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Ministry of Textiles

Govt. of India

Government of India

Ministry of Textiles
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi

Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar

Minister of State for Textiles (Independent Charge)

The need for improving governance and service delivery to the
common man is among the foremost goals of the government.
In this context, it is necessary to make eec ve use of IT based
applica ons under eGovernance ini a ves. In line with this,
the Ministry of Tex les has brought out this eBook to provide
an easy access to the ini a ves taken for the growth of Tex les
Sector. I hope this eort will be useful to the ci zens and help in
bringing governance closer to the people.

Government of India

Ministry of Textiles
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi

Shri Sanjay Kumar Panda

Secretary, Textiles

The Ministry of Tex les has been striving to facilitate the
growth of Indian Tex les through a slew of schemes and
ini a ves. This ebook seeks to present the achievements and
ini a ves of the Ministry of Tex les during the current year
and is intended to be a public document to inform and elicit
response from our ci zens in support of our endeavour. We
hope to keep the ci zens informed of our ini a ves by
upda ng this ebook from me to me.

The Ministry of Tex les is responsible for policy formula on, planning,
development, export promo on and trade regula on of the Tex les Industry
including all natural and manmade bers that go into the making of tex les,
clothing and handicra s.

To build state of the art produc on capaci es and achieve a preeminent global
standing in manufacture and export of all types of tex les including technical
tex les, jute, silk, co on and wool, and develop a vibrant handlooms and
handicra s sector for sustainable economic development and promo ng and
preserving the age old cultural heritage in the sector.

Major Achievements

Trade Facilita on Centre, Varanasi
For making the handlooms and handicra industry market oriented
with required support, founda on stone of Trade Facilita on Centre
and Cra museum was laid at Varanasi by the Hon'ble Prime Minister
on 7.11.2014 in Varanasi.

Prime Minister, Governor of U ar Pradesh, MoST(Independent Charge),

Secretary (Tex les) and others.

Na onal Tex le Corpora on on Posi ve Path

Na onal Tex le Corpora on (NTC) was on the verge of losing
some lease hold lands on account of absence of an express
provision about the ves ng of leasehold land in the
na onaliza on statutes. NTC Ordinance was promulgated on
24.10.2014. Subsequently, the Ordinance was replaced by the
"The Tex le Undertakings (Na onaliza on) Laws (Amendment
and Valida on) Bill 2014" which has been passed by both
Houses of Parliament has received the accent of the President of
The erstwhile subsidiary companies of NTC became sick in the
year 1992 due to erosion of Net worth. The net worth of NTC
stood at Rs. 1602 crore as on 31.03.2014 and hence BIFR has
discharged NTC on 28th October, 2014.

Safeguarding interest of Co on growers under

Minimum Support Price (MSP) opera on
With a bumper co on produc on the worldover exceeding
the projected consump on and China deciding to use up its
stocks with slowing down its imports, current co on year 1415
is a co on surplus year. Prices have declined since last year.
To safeguard the interests of domes c Co on growers, well
planned and coordinated large scale Minimum Support
Opera ons have been started by the Co on Corpora on of
India in all the 11 co on producing States. Wide publicity has
been made with readiness to open procurement centres. Of
the more than 340 centres proposed 315 are already opera ng.
So far out of the 93 lac bales of co on arrivals about 64 lac bales
equivalent of co on have been procured by the CCI already.
On line payment directly to the account of co on farmers has
been taken up in Andhra Pradesh in consulta on with the State
Govt. This ini a ve would be extended to other States in
phases to ensure payment of right sale proceeds in me.

Welfare of ar sans engaged in Pashmina in

Jammu & Kashmir
Pursuant to Hon'ble Prime Minister's announcement regarding
formula on of welfare schemes for the poor nomads rearing
Pashmina in the Ladakh region of India, a scheme towards
Pashmina Promo on and welfare of the nomads was
formulated and launched by the Hon'ble Minister of State for
Tex les (Independent Charge) Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar on
The Scheme guidelines have been approved by the Expenditure
Finance commi ee in November 2014.

