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Based On A Series of Eight Essays First Published On The BNP Supporting Website: The Home of The Green Arrow

From Titans To Lemmings

The Suicide Of The White Race

From Titans To Lemmings
From Titans To Lemmings
The Suicide Of The White Race


Based on a series of eight essays first published on the BNP supporting website:
First Published 2009

© Reconquista 2009

All rights reserved

Selected For Extinction 1

Halting The Tide 10

Walking The Wheel 23

Slaying David, Crippling Britannia 40

Galloping Headstrong To Bondage 54

Behind The Smiling Rainbow Mask 71

Dancing With Dragons 87

Genocide Of The Titans 103

Can Britannia Be Saved? From Titans To Lemmings - Conclusions 126

Selected For Extinction

Recently, British National Party Chairman Nick Griffin made a statement describing
the plight of the indigenous British people. It was short and to the point:

“What is happening in Britain is a bloodless genocide.”

For once in his political life, this astute politician is mistaken. What is happening in
Britain today is indeed a genocide but it is far from bloodless and this blood-thirsty
genocide is superbly described in the BNP’s “Racism Cuts Both Ways” pamphlet
which provides strong evidence that whites are by far the most likely to be victims
of racial hatred. As aliens from all around the world continue to flood into Great
Britain, racial violence against the indigenous British people continues to escalate.

And let’s not forget please, the over six million aborted babies who have been
denied life in Britain since 1967.

As more and more unwanted immigrants pour into our land, the British way of
life changes. Communities built up over hundreds of years and who were never
consulted about the invasion of their land are changed irreversibly. A once advanced
society is diluted as immigrants from third-world lands bring their retarded
religions, superstitions, hatreds and traditions into Britain whilst demanding the
indigenous British pay them for the privilege of living in a land they are deliberately
changing and destroying without a care.

Should any Briton speak out about this colonisation of their homeland, they are
vilified and demonised as “racists”. It is an effective control weapon that cowers the
majority of native Britons into meekly and silently accepting the destruction of
their nation.

But Great Britain isn’t the only nation to be suffering this fate. Australia, a land
where it was once so difficult to emigrate to, has opened its borders to Asians and
Arabs. The United States is being flooded by Mexican immigrants and of course
also has enormous problems with its restless Black community who demand more
and more whilst giving less and less and who have recently demonstrated that
their allegiance is to their own kind with 95% of blacks voting for Barack Obama.
Cries of “Racists!” curiously absent. Strikingly, 65% of white Americans voted for
Obama too.

Meanwhile, Europe continues to be flooded by immigrants from Africa, the Middle

East, Asia, and the Balkans and a once mighty continent is now collapsing.

Rhodesia and South Africa, nations that thrived and became first world countries
under white rule have now become third-world hell-holes where whites have been
murdered in their thousands, are repeatedly discriminated against and whose lands
are unceremoniously stolen from them under the falsity of “entitlement” leading to
white exodus. And unsurprisingly, black-on-black violence is also rife under black
rule with millions of blacks being abused and slaughtered by their own people
across the dark continent. Unsurprising that is to those who know the turbulent,
violent, tribal history of Africa.

Whilst Africans flood to Europe seeking a better life and to grab as many free and
generous handouts as Europeans will give them without giving much - if anything
- in return, black Africans are making it clear that whites are despised and are
not welcome in the lands of Africa the industrious whites made prosperous and
cultivated to feed not just the colonies but the whole of Africa. And as black rule
leads to disarray in African nations, the white race continues to send aid and money
via a multitude of self-perpetuating charities, aid that just papers over the deep
cracks and only serves to keep the suffering and the violence ongoing. A superficial
band-aid that does little to heal the ever festering lesions inherent in African tribal

Little Israel, the sole homeland for the Jewish people and the only democracy in the
Middle East, is deceptively portrayed as a “Nazi” state, with the world through the
viper’s nest of the UN demanding it surrender more and more of its own territory.
Territory that will be used to launch murderous attacks against innocent Israeli
citizens, attacks that will not cease until Israel is “wiped from the face of the earth”
as is the stated goal of the Iranian mullahtocracy.

Add to this the fact that the white race isn’t breeding sufficiently enough to ensure
it reproduces itself and it is abundantly clear that what is happening in the world
now - and has been happening for at least fifty years - amounts to a holocaust
against western civilisation and the two peoples who advanced humanity more
than any other: The Whites and the Jews.

But the core of the problem isn’t hatred or hostility from other competing and less
advanced races. The core of the problem is that the white race is committing suicide
because it is collectively refusing to play by Nature’s rules.

It is my contention that the white race has wilfully descended into a fantasy
world, a surreal world dominated by illusion, ignorance and insanity. The current
generations of whites are the first generations in western history to choose
devolution over evolution and therefore, Mother nature has selected this race for
extinction, possibly in as little as 100 years.

So how can a race that created the greatest and most advanced societies in human
history, societies that held the highest hope for the whole of mankind, reach a point
where its future survival is now threatened? It is a question I have spent much time
considering and I will attempt to offer some possible answers in this book.

For The Love Of God

The influence played by the Judeo-Christian religions in building Western

civilisation is enormous. Duty to God, the nuclear family as the bedrock of society,
the importance of community, strong moral codes, ethics and values and rule of
law based on the Ten Commandments and the teachings and examples contained
in the Old and New Testaments laid the rock-solid foundations upon which the
mighty West was built.

In Britain today, Christianity is now in its death throes. Priests deliver the message
of Christ “the Prince of Peace” to half empty churches, churches that have yet to
be converted into Mosques that is, a lamentable fate shared by churches across the
length and breadth of Britain. Christian worship and church attendance, once a
vital hub of community life, is now no longer an important part of British life, and
it is difficult to see a reverse to a decline that began with the end of the Second
World War and continues apace today.

Contrast this with how Mosques in Britain are at the fulcrum of Muslim

The great German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche predicted that Christianity

would be abandoned in the 20th Century. But he made a very insightful analysis
that I believe highlights a very serious flaw with the white race and offers a first
possible answer to our question.

Nietzsche realised that Judeo-Christian religions contained an inversion of morality.

He correctly stated that these religions assert that it is moral to be weak, persecuted,
oppressed, wretched. Only the poor, the meek, the sick and the exploited can be
pious and blessed by God. Conversely, to be strong, powerful, to assert superiority,
to be noble, to be wealthy, is to be immoral and is to be damned by the Almighty
for eternity.

Because of this inversion of morality, Nietzsche labelled Christianity “A religion of

pity”. It is an assessment that has proven to have more repercussions than this gifted
scholar ever thought. A perceptive genius so hated by the church it black-labelled
him as a heretic.

What is so prescient today about Nietzsche’s analysis is that he predicted that

religion - Christianity - would be abandoned en masse in the 20th Century but
that people would still cling to the inversion of morality, that the strong and the
powerful are evil and that people who are not strong and powerful are victims, and
therefore, they and they alone are the just and the good. It is a very serious weakness
and since the Second World War, this weakness has been exploited to the full by
the enemies who are destroying the west: Marxists/Socialists, Globalists and Islam.

A New Religion

Since the end of the Second World War, western societies have suicidally opened
their borders to mass immigration from the Third world. For Britain, millions of
aliens from Africa, Eastern Europe, India, Pakistan, the Far East and the Caribbean
have swarmed into the nation and are changing Great Britain for the worse and
irreversibly so.

It has happened because of the rise of a new religion created by Marxists: Liberalism
and its holy trinity: Multiculturalism, Political Correctness and Tolerance. This
religion preaches the gospel of equality. Marxists insist that all races are equal, the
sexes are equal, all cultures are equal, and that the powerful west is evil because it
has oppressed and persecuted the poor and the weak of the world throughout its
ignoble history. The evil imperial west invaded foreign lands, murdering, raping
and looting as it went, enslaving other races and stealing their natural resources for
its own greed and gain.
It’s a gross distortion of the reality of western history but this is the crux of how
Marxists are destroying the west. They are deploying the very same inversion of
morality identified by Nietzsche, by laying a guilt trip on the entire white race,
and demonising this race as a strong, powerful, EVIL race because it only became
powerful by oppressing and exploiting weaker races.

