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2013 Sales Gravy Guide to:

Setting Winning Goals

by Jeb Blount

Sales Gravy Press

P.O. Box 1389
Thomson, Georgia 30824
Copyright 2013 People Buy You Performance Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this
training may be copied, printed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior

Content s
About the Author: ................................................................................................................................. 4
Learn More ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Hire Jeb to Speak to Your Group ....................................................................................................... 4
Connect With Jeb on Social Media .................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5
What Do You Want? ............................................................................................................................. 6
Define It and Write It Down .................................................................................................................. 7
Setting Specific Goals ............................................................................................................................ 8
Its Like Magic ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Set Clear Deadlines to Drive Urgency ................................................................................................. 12
Steps to Success .................................................................................................................................. 12
The Law of Congruency....................................................................................................................... 13
Start Now!........................................................................................................................................... 14
Start with a Written Goal .................................................................................................................... 15
Step 1: Write Down Five Goals You Want to Achieve this Year (Five Minutes) ............................... 15
Specific and Tangible .......................................................................................................................... 16
Step 2: Turn Your Five Goals Into Specific, Tangible Goals (Ten Minutes) ...................................... 16
The Law of Congruency....................................................................................................................... 17
Step 3: Are Your Goals Congruent? ................................................................................................. 17
Measurable Steps to Success .............................................................................................................. 18
Step 4: Build Steps to Success (5 Minutes)...................................................................................... 18
Putting it All Together ..................................................................................................................... 19
Step 5: Power Principles Goal Sheet (20 Minutes) ....................................................................... 19
Bonus: Sales Activity Calculator .......................................................................................................... 20

About the Jeb Blount:

Jeb Blount is one of the worlds most respected thought leaders on sales,
leadership, and interpersonal relationships in the workplace. He is an indemand keynote speaker, trainer and expert consultant who helps
companies, from Fortune 500s to start-ups, accelerate growth. A prolific
bestselling author, he has written six books including People Love You,
People Follow You, People Buy You, Business Expert Guide to Small Business
Success, 7 Rules for Outselling the Recession, and Power Principles. More
than 200,000 people subscribe to his weekly newsletter and his podcasts
have been downloaded more than 6 million times.

Learn More

Hire Jeb to Speak to Your Group or Schedule a Personal Coaching Session


Phone: 706-664-0810 x109

Connect With Jeb on Social Media

You Tube:
Sales Gravy:

There are many attributes that define top performers: persistence, winning attitude, drive, talent,
ability to overcome adversity, faith, and inspiration, among others. The reality is people succeed and
win for various reasons. Yet there is one common ingredient that links virtually all successful people
to their success: Well-planned goals.
You have goals and dreams too. You are eager to achieve them. You want to get the most out of
your life and career. You burn to reach your potential. While others talk about someday, youve
decided that someday is now. You want more. You are ready to take action. All you need is a plan.
Ive published this goal planning guide annually since 2008. It has been downloaded more than
100,000 times and counting our most popular download. Why do I do this? Because I know that
while most people have dreams and targets and hopes,
most never realize them because they fail to build a real
I realize that as an individual your goals and dreams are
unique and personal. What I want for you is the success
you hunger for. I created this guide because so few
people actually take time to write down a plan on paper.
Not because they dont want to, rather because they
dont know how and have no mechanism for charting
each step to success each milestone towards their goal.

Our goals can only be reached

through a vehicle of a plan, in
which we must fervently
believe, and upon which we
must vigorously act. There is no
other route to success.
- Pablo Picasso

Your time is now. The 2013 Goal Planning Guide is

designed to help you make tough, clear decisions about what is most important to you, what dreams
are priorities, what goals you will achieve, and what really motivates you to take action. Then it will
help you write down a plan. That plan will have a massive impact on your future. You will find that
once you have a written plan in place, nothing can stop you.
It is my sincere wish that you will use this guide to create your own path; a path on which you will
thrive and grow. I also hope you will take a moment to tell me about your success on any of my
social media channels or by writing me at
Jeb Blount, Author of the #1 Best Seller, People Buy You

What Do You Want?

When I coach individuals on goal setting, my conversations begin with a simple question, What do
you want? The sad reality is most people either dont know or have a difficult time defining what
they want in specific terms. Most people answer with common clichs like:

I just want to be happy.