Se ng up infrastructure for Tex le Industry under

the Scheme for Integrated Tex le Park (SITP)
The Scheme of Integrated Tex le Parks (SITP), implemented in
Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode has been reoriented on
the basis of feedback received from the State Governments in
the State Tex le Ministers Conference held in New Delhi on
24th September 2014 to promote industrializa on of the
tex le sector in the States where tex le ecosystem is presently
not so strong.
The Ministry has cleared 13 proposals for new Tex le parks in
dierent states of the country in 2014, which were stuck for
about 2 years 6 months. While these 13 tex le parks will
receive a grant to the extent of Rs 520 crores from government
for infrastructure development, they are es mated to bring in
private sector investment of about Rs 3240 crores into the
sector and generate direct employment for about 35,000
persons over the next three years. Also, to enable a be er and
more meaningful par cipa on of State Governments / State
Industrial Development Corpora ons, Joint ventures by
Industrial Development Corpora ons have been encouraged
under the scheme.

Promo on of Technical Tex les:

The Ministry has launched a new Rs. 427 crore scheme to
popularize the use of Geotechnical tex les in the North East
States with a view to demonstrate the technology in building
cost eec ve and far superior infrastructure like Roads, Hill
slope protec on and ecient water storage through geotech
water reservoir lining. This scheme will empower the
administra ve machinery to adopt the technology to promote
establishment of the supply chain and later on even lead to
manufacturing of Geotex les in the North East.

Se ng up infrastructure for organised tex le

industry in the North East
With a view to genera ng produc ve employment
opportuni es for the youth in general and women in par cular
in the North East , Ministry of Tex les has ini ated ac on for
"se ng up centres for produc on of garment and apparels",
one in each of the Northern Eastern States to u lize the art our
women carry in their ngers.
Under the proposed interven on, three units with 100
machines each will be set up and assistance for running these
units for a period of 3 years will be given, with a total nancial
implica on of around Rs. 18 crores per state. This was
announced by Hon'ble Prime Minister on 1st December, 2014.

State Ministers' Conference

Carrying forward the Hon'ble Prime Minister's vision of "Sabke
Sath Sabka Vikas", State Tex le Ministers Conference was
organised under chairmanship of Hon'ble Minister of State for
Tex les (Independent Charge) Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar on
24.9.2014 towards inclusive development. More than 16 states
tex le ministers par cipated in the conference and
deliberated upon the specic needs of each state in order to
harmonise the policies of the centre and the states for
development of tex le industry.

State Tex le Ministers with HMoST (Independent Charge)

Empowerment of women through Sericulture

In pursuance of the vision of "Sabke Sath Sabka Vikas" for
making the development process inclusive and par cipa ve,
54 women sericulturists from all over India were felicitated in
one day conference on "Women Empowerment through
Sericulture" towards improving quality and produc vity of silk
held in New Delhi on 17th September, 2014.

Women Sericulturists with HMoST (Independent Charge) and Secretary (Tex les)

Make in India
A detailed interac on with the representa ves of the industry
in the Tex les Sector on Make in India ini a ves launched by
Honble Prime Minister on 29th December, 2014. Based on the
discussions a presenta on was made before the Honble Prime
Minister highligh ng major issues rela ng to the tex le sector.

Skill Development:
ISDS is a part of the Government's wide focus on crea ng skills
that are needed to enhance the compe veness of India in the
manufacturing tex les sector. It targets to train 15 lakh persons
by the end of 201617. The scheme envisions an inclusive
growth "SABKA SAATH SABKA VIKAS" where unskilled
unemployed youth are given necessary skill and employment
in the tex le sector.
Government of India provides assistance up to 75% of the
project cost subject to a ceiling of Rs 10,000 per person.
The scheme is being further aligned towards the requirements
of the organized tex le industry specially Spinning, Weaving
(power loom & composite mills) processing, Apparel &
Garmen ng, Technical Tex les etc so as to enable placement of
the trainees in the industry a er the training.It has been
decided to train 12 lakh persons under ISDS during rest of the
XII plan period.

Technological Upgrada on Fund Scheme
Objec ve:
Technology Upgrada on Fund Scheme (TUFS) was introduced
in 1999 to catalyze investments in all the subsectors of tex les
and jute industry for technology upgrada on of the machinery
by way of 5% interest reimbursement.
During 12th Plan, investment target is Rs.1,51,000 crore. The
total investment catalyzed through TUF Scheme stands at Rs.
2,50,234 crore. The subsidy released ll date under TUF Scheme
is Rs.19934.14 crore including Rs. 1600 crore released during
the current year.