This demonisation of whites as being powerful and evil and non-whites, especially
the African black, as being weak and a victim isn’t solely restricted to other races as
you’ll now see.

Badge Of Honour

The Marxist tactic of portraying almost all other racial groups as victims of the
powerful, evil whites has been enormously successful in shaping the nightmare
of modern-day, multicultural Britain. The doctrine of Multiculturalism and racial
equality tolerates no opposition and just as those who questioned the existence
of God and Christian dogma were smeared as heretics throughout the history of
Christianity, so too does the new religion of Liberalism have its heretics. Should
anyone dare question racial equality or oppose immigration and multiculturalism,
they are vilified as “racists”, one of the most powerful of Orwellian thought control
weapons and one of the worst “sins” any native white Briton can commit.

Those who do possess the temerity and the courage to question the multicultural
dogma will find themselves before the new devout inquisitors, the fanatical and
pious white-hating clerics of the Race Relations and Human Rights NGOs so rife
in the west but conspicuous by their absence in Africa and the Middle East.

But the Marxist zealots also realised that portraying other races as the poor,
oppressed, innocent victims of the evil white race was a successful tactic that could
be used to further create their just and fair society of equality by creating more
victims within many other minority groups throughout society. For example:

• Homosexuality is no different to heterosexuality and homosexuals have been

unfairly discriminated against and persecuted by evil, homophobic whites.
All sexuality is equal and to discriminate against somebody because of their
sexuality is evil.

• Women have been dreadfully exploited and oppressed by powerful, evil white
men who have abused them and treated them as second-class citizens. Wives
have been relegated to inferior beings and disgracefully treated as serfs and sex
objects who must obey their lust-crazed, misogynist husbands.

• Criminals are the victims of an oppressive, unjust and divisive society. The
wealthy and the privileged classes impose social injustice upon these wretched
people, abandoning them, leaving them with nothing to do, no hope for the
future so the only option they have is to turn to crime in frustration.

• The evil capitalist West has been spewing out poison and consuming all of the
Earth’s precious resources. The powerful, industrialised west has been destroying
the environment, contaminating and polluting the Earth’s atmosphere and
changing the climate. They’ve stolen the precious natural resources of poorer,
weaker nations without a care for the irreversible damage they were causing
and these wicked people will destroy our precious, but fragile planet.

• The greedy, avaricious Jews are controlling the world, they own all the world’s
banks and they control all of the film industry and the media. They are
destroying the entire world because of their insatiable greed and hatred for all
other races because they believe they are God’s chosen people.

• Muslim terrorist attacks on the west are entirely the fault of the warmongering
west. They’ve always been massacring Muslims, they slaughtered them during
the Crusades and the Muslims still feel anger about that and rightly so. Now
we’re slaughtering them again because powerful, Christian neo-conservatives
and Zionist rich American Jews want to make more and more money from war
and steal the Arabs’ oil.

• Israel is an evil, terrorist, Nazi state that has no right to exist. All of the world’s
problems are caused by this wicked nation. The Jews had no right to kick the
Palestinians out of their homeland and the Nazi Jews have been committing a
holocaust on these poor people ever since.

• All wars are the fault of white people. Europeans especially, and their states
must be destroyed so Europeans don’t kill each other for nothing ever again.
If this doesn’t happen, the Nazis will rise up again all over Europe and more
wars and atrocities will be committed. The only way to prevent this is to create
a single, multicultural Europe where all people are equal and all nations are
dependent on each other.

• Children have been brainwashed and oppressed by evil western ideologies that
force them to discriminate based on evil concepts such as sex, sexuality, family
status, competitive sport and ability. These evil and divisive judgements stifle,
confuse and upset the child and it must be stopped because all children are

• Blaming other races for raping white women is racism. These women dress in
a way that is provocative and offensive to other races and if western women get
raped by confused ethnic minorities well, they have only themselves to blame
and they should dress in a more modest and respectful manner.

• Demanding that immigrants who want to live in the west should adopt western
culture and our way of life is racist. Their culture is important and equal to
ours and instead of denying these people their right to their culture, we should
be more tolerant of their culture by integrating their culture with our own so
it enriches western society.

• Apartheid is one of the most evil things to have ever happened. What the
whites did to the poor black people in their own homeland was despicable.
Greedy whites have no right to be in Africa and everything that the whites have
stolen should be given back to the native Africans because Africa is their land
and they are entitled to everything in it.

OK, I could go on - and on, and on - like this but what I am trying to do is
illustrate how morality is being inverted to create a culture of victimhood. This
is exactly what Nietzsche predicted, that the strong, the noble and the powerful
will always be portrayed as wicked and evil, and those who are the victims will be
portrayed as the just and the good. Instead of maintaining the best parts of the
Judeo-Christian faith that made Great Britain so strong, the white race has ditched
them and maintained the worst parts, the moral inversions of victimhood and pity
as virtuous. And look at Britain now, just look at Britain now.

Play By The Rules

What is happening now throughout the west can be accurately summed up as “The
Tyranny of the Minorities.” Because to be in a minority group is to be a victim,
and to be a victim is to be just and good, and it is these groups that are dictating
morality to the rest of society. In other words, the weak are leading the strong.

There is just one major problem with this: It is wholly out of tune with the laws
that Mother nature requires all life on planet Earth to be subject to, laws that
Charles Darwin diligently explained. Natural selection is Nature’s way of ensuring
the survival of species. Any species that does not adhere to the rules of Nature will
be selected for extinction. That is the harsh reality of life on this planet, a harsh
reality that the west is trying to avoid by conforming to sugar-sweet but ultimately
destructive childish fantasies.

In doing so, and it has been doing so for the last fifty years, the white race has
decided to fly in the face of Mother nature and there will only be one winner, as
always. No race, no species on planet earth can fight Mother nature and win and if
it tries to it will not survive.

Every species has to act in a way that ensures its own survival and it does so by
putting its own interests first. Human beings are pack animals - and by far the
most dominant of pack animals - and in the animal world, pack animals have a
strict “pecking order” that puts the strongest as leaders. Leaders bring order to the
pack and they also protect the pack from outside threats. They do not, ever, put the
interests of another species first and in fact, they will not even put the interests of
another pack from its own species before the interests of their own pack.

Can you imagine for example, a lion abandoning all of the behaviours that have
ensured its survival and made it one of the most dominant predators in the animal
world because it starts to feel pity towards say, another pack of lions? Instead of
sharing the kill with its own pack, the lion invites another pack of lions to eat the
kill first because he knows they’re not as good at hunting zebra as his pack are. Can
you imagine the lion then feeling pity for the zebra and convincing his pack they
should turn vegetarian because they are exploiting weaker animals who deserve to
share the abundance of the plain as its only fair? Perhaps the lion then decides that
cheetahs, leopards and wildcats should join the pack and have equal mating rights
with the lionesses because “all cats are equal, and to discriminate between cats is
catism and I’ll exclude any lion from this pack who refuses to treat all cats equally”?

It’s an insane scenario isn’t it?

It’s insane because even animals instinctively know that placing the interests of
others before their own will destroy them. Yet the white race is now doing exactly
what dominant pack animals are not - INCLUDING THOSE FROM OTHER
HUMAN RACES - because it has collectively embraced the pity-forvictim
inversion of morality that means the strong and powerful are evil and the victims
are the just and the good precisely as identified by Nietzsche. What kind of mad
species puts the interests of other species - that’s the plural form by the way - before
its own?

A soon-to-be-extinct terminally dumb one. And the white race IS dying

precisely because of this insane behaviour. Other pack animals from the
human race know this and they are now prosecuting the genocide of the white
race without any sense of pity, by colonising the west and demanding the west
put the interests of the colonisers before the interests of its own people. At the
same time, they are making it clear that the white man is not welcome in their
lands. That the west WILLINGLY complies with all of this is absolute suicidal
madness without question.

