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Japanese wedding customs fall into two categories: traditional Shinto ceremonies, and modern

Western-style weddings. In either case, the couple must first be legally married by filing for marriage
at their local government office, and the official documentation must be produced in order for the
ceremony to be held. Traditionally, marriages were categorized into two types according to the
method of finding a partnermiai, meaning arranged or resulting from an arranged introduction,
and ren'ai, in which the principals met and decided to marry on their ownalthough the distinction
has grown less meaningful over postwar decades as the proportion of miai matches has dwindled.[1]
The Japanese bride-to-be may be painted pure white from head to toe, visibly declaring her maiden
status to the Gods. Two choices of headgear exist. One, the watabshi, is a white hood; the other,
called the tsunokakushi, serves to hide the bride's 'horns of jealousy.' It also symbolizes the bride's
intention to become a gentle and obedient wife.
Traditional Japanese wedding customs (shinzen shiki) involve an elaborate ceremony held at
a Shinto shrine. Japanese weddings are becoming increasingly extravagant. However, in some
cases, younger generations choose to abandon the formal ways by having a "no host party" for a
wedding.[2] In this situation, the guests primarily consist of the couple's friends who pay an
attendance fee.
Couples are officially married once they have successfully submitted the required documents to
the city hall registrar to change their status in their family registries. No ceremony of any kind is
required under Japanese law.

Cdea vamal de nunta japoneze n dou categorii: ceremonii tradiionale Shinto, i

nuni moderne de tip occidental. n ambele cazuri, cuplul trebuie s fie mai nti
cstorit legal de depunere pentru cstorie la biroul local guvernamental, iar
documentaia oficial trebuie s fie produse pentru ca ceremonia s aib loc. n
mod tradiional, cstoriile au fost clasificate n dou tipuri n funcie de metoda de
a gsi un partener-Miai, ceea ce nseamn aranjate sau care rezult dintr-o
introducere amenajat, i Ren'ai, n care principiile ntlnit i a decis s se
cstoreasc pe cont propriu, dei lor distincia are crescut mai puin semnificativ
peste decenii postbelice ca proporia de Miai meciuri a diminuat. [1]
Japonez mireasa-a-fi poate fi vopsit alb pur de la cap pana in picioare, declarnd
vizibil starea ei de fat de zei. Dou opiuni de acoperit capul exist. Unu,
watabshi, este o glug de culoare alb; de alt parte, denumit tsunokakushi,
servete pentru a ascunde miresei "coarne de gelozie." Ea simbolizeaz, de
asemenea, intenia miresei de a deveni o soie blnd i asculttor.
Obiceiuri tradiionale de nunta japoneze (shinzen Shiki) implic o ceremonie
elaborat loc la un altar Shinto. Nunti japoneze devin tot mai extravagante. Cu toate
acestea, n unele cazuri, generaiilor mai tinere aleg s renune la cile oficiale de a

avea o "nici un partid gazd" pentru o nunta. [2] n aceast situaie, oaspeii
format n principal de prieteni cuplului care pltesc o tax de participare.
Cuplurile sunt cstorii oficial, odat ce au depus cu succes documentele necesare
pentru a registratorului primrie pentru a schimba statutul lor n registrele lor de
familie. Nr Ceremonia de orice fel este impus de legislaia japonez.

Western-style wedding ceremonies are currently very popular in Japan.

These ceremonies are
modeled on a traditional or stereotypical chapel wedding.
In recent years, the Western-style wedding has become the choice of some
couples in Japan.[6] An industry has sprung up, dedicated to providing
couples with a ceremony modeled after western weddings. Japanese
Western-style weddings are generally held in a chapel, either in a simple or
elaborate ceremony, often at a dedicated wedding chapel within a hotel.
The "ministers" of these marriages are often not actual Christians. In
general, even true Christians administering the marriage are discouraged
from actual proselytizing.[7]
There is no perceived contradiction in participating in a Western wedding
with Christian iconography. Japanese people are culturally Buddhist
and Buddhism still remains the religion of the majority. Most couples
choose their wedding style, not for any religious reason, but rather as a
fashion statement.