I want to be successful.
I want to be a better parent, leader or spouse, etc.
I want to be respected.

Though there is nothing inherently wrong with these answers the vagueness and lack of direction
impedes the person from gaining the happiness, success, respect, or better that they desire. Until
you take time to define specifically what happy or successful actually means, you are going
nowhere or as Yogi Berra once said: If you dont know where you are going, you might end up
somewhere else.
The key is digging deeper and answering questions that help define, in your own specific terms, what
it is that you really want. Start with these questions (or variations of these questions) to get to the
heart of your desire:

What does happy mean to you?

How do you define success?
How will you know that you are successful or when you are happy?
What does respect mean to you?
How will you know if you are a better parent, leader, spouse, sales pro?

The first step in goal planning is defining what you want. If you are like most people, including me,
this will be your most challenging step. Moving from general, and sometime fuzzy, dreams and I
wants into specific, tangible, defined goals takes work and introspection. Yet, it is the most
important step you will take towards reaching your dreams. If you get stuck or find yourself
wavering, get some help from your significant other, your friends, manager, mentor or a coach. An
outside perspective may help you gain clarity and pin point what it is that you really want.
This past summer I felt I was drifting a bit from my path. I wasnt happy. I wanted more and I was
aching for a new direction. The problem was even though I was aware of this I was having a very
difficult time figuring it out own my own. Im sure you have been there. You know you want
something more and your current situation is untenable, but you just cant put your finger on it.
So I scheduled dinner with a trusted friend. Over dinner I explained that I was unhappy and looking
for answers. He asked questions and helped me get laser focused on exactly what it was that made
me happy. I didnt walk away from that conversation with all of the answers. What I did walk away
with was greater clarity. Over the next month or so I used that clarity to set new goals for myself.

Today I am achieving those goals and in doing so I am more fulfilled, happier and feel that I am
moving in the right direction in my life.
My late friend Hank Trisler, author of No Bull Selling, said he found it easiest to break goals down
into two categories: To HAVEs and To BEs. On the TO HAVE list are material things or cool toys
like cars, swimming pools, houses, motorcycles or a rocking vacation. On the TO BE list are the things
in your life you want to change or gain like getting an MBA, becoming a pilot, winning presidents
club, getting a promotion, coaching little league, or kicking butt and being the #1 salesperson on
your team. Personally, I also keep a list of TO DOs sort of a bucket list of goals like climbing
mountains and visiting the Great Wall of China.

Define It and Write It Down

The first, and most important, step towards getting what you want is to define it and write it down.
Specific, defined goals have an amazing way of motivating you to action. Specific, written goals also
get the universe working in your favor attracting people and resources to your cause. Writing
down goals makes you unstoppable.

To Have

To Be

When you write down your goals, ink on paper, you tap
into a powerful motivational force. This same force is not
present when you only dream about your goals. It only
comes into play when you write them down. For
example, an exercise I use with audiences is to have
them quickly write down five goals they want to achieve
in the next year. Then I tell them to fold up the piece of
paper and put it in their wallet. I literally have thousands
of letters from people who are blown away that they
achieved those goals. Many say that it was like magic.

To Do

People with clear,

written goals,
accomplish far more in
a shorter period of time
than people without
them could ever
- Brian Tracy

A written goal forces action. Something inside of you begins to drive you forward. The goal youve
written down constantly tugs at you, pulling you towards your destination. It is there, written in
stone, and it cannot be ignored until it has been accomplished.

Yet, writing down goals is risky business. Whats the risk? You risk failure. Frankly this is why so few
people actually commit goals to paper. They are afraid that they might fall on their face. Likewise,
committing to a written goal, means being accountable to yourself your toughest critic. Stepping
out of your comfort zone and taking that risk is scary and uncomfortable. Yet, if you are truly
committed to achieving your goals and reaching your targets you must take that step.
There are a few basic rules to follow when writing down goals and planning next steps. You want to
ensure that your goals are as specific as possible. You also want to ensure that your goals have
deadlines open-ended goals are worthless. Meaningful goals create tangibility; in other words
making your dreams into something you can actually touch and feel. Your goals should also be
attainable but not so attainable that you dont stretch. It is important to shoot for the stars and
ignore the limits, but if too many of your goals are long shots youll end up becoming frustrated.
Getting regular wins helps you stay motivated and on track.
Most importantly, big goals are always achieved through a series of small, measurable steps, and
these Steps to Success (your plan) must be defined in the same specific manner. Later Ill introduce
you the Power Principles Goal Sheet which is designed to help you with this process.