Take a very good look at the world. Look at the Middle East - do you see
Multiculturalism in Islamic countries? How about in the countries of the Far East?
Do you see Multiculturalism in China, Japan, Vietnam, North and South Korea?
How about setting up an African Union and telling all African nations that the
world is now multicultural, that all African nation states are to be dismantled and
a single Africa under the banner of the AU will be created. Better not forget to
inform them that the AU wants to accept millions and millions of immigrants
from all over the world into Africa as it’s “good for the African economy”.

Then whites can tell them how evil the black man has been, how oppressive he has
been, how abusive he has been and how African tribal culture is evil and “racist” and
then demand that he share half of everything in his homeland to make immigrants
feel welcome because we’re all equal.

You tell me - how do you think this would be received? If you need a clue, ask the
remaining Boers in South Africa - while they’re still alive.

This is the insanity of western nations. Because if only one race - in this case,
the white race - plays the multicultural game while all other races maintain their
identities and nation states then this isn’t multiculturalism it is mass suicide on the
one hand and pitiless genocide on the other. And as with all genocides, it most
certainly isn’t bloodless. And IT WILL get worse unless the white race regains its
sanity - and it had better regain it damn quickly.

In chapter two, I will elaborate on this further by examining how one of the most
self-destructive and evil ideologies being imposed upon the white race is nothing
more than a deadly illusion.

Halting The Tide

In the first chapter about the suicide of the white race, I stated that what is
happening to the white race - including native Britons amounts to a merciless and
bloody genocide. Amazingly, it is a genocide in which many members of the white
race are playing a willing and active part and I posed a question:

How can a race that created the greatest and most advanced societies in human
history, societies that held the highest hope for the whole of mankind, reach a point
where its future survival is now threatened?

The Judeo-Christian religions played an important and influential role in building

the once mighty West but we also discovered that these religions contained a serious
flaw that has sowed the seeds of the suicidal demise of the white race. This flaw was
identified by the brilliant German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who described
it as “an inversion of morality” whereby the weak, the poor, the meek, the oppressed
and the wretched are virtuous and blessed by God whereas the strong, the wealthy,
the noble and the powerful are the immoral and damned by the vengeful almighty
Yahweh for eternity.

Nietzsche, with great insight and perception, stated that Christianity would be
abandoned en masse in the twentieth century but that Westerners would still cling
to this inversion of morality. I then described how Marxists and Liberals exploit
this inversion of morality by creating large numbers of “victim groups”, groups
who form minorities in Western society but whose “victim status” is used to dictate
morality to the majority. In Western - white - societies, the weak now lead the
strong, indeed, the game being played in these societies is not to make the weak
strong, it is to make the strong weak.

Should any person have the temerity to criticise any one of these “victim” groups,
they will be viciously smeared and deemed guilty of numerous hate crimes, the
new heresy of the Liberal-Multicultural religion. The plain fact that this situation
is destroying the west because it flies in the face of Mother nature - a catastrophic

mistake only the white race is committing - matters not a jot to these new pious

Multiculturalists prosecute their self-righteous moral crusade by proudly

championing the cause of anybody who they deem to be weak and oppressed.
Blinded by smug piety or driven by hatred for their own, they march the white race
into the abyss as they vigorously and myopically pursue one of the most unnatural,
childish and ultimately futile illusions ever created in human history:

Gold At The End Of The Rainbow

The core principle of Liberals and Multiculturalists is that everybody is equal. In

the fluffy-bunny la-la land of these vain zealots, the sexes are equal; all races are
equal; all sexuality is equal; all children are equal and children are equal to adults;
animals are equal to humans; all cultures are equal and all religions are equal. For
anybody to discriminate against anybody else and assert superiority is to establish
inequality and inequality simply must not - indeed will not - be tolerated.

This is the Utopian fantasy-world of the lion lying down with the lamb in the eternal
tranquility of Shangri La. A futile, self-destructive pursuit of the unattainable that
requires a denial of the competitive reality of life on planet Earth and a continual
inversion of morality in a doomed attempt to put right the “mistakes” committed
by Mother nature.

The pursuit of equality can be accurately summed up in a very short sentence:

Pursuing equality is to clash with Mother nature. Nature abhors a vacuum but she
also abhors equality and this is easily demonstrated.

Look at males and females. Are all males equal? Some males possess physical
strength while others are physically weak. Some are tall, some short and some in
between. Some men possess the courage of a lion, others the courage of a French
toy poodle. Some possess great intelligence and inquiring minds, some the gifts of
craftsmanship, a lucky few possess both and sadly, many will possess neither. Some
men are born to lead, others born to follow.

Equality is just as scarce among the fairer sex. There are beautiful women who
can turn the heads of every red-blooded male and others who go about their daily
business without raising a single admiring glance. There are women who want to
be home-makers and mothers who have many children, others place their careers
before all else and do not want a family. We have women who are active and love
sport, others who prefer a more sedentary lifestyle. Then there are women who are
feisty and bubbly, others who are quiet and shy. Of course, there are many more
differences between people but the point is made.

Like it or not, men are in the main, physically stronger than women and Nature
has evolved the sexes for different tasks that ensure human survival just as Nature
does with all species. All men are not equal, all women are not equal and the sexes
are not and never can be equal. This does not mean that any one is any better or
has more value as a human being than any other and to suggest so is disingenuous,
spiteful and born from bitter resentment. Inequality among and between species is
simply the way life is on planet Earth for all species including humans.

Take feminism as an example. Feminists claim that women have been victims of
men, that men have oppressed women for centuries and that the sexes are equal.
Denying this will result in the smears “misogynist” and “male chauvinist pig”. But
equalising the sexes has led to a crippling feminisation of Western society and I
will elaborate upon this vitally important issue in another chapter. But portraying
women as oppressed victims and the equals of males is one example of how the
pursuit of equality is being used to destroy our society and undermine - and
therefore be in conflict with - Mother nature.

Trivial Pursuit

The pursuit of equality becomes even more futile when applied to equality of races.
If I say:

The black African is, by and large, physically stronger than other races and in sports,
blacks generally make the best boxers and the best sprinters and long distance
runners, I will get nods of agreement. But if I say: Whites are generally more
intelligent and creative than blacks and have, throughout human history, solved the
problems presented to the human race by Mother nature far more effectively than
blacks have I will be vilified as a racist. Yet both statements are firmly grounded in

It’s a similar story with religion. If I say: Judaism and Christianity are two religions
whose morality and values took mankind further than any other religion and they
are largely peaceful and tolerant religions, it would be difficult to disagree with me.
But if I say: Islam is an evil, retarded and supremacist death-cult that refuses to
afford women and unbelievers respect and the most basic of human rights because
Islam advocates violence to force submission to Allah, I will be smeared as an
“Islamophobe” and a “racist”.

Not only that, I will then be - as I have been many times - subjected to the ordeal
of listening to a demented liberal blowhard irrationally shrieking that all religions
are equal, that Judaism and Christianity also have their violent fanatics and that
it’s all a question of “interpretation”. A pack of lies and distortions follow all to
support the childish Liberal fantasy of equality, exactly in keeping with Nietzsche’s
description of inverting morality so as to always portray the strong West as ignoble
by asserting that it only became powerful by oppressing other people. The Crusades
in particular being the favoured “trump card” in debates about Islam even though
the Crusades came in response to the massacre of Byzantine Christians by Muslim
jihadists who were surely “extremists who were not representative of the Islamic

But facts are discounted at will by devout Liberal-Multicultural disciples. They

simply have to be, otherwise their Utopian fantasy world of equality completely

Smearing opponents and resorting to outright lies and distortions of history is a

necessary tactic to impose equality and it is a strategy that exposes the weakness
of those who pursue this asinine fantasy. Attempting to impose equality is a
wilful denial of reality as it places ideology before hard evidence. For Liberal do-
gooders, the fantasy of equality comes before all else therefore, unable to rely on
facts and totally enslaved by their devotion to a deeplyflawed ideology, Liberal-
Multiculturalists will outright lie and viciously smear people who dare to question
or deny equality and place reality first.

