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# SharePoint Solution Deployer (SPSD)

# Version
# Url
# Creator
: Matthias Einig,
# License
# File
: Readme.txt
Warning: Leave all script files starting with SPSD_ in the Scripts folder untouc
hed in order to be able to easily update to the next version of the scripts.
### Environment files
SPSD is configured with environment xml files located in the /Environments folde
How to create environments:
1.Modify the 'default.xml' environment definition XML in the "Environments" fold
2.Create your own environment file in the "Environments" folder
- If you name the file after a machine it will be used when the script runs on
that machine,
- If you name it after a username, it will be used when the script runs by thi
s user,
- If none of the above exist, default.xml is used
3.Extract any XML node of a environment file to a separate file and specify the
ID and FilePath tags.
SPSD will automatically merge the files together.
This allows you to reuse parts of the configuration for different deployment e
The referenced file should be place in the environments folder.
4.Specify variables in the environment definition file, which will be replaced o
n runtime
You can also use system environment variables (run "Get-ChildItem env:" in Pow
erShell to see all available variables)
### Environment Editor
To edit the xml files you can use the SPSD Environment Editor located which can
be downloaded from
Comments in the XML files will be lost when saving with the Environment Editor.
Currently the environment editor does not yet support
- Compatibility level
- Require Languages
### Scripts/AppLogo.txt
If you want to embed your own ascii art logo or application info, please customi
ze the file Scripts/AppLogo.txt.
### Scripts/CustomTargets.ps1
The custom targets PS file can be used to perform custom actions at cert
ain events during the deployment process
The available Events are (in order how they are called):
- RunCustomPrerequisites


### Scripts/Extensions and Environments/Extensions

SPSD has an extension szstem which allows zou to develop re-usable exten
sions which can be just dropped and registered in any SPSD deployment package.
This makes it easy for to inject common tasks into the deployment proces
s ,
eg. creating a ContentTypeHub, creating a site structure, importing mana
ged metadata etc.
Please have a look at the example extension in the extensions folder to
understand how it works.
You can publish your extensions to the Microsoft Technet Gallery an tag
it with "SPSD" to be found through this link
### Logging:
You can (and should) use the SPSD Logging function to write to the Powe
rShell window/logfile
instead of using Write-Host, Write-Output, Write Error
Using the log method provided by SPSD will help you to assure that
- all messages fit well into the rest of the log
- messages are still logged even if SPSD is run from a custom PS Host
- messages of remoted PS sessions are logged
Log "My custom log message" -Type $SPSD.LogTypes.Normal -Inden
...your commands...
Valid parameters for the "Log" function are:
-Message (or first parameter) [string]
The message which should be logged
-Type [int]
0 or $SPSD.LogTypes.Success
-> Green
1 or $SPSD.LogTypes.Error
-> Red
2 or $SPSD.LogTypes.Warning
-> Yellow
3 or $SPSD.LogTypes.Information -> White
4 or $SPSD.LogTypes.Normal
-> Gray
-NoNewline [switch]
Will not add a line break after the message, eg. for progress checks
or if you have to change the log type for the rest of the line
-Indent [switch]
Indents all following logging messages by 2 characters (adds to
previous indentation)
-Outdent [switch]
Outdents all following logging messages by 2 characters (subtrac
ts from previous indentation)
-NoIndent [switch]
Disregards current indentation, i.e. when the previous log messa

ge had -NoNewline set

Additionally you can use the commands
to adjust the current indentation level without printing a log message

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