Setting Specific Goals

It takes courage to be unambiguous with your goals. The more exact, clear, and precise your goals
become the more emotionally attached you will become to the outcome. This is where fear of
failure comes from and why most people keep their goals vague and general.
For example, it is relatively easy to say that you want to be
successful. It sounds good to say, yet in reality it is meaningless.
However, to define what true success means to you in your
heart requires work, accountability, and a visceral emotional
commitment to the outcome. This is why setting specific goals is
so powerful and also why courage is required.
Setting specific unambiguous goals can also mean letting go of old
dreams that youve been holding on to and that may be holding
you back. You are forced to prioritize and choose what is most
important. Letting go of these old attachments frees you
emotionally to pursue the dreams that will truly make you happy
and have the most impact on your life.

Learn from the past, set

vivid, detailed goals for the
future, and live in the only
moment of time over which
you have any control: now.
- Denis Waitley

When I coach people through the process of setting goals the typical conversation goes something
like this. I want you to notice how I help Jill drill down to her specific goal.
Jeb: So tell me what you want.
Jill: Huh?

Jeb: What do you want out of your life?

Jill: Oh. I dont know. I guess to be happy.
Jeb: Thats awesome. What does that mean, you know, to be happy?
Jill: Well, I guess I just want to be content.
Jeb: Okay. So help me out here. Tell me what it means to be content.
Jill: (Blank stare silence)
Jeb: (Stares back silence)
Jill: What do you mean?
Jeb: Give me an example of what content means to you.
Jill: Well for one thing it means I dont have to worry about money.
Jeb: How do you mean?
Jill: One of the things I worry about now is buying a home. I rent an apartment and I want to own my
own home. To do that I need to have a down payment and Im trying really hard to save.
Jeb: So are you saying that to feel happy and content you need to own your own home?
Jill: Yes, when you put it that way I guess you are right. I think about this all of the time and I worry
about how Im going to get the down payment I need to buy the house I want.
Jeb: OK, is there anything else?
Jill: Yes, there are other things but owning my own home is the main thing. I really want that bad.
Jeb: Excellent. May I ask a question?
Jill: Sure.
Jeb: What kind of house do you want to own?

Jill: Oh I dont know just a house of my own.

Jeb: Jill, Im sure youve closed your eyes and dreamed. What does this house look like when you
Jill: (she smiles) Well, it is a stucco house with a natural stone faade. They are building them in a
new neighborhood called Riverchase.
Jeb: That sounds awesome. Tell me more.
Jill: Well I want it to have three bedrooms and a den I can use as an office and I want a granite
kitchen with stainless steel appliances.
Jeb: It sounds like youve given this some thought.
Jill: (Big smile) I guess I have. I really want this place.
Jeb: (pulls out a Power Principles Goal Sheet) Lets get to work on getting you that house!

The key is taking the time and having the patience to move from general wants to specific, tangible
goals. With some practice you can learn how to frame questions like these for yourself. (If you need
help, let us know and well schedule a goal coaching session with you.)
What do I mean by tangible? The Goal, I will take my family on a vacation is ambiguous. A more
specific goal would be: I will take my family on vacation to Disney World, the second week in July.
We will stay in the Animal Kingdom Lodge and we will (fill in the blank), and we will (fill in the
blank). Getting this specific helps you visualize your family at Disney with smiles on their faces.
That process of visualization, actually seeing the goal in your mind and experiencing the emotion of
achievement, makes your goal tangible and real.
Specific goals are powerful motivators because as you set them you naturally begin to visualize the
outcome. That emotional imagery makes your goals more meaningful and real to you. When you can
touch, feel and see your goals in advance you unleash powerful forces that drive and motivate you
to do what it takes to reach them.