Upgrada on of Powerlooms:
More than 65% of the fabric produc on in our country is being
done by the powerloom weavers. As a major step towards their
welfare the scheme of InSitu Upgrada on of powerloom has
been launched by Ministry of Tex les for achieving be er
quality powerloom fabric. Also Ministry of Tex les has ini ated
and launched the Tex Venture Capital Fund towards providing
equity to the start ups in the tex le sector.

Research & Development:

The Ministry has approved a Rs. 149 crore scheme for industry
and market oriented R&D. The scheme seeks to promote
applied industry relevant R&D, some fundamental Research,
R&D in Green ini a ves, Ground proving and facilita ng
Commercializa on of processes and products developed by
R&D ins tu ons, machinery development etc.

Mega Clusters
For providing backward and forward linkage for handloom,
handicra and power loom weavers seven mega clusters in
Surat, Bhuj, Lucknow, Bareilly, Burhanpur, Mysore and Trichy
have been sanc oned by Ministry of Tex les.

Incuba on Centres
With a view to exhibit the huge poten al of Apparel sector in
employment genera on and export, a scheme for Se ng up
Incuba on Centers in Apparel Manufacturing (SIAM) has been
launched and two centres have been approved for Orissa and

Linking Tex le with Tourism

Process for linking Tex le with Tourism has been worked out in
consulta on with Ministry of Tourism. In this context, the
development of Raghurajpur cra s village in Orissa as a
des na on village at a project cost of Rs 10 crore has been
approved in January 2015.

Integrated Processing Development Scheme (IPDS)

Objec ve: To support the processing sector in mee ng environmental
standards through appropriate technology including marine, riverine
and Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD).
Scheme for Incuba on in Apparel Manufacturing (SIAM)
Objec ve: To promote new entrepreneurs in apparel manufacturing
by providing an integrated workspace and linkagesbased
entrepreneurial ecosystem for rst genera on entrepreneurs.
Scheme for Tex le Industry Workers' Accommoda on (STIWA).
Objec ve: To provide decent accommoda on to the tex le workers
in/vicinity of the tex le parks/ clusters
Addi onal Grant for Apparel Manufacturing Units.
Objec ve: To create addi onal infrastructure for apparel and
garmen ng units in the exi ng tex le Parks under Scheme for
Integrated Tex le Park (SITP)
Integrated Skill Development Scheme (ISDS)
Objec ve: Placement of trained person in the related occupa ons is
the main objec ve.

Ini a ves taken by the Government of India on Co on

Technology Mission On Co on
The Technology Mission on Co on (TMC) was launched on 21st February, 2000
to address the issues of raising produc vity, improving quality and reducing the
cost of produc on.
It has been proposed to con nue the Mini Missions III & IV of the erstwhile
TMC as an independent Central Sector Scheme instead of Centrally Sponsored
Scheme during the 12th Five Year Plan. The ma er is under examina on in the
Ministry in consulta on with NITI Aayog.
Colored Co on
The PMO has iden ed promo on of coloured co on among its priority areas.
There has been much progress in research in recent years on coloured co on.
Scien sts have reported that the desired parameter like produc vity, staple
length, strength, solar fastness etc. of colour co on can be brought to the levels
of white co on to the sa sfac on of the tex le industry. Apart from being
environment friendly and organic, this would also a ract consumers,
preferably in the highest value added form.
Coastal Shipping Relaxa on Of Cabotage Rules :
The mills in India are spending more amount for local transporta on of co on
from the producing areas to the consuming areas (mills) when compared to the
mills in China for procuring the same co on from producing states. To
overcome this, Ministry of Tex les has taken up with Ministry of Shipping to
relax Cabotage regula ons. The ma er is being pursued with Ministry of

Co on Advisory Board
The Co on Advisory Board (CAB) is a representa ve body of Government
agencies, growers, industry & trade. It advises the Government generally on
ma ers pertaining to produc on, consump on and marke ng of co on, and
also provides a forum for liaison among the co on tex le mill industry, the
co on growers, the co on trade and the government. The tenure of the CAB is
two years.
Co on Corpora on of India (CCI)
The role assigned to the CCI under the Tex le Policy of June 1985 was:
1. To undertake price support opera ons whenever the market prices of kapas
touch the support prices announced by the government of India without any
quan ta ve limit
2. To undertake commercial opera ons only at CCI 's own risk; and
3. To purchase co on to full export quotas given to CCI
The above role of the CCI con nued under the New Tex le Policy of 2000.
However, the last stated func on no longer is relevant as export of co on is now
free and the Government is releasing no quotas.
Minimum Support Price (MSP)
The Co on Corpora on of India Ltd., a Public Sector Undertaking, under the
administra ve control of Ministry of Tex les undertakes MSP opera ons on
behalf of the Government of India ensuring remunera ve prices to the co on
growers of the country in the event of prevailing kapas prices falling below the
MSP level.
CCI is opera ng more than 340 procurement centres in 92 districts across 11
Co on growing States.

