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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical

Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for

the Maritime

The future of natural gas as a fuel in marine gas turbine for LNG carriers
M Morsy El-Gohary
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 2012
226: 371 originally published online 1 August 2012
DOI: 10.1177/1475090212441444
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Original Article

The future of natural gas as a fuel in

marine gas turbine for LNG carriers

Proc IMechE Part M:

J Engineering for the Maritime Environment
226(4) 371377
IMechE 2012
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1475090212441444

M Morsy El-Gohary

This paper discusses the suitability of using natural gas as a fuel for marine gas turbine electric propulsion (DFGE), utilizing natural boil-off gas and forced boil-off gas, as well as investigating its economical and environmental benefits over
other propulsion options. The benchmark ship chosen for this study has a capacity of 150,000 m3 and is powered by
conventional steam propulsion. For this purpose a spreadsheet model was developed to determine the liquefied natural
gas carrier operating costs for different propulsion options. This is in addition to a sensitivity analysis to study the effect
of varying range, heavy fuel oil (HFO) and natural gas prices on ship operating cost. Recently, about 40% of the new
orders shifted to slow speed diesel engines with re-liquefaction plant and dual fuel diesel electric propulsion. To date,
marine gas turbines are not used in liquefied natural gas carriers.
It was found that using natural gas as a fuel with the proposed marine gas turbine cycle at current HFO and natural
gas prices provides the highest cost saving for a distance less than 4000 nautical miles (NM). With the expected changes
in fuel prices, the proposed cycle achieves cost saving of 3% per round trip, and this saving is directly proportional to
increasing fuel prices, compared to other options.

Natural gas, marine gas turbine, liquefied natural gas carriers

Date received: 18 September 2011; accepted: 3 February 2012


Conventional liquid fuels international specification

During the last decade economical factors have played

a major role in the choice of diesel fuel type and engine
combination for ship propulsion. Because more than
50% of a ships operating cost is, generally, the cost of
fuel oil, most of the worlds ship-owners use degraded
residue heavy fuel oil in marine power plants, for economy.1 These degraded heavy oils, however, contain
high levels of asphalt, carbon residues, sulfur and
metallic compounds, which are the main source of air
Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, there
has been a significant increase in emission regulations,
not only by the International Maritime Organization
(IMO), but also regional regulation in some countries.
The use of heavy fuel oil has, consequently, been limited, especially in areas where the emissions from ships
has shown noticeable increase, for example, in
European countries,2,3 as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1
presents the comparison between expected increase of
SO2 emissions resulting from land-based sources and
from international shipping in European sea areas during the period of 20002030.

The International Standard Organization (ISO), in

cooperation with marine and petroleum industries, prepared specifications to meet the requirements for
marine fuels supplied worldwide for use onboard ships.
There are 19 categories of residual fuels available internationally. Out of these 19, four categories or grades
are most frequently supplied and used by ships. The
industry names for the four grades are IFO180,
IFO380, MDO and MGO, as shown Table 1. Industrial
nomenclature is based on the fuel viscosity at 50 C.
IFO180 and IFO380 indicate that the viscosity of the
fuel is 180 and 380 cSt, respectively, at 50 C. IFO180
has about 6 to 7% gas oil and IFO380 has about 3%
gas oil.

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Department, Alexandria

University, Egypt
Corresponding author:
M Morsy El-Gohary, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt.

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Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 226(4)

Figure 1. SO2 emission European countries increment.

Source: adapted with permission.3

Table 1. Diesel fuel types for marine use.4

Fuel type

Fuel grades

Common industry




IFO 180-IFO 380



Gas oil or marine

gas oil
Marine diesel fuel or
Intermediate fuel oil
Fuel oil or residual
fuel oil

Figure 2 Expected fuel prices through coming months.