Its Like Magic

In 2007 I set a goal that most of my friends and family told me was impossible. It was certainly
ambitious. The goal was simple: Write and publish five books in five years. I honestly had no idea
how I was going to achieve the goal or if I could do it. Writing one book was hard enough five was

insane. This however is where goal setting with deadlines become magical. Just setting the
ambitious goal set things in motion.
My first book Power Principles was slef-published. I worked my tail off to sell copies and fortunately
the book started moving. The work I did to sell the book starting, Podcasting,
social media, building my email list and speaking any time and any place where I could get people to
sit still long enough to listen, caught the attention of larger, mainstream publishers.
One day my phone rang and it was an editor from MacMillan (one of the largest publishers in the
world). They wanted to do a book project with me and we ended up publishing Sales Guys Seven
Rules for Outselling the Recession. The success of that project caught the attention of an editor at
John Wiley and Sons (the most prestigious business book publisher). She called and asked if we could
do a book project together. That book turned out to be a number one bestseller: People Buy You.
From there another book project fell in my lap: Business Expert Guide to Small Business Success that I
co-authored with my good friend Lee Salz. Then, after the success of People Buy You I published a
second book, People Follow You, with John Wiley and Sons. That made five in five years. In 2013
Wiley will publish my newest book People Love You and we already have two additional book
projects in the work for 2015 and 2016.
Five books in five years was a fulfilling achievement. I had to pinch myself because it was so hard to
believe that it had actually happened. It illustrated for me, once again, the power of goal setting.
Ive witnessed the same phenomenon in lives of others time and again. The simple act of setting a
goal with deadline sets things in motion and moves you one step closer to your ultimate dream.
It is a brutal reality. Thousands of hungry authors send submission
after submission to publishers and get rejection letter after rejection
letter. Many wait years to get published and some never do. Except
for a lucky few most either give up or self-publish. Yet I moved to the
front of the line. I never sent a submission and did not have an agent.
This is what I mean when I say that specific, written goals attract
people and resources to your cause. They shift the universe in your
favor and often open doors that were once unimaginable.

You should set goals

beyond your reach so
you always have
something to live for.
- Ted Turner

Set Clear Deadlines to Drive Urgency

Napoleon Hill said that a goal is a dream with a deadline. Once you have defined exactly what you
want, the next question that must be answered is When? The act of defining when places
urgency on your actions. Urgency is critical to achieving both long-term and short-term goals. With
long-term goals, urgency forces you to focus on the little steps that lead to the larger goal. With
short-term goals, urgency forces action, harnessing your desire, to remove complacency and
procrastination. No deadline means no urgency and your dreams and desires will always remain just
out of reach.

Steps to Success
Once youve defined your specific goals, committed to a deadline and written them down, the next
step is developing an action plan. An excellent way to capture these Steps to Success in written form
is to use the Power Principles Goal Sheet process. I will walk you through the process in the
workbook that follows.
The most common and limiting mistake people make in setting goals is a failure to build a plan. The
Power Principles Goal Sheet is designed to help you develop the right plan for you. It has three
core parts:

My Goal: your specific and attainable goal

My Deadline: drives urgency
My Steps to Success: measurable plan of action

If you are in sales, for example, and your goal is to double

your income or save for something important, the Steps to
Success are straight forward because they are defined in
terms of measurable sales activities that will result in larger
commissions and bonuses. Typically these activities include
things like the number of calls (by phone and in person),
referrals, networking events, first time visits, return visits,
proposals and product demonstrations. There may also be
levers like the size of the deals you sell, product mix, reorders, gross margins, commission kickers etc. that can
move your income.

Do the difficult things while they

are easy and do the great things
while they are small. A journey
of a thousand miles must begin
with a single step.
- Lao Tzu

However, no matter what you want to achieve - go back to school, save for the future, start a
business, advance your career, lose weight, get out of debt, buy a house, or even write a book there will be measurable Steps to Success that lead to your goal. The trick is developing the right
plan and path for you. A plan that you can commit to and that is flexible enough to allow you to
adjust as situations change and time passes, without losing sight of your ultimate dream.

