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Will Malson Environmental Racism DA Page 1 of 8

Environmental Racism DA Index

Environmental Racism DA Index ......................................................................................1

Link – Yucca Mountain/Nuclear Waste Programs.............................................................3
Native Americans are the targets for waste programs. Thorpe 96..............................................................3
All squo storage sites are on Native American lands. Ewall 07.................................................................3
Yucca directly affects Native Americans. NCAI 2k...................................................................................3
Impact – Environmental Racism .......................................................................................4
Natives are dooped into accepting waste for racist reason – the government promotes Indian sovereignty in an
attempt to engage in environmental racism. Thorpe 96 .............................................................................4
Environmental/All Racism → Genocide ...........................................................................5
Forcing Indians to accept waste allows the rich to wipe their hands clean while genocide is ongoing. Thorpe 96 5
Racism is used to justify mass murder. Girish Mishra 08...........................................................................5
Racism Must be Rejected At All Times ............................................................................6
Racism is an a priori issue: It makes all forms of violence inevitable. It must be rejected in every instance.
Rejecting racism is the only way to prevent societys inevitable destruction. Memmi 2k...........................6
AT: Not Real World...........................................................................................................7
1. Oh yes it is!............................................................................................................................................7
AT: Not Increasing Racism/Non-Unique...........................................................................8
1. Aff is complacent with the racism that is happening now......................................................................8
2. Yucca directly affects Native Americans...............................................................................................8
3. Racism must be rejected at all times......................................................................................................8

1. I wrote this up as a disadvantage instead of a kritik for obvious reasons. It can easily be turned into a
kritik however; but it already has most of the kritikal structure; the main difference is the label. I would
recommend leaving it as a DA in order to communicate it (the best way!) to the judge. Like I said, it
already has the kritikal structure, it’s just labeled a DA to get your point across a little easier.

2. You’re probably always going to need “Impact – Environmental Racism”: “Natives are dooped into
accepting waste for racist reason – the government promotes Indian sovereignty in an attempt to engage
in environmental racism. Thorpe 96”

3. I didn’t include a shell because there are so many different ways you can run this. You could have
your link be “Yucca directly affects Native Americans”, throw in an internal link: “Native Americans
are the targets for waste programs”, and another: “…dooped into accepting waste for racist reasons”,
Will Malson Environmental Racism DA Page 2 of 8

then finish it off with a ‘racism bad’ card. Or, you could do something like this: your link could be “all
squo storage cites on Native American Lands”, have int-link be “…dooped into accepting waste for
racist reasons”, and use the “environmental racism (leads to) genocide” impact. Also, you can finish
anything off with a little framework argument – “racism is most important; reject aff ‘cause of racism”.
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Link – Yucca Mountain/Nuclear Waste Programs

Native Americans are the targets for waste programs. Thorpe 96

Grace Thorpe [former aide to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs], “Our Homes are Not Dumps: Creating Nuclear-Free Zones", Publisher: Natural
Resources Journal, 1996, ISSN: 0028-0739 (HEG)
The Following year, however. Congress voted to locate the permanent repository. at Yucca Mountain, about 100 miles northwest atlas Vegas. Nevada, on
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act set in
land belonging to the Western Shoshone. Plans called by the opening of the facility in 2010.
motion a nationwide search for a community that would accept a temporary storage site until Yucca
Mountain came online." Indian tribes again were specifically targeted.

All squo storage sites are on Native American lands. Ewall 07

Mike Ewall [Director of the Energy Justice Network], “Nuclear Power”, Energy Justice [grassroots energy agenda, supporting communities threatened by
polluting energy and waste technologies. Taking direction from our grassroots base and the Principles of Environmental Justice, we advocate a clean
energy, zero-emission, zero-waste future for all], 2007, (HEG)

Environmental Racism Nuclear power disproportionately affects communities of color, from the mining of uranium on Native
American and Aboriginal lands, to the targeting of black and Hispanic communities for new uranium processing facilities to the targeting of black and
Native American communities for “low-level” nuclear waste dumps. All sites proposed for
Hispanic and
“temporary” and permanent storage of high level nuclear waste have been Native American lands.17

Yucca directly affects Native Americans. NCAI 2k

Comments of the National Congress of American Indians on the Department of Energy Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Draft
Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain,
Nevada Test Site, February 28, 2000, (HEG)