Stil occidental ceremonii de nunta sunt n prezent foarte popular

n Japonia. [5] Aceste ceremonii sunt
dup modelul o nunta traditionala sau stereotipe capel.
n ultimii ani, nunta in stil occidental a devenit alegerea unor
cupluri din Japonia. [6] O industrie a aprut, dedicat pentru a oferi
cuplurilor cu o ceremonie modelat dup nunti occidentale. Nunti
stil occidental japoneze sunt, n general, a avut loc ntr-o capel,
fie ntr-o ceremonie simpla sau elaborata, de multe ori la o capel
de nunt dedicat n hotel.
n "Minitrii" din aceste cstorii nu sunt de multe ori reale
cretini. n general, chiar i cretini adevrai care administreaz
cstoriei sunt descurajate de la prozelitism actuale. [7]

Nu exist nici o contradicie perceput n participarea la o nunta

de Vest cu iconografia cretin. Japonezii sunt cultural budist i
budism rmne religia majoritii. Cele mai multe cupluri aleg
stilul de nunta lor, nu pentru orice motiv religios, ci mai degrab
ca o declaraie de moda.

Over the past few decades Christian-style wedding

ceremonies have become widespread, to the point
that currently they are the standard form. The
adoption of Christian-style weddings dates back to
two events in the 1980s. The first pivotal moment
was the wedding of Lady Diana Spencer to Prince
Charles, and the secondamong the Japanese
was the televised wedding of the pop star Momoe
In 2001 it was estimated that of the 800,000
weddings in Japan, 60 to 70 percent of couples
opted for a Christian-style wedding. The popularity of
these chapel weddings has only increased since

De-a lungul ultimelor decenii, n stil cretin

ceremonii de nunta au devenit larg
rspndit, pn la punctul c, n prezent
acestea sunt formularul standard. Adoptarea
de nunti in stil cretin dateaz din dou
evenimente n anii 1980. Primul moment pivot
a fost nunta lui Lady Diana Spencer a prinului

Charles, iar a doua n rndul japonezilor-a fost

nunta televizat a star pop Momoe
n 2001 sa estimat c a 800.000 de nuntile
din Japonia, ntre 60 i 70 la sut din cupluri
au optat pentru o nunt n stil cretin.
Popularitatea acestor nunti capela a crescut
doar de atunci.
Non-religious or civil ceremonies[edit]

There is a further popular wedding style called 'non-religious' or

'civil', which again is modelled on the West but has no religious
connotations. The officiant is a Master of Ceremonies and the
wedding often takes place in a banquet room prior to or during the
reception party, with guests seated at tables.
Whether Christian-style or Shinto style, 'religious' or 'nonreligious', the wedding ceremonies themselves have no legal
standing. Formerly, when it was performed according to Shinto
ritual, the wedding allowed the union to be blessed by a priest,
which gave official and legal recognition to the marriage. Today,
weddings still serve the function of having the marriage formally
celebrated by loved ones, but although Christian or
shinto rites are often included, many of those officiating have
no ordination. Similarly, MCs at 'civil' weddings need no formal

Exist un stil de nunta mai mult popular numit "nonreligios" sau "civil", care din nou este modelat pe
Occident, dar nu are conotaii religioase.Oficiantul este
un Maestru de Ceremonii i nunta are loc de multe ori

ntr-o sal de banchet nainte sau n timpul petrecerii de

recepie, cu oaspeii aezai la mese.
Fie stil cretin sau stil Shinto, "religios" sau "non-religios",
ceremoniile de nunta n sine nu au nici o calitate
procesual. Anterior, cnd a fost realizat n conformitate
cu Shinto ritual, nunta permis unirea a fi binecuvntat de
un preot, care a dat recunoaterea oficial i legal a
cstoriei. Astzi, nunti nc servi funcia de a avea
cstoriei celebrat n mod oficial de ctre cei dragi, dar,
dei rituri cretine sau Shinto sunt adesea incluse, multi
dintre cei care oficiaz nu au nici o coordonare. n mod
similar, MC la nunti "civile" au nevoie de nici o calificare

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