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Elixir of Monoatomic Gold in Homeopathic Potency 1X

Package size: oz. or 7.5ml - 25% alcohol v/v.

Key Indications:
For Personal Transformation: Monoatomic Gold allows subconsciously held beliefs and worries to surface
and become understood; this process happens sequentially, bringing to light one issue at a time. Monoatomic
Gold helps to develop keen insight and psychic abilities.
For Medicinal Purposes: Monoatomic Gold acts upon the pituitary gland, inducing an increase in hormonal
production, and is thus a rejuvenating agent. Monoatomic Gold strengthens the heart, enhances the production
of red blood cells in the bone marrow and increases the production of semen. Monoatomic gold is a natural
Monoatomic Gold
Monoatomic Gold is the non-metallic, non-toxic zero-valence form of Gold. Monoatomic Gold is a high
temperature superconductor[1]. It can be manufactured alchemically out of 24carat metallic gold. It also occurs
naturally in volcanic soils, seawater and in minute amounts in the purple or violet skins of fruits and vegetables
and some medicinal plants such as red grapes, eggplant and violets. In recent years, some researchers have
erroneously equated monoatomic gold with the Philosophers stone[2], which it definitely is not: Monoatomic gold
was known and used in the Pharmacopoeia of Western Medieval Alchemy as the retrograded calx of Gold that
cannot be revivified [meaning it cannot be returned to the metallic state by conventional metallurgical
processes][3]. Monoatomic Gold is known and used in Ayurveda as a bhasma of Gold that passes the test of
apunarbhavatva or test of non-revivability[4]. Monoatomic Gold is not known to contemporary Western
allopathic medicine and must not be confused with the gold salts that are used in allopathic medicine, which
exhibit metal toxicity. Monoatomic gold is not to be confused with colloidal gold either, which retains its metallic
nature. Monoatomic gold can appear in several colors; it is usually known as a white powder, but when treated
with oxidizing acids, it becomes a purple powder, and is green in alkaline solutions.
Manufacture and Specifications of our Elixir of Monoatomic Gold
We start out with 99.99% fine metallic gold and convert it to the monoatomic form by reacting it with a molten
alkali metal and subsequent controlled sequential cascading detonations with water. The monoatomic gold thus
yielded is stabilized by a direct interaction of the alchemists mind with the material. The stabilized monoatomic
gold, together with clear quartz nano-clusters as amplifiers, is dissolved into a vegetable-derived solvent that
has been imbued with the spiritus mundi and is extracted by circulation for six weeks in an incubator. This is the
traditional method of Western Alchemy to produce elixirs as practiced by the Cathars and the Dutch School.
This elixir is then pH-adjusted and treated with cold plasma technology for further enhancement, which yields
our Mother Tincture. One part of this Mother Tincture is diluted with nine parts of alcohol and water and is
succused (vigorously shaken) to produce the Homeopathic Potency 1X. Our formula is alcohol reduced, with
only 25% alcohol by volume, and is manufactured in accordance with the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the
United States in its current edition. Due to the high concentration of our Mother Tincture, the Homeopathic
Potency 1X carries more monoatomic gold and quartz nano-clusters than it may hold in solution; an edible

precipitate may form over time. We suggest shaking the preparation once before taking.
Use as directed by your health care professional. Standard Dosage recommendation for adults: Seven drops
per day under the tongue or in 1 oz of water between meals for one week. Reduce to 3-4 drops per day from
week two onwards. In acute cases, up to ten drops several times per day or until symptoms disappear.
Discussion of Usage and Properties
Our Monoatomic Gold elixir is designed to interact directly with your energy body. As such, the effect is
immediate, as can be demonstrated by the instant change of brain wave patterns once the elixir is taken[5].
Typical applications as per our in-house provings are:
For those who engage in meditation practices, it is a tool to reach expanded states of consciousness and
sublime states of mind easily and effortlessly.
In Alchemy, we see gold as the representative of the sun, which rules the fourth seal or chakra of the human
energy body and rules the heart and the arteries, as well as the skeletal structure of the human body. Based
upon this knowledge, it is not surprising that we can observe the following effects of gold: On a physical level,
monoatomic gold increases stamina. Monoatomic gold increases and balances the production of your own
hormones, thus being useful for the purpose of rejuvenation. Monoatomic gold strengthens the heart, and
increases the production of red blood cells. Monoatomic gold is an aphrodisiac for both genders and increases
the production of semen in males.
Select References to other Healers Findings on Gold
Please note: We may omit those findings of other Healers that would be a reiteration of indications given above.
This section is intended to provide a glance at several additional applications that other Healers have found in
their practice; for a complete overview, we encourage you to peruse the referenced books.
Paracelsus suggests to obtain the virtues of gold in cases of Paralysis, Fevers, Palpitation of the Heart,
complaints of the Matrix, Peri-pneumonia, and in acute diseases generally. (Waite, Arthur Edward [Editor]: The
Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus, vol. II, Berkeley 1976, Shambala Publications, p.225)
The ancient Ayurvedic text Rasa-Jala-Nidhi states: Gold is soothing, pure, nutritive, curer of poison, phthisis,
insanity and other diseases. () Gold increases vitality, fortune, beauty, intelligence and memory. It destroys all
sorts of diseases, pacifies the evil influences exerted on human beings by ghosts, is an aphrodisiac and gives
rise to happiness and nutrition. It cures disease, prevents senility, removes loss of memory and consciousness.
It also removes thinness, develops the mind, and increases semen. (Mookerji, Kaviraj Bhudeb [Translator]:
Rasa-Jala-Nidhi or Ocean of Indian Chemistry & Alchemy, vol. 2, Delhi 1990, Parimal publ., p. 239f)
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash writes in his contemporary work on Ayurveda: The bhasma of gold is sweet in taste and
vipaka (taste that emerges after digestion and during metabolism). It is aphrodisiac, cardiac tonic, promoter of
eyesight as well as intellect and rejuvenating. It counteracts the toxic poisons. It promotes the complexion of the
skin. Under the heading Indications he writes: It promotes longevity, maintains youth and memory. It cures
serious types of fever, particularly chronic fever, nervous disorders, heart disease, tuberculosis, afflictions of
voice, schizophrenia, epilepsy, hysteria, bronchitis, asthma, chronic diarrhea, serious types of anemia and
cancer. (Dash, Vaidya Bhagwan: Alchemy and Metallic Medicines in Ayurveda, New Delhi 1986, Concept
Publishing, p.107)


British Patent GB 2219995 A: Non-metallic, monoatomic forms of transition elements, D. R. Hudson


David Hudson spread this unverified claim as he promoted his to-be-produced monoatomic elements that he

never delivered; see as a reference the Hudson-article in NEXUS Magazine Oct.-Nov. 1996, p. 41

One medieval reference that includes a viable manufacturing process of monoatomic gold is: Jugel, Johann
G.: Johann Gottfried Jugels freyentdeckte Experimentalchymie, Leipzig, Germany 1766, Publisher J.P. Krause,
page 172ff


Dash, Vaidya Bhagwan: Alchemy and Metallic Medicines in Ayurveda, New Delhi, India 1986, reprint 1996
Concept Publ., p. 107

This claim can be verified in any doctors office that is equipped with an electroencephalograph

Available from the CRUCIBLE CATALOG
Toll free Order Line: 877-STAR-ETX (877-782-7389)

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