the entire process outlined here.
*Other people's energy can affect the outcome, so make time to have
uninterrupted exploration sessions unless the 'frequency differential' is
*Since this method has a visual component, a good clear day (or
days) is highly recommended. Clear Blue skies are what you should
consider optimal.
*Your emotional state of being has a huge impact on whether or not
you will have success in achieving contact with these evolved beings.
If you had an argument earlier in the day and your loved one is on
your mind chances are you'll likely prevent an experience from being

*Often birds or other sky phenomena is often connected with an

extraterrestrial event, either preceding or during the event itself. Keep
your eyes open and use your intuitive ability to 'feel out' a given


It doesn't serve you as it's prisoned parameters are a result of a lack
of imagination, creativity and Faith.
Treat all outcomes as a positive that contributes to your ultimate
success, so foster an attitude of detachment and acceptance.
These experiences require positive moment-to-moment awareness
and rational discernment & evaluation, not impatience and
expectation. These won't do a thing for your pursuits.
This meditative and thought-focusing process usually takes a few
consecutive days before this routine becomes effective for a
successful outcome. to transpire.
Try to assign three consecutive days for your protocol to be practiced.
Although I have had success on a single day, there is much more
likelihood of a successful outcome when you have practiced the
concepts for at the very least a couple of days.
Often, phenomena will be experienced although it will likely be
transitory and nothing distinct and solid. Every encounter seems to
play out differently. The protocol itself usually takes about 15-20
minutes, but can be as short as 5-10 minutes if you have put in a
couple days of successful experiences.
You may feel a tingling or feeling of excitement in the solar plexus
which may precede or be present when a visual lock-on has been
When a craft becomes visually apparent. It may hover in one place,
bobbing or wobbling a bit or be very still. Slowly rotating objects can

reveal parts of the craft, changing the shape of what you're looking at.
Crafts can vary dramatically although there are some designs that are
typically seen more than others. Remember, I'm describing craft which
has characteristics that can be distinguished in the daylight, using
magnification of some sort.

Orb/Spherical/Oval-Shaped, Discs/Triangles/Exotics/
Luminous Phenomena
The orbs can take on a variety of colors including white, gold, silver,
red, blue, turquoise, self-luminous and self-luminous pastel colors.
These are the most commonly experienced objects.
The flat discs are usually a dull or shiny metallic and the color most
often silver.
The oval/ovoid-shaped objects are usually appear to be metallic and
also are seen in the same variety of colors as mentioned above,
including a multi-hued undulating pattern which revolves and shifts
over a metallic body.
The universe is vast. Its teeming with intelligent life and diversity. As
such, craft can be what would perhaps be defined as 'exotic' or
downright strange and seemingly alive, which it could very well
happen to be.
Craft can go from a plasma-like glow into a metallic form then glowing,
displaying no shadows or reflections.
There are many types of intelligent expressions of an evolved, loving
nature one could experience through CHOOSING to initiating contact.
Sometimes when a contact is occurring, they will see who you are by
performing what I describe as an energetic 'scan'. You may feel an
energy permeate through you, as if your mind, heart & body are being
explored or examined. This can last up to a minute.
It can seem longer because it feels a bit like being exposed on all