Source: used with permission.6

2007, reaching its maximum value in July 2008; consequently marine fuel types also followed this change.
However, with the beginning of the economic crisis the
fuel prices showed a rapid drop and reached its minimum level within a few months. But it is expected that
the prices will show a slight increase throughout the
next months as shown in Figure 2. Surely the unstable
fuel price plays a role in the economy of the marine
industry; therefore, it will be a good idea to look forward to a marine fuel that has a stable price or is less
affected by the world political and economical issues.

Table adapted from data.4

Propulsion options
Because of the higher gas oil content in IFO180, the
price of the IFO180 is higher than the heavier IFO380
grade. MDO stands for marine diesel oil, which is a
blend of gas oil and heavy oil. Marine gas oil (MGO) is
a clear type of oil, i.e. not blended with heavy oil.

Conventional liquid fuels and environmental issue

Although diesel fuels showed a notable spread as the
main fuel for the majority of marine power plants,
recent years have shown some problems due to the
emissions issue, which presents one of the main disadvantages to using diesel oil onboard ships.
Uncontrolled emissions from diesel fuel oils have a significant impact upon our environment. There are some
adverse impacts caused by the various emission components, including NOx, SOx, CO2, CO and HC. A more
comprehensive review was recently carried out by various organizations concerned with air pollution, discussing health and welfare impacts from burning the fuel
oils and quantifying the financial benefits that result
from reducing these emissions.5

Marine liquid fuel prices

Fuel prices in general have shown a change through the
last years. The price has increased by the beginning of

The propulsion options for LNG carrier should be able

to utilize boil-off gas (BOG) very safely and easily.7
Also, they should be able to improve the operational
efficiency and reduce the engine room size to increase
cargo carrying capacity which is considered the main
market requirements.8,9 The various proposed machinery arrangement being considered by the American
Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and LNG industry (owners
and shipyards) are as follows.

Steam turbine (ST)

Steam turbine installation has dominated in LNG shipping so far. This is because it can easily handle the evaporated boil-off gas (BOG), in addition to its high
reliability and maintainability. The machinery layout
with components efficiency as shown in Figure 3. A
high-speed gearbox drives a single fixed pitch propeller.
The auxiliary power is obtained by steam turbine driven generator, and one or two diesel engine driven by a
stand by generator. The boiler most commonly fires
HFO and natural boil-off gas (N-BOG). Although, this
installation has successfully met market requirements,
the total plant efficiency is very low (calculated and
found to be 30%), which led to high running costs.
Another disadvantage of this installation is the

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Figure 4. Slow speed diesel engine with a re-liquefaction plant

for LNGC carrier of 150,000 m3.
Source: adapted from data with permission.11

Figure 3. Typical steam plant for LNG Carrier of 150,000 m .

Source: adapted from data with permission.11
LP: Low pressure turbine; HP: high pressure turbine.

shortage of qualified crew and low system redundancy.10 These disadvantages opened a new window of
opportunities for alternative methods of producing
power for LNG carriers.

Slow speed diesel engine with reliquefaction plant

Slow speed diesel engine has dominated the propulsion
and electric power generation in all segments of merchant shipping, except LNG carriers. Experience gained
from thousands of diesel engine installations in service
has resulted in the development of high efficiency
(about 50%), reliable and safe operation. It commonly
burns liquid fuel as HFO. BOG has to be re-liquefied
onboard by re-liquefaction plant and fed back to the
cargo tank. These re-liquefaction plants require a substantial amount of electric power (3600 kW) to operate,
representing a considerable added cost (6 MUS$) and
weight.11 However, it delivers more cargo due to saving
the BOG. A gas combustion unit (GCU) is also
installed in case of reliquefaction plant failure. A typical plant arrangement for MC-90K SSDE made by
B&W is shown in Figure 4. This configuration was carried out for Qatar gas for their new order ships.11
Although, the total efficiency was calculated and
found to be 49% as shown in Figure 4, it could be
increased by installing a combined power take off/take
in (PTO/PTI) or using two diesel engines arrangement.

