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and Communications Simulation Van
TRANSAR Air Transport Accept/Refuse (Message)
TRANSEC Transmission Security
TRE Treaty-Related Equipment
TREE Translent Radiation Effects on Electronics
TRF Tactical Reconnaissance Fighter
TRIGAT Third-Generation Anti-Tank Missile
TRIGS Tactical Reconnaissance Information
Ground Station
TRL Turkish Lira
TROL Tapeless Rotorless On-Line Cryptographic
TRP Time of Reporting
TRR Target-Ranging Radar
TRS Test Requirement Specification
Transition Readiness Site
TRU Target Reporting Unit
TRI Tactical Reconnaissance All Weather
TSG Tri-Service Group
TSGCE Tri-Service Group on Communication
and Electronics
TSR Tactical Sonar Range
TTBT Threshold Test-Ban Treaty
TTMSTC Tyuratam Missile and Space Test Centre
TTW Time of Tension or War
Transition to War
TU Task Unit
TUV Tuvalu/TV
TW Taiwan/TWN
TWOATAF Second Allied Tactical Air Force
Central Europe
TZ Tanzania/TZA

TLE Treaty-Limited Equipment

TLP Truck Loading Point
TM Tactical Missile
TMA Target Movement Analysis
TMC Two-Man Control (NBC)
TMG Tactical Missile Group
TMPS Theatre Mission Planning System
TMT Tanker Mooring Terminal
TN Tunisia/TS/TUN
TNF Theatre Nuclear Forces
TO Technical Order
TO&E Table of Organisation and Equipment
TOA Transfer of Authority
TOC Tome of Occurrence
TOD Time of Delivery
Time of Detonation
Time of Day
TOI Time of Injection
TOR Terms of Reference
Time of Receipt
TOSCA TOTE System, Computer-Assisted
TOT Time on Target
TOW Take-Off Weight
TP Traffic Control Post
TPA Track Production Area
TPFD Time-Phased Force Deployment
TPR Test Procedure Record
TPSS Target Prioritisation and Selection System
TPT Third-Party Targeting
TR Tank Regiment Turkey/TU/TUR
Theatre Reserv
Tactical Reconnaissance
TRA Temporary Reserved Airspace
TRACSVAN Transportable Radar
U/C Underlying Currency
UA Ukraine/UKR/UP
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UDT Underwater Demolition Team
UDU Underwater Demolition Unit
UG Uganda/UGA
UGS Unattended Ground Sensor
UHF Ultra-High Frequency
UIC Unit Identification Code
UK United Kingdom
UK AIR United Kingdom Air Force

UK/NLAF United Kingdom/Netherlands

Amphibious Force
UKADGE United Kingdom Air Defence Ground
UKADR UK NATO Air Defence Region
UKMF United Kingdom Mobile Force
UKNAVCAMS UK Naval Communications Area
Master Station
UMA Unmanned Aircraft
UMF Unconventional Military Forces
UN United Nations
UN-SC United Nations Security Council


G#ndirea militar` rom#neasc`

UNREP Underway Replenishment
URG Underway Replenishment Group
URY Uruguay/UY
US United States/USA
US-SIOP United States Single Integrated
Operational Plan
USAREUR US Army Europe
USCENTCOM US Central Command

V/S Visual Signaling

V/STOL Vertical/Short Take-Off
and Landing Aircraft
VA Vatican City/VAT/VT
VARS Vertical and Azimuth Reference System
VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator
VASIS Visual Approach Slope Indicator System
VD Vienna Document
VDP Voluntary Departure Plan
VDS Voluntary Departure Scheme
Variable Depth Sonar
VE Venezuela/VEN
VECTAC Vectored Attack
VERTREP Vertical Replenishment

~ 5/2003
USD US Dollar
USEUCOM US European Command
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator Grid
UW Unconventional Warfare
UWT Underwater Telephone
UY Uruguay/URY
UZ Uzbekistan/UZB

VF Voice Frequency
Video Frequency
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF Very High Frequency (Metric Waves)
VLCC Very Large Crude-Oil Carrier
VLF Very Low Frequency
VM Vietnam/VN/VNM
VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
VN Vulnerability Number
VNCS Voluntary Naval Control of Shipping
VOF Variable Operating Frequency
VSHORAD Very Short-Range Air Defence
VSHORADS Very Short-Range Air Defence System
VTOL Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft

WIC Wartime Identification Code
WIP Wartime Intelligence Plan
WP Working Party
Working Paper
WPC Warrior Preparation Centre
WPP Weapon Production Programme
WPR Wartime Personnel Requirements
WRM War Reserve Materiel
WRS War Reserve Stock
WRSK War Reserve Spares Kits
WS Samoa Western/WSM
Work Sheet
WS3 Weapon Survivability and Security System
WSLC Weapon System Life Cycle
WSM Waterspace Management
WSP Weapon System Partnership
WSPC Weapon System Partnership Committee
WSSS Weapon Survivability and Security System
WWMCCS Worldwide Military Command
&Control System

WAC Weather Analysis Centre

WACS Wartime Air Courier Services
WADS Weapons Access Delay System
WAN Wide Area Network
WAS War(time) Authorised Strenght
WCB Wartime Contingency Base
WE War Establishment
WESTLANT Western Atlantic Area
WEU Western European Union
WEZ Weapon Engagement Zone
WFZ Weapon Fire Zone
WG Working Group
WH War Head
WHNS Wartime Host Nation Support
WHQ War Headquarters
WHQEX War Headquarters Exercise
WI Western Sahara
WIA Wounded in Action
YE Yemen/YEM
ZA Zambia/ZM/ZMB


YIR Yearly Infrastructure Report

ZI Zimbabwe/ZW/ZWE

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