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Year: 5 Lestari

Date/ Time: 23 February 2015 / 8.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m.

Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic / Unit: Superheroes / Unit 3
Proficiency Level: Average
Focused skills: Writing
Content Standard: 3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form
letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.
3.3. By the end of 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write and
present ideas through a variety of media using appropriate language,
form and style
Learning standard: 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:
a) sentences
3.3.1 Able to create texts using a variety of media with guidance
a) non-linear
Learning objectives: By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:
a) Write sentences using correct spelling.
b) Create text based on the pictures given by the teacher
Language content: Vocabulary
Educational emphases: Multiple intelligence: Interperseonal skills, intrapersonal skills, Visual
learner, Kinesthetic learner
CCTS : Analysing
Moral Value : Helping people who are in need
Teaching and learning materials: Worksheets, videos, code
Teaching and learning activites :



Set induction

-Teacher role play a character of

(5 minutes)

superhero in the classroom.


- Teacher asks the pupils a few questions

-Using role-play in set

about the role play played by the teacher.

induction will attract

Eg: 1) Who is the superhero role played

the pupils attention

by the teacher?
2) What does the superhero do in the

towards the lesson.

- Questions technique
is used to encourage
the pupils to talk in
english during the
lesson so that there is

Development (30

-Teachers paste strips of word describing

two ways interaction.

Notes :


different superheroes on the board.

Strips of word

- Teacher models how to write one

description, code

complete sentences to the pupils.

chart, and codes in

- Pupils are to write one complete

sentence form

sentence based on the words describing

the superheroes.

Rationale :

- Teacher groups the pupils into pairs.

-To guide pupils write

- Each pair is given a code chart and

complete sentences

codes in sentence form.

based on guided

- Pupils need to crack the code according


to the code chart given to them.

- To attract the pupils

- Pupils need to the message write

towards the lesson by

messages to their pairs based on the

engaging them in the

code chart given to them.

game name

- Teacher observes the pupils to see

Superhero Breaks

whether the pupils manage to complete

the Code.

the task or not.

Assessment (20

-Teacher divides pupils into 5 groups

Notes :


- Teacher shows a video clip about

Video clip about

Spiderman saving the city from the villain.

Spiderman saving the

- Pupils need to discuss among them to

city from the villain.

describe what happen in the video.

- Pupils need to write one short paragraph

Rationale :

based on their observation of the video

-To initiate the pupils


interest towards the

-Pupils will have to role-play their answers


to the whole class.

-To enable pupils to

write and state the
- To improve the
interpersonal skills

Closure (5 minutes)

-Teacher end up the lesson by asking the

pupils a few questions :
e.g. a) What would you do if you see
someone is in trouble ?
b) Why must we help someone who
is in trouble
-Teacher wraps up the lesson by instilling
moral values by telling the pupils that we
need to help those who having problems.

among the pupils.

Rationale :
To instill moral values

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