Centrally Sponsered Scheme of Cataly c Development
Programme (CDP)
Objec ve:
To increase silk produc on, par cularly, Bivol ne (BV) Silk.
To increase employment genera on.
Target (at the end of plan period):
32,000 MT of Silk including 5,000 MT BV Silk.
Direct and indirect employment of 9.24 Million persons.
Implementa on: By Central Silk Board (CSB) with the state Departments of
Sericulture (DoS).
Promo on of all the four varie es of silk in the country i.e.,Mulberry, Tasar,
Eri and Muga.
Assistance from planta on up to marke ng including beneciary
empowerment programme.
Fund alloca on: Rs 889 Crore as Central Share during XIIth Plan.
Employment genera on of 7.85 Million by 201314.
Silk Produc on 26480 MT by 201314 including 2559 MT BV Silk.
Thrust is on produc on of import subs tute BV Silk, post cocoon techno
logy and pooling resources under dierent schemes through convergence.


Research & Development, Training & IT ini a ves,
Seed Organisa on/ Coordina on and Market Development(HRD)
Quality Cer ca on System
Brand promo on & Technology upgrada on
Objec ves:
R & D for suitable silkworm races and host plant and Research Extension,
Silkworm seed produc on
Standardizing and ins lling quality parameters in silk produc on
Promo on of Indian Silk in domes c and interna onal markets
Implementa on: 325 units of Central Silk Board located in dierent States
Fund alloca on: Rs 375 Crore during XIIth Five Year plan
Thrust is on development of bivol ne breeds suitable to Indian tropical
condi ons. For the purpose, bilateral collabora ve research projects would
be taken up with Japan China, Brazil. Developing improved reeling devices for
silk at low cost to produce quality silk and Commercializa on of Machines
developed by Central Silk Board is another priority.

Integrated Wool Improvement and Development

Programme (IWIDP)
CFC under Quality Processing of Wool scheme
Social Security Scheme for sheep breeders
During the current nancial year 201415 an amount of Rs.
20.00 cr. (Plan) has been allocated to Central Wool
Development Board (CWDB) for the implementa on of the
above Schemes.

Safeguarding interest of Jute farmers

and workers of Jute mills
To safeguard interests of the producers and manufacturers of Jute and
Jute products es mated about 4.35 million families, the Ministry is in
constant touch with the stakeholders including consumers and State
Govts. for increasing the demand and consump on of this
environment friendly natural ber products and also to move towards
more use in value added diversied and also in higher tech products.
Food grains

Minimum percentage to be reserved for packaging in Jute

90% of the production [of the remaining production after
providing for food grains to be packed in 3.5 lakh bales of
HDPE/PP bags]
20% of the production

Pathbreaking progress in BIC

As a result of vigorous persuasion by the Ministry in the last six months,
there has been a major breakthrough in the nego a ons with Govt. of
U ar Pradesh (U.P.) for conver ng leasehold land to freehold. Govt. of
UP has agreed to convert leasehold land of BIC into freehold as per the
recommenda on of High Level Commi ee, dated 13th August 2014,
cons tuted under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Government of
UP. The Honourable Minister had a mee ng with the Chief Minister,
Govt. of UP on 9 September 2014 to further expedite the process of
conversion. BIC will be able to sell its surplus land valued at
approximately Rs. 1014 crores and infuse necessary funds to
implement its revival scheme. This will in turn generate economic
development and employment in the region and reduce nancial
burden on na onal exchequer.