If unsuccessful in their attempt to silence dissenters, the threat of violence leading

to actual mob violence will also be deployed as we have seen recently after the
BNP’s success in the European elections.

Such irrational behaviour is much more than plain stupidity, it is concrete evidence
of psychological illness on a grand scale and it is a mental illness only affecting
the people of the white race as other races and cultures know full well the entirely
natural order of inequality.

Just how mentally ill the Liberal-Multiculturalists really are will now become clear
throughout the rest of this chapter.

One Way Street

There is a glaring fact about Multiculturalism and its “all races and cultures are
equal” mantra:

Why is it that only the West plays the Multicultural game? If all races are equal, why
aren’t the Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans, the Arabs, the Pakistanis, the Indians,
the Africans all accepting masses of immigrants into their lands and allowing alien
cultures and religions to be of equal importance to their own?

However, they do play the Multicultural game of equality but only when they
leave their own lands to invade, colonise and pilfer the affluent West. Back in their
countries of origin, their cultures, their religions and their way of life all come first
and equality - between the sexes, between the races and between cultures - is as rare
as hen’s teeth!

If you doubt this, go and look for lobby groups and minority groups demanding
that white people be treated as equals in South Africa, Zimbabwe and the Middle
East. And talking of South Africa, go see if you can find blacks turning on their
own people and demonising them as “racists” for the diabolical way blacks are
persecuting whites and massacring the Boers. Odd that such guilt-ridden Liberal
groups only exist in the West isn’t it?

There’s more. Let’s ask some more simple questions:

If all races and all cultures are equal, why is it that black Africans, Afro-Caribbean
blacks, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, and Eastern Europeans want to abandon
their own lands en masse to live in the lands of the West? I mean if we’re all truly
equal, why does the rest of the world want to live the Western lifestyle, a lifestyle
created in the main by white people? Just why exactly, do they want to be part of
capitalism, run businesses, work for the white man’s industries, claim the white
man’s welfare and buy and use goods created by the creativity and ingenuity of
Western - white - people?

Why flock to another land, abandoning your own people for what the white man
has created? It can’t be because other races are unable to build strong, advanced
societies, because we’re all equal aren’t we? So therefore it must be to enjoy the
lifestyle and the culture that the white man has created which is logically to admit
human races and their cultures are most definitely not equal.

And what about the people who want to migrate to the West from the third world
but who cannot? This is yet more evidence of the lunacy of “we’re all equal” because
the strong are leaving the weak behind which just makes these already weak societies
even weaker. This is the only equality: That as mass immigration floods the West
the West becomes weaker and resembles more and more the weak third world.

And why-oh-why does the world want to play sports that form an integral part
of white Western culture, sports such as football, rugby, cricket, boxing? If all
cultures are equal why don’t other races stick with their own systems of business
and commerce and play their own sports? Surely no one in their right mind would
say that their own systems of trade and commerce and their own sports aren’t as
good as Western sports - that’d be stating inequality exists and that the West is
superior and we can’t have that, oh no.

Conversely, why isn’t there mass immigration from the West to Africa, China, the
Middle East? Come on, if all races and all cultures and all religions were truly equal
then this would be blatantly obvious to the rest of the world who would be falling
over themselves to welcome masses of immigrants from all over the world into their
lands to enrich their people with the delights of diversity in the name of equality
and Multiculturalism.

And besides, mass immigration is fantastically “good for the economy” so surely
Africa, The Middle East, China, India, Pakistan and Eastern Europe would benefit
enormously from allowing hordes of immigrants from all over the world but
especially the advanced UK and Europe to live in their lands, with housing, benefits
and information explaining how to claim for their entitlements published in thirty
different languages all provided free of charge so they can settle there and enrich
native communities with their religions, traditions and cultures and bring a much
needed boost to their flagging economies. This would make their less advanced
societies stronger and equal to those of the affluent West too. Can you hear a bell
ring after reading this paragraph?

Let me spell it out for you loudly and clearly: If the people - whites - of the West
have created the most advanced, affluent and just societies, wouldn’t it be bloody
obvious for third-world nations to begin programmes of mass immigration from
Europe so immigrants can create in the third world the very same prosperous
societies people from the third world are flocking to in their millions? But that,
kinsman, is not the Multicultural game. Not by a long chalk it isn’t.

And well, it’s funny how people from the West don’t appear to be rushing to live the
African tribal lifestyle and adopt the African tribal culture. Not so funny when you
realise that black Africans have brought this violent tribal lifestyle with its hatred
for other tribes to the doorstep of Westerners. Better not mention this somewhat
inconvenient fact about African tribal culture though. You don’t want the pious,
fanatical Liberal-Multicultural inquisitors accusing you of suggesting that black
African gangs - sorry, tribes - treat each other in a way that falls a long way short of
equality. What are you, anyway, some kind of racist?

Let me share something else with you. It is very, very easy to be pious about
equality and Multiculturalism when you live in an advanced, wealthy society. It
is far less easy to eulogise about Multiculturalism and equality when you live in a
violent, unjust and less advanced poverty-stricken society. Maybe this explains why
we don’t see many ranting Multicultural disciples demanding the imposition of
equality in countries such as Iran. They know as well as you do what would happen
if they tried to. Such is the folly of claiming equality between peoples and cultures.

And there’s even more folly about this ridiculous pursuit of equality.

A Very Unequal Equality

Not only is Multiculturalism a one-way street with the rest of the world flocking
into the West and changing it dramatically whilst the nations of these immigrants
retain their identities and cultures, the doctrine of Multiculturalism is only ever
applied against Western - make that white - people.

Identity politics is a good example of this. Blacks, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus,
Chinese, Pakistanis, Indians - all of these people and more are allowed to form
their own special groups with the aim of protecting and furthering their own
interests based entirely on race or creed. Yet if indigenous Westerners form their
own special interest group - for example The British National Party or the Belgian
Vlaams Belang - they will be outrageously and hypocritically vilified as “racists” and
“fascists” yet not once has any other identity group - for example the Black Police
Officer’s Association or even better, the Muslim Council of Britain, an organisation
which promotes one of the most evil and supremacist ideologies ever created by
mankind - ever been vilified as “racists” or “fascists”.
And what may I ask, is so equal about the “Music of Black Origin” awards? Strange
that sanctimonious Liberals screaming “racists!” are curiously absent at this overtly
racist, unequal event isn’t it?

Yet the slightest excuse to label whites as “racist” is continually sought. Even toddlers
who refuse to eat spicy food in nurseries end up facing the wrath of the puritanical
Multicultural inquisitors who insist the parents make their family more “racially
aware and sensitive towards other races and cultures.”

Tellingly, when black gang members stab each other or gang rape a white teenage
girl or when Muslim jihadists blow up buses and trains filled with innocent
people the first concern of the guardians of Multiculturalism will be to minimise
the racial aspect of these events - i.e. deny the reality - and lame excuses such
as “it’s because of poverty” or the Marxist classic “it’s because they are oppressed
by an institutionally racist society” will be spewed out by these simpering Liberal
apologists. Yet conversely, if a group of white men were to gang rape a black teenage
girl - well, you know exactly how this would be depicted as well as I do.

You tell me - how can equality exist in Liberal-Multicultural la-la land if the
standards promoted by Liberals are only ever applied towards whites? This blatant
and contradictory application occurs because these self-righteous Multiculturalists
firmly believe that only white people can be racist because whites are always depicted
as strong and powerful and other races are always portrayed as oppressed victims.
So Liberal-Multiculturalists knowingly, deliberately and therefore treacherously
distort, misrepresent and outright lie about racist or violent acts committed by

How obvious does it have to be for them to realise that this is hard evidence, clear
proof of the folly of pursuing equality between the races? Because if we were all
equal wouldn’t other races be upholding, promoting and living by these universally
moral Multicultural standards of equality and be keen to see them applied to their
own racists and criminals? But as we know, facts don’t matter, only the fantasy of
equality for all does.

