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Chapter 7 and Related Materials

Changes from DSM-IV to DSM-5

Term Somatoform Disorders has been dropped category is now called: Somatic Symptom and
Related Disorders

Reduced number of disorders in this category

Moved Body Dysmorphic Disorder from this category to Obsessive-Compulsive and Related
category (we will talk about this disorder now, however) Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders (Somatic symptoms associated with significant distress and

Somatic Symptom Disorder

Illness anxiety disorder

o No clear symptoms
o We believe that we have illness and freak out

Conversion disorder

Psychological factors affecting other medical conditions

Factitious disorder
Factitious Disorder Munchausen Syndrome

Clearly in the Somatic symptom category

People are faking it Faking a psychological problem

Induction of injury (deception) to deceive others

No clear external reward for this

o Differs from malingering (faking illness to get rewards)

Munchausen syndrome = The extreme and chronic form of factitious disorder

Munchausen Synndrome by Proxy

o inducing disease on others

Parent make up or produce illness in their children

Mother making her children ill (Child abuse)

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) now in Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders category

Imagined disease

Case of the one girl that is convinced that she looks horrible (Case study)

Into the obsessive compulsive disorder category

Preoccupation with physical signs

Plastic surgeon to plastic surgeon in searching for something

A disorder marked by excessive worry that some aspect of ones physical appearance is defensive
Conversion Disorder

Psychological needs meet through body symptoms

Freuds classical

Psychological stress Body symptoms

No clear cause

Might have an indifferent attitude Not as upset

Mucha and Reinhart (1970) study

o 56 naval aviators developed conversion symptoms (blurred vision, some hearing
o family oriented family
o Cannot quit what so ever
o Some family member shared their same psychological symptoms
Psychodynamic theory

Primary Gain
o Never had to face any pressure of quitting
o Might be to avoid having to face or acknowledge a troubling psychological conflict

Secondary Gain (more behavioral)

When their hysterical symptoms further enable them to avoid unpleasant activities or to
receive empathy from others
o Didnt have to actually do the flying or training (escaped something they didnt want)
o More behavioral; to get out of it
Integrative Model of Somatic Symptom Disorders

Physiological Emotional

Disturbance Arousal
o Attention to Body

Illness Attribution

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