Figure 5. Dual fuel diesel engine plant for LNG Carrier of

150,000 m3.
Source: adapted from data with permission.11,12

shafting and the gearbox, as shown in Figure 5. This

arrangement is ratified by ABS and ordered by Gaz de
France energy for their new seven LNG carriers, which
are in service now.11,12 The dual fuel engines is manufactured by Wartsila namely 50 DF engine. It utilizes
natural boil-off gas (NBOG) in addition to the MDO
for their pilot injection. In case of no NG available the
engine will burn HFO. The main disadvantage of this
system is the slightly higher cost for alternators and
transformers, the low thermal efficiency of the plant
(calculated efficiency is reduced to 42%), as shown in
Figure 5, and the incompatibility of lube oil when shifting between gas and liquid mode.

Dual fuel diesel engine (DFDE)

Dual fuel power plants may be mechanical or electrical
drive. Using electric drive arrangement, the engines can
be installed on a higher deck and hence, a great reduction in engine room could be provided. This layout
offers a multiple system redundancy, apart from the

Suggested advanced cycle marine gas

turbine (ACGT)
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME)
and Gaztransport & Technigaz (GTT) have carried out

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Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 226(4)

difference in LNG carrier operating cost compared to
the benchmark ship. The model incorporates the primary parameters as machinery efficiency, machinery
specific weight, primary investment cost, maintenance
cost, voyage distance, boil off gas rate (BOR) at laden
and ballast, ship speed, ship capacity and finally HFO,
MDO and NG price.

Model description

Figure 6. Suggested advanced cycle marine gas turbine for

LNG Carrier of 150,000 m3.

extensive technical and economic studies on the gas turbine propulsion systems. From the study, it can be concluded that gas turbines propulsion can be one of the
feasible alternative propulsion option for LNG carriers.1215 But it has not been adopted as a new propulsion system in LNG carriers so far.
The advanced marine gas turbine cycle is employed
in two gas turbine/electric generators in father and son
arrangement. The larger generator is based on the
converted simple cycle and provides all power needed
for sea going service. The small unit provides power
of 5000 kW, for cargo pumping and port duty.
Additionally, the small unit provides get-home service
in case of non-availability of the large unit. The primary fuel used for gas turbines is natural boil-off gas
(N-BOG) and forced boil-off gas (F-BOG). Marine diesel oil (MDO) is carried only to provide an emergency
secondary fuel source to/from dry dock when gas is not
available. The suggested plant efficiency was calculated
to be 40%.

The base engine examined during this study is GELM2500, one of the most diffused aero-derivative
marine gas turbines in naval and commercial ships.16 It
is a simple cycle-twin shaft gas turbine directly derived
from GE-CF6 family of commercial aircraft engines
and GE-TF39 military engines. It consists of a gas generator and power turbine. The gas generator includes a
16-stage axial flow compressor of pressure ratio = 18.7
to compress the atmospheric air from state point 1 to
state point 2. Then fuel is added in a fully annular combustion chamber to increase the temperature at constant pressure to state 3. The hot gas is then expanded
to state 4 by a two stage high-pressure turbine, which
drives the compressor and accessory gearbox. After the
aerodynamic coupling, the hot gases are expanded by
a six-stage power turbine as shown in Figure 7. The
station numbering is in accordance with Aerospace
Recommended Practice (ARP) 755A.17 Engine specifications at sea level, using marine diesel oil (MDO),
with no inlet and exhaust losses, 60% relative humidity
and ISO conditions are given in Table 2.

Model assumptions


Economical evaluation
LNG cargo is bought at the export terminal at a certain
price, namely free onboard price (FOB) and sold at the
import terminal at a higher price namely, carriage and
insurance freight (CIF). For a given class of LNG carrier design (cargo capacity, boil off gas rate), the propulsion and the corresponding fuel type used can
generate a significant reduction in ship operating cost.
Operating cost is divided to fixed and variable costs,
which are the same for all propulsion options. The only
relevant differences are the fuel, depreciation and maintenance cost which incurred by the choice of propulsion
option and fuel type. Therefore, the economical benefit
of using NG as a bunker fuel with the suggested
advanced marine gas turbine cycle compared to other
propulsion options was determined through an economical model. For this purpose a spreadsheet model
was developed by the author to determine the

The state-of-the-art engine is selected for each

option with their rated power, maintenance cost
and specific weight, shown in Table 3.
Values of power plants efficiencies were calculated
to be 30%, 49%, 42%, and 40% for steam turbine,
DERL, DFDE and ACGT respectively.