This double standard is also evident on the world political stage. Why is it we see
leaders from the West fawning over the third world, uttering trite and meaningless
platitudes along with grovelling apologies for how badly the West has behaved
throughout history? Isn’t it strange how these leaders, elected in the West on policies
of Multiculturalism and racial equality never, ever promote these policies to people
of the third world. For example, not once has any Western leader made a speech to
the Middle East saying:

“We now live in a Multicultural global society. The Arabian peoples of the Middle
East must come to realise that all people are equal and must allow people of all
colours and all faiths to build communities and settle in peace in your countries.
The present attitude of Muslims towards women and peoples of other faiths is racist
and oppressive, it is an apartheid that must end and the international community
demands an end to this injustice.”

Isn’t that more or less what the West said about South Africa and Rhodesia? A
Marxist-Liberal West who piously demanded an end to apartheid backed up with
the imposition of sanctions from the UN and exclusion from the world’s sporting

If we’re all truly equal, then shouldn’t the Middle East - and other non-multicultural
nations - also be treated in the same way? And in such nations I include the modern
South Africa, “The Rainbow Nation”, where under black rule the Marxist ANC are
viciously persecuting whites and where the Boers are facing a murderous genocide
and where poignantly, let’s not forget, many black people are now suffering far
more than they ever did under apartheid.

It is so obvious even a blind man from planet blind could see it: Multiculturalism
and the fantasy world of equality only applies to the West and it is applied using
exactly the moral inversion predicted by Nietzsche that we have been discussing. It
is a widespread madness that is, without doubt, leading the entire white race into
the abyss.

A Grand Deception

The folly of Multiculturalism and its mantra of equality is one of the biggest con-tricks
ever played on a people. All of the main political parties promote Multiculturalism,
the corrupt EUSSR is working to enforce equality and Multiculturalism by law, all
of the Western media with very few exceptions endorse Multiculturalism and of
course, most of the worshipped, fame-craving celebrities in the West also support
Multiculturalism and this really should clue one in as to how absolutely ridiculous
the pursuit of equality is.

Here we have an elite group of people who are waxing lyrical about Multiculturalism
and equality yet they do not live or act as equals. From corrupt, thieving politicians
who abuse the trust of the very people who voted for them by stealing taxpayers’
money to line their own greedy pockets, to self-righteous, condescending idiots
like Billy Bragg and Ross Kemp who continually brand BNP supporters as “racists
and fascists” yet do not live in “enriched” Multicultural towns such as Glodwick,
Leicester or Brixton. These hypocrites are the modern day “do as I say not as I do”
ranting preachers of the Liberal-Multicultural religion. They are living proof that
some people not only are more equal than others but firmly BELIEVE they are
more equal than others.

They talk the talk to get what they want, they sure as hell do not walk the walk and
they have no intention of so doing. Equality is not for them and they have made
that abundantly clear.

And the gullible and the naive masses lap up every drop of this putrid Multicultural
vomit spoon-fed to them by an elite who hold their own people in utter contempt
and who see the people as useful idiots and cash-cows to be milked for all
they’re worth. But delirious Liberal-Multiculturalists blinded by their own self-
righteousness fall for the con and enslave themselves to the Liberal-Multicultural
ideology and engage in a futile, childish and self-destructive pursuit of equality at
the behest of their profiteering, deceitful masters. They’d have more success finding
a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Such is the questionable mental state of Liberal-Multiculturalists and their

conviction in equality of races, cultures and sexes. They are completely blind to the
fact that those who are promoting and preaching the virtues of Multiculturalism and
equality simply don’t live it. The privileged elite who have brought Multiculturalism
to the West could afford to conduct an experiment on society and not suffer the
consequences of their stupidity and hypocrisy. Many of them have made fortunes
by promoting and enforcing this evil, unnatural ideology that is dismantling British
communities and destroying Western societies.

It simply doesn’t occur to the devout Liberal disciples that it’s ever so easy to feel
pity for other people and spout equality and Multiculturalism when you live in a
country mansion, eat the finest foods, drive a Bentley and luxuriate in the celebrity
lifestyle. It’s also easy for upper middle-class Liberals living in leafy suburbs and safe,
decent neighbourhoods, who drive nice cars, wear the trendiest designer clothes and
eulogise about the wonders of Multiculturalism at dinner parties because they’ve
dined at Armenian and Japanese restaurants, regularly order home-delivered curries
from the nearest Pakistani sweet shop and send fifty quid to “Africans In Need Yet
Again” charities twice a year. For these mollycoddled strangers to reality, that is the
meaning of Multiculturalism and equality.

They are blissfully unaware of the benefits of diversity being endured by their less
fortunate kin living in enriched British cities where they have to compete with
swarms of immigrants to obtain work at the lowest possible wage. Britons whose
kids are bullied and pressed into gang culture where their teenage years will be
spent in a fog of intoxication, either blind drunk on cheap alcohol or high-as-
kites on heroin, weed or worse, crack cocaine. Britons whose teenage daughters
are being sexually abused and gang raped by various races who hate whites. These
are the expendable indigenous Britons, an unequal underclass who are living the
nightmare reality of Multiculturalism that was imposed upon them without their
consent and who know precisely what the benefits of enrichment and diversity
truly are.

Such Britons are the lab-rats of the Marxist-Multicultural social experiment. Many
of them have not had the opportunity to benefit from a good education and they
have been repeatedly betrayed by traitors whom they trusted with their precious
vote to speak up for them and protect their communities. For these Britons, the
harsh reality of Multiculturalism hits hard and they most definitely are not treated
or regarded as equals. They suffer the consequences of the hypocrisy and the
stupidity committed by hypocritical elites who can afford the luxury of avoiding
the disastrous consequences arising from their pernicious social experiment.

These unequal Britons who endure the horrors of Multiculturalism every day
also know all too well the real meaning of diversity: It is nothing less than the
deliberate destruction of their way of life and the systematic breakdown of their
communities by state-sponsored ethnic cleansing combined with a bloodthirsty
genocide committed by hate-filled, anti-white, racist immigrants.

These are the British people who suffer the consequences of Multiculturalism so
those who do not can appear virtuous and righteous with their “we’re all equal”
mantra whilst acting as superiors who feather their own nests and lie and deceive at
every turn to protect their own selfish interests.

All people are equal? Please. Don’t make me laugh. Or weep.

Just as Nietzsche foresaw, the Godless religion of Marxism, with its evil twin spawns
Liberalism and Multiculturalism, works by creating “victim groups” who are then
used to destroy Western society by inverting morality and demanding more and
more from society to compensate for their unjust oppression.

Equality is used to support the cause of these victims. From equality of the sexes to
equality of the races, Marxists need victims for their rotten ideology to flourish. It is
a sick dependency that brainwashes people to believe they are weak victims whose
“injustice” and “unequal status” is morally wrong and that the strong oppressors -
the white race - must be made to pay for their immoral, unfair superiority. To say
it is “The Mother of all guilt-trips” puts it mildly.

Yet this pursuit of equality only occurs in Western, Liberal-Multicultural societies

and the rest of the world only plays the equality game when masses of third-world
immigrants flood the West or when former first-world African nations become
third world nations under black rule who demand more and more from white
communities to pay for the “injustice” of apartheid and white colonial rule.

The attitude of the third world to the West - make that white people - is simply
this: What’s yours is ours, and what’s ours is our own. It is a despicable attitude that
is reducing the West to a life-support machine for other less advanced races yet if
the indigenous people of the West were to adopt this unequal attitude, they would
be vilified by other races along with self-loathing Liberal-Multiculturalists from
their own race as “racists” and “haters”.

Such a hypocritical and weak attitude just encourages millions of blacks, Orientals
and Asians to become parasites who dine at the abundant table of the West for free.
They jealously want what the white man has created, they deem it their right to
have what the white man has because he only got it by oppressing other races and
yet they continue to contribute little - if anything of any real worth to advance the
entire human race.