Introduction The National Congress of American Indians submits the following policy and procedural
issues that are among the many concerns of tribal governments in evaluating the Department of Energy (DOE) Office
of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management's (OCRWM) for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for a geologic repository for the
disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste at Yucca Mountain, Nevada Test Site. Comments 1.
The impacts of this federal action upon indigenous peoples, lands, and resources is critical to the human
rights of the people to reside in their homelands. The NCAI does not believe that the impacted tribal
governments of this federal action have had an ample opportunity to analyze and respond to the full
inventory of technical studies performed at Yucca Mountain. This is not to say they have not received notice of the studies
and progress reports done during the site characterization. Without exception, tribal governments in the Yucca Mountain region have not had the luxury of
acquiring a team of technical experts to assess the data and conclusions. The DOE is well aware of the fiscal barriers which prevents tribes from assembling
a research team. The NCAI believes the DOE has a fiduciary responsibility to provide the Yucca Mountain area tribes with resources that would enable them
to respond to the Draft EIS.
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Impact – Environmental Racism

Natives are dooped into accepting waste for racist reason – the government promotes Indian
sovereignty in an attempt to engage in environmental racism. Thorpe 96
Grace Thorpe [former aide to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs], “Our Homes are Not Dumps: Creating Nuclear-Free Zones", Publisher: Natural
Resources Journal, 1996, ISSN: 0028-0739 (HEG)

Tribal officials at Mescalero and other reservations that have considered the MRS contend that the issue
is one of sovereignty. They use the issue of sovereignty against the environment. It is a very tough tightrope to walk.
How can you go say to a tribe, "Hey you shouldn't be doing this. You should be protecting the earth.' Then they would turn around and reply, "Hey, we can
do as we please. This is Indian sovereignty." In one sense, they would be right. Allowing utilities to build MRS facilities on our lands, however, is not truly
an expression of sovereignty. Those supporting such sites are selling our sovereignty. The utilities are using our
names and our trust lands to bypass environmental regulations. The issue is not sovereignty. The issue is
Neither Earth's preservation and survival. The issue is environmental racism. The purpose of NECOMA is to invite tribes to express their
sovereign national rights in a more creative way in favor of our Mother, by joining the growing number of tribal governments that are choosing to declare
their lands Nuclear Free Zones.1 Fred Peso at Mescalero has declared, it is ironic that the state continues to fight the tribe [over the MRS] when New Mexico
after years of trying to destroy it, the United States
has enjoyed the benefits of nuclear projects Since945."° The real irony is that
is promoting Indian national sovereignty-just so it can dump its waste on Native land.4' The DOE and
the utilities have said that it is natural that we, as Native peoples, should accept radioactive waste on our
lands. They have convinced some of our traditionalists that as keepers of the land we must accept it. As Russell Means has said,
however, ~We have always had our false prophets.The government and the nuclear power industry attempt to flatter us about our
abilities as "earth stewards." Yet as I declared to the National Congress of American Indians in 1993, "It is a
perversion of our beliefs and an insult to our intelligence to say that ~ are `natural stewards' of these
wastes." The real intent of the government and the utilities is to rid themselves of this extremely haz
ardous garbage on Indian lands so they are free to generate more of it.
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Environmental/All Racism → Genocide

Forcing Indians to accept waste allows the rich to wipe their hands clean while genocide is
ongoing. Thorpe 96
Grace Thorpe [former aide to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs], “Our Homes are Not Dumps: Creating Nuclear-Free Zones", Publisher: Natural
Resources Journal, 1996, ISSN: 0028-0739 (HEG)
The Great Spirit instructed us that, as Native people, we have a consecrated bond with our Mother Earth. We have a sacred obligation to our fellow creatures
it is both painful and disturbing that the United States government and the nuclear
that live upon it. For this reason
power industry seem intent on forever ruining some of the little land we have remaining. The nuclear
waste issue is causing American Indians to make serious, possibly even genocidal, decisions concerning
the environment and the future of our peoples. I was a corporal, stationed in New Guinea, at the end of world War II, when the first
atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. The so-called nuclear age has passed in the beat of a heart. As impossible as it seems, 1995 marked the fiftieth
anniversary of that first blast. The question of what to do with the waste produced from commercial and military reactors involved in weapons manufacture
and the generation of nuclear energy has stumped the minds of the most brilliant physicists and scientists since "Little Boy" was detonated above Japan on
August 6. 1943? No sale method has yet been lound For the disposal of such waste, the most lethal poison known in the history of humanit', It remains an
orphan of the nuclear age. In rich areas people have the leisure time to organize and easy access to media and elected representatives. For this reason the
nuclear industry' is talking about locating disposal sites in poor regions. Indians are being deluged by requests. Devastation due to nuclear energy. however,
is nothing new to Indian peoples.

