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Did you know that a spy among God’s people is necessary because it cleans and
strengthens the sons of God that are en route to the transformation?

The Man Christ Jesus teaches us that there are many spies inside his government, and these are
like “smoke curtains”, like “mirages” that sow discord among the brethrens.

These “spies”, (if they end up being bishops), steal the prosperity of the congregation because
they don’t sow to the Government of the Man Christ Jesus. They are “wicked beasts”, because
they have gone against the angelical covering. They are “waterless clouds”.

These spies, after they exit from among us, they enter the religious circles (harlots), where they
believe in different heads and interpretations (Baptist, assemblies of God, Mormons…).

Jesus of Nazareth narrated a parable, about a wedding a king was holding and the angels
were the invitees since the Jews did not want to attend, (the angels were ordered to do as
follows): “…go and force them to enter; the good and the bad, but they are all to be
dressed up in wedding clothes…” The good and the bad dressed in wedding clothes, they
misbehaved but they were sheep. But the king found one man not dressed in wedding
clothing. Our clothing is the knowledge in the heart (the mind) of a blessed one. And the
one found without wedding clothing was asked: “What are you doing here without
wedding clothes.” And that was the start of tears and the grinding of teeth.

These spies do not conduct themselves properly and are not suitable for the KINGDOM. They are
“false brethren”, intruders (Galatians 2:4-5). In the times of Jesus, the apostles would introduce
these “brethren” and taught them the vocabulary of the kingdom: We are blessed, the devil was
destroyed… These men wanted to submit us and take away our glorious liberty (which is not
licentiousness); we are careful that the crippled does not stray away from the path, even though
we know that we are all growing.

These spies are very unpleasant people, they are pitiful, and they are very ungrateful, they set
their own laws and they are swindlers with the beloved; but when they are uncovered, the
beloved begins to congregate again and it becomes a full house and they celebrate with joy…

The Bible registers some spies that approached Jesus of Nazareth “simulating to be righteous”
(Luke 20:19-26). When this happens, it is a good thing because this serves as a winnower,
removing what is not supposed to be there. It eliminates the big fishes; the ones that only think
about their bellies and are false. That’s why in Creciendo en Gracia [Growing in Grace] we
maintain the UNITY (Ephesians 4:1-3).

Here we all speak, think, and sing the same thing, because we have one HEAD (the mind of
Christ), and he is the Man Christ Jesus, the Son of Man and blessed are those who are not
offended by him.

We declare that your eyes are enlighten so that you can understand that He is the only one that
can judge according to the gospel given to Paul (Romans 2:16).

Beloved Reader: Only the Man Christ Jesus watches over his beloved with his seven eyes.

God is on Earth. Investigate:

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