And the more the pious Liberal-Multicultural disciples scream “we’re all equal” the
more glaringly unequal Nature reveals us to be. Such arrogant, misguided fools are
akin to King Canute who tried to halt the tide but who came to realise his folly and
was humbled by his attempt to battle Mother nature:

“Let all men know how empty and worthless is the power of kings, for there is none
worthy of the name, but He whom heaven, earth, and sea obey by eternal laws.”
For the last fifty years, the white race has arrogantly refused to obey these eternal
laws and it will pay a heavy price unless it comes to realise the futility of continually
fighting against Mother nature. King Canute realised it and other human races
continue to realise it but whether or not the crack-brained Liberal-Multicultural
disciples have the humility to realise their folly of battling with Mother nature is
quite another matter.

But be in no doubt whatsoever that Mother nature will demand they pay the
heaviest price for their arrogance and she will not care one iota if the entire white
race has to pay too. Mother nature knows not pity as even self-righteous Liberal-
Multiculturalists will find to their cost, you can be completely assured of that.

Walking The Wheel

In the first two chapters of this book discussing the suicide of the white race, I
have tried to present a reasoned and rational argument as to how Marxists/
Liberals/Multiculturalists exploit a flaw with Christianity to pursue the goal of a
Multicultural society. The flaw is an inversion of morality placing the weak and
the wretched as virtuous and the strong and powerful as ignoble and immoral.
Through this flaw, a number of “minority groups” - victims - have been created and
it is through these groups that the Multicultural society is being created.

The end goal of Liberal-Multiculturalists is to completely dismantle Western

societies and re-create them as multi-racial, multi-faith and multicultural societies
where all people are equal regardless of race, creed or colour. This anti-Nature
utopia of peaceful and harmonious existence between distinctly different peoples
will spell the end of Western nations because LiberalMulticultural ideology asserts
that it is these strong, advanced societies - and therefore, the indigenous people
of these societies, the white race - that are responsible for all the oppression, war
and injustice in the world and who only became so powerful by looting from, and
oppressing, weak and powerless others.

Since World War II, the Liberal-Multicultural ideology has been imposed upon
Great Britain by stealth as successive governments whether Labour or Conservative
have encouraged mass-immigration and have additionally passed scores of laws to
forcibly impose Multiculturalism mainly in British cities and without consulting the
communities affected. They have encouraged mass-immigration to such an extent
that in many communities in Great Britain - Bradford, Bristol, Luton, boroughs
of London, Manchester and Birmingham along with many other colonised areas -
indigenous Britons are now minorities in their own land.

This dismantling of Western societies is happening throughout Europe, it is

happening in the United States and it has already happened in South Africa and
Zimbabwe. The tragedy - and the theme of this book - is that the white race is, in
the main, either engaged in destructively creating discordant rainbow societies or
simply passively allowing Multiculturalism to be imposed upon it and is, therefore,
embracing its own destruction.

In this chapter I want to examine how Western societies are faring as the pursuit to
establish a harmonious, equal, Multicultural Shangri-la continues unabated.

State of the Multicultural Union

As any project leader - as I was during my IT career on numerous major projects -

will tell you, one aspect to successfully managing a project is to continually gauge
progress. Liberal-Multiculturalists have been imposing their rainbow project upon
Western societies since the end of World War II. So how is this enforced social
experiment of transforming the once mighty, industrial and predominantly white
West into an idyllic Multicultural utopia progressing?

Let’s begin with Great Britain, a tiny island nation that created the greatest empire
the world has ever seen, a nation that gave much more to the world than it has ever
received in return.

Great Britain, a once advanced and powerful nation whose indigenous people were
predominantly white, Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and of Christian faith is now, thanks to
mass-immigration, the most densely populated country in Europe. It is a melting-
pot of people - black Africans, Caribbean blacks, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese,
Vietnamese, Eastern Europeans and of course, the native Britons themselves. This
“diversity” is celebrated by Marxists and Liberals yet at what price does “diversity”

One of the reasons trotted out to excuse mass-immigration is the oft-repeated: “it’s
good for the economy”. Given that the economy is now in recession, actually it’s
worse than recession because British taxpayers have had to bail out the bankrupt
banks, well, let’s be honest, logic would decree that this reason has simply been
blown out of the water. Yet during this current recession, there exists the frankly
insane situation of employers hiring dirt-cheap foreign labour over native British
labour with imported foreign workers being accommodated in “floating hotels”.
Sounds much better than calling them what they really are: Slave ships and that
we have these affronts to human dignity docked in British ports two hundred
years after slavery was abolished is nothing less than disgrace to Britain. Yet where
are Liberal-Multiculturalists and Human Rights activists protesting about this
exploitation? Their silence is deafening - and telling. How on earth can anyone
claim Multiculturalism to be progressive when it has seen a return of slave ships? It
is obvious that exploiting people in desperate need by treating them like beasts of
burden isn’t slavery when Marxist-Liberal-Multiculturalists do it. There’s a nation
to destroy and money to be made don’t you know? But imagine the outcry if these
workers were black.

Christianity, the religion that laid the bedrock on which the British Empire was built,
is now in its death throes. In addition to rows of empty pews at Sunday worship,
churches up and down the land are converted into Mosques and the Anglican
clergy supports calls for Islamic Sharia law whilst at the same time, smearing as
“unchristian” British patriots who are fighting for a return of traditional Christian
morals and values. I guess the smear “heretic” is now out of fashion with the new
holier-than-thou Christian inquisitors.

Meanwhile, Islam continues to grow and flourish in our land. From fanatical
jihadists self-detonating on our transport system and killing British infidels to no-
go areas in British cities, the Muslim communities have made it clear: Islam first, last
and everything. British teenage girls are now enduring rape jihad, British teenagers
and young adults are enduring drug jihad and violent jihad, British schools serve
halal food and cancel traditional Christian celebrations so as not to offend Muslims
and the sight of Muslim women arrogantly flaunting their allegiance to Islam
by wearing their black burkas or covering their faces with the niqab in flagrant
violation of British customs and British security laws now cuts an all-too-common
and ghoulish spectre on the streets of all British cities.

A gradual abandoning of traditional Christian morality towards human sexuality

has resulted in sex-obsessed Britons gorging themselves on a diet of soft-core and
hardcore pornography and the sexualisation of children - even infants - is now
being promoted by government including a proposal to reduce the age of consent
to the tender age of fourteen. Promiscuity is now acceptable and common sexual
conduct, with virginity no longer regarded as a praiseworthy and desirable virtue.
Homosexuality is also now accepted as normal behaviour and “gay pride” carnivals
in major cities are an annual event for homosexuals to openly celebrate, parade
and promote their sexuality as being a moral and healthy lifestyle choice. No sign
of “straight pride” carnivals and don’t hold your breath for them to happen either.

The family unit is becoming a rare species. Couples live together and part with
monotonous regularity and of those couples who choose to seal their bond within
the tradition of marriage, around 50% of them will end in divorce. Single parent
families are now accepted as normal, with many single young mothers giving
birth to children who have different fathers, many of whom will not even know
their child never mind contribute a penny in maintenance with the state happily
stepping in to act as a benevolent, surrogate father to provide for the family needs.

For reluctant mothers, the option of terminating their pregnancy under the
Marxist-feminist slogan “right to choose” is available and has resulted in more than
six million aborted lives in Great Britain since abortion was legalised. I have yet
to hear a convincing explanation from Liberals as to how at a time when the birth
rate among white, indigenous Britons has dropped dramatically to a point where
maintaining the survival of this people is now threatened, terminating such a huge
number of healthy foetuses can be regarded as a progressive sign of evolution for
the British people.

Crime blights British cities. Along with burglary and car crime, gang culture is now
established in these cities with rival gangs engaged in permanent war in addition to
brutal street battles between Asian, Black and Eastern European gangs to establish
who controls the flow of drugs to British people - children and teenagers as well as
adults - and such gang wars are an ongoing occurrence. Knife crime in the capital
city of London claims teenager after teenager with no sign that the underlying
cause will ever be acknowledged never mind addressed.