Racism is used to justify mass murder. Girish Mishra 08

Mishra, May 26 2008 (Girish, Doctorate in economics University of Delhi, "Fighting Racism Globally"

racism is an instrument of discrimination and a tool of exploitation as history testifies. Throughout

In fact,
history it has been used to justify mass killings, genocide, exploitation, extortion and discrimination of
the worst kinds. At times racism has been employed to underline the belief that race is the principal determinant of human capacities including
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Racism Must be Rejected At All Times

Racism is an a priori issue: It makes all forms of violence inevitable. It must be rejected in every
instance. Rejecting racism is the only way to prevent societys inevitable destruction. Memmi 2k
MEMMI Professor Emeritus of Sociology @ Unv. Of Paris Albert-; RACISM, translated by Steve Martinot, pp.163-165 (HEG)

The struggle against racism will be long, difficult, without intermission, without remission, probably never achieved, yet for this very reason, it
is a struggle to be undertaken without surcease and without concessions. One cannot be indulgent
toward racism. One cannot even let the monster in the house, especially not in a mask. To give it merely
a foothold means to augment the bestial part in us and in other people which is to diminish what is
human. To accept the racist universe to the slightest degree is to endorse fear, injustice, and violence. It
is to accept the persistence of the dark history in which we still largely live. It is to agree that the outsider will always
be a possible victim (and which [person] man is not [themself] himself an outsider relative to someone else?). Racism illustrates in sum, the inevitable
The anti-racist struggle,
negativity of the condition of the dominated; that is it illuminates in a certain sense the entire human condition.
difficult though it is, and always in question, is nevertheless one of the prologues to the ultimate passage
from animality to humanity. In that sense, we cannot fail to rise to the racist challenge. However, it remains true
that one’s moral conduct only emerges from a choice: one has to want it. It is a choice among other choices, and always debatable in its foundations and its
consequences. Let us say, broadly speaking, that the choice to conduct oneself morally is the condition for the establishment of a human order for which
One cannot found a moral order, let alone a legislative order, on
racism is the very negation. This is almost a redundancy.
racism because racism signifies the exclusion of the other and his or her subjection to violence and
domination. From an ethical point of view, if one can deploy a little religious language, racism is “the truly capital sin.”fn22 It is not an accident that
almost all of humanity’s spiritual traditions counsel respect for the weak, for orphans, widows, or strangers. It is not just a question of theoretical counsel
respect for the weak, for orphans, widows or strangers. It is not just a question of theoretical morality and disinterested commandments. Such unanimity in
we have an interest in banishing
the safeguarding of the other suggests the real utility of such sentiments. All things considered,
injustice, because injustice engenders violence and death. Of course, this is debatable. There are those who think that if one is
strong enough, the assault on and oppression of others is permissible. But no one is ever sure of remaining the strongest. One day, perhaps, the roles will be
reversed. All unjust society contains within itself the seeds of its own death. It is probably smarter to treat others with respect so that they treat you with
respect. “Recall,” says the bible, “that you were once a stranger in Egypt,” which means both that you ought to respect the stranger because you were a
stranger yourself and that you risk becoming once again someday. It is an ethical and a practical appeal – indeed, it is a contract, however implicit it might
be.In short, the refusal of racism is the condition for all theoretical and practical morality. Because, in the end,
A just society must be a society accepted by all. If this contractual
the ethical choice commands the political choice.
principle is not accepted, then only conflict, violence, and destruction will be our lot. If it is accepted,
we can hope someday to live in peace. True, it is a wager, but the stakes are irresistible.
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AT: Not Real World

1. Oh yes it is!
Environmental racism is a very controversial topic particularly with regards to nuclear power. Not only
is it predictable, but it’s also an issue you would have to deal with in the real world. It’s not like
Heidegger; no one in Congress debates whether or not they have managerial actions. But they do
examine environmental racism – there’s even a National Environmental Justice organization devoted to
fighting environmental racism. “Political action” is on my side, not his.
Will Malson Environmental Racism DA Page 8 of 8

AT: Not Increasing Racism/Non-Unique

1. Aff is complacent with the racism that is happening now.

Instead of providing a policy option to avoid this controversial issue (inherently part of the nuclear
power debate in the real world), he does nothing. Saying you’re not increasing harm but only
complacent in it is like saying we shouldn’t throw an embezzler in jail because we know for sure that
he’s not going to embezzle anymore. That’s ridiculous; the crime has been committed so we punish it,
even if it won’t be committed again. The same goes for racism; we don’t continue in our current path
just because we don’t increase it, we stop it ASAP.

2. Yucca directly affects Native Americans.

By supporting Yucca, aff is actively engaging in racism. There’s really not much to get around here.
<insert NCAI 2k (3rd link)>

3. Racism must be rejected at all times.

It doesn’t matter if Aff is increasing the racism; they’re cooperating in it. Instead of cooperating, we
should be rejecting it.

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