levels, emotional, physical. At first it may seem a bit distressful but it's
relatively a short-lived incident. In ten years it occurred three times.
For them, it's a great way to gather information about who it is you are
and your state of consciousness, thinking, feeling loving or fearful,
without having to manifest there in front of you.
For me, that seemed a practical way of having some amazing being
check you out peacefully, as I was introduced to a variety of beings,
for various amounts of time.
The core group of course knew me, but sometimes the energy work
my star family and myself were engaged in would attract curious
onlookers who can clearly perceive something is going on... Most
often they'll transmit a frequency of Love and Blissful Divinity through
you, and it's nothing short of pure ecstasy. It's a Revelation in and of
itself. It was an education, a deeper comprehension of the intelligent
conscious technology of Love.
They can be those you know from other lifetimes. We ALL come from
the stars and so have some galactic heritage. And so a palpably
perceived galactic family reunion, a conscious demonstration of
transmitted unconditional Love for Humankind is received like
powerful waves of empathetic emotion flowing through your body and
mind. Life-changing experience.
When certain ships show up, it often feels like there is an underlying
telepathic component underway. It can be a distinct fluttering feeling in
the solar plexus and like an energy linking to my heart from
somewhere which my eyes are led to as the manifest in the sky.
Often this is expressed different ways sometimes gentle, sometimes
magnificent and keep your eyes on it because it is something
you'll probably never see again!
Feelings constitute a major component of telepathic communication.
Its through feelings that our minds then translate our immediate
understanding into ideas, visions, images and words.
During the event, a calming, blissful energy is quite often experienced.
Events can be a few minutes in length or an hour or even longer.

Depending on the circumstance, an event can be short and transitory

or involved and very personally meaningful, seemingly lasting as long
as you want.
In other words, at times they are very generous with their time, and
other times somewhat hesitant or fleeting. I believe this has to do with
our state of mind/being more often than not.

Be specific as to what it is you are wanting to experience.

I feel that this experience is one of CHOICE.
Once we are at the frequency which is conductive for establishing
contact, you MUST have complete mental focus solely on this task & a
healthy 'success either way'-like flexibility in addition to crystal clear
intention & attitude. Each time you attempt to make a connection, you
really should be a radiant, deep & true example of joyous
unconditional Love, connected to Earth and the Cosmos. Before
committing your mind to taking all of your energy transmitting a
thought form geared for establishing a contact experience.
Check yourself. Are you calm, upset, tired, hungry, impatient,
insecure, angry or fearful? ANY of these issues could prevent a
successful contact. Stable emotions and physical comfort coupled with
a Loving coherent state of awareness are prerequisite for a remote
possibility to become a POSSIBILITY.
This preliminary energy work involves imagining the most loving and
blissful memory you can recall in your life and go into it deeply and
experience it's own 'shape' on you until it shifts you. This is a major
component. If this lacks robust emotive connecting contact will be
mostly subtle and non-eventful experience.
The more feeling and joyous ecstatic feeling you can imagine the
more pronounced and immediate this sort of energy is reciprocated
out there and then some but it may take this single energetic thought
form sustained with blissful emotion while you are breathing in and
To even begin to perform optimally it may take a few consecutive days

of 20 minute sessions.Three days is the norm to go from nothing to a

materialized craft. The second day or evening you may just almost
see these 'things' just out of your ability to distinguish what they are.
But its them and they are acclimating themselves to day three if they
sense you are sincere and serious, detached and focused with loving
If you REALLY want it, you'll MAKE TIME for consecutive days to
practice and ultimately to become comfortable with going within, going
INTO your heart and to gently allow consciousness to take it's cue
from the Heart.
This shifting into heart-mind coherence is critical for being taken
seriously by these ET friends. If you do not rise to the occasion and
meet them energetically, It may end up a practice run, taking note of
elements contributing to outcome. A compromise of focus or a lacking
clarity of intent and the probabilities and possibilities too diminish.
Know that the methods for raising one's vibrational frequency are
many so experiment with different variables until you feel you've found
one which seems the most effective and/or clear.
This one has proven to work for me, having gone through quite a long
period of trial and error, discerning seemingly essential components
required in order to successfully vector in Star Visitors.
Maintaining a steady image at a distance requires optics with
electronic/stabilizer technology.
Recommended: Fujinon electronically-stabilized series or Canon
Stabilized Binoculars.
(Note: Binoculars are often available on eBay for considerably less
than retail)
Video camera - Canon GL-1 (Tripod recommended)
Cheap Digital Camera (which do NOT feature IR or UV filters)

Meade ETX-125 Telescope / video-out to Laptop

B & D power series 3335 Spotlight (20 million candle power)

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