Friday and Saturday nights in British inner cities can resemble a scene from Sodom
and Gomorrah as binge drinking and drug abuse are now serious problems.
Teenagers and young men and women stagger through the streets in befuddled states
of high intoxication and the sight of vomiting revellers or revellers so inebriated
they lie unconscious where they fell on the pavement is common. Vicious street
fights erupt each weekend around the bars and clubs, outside fast food outlets or
even at taxi-ranks and it’s all now part of the great British night out. Many of these
drunken brawlers continue fighting in casualty wards where assaults on hospital
staff now mean that security guards patrol a valuable resource provided gratis to
all courtesy of the British taxpayer to treat people in need, yet many of those who
benefit from it have zero respect or appreciation for just how precious such a service
is to our society.

The once-revered concept of British justice is now a corrupt and politicised

mess. Violent and habitual criminals are given light sentences or spend time in
overcrowded prisons pampered and with all luxuries supplied whilst conversely,
motorists and law-abiding citizens protecting their homes or acting in self-defence
are punished mercilessly. Should anyone dare to suggest that porridge should
be a harsher punishment, they will cross swords with the myriad of Human
Rights NGOs whose self-perpetuating mandate is to always portray criminals as
victims. Discrimination against any victim group: Criminals, Blacks, Muslims,
Homosexuals, etc. is treated as a hate-crime or a violation of human rights and
offenders will be forced to atone for their crime including attending “Corrective
Behaviour Courses”. Such obvious brainwashing to impose the Multicultural
ideology is not deemed a human rights violation of course.

And while British cities are colonised by a swarm of ungrateful and self-serving
foreign invaders, those who have inflicted this ongoing nightmare upon the British
people have been deceiving and outright lying to their electorate at every turn
whilst shamelessly and dishonourably pilfering the public purse at will to line their
own pockets. From being involved in the criminal war of deceit and aggression
against our once Christian ally Serbia to the murderous invasion of Iraq again,
both based on a pack of outrageous lies, these greedy criminal parasites are also
busily engaged in promoting mass-immigration to colonise their own nation whilst
simultaneously surrendering British sovereignty to the soviet EU entity. And yet
again, it has happened without consulting the British people, who are now being
governed by an elite politburo based in a foreign capital city whom the British
people didn’t vote for and who have zero accountability to the British people.
Solely to satiate their rabid lust for power and wealth, the current incumbents of
Westminster have dragged British democracy and Great Britain into the sewer.

It is an act of treason without equal in British history and those who have been part
of this betrayal of our nation should be tried for their treason and hanged if found
guilty and I make absolutely zero apology for making this statement.

I could continue with Great Britain. But the need to move on prevails as there is a
bigger picture to paint. Because what is going on in Great Britain is happening in
all Western societies as you’ll now see.

Star-Spangled Banner

The United States of America was the clear victor of World War II. That is the claim
made by many historians and indeed, the USA became the global superpower after
the war, replacing the British Empire on which the sun had finally set.

Did they really win? Well, since the end of World War II, the US has also
been conducting the same Multicultural experiment as Great Britain. This has
culminated with the most racist Presidential election in US history, with a “black
Muslim Messiah” - sorry, President - being elected largely because 95% of blacks
voted for him.

Barrack Hussein Obama is a black Muslim President who insults US allies while
appeasing unreservedly hate-filled US enemies including bowing in submission
to the King of Saudi Arabia, thus becoming the only US President to ever bow
in submission to a foreign monarch. Within the the US black communities who
elected their new saviour solely because of his skin colour, gang culture is rampant.
This is a debased culture with the vile and repugnant gangsta rap replete with its
woman-hating, sexually explicit and sexually violent filthy lyrics and its promotion
of greed and bling, violence between rival black gangs - and gangs of other races -
and of course, the demonisation of whites as “crackers” (because they are white and
break easily). Yet gang culture is now mainstream in US society and it is sadly, a
debased culture that has also been exported to other Western societies too.

The US is also being invaded by aliens. Hispanics from Latin America, the ironically
named “La Raza - The Race” are on the verge of becoming the main racial group
in California with Arizona and Texas predicted to follow suit. Spanish is now the
second language of the USA and it is a matter of time before it becomes the first. In
bitter irony, the impoverished black communities are the most affected and this has
led to blacks protesting against Hispanic immigration to protect black communities
and black jobs. No cries of racism meet these protests and just as whites fled the
major cities during the 60’s and 70’s in what was termed “white flight”, blacks too
are now also leaving the states being colonised by Hispanics. Indeed, “black flight”
has now arrived. The US economy has catastrophically collapsed with the insane
situation that every child born in the USA takes its first gasp of the oxygen of life
with a staggering $30,000 debt hanging around its neck. And just as in Britain, a
socialist government has misused taxpayers’ money to bail out incompetent and
greedy bankers and is imposing ever-increasing taxes on the productive people
to support an increasing army of demanding freeloaders including of course the
continuing expansion of government and associated NGOs whose sole raison d’
etre is to prosecute the destruction of their own society. All of this is happening at
a time when the US is fighting billion-dollar wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and has
achieved very little of note in comparison to the cost in both money and blood.

The lunatic left in the form of the Democrats hold power in the US and of course,

anyone who speaks against the US Multicultural utopia is smeared with the
Orwellian thought-crimes “Racist”, “Hater”, “Nazi” and “Fascist”.

And despite 3,000 innocent citizens being massacred by fanatical Muslim jihadists
in an act of war by proxy committed by Saudi Arabia on 9/11, Islam continues
to grow and flourish across the pond with the oil-thirsty USA cowered by the
Saudis and their oil weapon. Saudi-funded Mosques are springing up in every
US state with the main Muslim lobby group CAIR Council on American Islamic
Relations - issuing lawsuits against anyone who offends Muslims in any way no
matter how slight and is currently distributing 100,000 copies of the Qur’an to
state and national leaders. This is Da’wa, the call to Islam, in action and it is a call
that few of those who receive it - if any will understand the true, malicious intent
behind this act.

The USA is bankrupt, it is being colonised by aliens from all around the world and
in just fifty years’ time, the race that built one of the greatest nations in human
history will be a minority in its own land.

More White Plight

What about other western societies? Surely things can’t be as bad in all white
societies - can they?

Let’s look at Europe. Multiculturalism is also being imposed throughout the

continent and mass immigration from the third-world - heavily encouraged by the
corrupt EU - is colonising European nations. Countries such as France, Belgium,
Holland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Italy have huge problems
with their ever-volatile Muslim communities. The rape, violence and drug jihad
that blights British inner cities is also blighting Brussels, Paris, Malmo, Rotterdam,
Oslo, Copenhagen, Milan and Cologne. France especially, where not only do the
immigrant Algerian Muslim communities in the Banlieues surrounding Paris make
their territory a no-go area even for French police, angry and hate-filled Muslims
set France alight almost every weekend and if any Muslim is deemed to have been
unfairly arrested by the police, widespread rioting ensues.

Mosques are rising throughout Europe funded by Saudi petrodollars, and many
of the major problems previously highlighted that plague Great Britain - gang
crime, promiscuity, pornography, breakdown of the family, drug and alcohol
abuse, corrupt government etc. - blight Europe. A declining birth rate amongst
Europeans and a rising birth rate among immigrants, especially Muslims, will see
not only white Europeans become minorities but it will certainly lead to bloody
civil war as Islam becomes dominant on the European continent. One only needs
to perform the most brief study of Islamic history to learn how Islam spreads - first
by demographics then mercilessly by the sword.

The white race is faring no better in South Africa and Zimbabwe. These former first
word nations that created huge wealth for their people and also fed the entire dark
continent, “the bread baskets of Africa” constructed under white colonial rule are
now becoming deconstructed, impoverished third world nations under black rule.