The Law of Congruency

A few years ago I was in Orlando speaking at a trade association meeting. A sales manager friend of
mine from the area called to ask if I would spend some time with one of her reps while I was in
town. Summer has so much potential, Lisa explained. She just isnt living up to that potential. I
thought maybe you could help her move in the right direction.
As a favor to Lisa I agreed to meet with Summer. We spent some time talking and during our
conversation I asked her about her goals. She told me that she wanted to get promoted to a sales
manager and then become a director of sales. While she was telling me about her goals I noticed
that she didnt seem very enthusiastic.
Summer, I am getting the sense that becoming a sales manager is not really what you want. She
protested but her body language said it all. I pushed her a little harder and she came clean about her
real goals.
She and her husband wanted to buy a new condo and start a family. She wanted to maintain her
career and work towards saving for the future. Her ultimate goal was to become financially
independent. She saw herself as a mom with a sales career but didnt want the stress of leading
people. Her family was much more important to her.
Summer I dont understand why you told me that you wanted to be a sales manager if that is not
what you really want.
Lisa told me that she thought I had the potential to be promoted and that I should strive for that.
So, I replied You told me what your sales manager wants for you, not what you want for you?
She nodded and I understood. Many times we let others define our goals for us or we end up setting
a goal just to make other people happy or because thats what we think they want to here. The
problem is when you set a goal you cannot commit to, a goal that has no real meaning for you, you
will not be willing to pay the price to attain that goal. This was Summers problem. She was drifting
and unfulfilled because she was working off of someone elses agenda.
I coached Summer through the goal sheeting process. She set new goals that were meaningful to
her. A few months later I checked in with Lisa to see how Summer was doing. Jeb, I dont know
what you said to Summer but it was like a light went off. Shes number one on my team and so
enthusiastic. I cant than you enough. Summer was motivated because she was working towards
an outcome that was congruent with her values and dreams.
Sometimes people set goals that are meaningful to them but they are still unwilling to pay the price.
Corys goal, for example, was to save enough money to send his three children to college. He
explained that his parents had no money to pay for school and he didnt want his children to have to
work as hard as he did to get an education.

To meet his savings goal he would need to start putting away an additional $600 per month. Cory
said he was determined to make it happen. To hit his savings target, he would have to increase his
sales activity and make some personal sacrifices (like cutting out his daily trip to Starbucks).
Several months later Cory wasnt making much progress towards his goal. He had not increased his
target or made any personal sacrifices. In defense of his slow progress he explained that he was
getting things lined up and planned to start soon. It was clear though that Cory would never reach
his college savings targets for his children. Corys problem was his goal and what he was willing to do
to achieve his goal were not congruent.
The Law of Congruency simply states that what you want
and the price you are willing to pay (the actions you are
willing to take) to get what you want must match.
Often, people are more than willing to set a goal but
unwilling to do the work required. The price for their
goal is just too high, and sometimes with good reason.
For instance, lets say that you dream of getting a big
promotion but, you also put a high value on being with
your family. If a promotion meant that you would need
to travel more and spend many nights away from your
family, perhaps the price is too high and you should
choose a goal more congruent with your values.

For anything worth having one

must pay the price; and the price
is always work, patience, love,
and self-sacrifice.
- John Burroughs

Wasting time on goals you are unwilling to pay the price to achieve impedes your progress, leaving
you both frustrated and feeling like a failure. Your awareness that goals and actions must be
congruent will lead you to become more realistic about the price it will cost you to attain your goals.
A dose of reality will help you build better Steps to Success and shore up the self-discipline you will
need to be successful.

Start Now!
You have a choice to make. Take action now or procrastinate. You can put this goal planning guide
aside for another day or get started changing your life for the better. I hope you will keep moving
forward, take the next important step and build a real plan for achieving your dreams.
What follows is a simple goal planning workbook to walk you, step-by-step, through the goal setting
process. The workbook is designed to help you move from general wants and dreams, to specific,
tangible, congruent goals. Once you have your goals defined I encourage you to write them down on
the goal sheet and develop your steps to success.

Start with a Written Goal

Data from multiple studies has consistently proven that written goals are more likely to be achieved.
Data also indicates that, over time, people who write down goals generate more wealth, have more
success in their careers and are happier than those who dont.
Yet, the vast majority of people dont do it. In fact, 90% of the population never writes down goals.
There are lots of reasons, including procrastination and, as I mentioned in the previous section, the
fear of failure and personal accountability. The hardest part of writing down goals, like any other
activity that requires work or initiates fear, is the first step. From there it gets much easier.
The first, and most important, step towards getting what you want is to define what you want and
write it down. So I want you to practice with something easy. Just write down five goals you wish to
achieve in the next year right now. I dont want you to over think or over engineer this process.
Instead just grab a pen and start. I dont want you to spend more than five minutes on this exercise.
Time yourself. Ready - Set - Go!