Figure 7. Simple cycle marine gas turbine (LM2500).

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Table 2 GE-LM2500 main specifications.18

Nominal continuous power
Pressure ratio
Air flow
Turbine inlet temperature
Specific fuel consumption
Heat rate
Thermal efficiency
Exhaust gas temperature

25.060 kW
70 kg/s
1493 k
225 g/kWh
9703 kJ/kWh
839 k
6.52 3 2.08 3 2.04 m
4.67 t

Table adapted from data.18




Initial investment cost is considered, Table 4. For

Re-liquefaction plant, an addition of 6 MUS$ extra
investment for 3600 kW power.
For DFDE and ACGT options an addition of 7.5
MUS$ for E-motors, transformers and converters.
Amortizing over 20 years and 7.5% interest rate.
Boil off gas rate is 0.12% per day and 0.06% per
day for laden and ballast conditions respectively.
Voyage distance is 7000 nautical miles (NM) and
speed of 20 knots.
Based on previous data from 2000 to 2005, an average price of N-BOG (FOB), F-BOG (CIF), HFO
and MDO were taken to be 104 US$/t, 156 US$/t,
135 US$/t and 210 US$/t respectively.19
Calorific value for NG, HFO, and MDO were
50 MJ/kg, 40 MJ/kg and 42 MJ/kg respectively.

Fuel cost
It was calculated for all options owing to its importance in the economic evaluation. The fuel cost saving
compared to the benchmark ship was determined based
on the calculated plant efficiencies, relevant fuel prices,
lower fuel calorific values and BOG rate for both laden
and ballast voyages. Figure 8 shows the relevant fuel
costs in percent compared to the steam propulsion
option benchmark ship, which represents 100%. It is
evident from the figure, that slow speed diesel engine
with a re-liquefaction plant (DERL) burning HFO provides the least fuel cost saving by about 15%, followed
by dual fuel diesel engine (DFDE) which, burning a
fixed amount of N-BOG and an extra amount of HFO,
in addition to MDO for pilot injection. DFDE provides a reduction in fuel cost by 30% compared to
benchmark ship.
Finally, the suggested advanced marine gas turbine
cycle (ACGT) has the greatest cost saving by 45%. It

utilizes natural boil-off gas (N-BOG) and forced boiloff gas (F-BOG) only. The higher heating value and
lower NG price overcompensate the lower plant efficiency compared to other propulsion options.

Sensitivity analysis
Length of the LNG carrier trading routes varies quite
widely today, from below 1000 NM (round trip from
Algeria to the other side of the Mediterranean) up to
7000 NM (round trip from Arabian Gulf to USA) and
may be even more in the future. There is also an
expected future increase in fuel prices. Therefore, the
effect of varying range and HFO and NG price on the
ship operating expenses was determined through a sensitivity analysis as follows:

Sensitivity to range
The percent saving of operating cost per round trip was
compared to the benchmark ship for different trade
routes of 1500, 3000, 5000 and 7000 NM. A speed of
20 knots together with the previously assumed fuel
prices was used in the calculation. Figure 9 demonstrates that the suggested advanced marine gas turbine
cycle (ACGT) is a viable option for distance below
4000 NM, which could achieve the highest saving in
operating cost by 2% per round trip among other propulsion options; this is mainly due to the low specific
weight of the gas turbine, which delivers more cargo
capacity. For longer trade routes above 4000 NM, the
slow speed diesel engine with reliquefaction (DERL)
and dual fuel diesel engine (DFDE) options are more
beneficial; the cost saving per round trip is increased by
2%2.5% respectively compared to benchmark ship.