North East Region Tex le Promo on

Scheme (NERTPS)
North East Region Tex le Promo on Scheme (NERTPS) is
meant for the development of the tex le sector in the North
Eastern Region with a total outlay of Rs. 1038.10 crore during
12th Five Year Plan. The broad objec ve of the North East
Tex le Promo on Scheme is to develop and modernise the
tex le sector in the North East Region. The total budget
provision for NERTPS in the year 201415 is Rs 157.00 crores.

Babasaheb Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana
Under Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana Scheme an
amount of Rs. 37.77 lakhs have been sanc oned for 114 clusters
during the period 1.4.2014 to 30.11.2014 for ongoing projects
and reimbursement cases.
Design and Technology Upgrada on Scheme
Under Design & Technical Upgarda on Scheme an amount of
Rs. 11.48 Crore have been sanc oned. During the period
1.4.2014 to 30.11.2014 for the 101 dierent ac vi es viz Design
Workshops/projects/Assistance to Shilp persons etc.
Marke ng Support & Services Scheme
Under the scheme of Marke ng & Support Services Scheme an
amount of Rs. 14.21 Crore have been sanc oned during the
period 1.4.2014 to 30.11.2014 for 104 Marke ng ac vi es like
Gandhi Shilp Bazaar, Cra Bazaars, Exhibi ons, Na onal
Handicra s Fair & Buyer seller Meet including ac vi es
undertaken under Interna onal marke ng component, hiring of
Stalls by various regions, par cipa on in Interna onal events
and various adver sement.

Human Resource Development Scheme

Under the scheme of Human Resource Development Scheme an
amount of Rs. 6.61 Crore have been sanc oned during the
period 1.4.2014 to 30.11.2014 for 43 ongoing projects and
reimbursement cases.
Handicra s Ar sans Comprehensive Welfare Scheme
Under Plan scheme of Handicra s Ar sans Comprehensive
Welfare Scheme an amount of Rs. 5.80 crores have been
sanc oned during the period 1.4.2014 to 30.11.2014 for
coverage of 2.00 lakhs Handicra s ar sans under Bima yojana.
Research & Development Scheme
Under the scheme of Research & Development Scheme an
amount of Rs. 1.42 Crore have been sanc oned from 1.4.2014
to 30.11.2014 for 11 survey studies and 27 seminar cum
workhops and reimbursement cases.
Infrastructure & Technology Development
Under the scheme an amount of Rs. 20.96 Crore have been
sanc oned during the period 1.4.2014 to 30.11.2014 for
construc on of Interna onal cra Complex, Vasant Kunj, New
Delhi, construc on of Regional Design & Technical
Development Centre, Okhla, Construc on of Cra s Museum
and M&SEC, Jaipur, Urban haat, at Eluru (A.P.)

Na onal Handloom Development Programme (NHDP) is
implemented as a single Centrally Sponsored Programme for
development of handlooms, having following components:
A. Revival, Reform & Restructuring (RRR) package for the
handloom sector.
B. Comprehensive Handloom Development scheme (CHDS)
During 201415, budget provision under Na onal Handloom
Development Programme (NHDP) is Rs.362.00 crore, of which
Rs.62.65 crore is earmarked for consolida on of clusters, New
Clusters, Group Approach Projects and Marke ng Incen ve
components. A sum of Rs.31.79 crore has been sanc oned/
released to various State Governments /UTs/Implemen ng
Agencies as on 11.11.2014.
During the year 201415 (as on 31.12.2014), against the budget
provision of Rs.20.00 crore, a sum of Rs.13.33 crores has been
released to meet out the commi ed liabili es as well as for the
new interven ons.



Government of India is implemen ng Yarn Supply scheme
throughout the country to make available all types of yarn at
Mill Gate Price to the eligible handloom weavers so as to
facilitate regular supply of basic raw materials to the handloom
sector and help u lize the full employment poten al of the
sector. The scheme is being implemented through Na onal
Handloom Development Corpora on, Lucknow, a Government
of India Undertaking. Under the scheme the freight is
reimbursed and depot opera ng charges @2% is given to depot
opera ng agencies. At present 788 such yarn depots are
func oning throughout the country.
Government of India has been implemen ng "Handloom
Weavers Comprehensive Welfare Scheme (HWCWS)" with the
components of (i) Health Insurance Scheme (HIS); and (ii)
Mahatma Gandhi Bunkar Bima Yojana (MGBBY).

Government of India

Ministry of Textiles
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi

For details on the Schemes and Ini a ves visit the website
of the Ministry of Tex les:

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