Step 1: Write Down Five Goals You Want to Achieve this Year (Five Minutes)
1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

Specific and Tangible

Nice work! Writing down those first five goals was the hardest step. Now I want you to clarify and
make those goals more specific.
Effective goals are expressed in exact, clear, precise, and unambiguous terms. The more specific the
goal the more powerful it is as a motivator. That motivation drives you to take action. Developing
specific goals requires you to ask questions of yourself to move from vague and general to specific
and tangible. Take ten minutes to make each goal as specific as possible.

Step 2: Turn Your Five Goals Into Specific, Tangible Goals (Ten Minutes)
Goal #1 __________________________________________________________________

Goal #2 __________________________________________________________________

Goal #3__________________________________________________________________

Goal #4__________________________________________________________________

Goal #5___________________________________________________________________

The Law of Congruency

The Law of Congruency simply states that what you want and the price you are willing to pay to get
what you want must match. It is useless and a waste of time to set goals that you are unwilling to
work and sacrifice to achieve. In this exercise I want to take the five specific goals you just clarified
and define the price (work, sacrifice, training, cost) you will have to pay in reach that goal. Then
answer the question: Am I willing to pay this price? If your goal is not congruent scratch it and
move on.

Step 3: Are Your Goals Congruent?

Goal #1 __________________________________________________________________

The Price: ______________________________________________________________ Are You Willing to Pay the Price?

Goal #2 __________________________________________________________________

The Price: _______________________________________________________________ Are You Willing to Pay the Price?

Goal #3__________________________________________________________________

The Price: ______________________________________________________________ Are You Willing to Pay the Price?

Goal #4__________________________________________________________________

The Price: ______________________________________________________________ Are You Willing to Pay the Price?

Goal #5__________________________________________________________________

The Price: ______________________________________________________________ Are You Willing to Pay the Price?

Measurable Steps to Success

Big goals are always achieved through a series of small, measurable steps. The most common
mistake you will make when setting goals is the failure to plan these steps to success.
Planning your steps to success helps to answer the questions:

How will I achieve my bigger goals?

What actions or steps do I need to take?
When do I need to take these steps?
How will I measure my progress?

Each action step must be specific, attainable, time bound and measurable.
In this exercise I want you to take just one of your congruent goals from the last exercise and map
the steps you will have to take in order to reach the goal. Dont over engineer it. Just focus on the
steps to success. As you work though this exercise consider the deadline for each step and how you
will measure your progress. (In a moment we will address all of your goals and build a goal sheet.)

Step 4: Build Steps to Success (5 Minutes)

My Goal: _______________________________________________________________

The small steps I will take to achieve my big goal:

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

Putting it All Together

Now that you have a handle on the process, it is time to build your plan. The Goal Sheet below is
designed to help you capture your goals on paper and build your steps to success. If you need more
room just build a goal sheet of your own. In this exercise I want you to take your top three, specific,
congruent twelve-month goals, and commit them to paper.

Step 5: Power Principles Goal Sheet (20 Minutes)

My Goal: __________________________

My Deadline: _________________

My Steps to Success:


My Goal:__________________________

Measurable Result

My Deadline: _________________

My Steps to Success:


My Goal:__________________________

Measurable Result

My Deadline: _________________

My Steps to Success:


Measurable Result

Bonus: Sales Activity Calculator

1. Your average commission
per sale
2. The amount of money you
want to earn over the next
twelve months
3. The average number of
presentations you must
make to get a sale
4. Divide your earnings per sale
(1) by average presentations
per sales (3) to get your
earnings or value of each
5. The number of
calls/contacts you must
make to get a presentation.
6. Divide your earnings per
presentation (4) by contacts
per presentation (5) to get
your earnings or value of
each contact.
7. Divide your earnings goal for
the next twelve months (2)
by the number of weeks
your will work (52 less
vacation, holidays, sick days,
meetings) to get your
weekly required earnings
8. Divide the result of (7) by 5
to get your required
earnings goal per day
9. Divide your required
earnings goal per day (8) by
earnings per contact/ call (6)
to get the number of calls
you must make per day to
achieve your annual income

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