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Did you know that in the Lord’s vineyard there are wolves dressed as sheep and sheep
that look like wolves?

The Man Christ Jesus teaches us about the two seeds in existence: “There are wolves and

Paul wrote that we should “beware of perverse and evil men” (Acts 20:29-30). They are inside
the Lord’s vineyard and they cause harm to families because they take refuge inside synagogues.
They are wolves that do not believe because “faith is not for all”, faith is not for the wolves, and
they seek refuge in the “religious system”. Christ called them “wolves in sheep’s clothing”.

We that belong to Christ have put on Christ (Galatians 3:27), we have angelical clothing.
Romans 9:21 says that there are vessels for “honor” and vessels for “dishonor”. Here we can
clearly see the TWO SEEDS, “Wolves and Sheep”, two different personalities from the same
lump of clay. Adam disobeyed God when he had relations with Eve, and from that encounter Cain
was born; he later killed Abel to eliminate God’s seed on earth. Therefore, these two seeds have
three different personalities: Evil without faith, good without faith, and the chosen ones of God for
honor. God’s seed is called to RENEW OURSELVES, be cleansed (Romans 12:2).

God’s chosen children have weaknesses in the flesh, like for example Moses and Paul, they both
killed people. But there is a calling for changes and to not regard anyone according to the flesh.

Now, the work of the perverse and evil men is to deceive, and this is done mainly from the
followers of Moses’ Law (Titus 1:10-11). And that is why their MOUTHS must be shut, because
they teach things they ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain; they ask for tithes and offerings
shamelessly. Now we must enter repose (Hebrews 4:11-13) and only the gospel of grace
produces that. You must renew yourself to know yourself as you were known. You must look for a
change: to enter the throne of grace.

Only God’s word “…discerns the thoughts of men and the intentions of the heart …” (verses 12
and 13), everything comes to light in His presence; because we are in the presence of the
Apostle, The Pastor, the Helper, the Adviser, the Christ Jesus, The Lord.

We declare that the eyes of your understanding are enlightened so that your mind can be
renewed (Romans 12:2) and it can be put on the new man created according to God.

Dear reader: NOBODY can speak what the Man Christ Jesus speaks, the knowledge he brings,
because he is God Hid Hif. Blessed!

God is on Earth. Investigate:

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