Sensitivity to HFO price

To consider the future increase in fuel prices, the status
and outlook of the global liquid fuel and natural gas
market during last years is reviewed from 2000 to 2005.
It could be concluded that the average price of HFO
and MDO are increasing in linear fashion with LNG
price by about 20% per year. Also the LNGFOB is
increasing by 50% of LNGCIF price.19,20 The relevant
saving of operating cost in percentage due to expected
increase in fuel prices compared to the benchmark ship
is demonstrated as shown in Figure 10. At the current
HFO and LNG prices (HFO/LNG = 1.2) it could be
seen the importance of the re-liquefaction plant

Table 3. Propulsion options specifications.11,19

Propulsion option

Rated power (kW)

Specific weight(kg/kW)

Maintenance cost US$/kWh

Steam turbine
Slow speed diesel engine MAN B&W 7K98MC
Dual fuel diesel engines (4 3 Wartsila 9L50DF)




Table adapted from data.11,19

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Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 226(4)

Table 4. Initial investment cost of relevant propulsion


Initial cost


Steam turbine

Condenser, turbine
Gear box
1 turbine gensets
1 diesel gensets
Propeller and shafting
Rudder and steering gear


Total initial cost

Main engines
Re-liquefaction plant
2 diesel gensets
Propeller and shafting
Rudder and steering gear
Auxiliary boiler


Total initial cost

4 3 DFDE and alternators
2 Electrical motor-transformer
Gear box
Propeller and shafting
Rudder and steering gear
EMER. gas damping unit


Total initial cost

Main and auxiliary engines
with alternators
2 electrical motor.
transformer, converter
Gear box
Propeller and shafting
Rudder and steering gear
EMER. gas damping unit


Total initial cost


Slow speed diesel

engine MAN B&W

Four dual fuel

diesel engines
(Wartsila 9L50DF)

advanced cycle gas

Table adapted from data.10,19

Figure 9. Influence of changing navigational range on operating

cost saving compared to the benchmark ship.

Figure 10. Influence of changing HFO price on operating cost

saving compared to the benchmark ship.

DFDE as for the new seven LNG carriers ordered by

Gaz de France. For HFO/LNG price above 1.7, which
is expected in near the future, using NG as a bunker
fuel with the suggested advanced marine gas turbine
cycle (ACGT), provides the maximum cost saving,
reaching 2.8% per round trip compared to the benchmark ship and this percentage is directly proportional
with HFO/LNG ratio. From the previous analysis, it
could be concluded that the application of using NG as
a bunker fuel together with the suggested advanced gas
turbine cycle could be one of the feasible solution as
propulsion option for LNG carriers.
Figure 8. Relevant fuel cost saving compared to the
benchmark ship.

represented by DERL option. For (HFO/LNG=1.31.7) the maximum saving is achieved by DFDE. This
of course shows why the order book is shifting from
conventional steam propulsion, to be powered by

This paper discuses the applicability and the economical benefits of using natural gas as a fuel with marine
gas turbine electric propulsion as a propulsion option
for LNG carriers. A specially designed spreadsheet
model revealed a significant reduction in operating cost

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by 2% for a trading distance below 4000 NM, compared to conventional steam propulsion, which dominated in LNG carriers for decades. While, above
4000 NM the slow speed diesel with reliquefaction plant
and dual fuel diesel engine become more beneficial.
With the expected increase in fuel prices, and at HFO/
LNGcif =1.7, the suggested gas turbine cycle also
achieves the highest cost saving reaching 2.8% per
round trip. This saving is directly proportional with the
increasing of the fuel prices compared to other options.
Also, the study showed that there are some obstacles
facing the spread of natural gas use onboard ships such
as the cost of converting existing engines and the ports
infrastructure for refueling with natural gas. This means
further development is required to make gas fuelled
ship commercially feasible. This needs help from the
involved parties such as governments, manufacture and
owners to push the shifting process forward.






This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not for profit


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