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Pradzhnyaparamitskoe preventing amputation practice demons.

Mahamudra Chod - it is a genuine tradition.
It is like the famous Prajnaparamita,
And it has a secret practice Vajrayana.
Machig Labdrn.

Live in places evoke horror and mountain gates - it is an external chod.

Give your body to be eaten - the inner chod.
cuts off the same root [of faith in the 'I'] - the highest chod.
Whoever owns three types of chod, - a true yogi.

Turn away from all evil purposes and will cast doubt.
Cultivate what seems impossible to you.
The compartments are all aware of his affection and desire.
Wandering in abandoned, sinister places.
Recognize that all beings are like empty space.
Living in the wild wilderness, look for the Buddha in his heart ...
Sangye dump.
Chod is literally translated as "cut-off", which aims to complete clipping attachment
to self, his ego and contaminants that are the root of samsara. This is a system of
practices based on the teachings of the Prajnaparamita was brought to
Tibet Padampa Sangye .
malls Taye says four great streams, gave rise Chod. First - this transmission line
method or father tantra, originating from the Buddha Shakyamuni , followed
by Sangyeand Machig Labdrn . Was also another branch running
from Shakyamuni through Manjushri to Aryadeva . Both branches converged
on Dump Sangye , this great acharya is considered a direct
disciple Aryadeva and Asanga . The second
- a tradition maternal tantra transmission Prajna. It originates from the heart of the
Mother Prajnaparamita through the manifestation of a dakini Vajravarahi , goes
straight to the heart Machig Labdrn . It is sometimes called the line "drag chod" or
fierce Chod. The second branch - a branch starting from the Prajnaparamita ,
followed by Tara Dakini Sukhasiddhi and Machig Labdrn . It is called "Shi chod" or
peace Chod. These two branches a little later merged into one great siddha Tantong

Gelb, who has lived hundred twenty-five years.

Third - this transmission line canonical writings. In the text of " cutting off hope and
fear "is the moment when the young Machig Labdrn first meets Padampa
Sangyeand then reaches a state of "seeing" through reading the chapter on Mare
of Prajnaparamita Sutras .
The fourth, the last thread - it's a tradition transmitting concrete experience.Machig
Labdrn got it from a variety of teachers, but were mostly Trap Onshe, Sonam Lama
and Dump Sangye .
There are two types of Chod is:
1. Pho Chod (male Chod), and
2. Mo Chod (female Chod). Mo Choda practice - particularly popular.
1. Pho Chod. This teaching was transmitted from Dump Sangye Kotonu Snam
(sKyo sTon bSod Nams) and Mara Serpo (sMa Ra Ser Ro) of Yarluna, who in turn
handed it Nonpa Serang (sMyon Pa Se Rang), Tsetonu (rTse sTon) and Sumtonu (Sum
sTon). 2. Mo Chod. This line was transferred Koton Snamom great holy
womanMachig Labdrn (sGron, 1031-1129). She was recognized by all Tibetan
schools, as embodied form of Wisdom Dakini. Thanks to its influence, Chod
teachings were introduced at various schools in all parts of Tibet, and transmitted to
the present day. There are plenty of texts and teachings of Chod, which came out of
her in various forms. Many of them were opened as a term (gTer). The last years of
her life she spent in a cave in Zangri Kharmar (Zangs Ri mKhar dMar) in southern
Tibet. Both are based on the teachings of Chod Prajnaparamita Sutras . The main
practice is to clean dirt through full cut-off attachment to the ego, which is the root
of samsara. Six Paramitas (perfections) practiced through the giving of one's own
body and property of all, including the horrible creatures in hazardous locations,
without clinging, fear and doubt. The followers of Chod must adhere to the following
four requirements:

1. Take hollow core theory - the rejection of the concept of reality totality of dharma
that make up an individual stream of consciousness of the person, and the rejection
of notions of reality and the materiality of other living beings ;
2. cultivate bodhicitta, without leaving the living beings, to refrain from harming
them and practice towards them great compassion;
3. Observe the vows of the bodhisattva and to prevent their violation, acting in
accordance with them;
4. Strive to attain the blessing Sugata - complete commitment to the Three Jewels .
These four requirements are the foundation of spiritual practice of Chod. Machig

Labdrn also Subsection Chod on three aspects:

Visiting dangerous and lonely place - it is an external Chod,
Transformation of the body as an offering to demons - This is an internal Chod
Clipping the only thing (attachment) from the root - it is really Chod.
Whoever practiced these three Choda - a yogi.
Achieving complete liberation by the cut-off of all four aspects of Mary through birth
in a stream of personal experience awareness empty nature of all phenomena of
reality - this is the essence of the teachings of Chod - special experience practices
set forth in the "extensive range of writings Chod "( Tib .: bka tshoms chen mo) and
other records teachings Machig Labdrn . The following texts recording its
teachings: "Compositions" ( Tib .: yang rtsom nyid rtshom), "Notes" ( Tib .: Le ' u
lag), "Recording principles" ( Tib .: gnad them), "Internal overcome" ( Tib .: khon
rgol), "Secret symbolic teachings" ( Tib .: gsan ba brda chos).
At the present time, a separate line of this tradition does not exist, but its teachings
are practiced in all schools, especially the emphasis on the practice of Chod done in
the Nyingma tradition and Kagyu.

Treatises and sadhana.


Cutting off hope and fear. [Oral transmission line a full explanation of
the sacred teachings of Chod].

Way Chod (Chapter 3. pdf 67.1Kb. ).

Comments on the practice of Chod (Kyabje Song Rinpoche, Khalkha

Jetsun Rinpoche Dump).

Long poem about the perfection of wisdom Brahmin Aryadeva.

Chod practice "Laughter Dakini" (from the cycle of teachings of

Longchen Nyingtik . pdf 500 Kb. ).

Four Feasts Deep Choda Troma (rar 40.1 Mb. ). On the people .

Small practice Troma Nagmo (according to tradition That Onion Kyung

Namkha Dzong. pdf 923 Kb.). On the people .

Practice deep meaning. Taming the entire set of thoughts and

emotions (short Chod Jonang tradition.pdf 465 Kb. ).

The text of the essential teachings of deep Chod (Pratica Chod Jonang
tradition .pdf 669 Kb. ).

Chod Teachings (Garchen Rinpoche. pdf 284 Kb. ) . On the people .

Chod. Practice, Manual and Commentary (pdf 5.73 Mb. ). On the

people .

Machik's Complete Explanation. Clarifying the Meaning of Chod (Sarah

Harding.pdf 72.3 Mb. ). On the people .

One hundred thousand rays of the sun: the life and teachings of the
master Lama Tsering Wangdu chod (pdf 16,9 Mb.). On the people .

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