In Zimbabwe, the tyrant Robert Mugabe has conducted a genocide against the
white farming communities with the catastrophic results of bankrupting his
country and starving his own people. That’s black people who he also persecutes
and murders on a whim. The world talks tough about him but does nothing of any
worth as whites continue to be ethnically cleansed from the nation they once made
so strong.

It is becoming just as bad in South Africa. This former jewel in the African crown is
now a hell on earth for many of its citizens, especially whites. Brutal and murderous
racist crime against whites is out of control including an ongoing genocide against
the Boer community and legalised anti-white discrimination, cunningly dressed
up as “Affirmative Action” or “Black Economic Empowerment”, is endorsed by a
Marxist and white-hating ANC black government to loot more and more land and
property once owned by whites. Once again, the same problems highlighted above
are also affecting whites in South Africa, problems that along with the anti-white
hate-fuelled racism of blacks, are helping to destroy whites in South Africa and
Zimbabwe and indeed, other western societies.

Please believe me when I say I could elaborate in much greater detail on all the
issues I have raised above but I want to move on to the core issue of this chapter.
I will have ample opportunities to discuss in greater detail these and other serious
issues affecting the white race in future chapters.

So what is at the heart of this look at the continuing demise of western societies?

Choosing Extinction

The genius Albert Einstein famously stated:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting
different results.”

If ever there was a statement that encapsulates perfectly the current situation of the
white race then that is it. In Western societies, Liberalism and Multiculturalism
have become the dominant ideologies throughout the West, much to the delight
of Marxists who created them. As discussed previously, the way these ideologies
operate is to create scores of victim groups: Blacks, Muslims, Ethnic Minorities,
Criminals, Homosexuals, Women, Children, Animals and even Planet Earth. Each
of these groups is portrayed as weak and oppressed victims of the strong majority,
this is the moral inversion depicting the weak as morally good and the strong as

The Multicultural ideology places fantasy over reality with its core value asserting
that all people and all races are equal. Liberal-Multiculturalists cling to this value
even as other races and other people are making it abundantly clear that they hate
the West, they hate white people and they will destroy the lands of the whites whilst
ethnically cleansing whites out of their own lands. Not only that, other races will
prevent whites from entering their lands and will then hypocritically also demand
that whites stop practising their traditions and religions in Western societies as it is
“offensive and racist”.

Take the predominant religion that played such a key role in the advancement of
the West throughout the centuries, Christianity. Christians are being mercilessly
persecuted by Muslims in Iraq, Iran, The Lebanon and Egypt. Throughout the
Middle East, Muslims forbid Christians to proselytize on pain of death and in
once-Christian Turkey, Christians now number just 1% of the population.

Conversely, the ever-growing and belligerent Muslim community in the West

demand ever-increasing tolerance and accommodation to allow them the freedoms
to practise their Islamic faith. From building Mosques whose minarets dominate
the skyline of western cities to foot-spas and halal food, any refusal to accept
Muslim demands is met with accusations of “Racist” or “Islamophobia”.

It’s a similar routine with blacks who blame whites for all the misfortunes and
failures of the black race and in Africa, blacks are murdering, assaulting and
raping whites and ethnically cleansing them from South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Conversely, blacks in the West demand the right to be treated as equals, to share the
bounty and wealth created by whites and scream “YOUS WAYCISS!” at anyone
who dares to suggest that Multiculturalism isn’t a good idea because the races most
definitely aren’t equal.

So Muslims are given more and more tolerance and more and more accommodation
to practise their supremacist and intolerant faith, blacks are given more and more
“positive discrimination” to make them equal to other races especially whites, and
the West increasingly dilutes its culture, destroys its religions, degenerates its youth
and indigenous Westerners lose their identities at the expense of affording other
races freedoms and privileges Westerners are not afforded back in the homelands of
these West-hating colonisers.

This is why I agree with Nietzsche’s prediction that as the West abandoned
Christianity, it would through Liberalism and its evil twin Multiculturalism retain
the moral inversion of pity for the weak and wretched, and immorality for the
strong. As such, they are simply Christianity without the redeemer or deity but
with the moral inversion of pity as a virtue. Christians are commanded to “love
one another” and they will place this childish and destructive fantasy first and
foremost and continue to love those who hate them and are sworn to destroy them
no matter what, even as Christianity has been eradicated in many Islamic countries
and tragically, even as Christianity is now dying in the West.

Liberal-Multiculturalists cling to their equally childish illusion “all people are

equal” and do anything they can to ensure that all other races are given every
opportunity to make them equal even as other races do whatever they can to
preserve their traditions, their identities and their cultures in their own native lands
whilst destroying the nations in the West they are busy colonising.

Such people who place ideology before reality are simply unable to think for
themselves and realise the dire consequences of mindless obedience to a pet
ideology instead of prudent obedience to the laws Mother nature has governing
human reality, especially this harsh truth:

That if they continue to love those who hate them and treat races who hate their
own race as equals, then they are choosing to create the circumstances for their own
extinction. The former Turkish leader Ataturk nailed this in one simple statement:

Any people that isn’t prepared to fight and defend itself will be conquered by
one that is.

Let’s be absolutely clear: Behaving in such a weak and submissive manner is
cowardly and it is insanity. Placing an ideology first and foremost even in the face
of demonstrable evidence that proves it is failing is the act of an intellectual pygmy
whose vanity and piety blinds them to truth: that their failing ideology is out of
tune with reality. Maintaining a robotic devotion to an ideology that is clearly
failing won’t just destroy other people of their own race who don’t agree with them
but it will ultimately destroy believers too along with their societies and nations
and this is happening to the West right now.

Also, these childish and naive little fantasies of “love one another” and “we’re all
equal” will perish with them as others who have nothing but contempt for these silly
and unnatural fantasies will replace them with inhuman, unequal and oppressive
ones, especially Islam, a death-cult that is one of the most oppressive, violent and
merciless ideologies ever created by humans, causing even greater suffering to result.

Enjoy The Craic

This Liberal-Multicultural lunacy reared its ugly head in Northern Ireland as I was
writing this book. Once more, mass immigration has been imposed upon a British
community - and as usual a working class community - with hordes of alien Romas
bringing a crime wave that brought disruption and misery all under the rainbow
banner of Multiculturalism.

When the indigenous people reached the end of their tether and made a strong
stance to defend their communities and their way of life they were vilified
throughout the media as “racists”. The Marxist propaganda machine the BBC went
even further, referring to it as “the new sectarianism”. The alien invaders who had
enriched South Belfast with their enforced and parasitical presence were painted as
innocent victims of bigotry, intolerance and hatred, against a backdrop of protests
from various Liberals and Multiculturalists from outside the area.

The Church became involved, providing sanctuary to colonisers destroying the

parish the Church is supposed to be the shepherd of. Yet again, the urge to bestow
pity upon the poor and wretched no matter what consequences ensue is the
overwhelming priority.

Insisting that people had the right to choose to live wherever they wanted, these
devout disciples of the Multicultural religion are as hypocritical as they are
mentally disturbed. Have you noticed that such protesters don’t march into upper-
middle class or upper-class areas and demand that Romas be accommodated there?
Interesting isn’t it, that under Multiculturalism, every single race has the right to
live where they choose all except two: Whites, who are not welcome in Africa, the
Middle East, the Orient or even entitled to maintain and preserve their own way
of life in their own communities, and Jews, a race who are despised by the Marxist-
Liberal left who have made it abundantly clear that “Nazi Jews” do not have the right
to choose to live in their own homeland of Israel. I have yet to hear these Liberal
beacons of morality demand that “Palestinians”, Arabs, Africans and Chinese adopt
Multiculturalism and import massive numbers of blacks, Romas, whites and other
racial groups into their lands because “we’re all equal and everybody has the right
to choose where they live.”

Such a moral obligation only applies to the white race and Western societies, events
in South Belfast proved that beyond any doubt. As politicians from each of the
three parties have stated on numerous occasions it is incumbent on the British
people to surrender their traditions, their communities and their way of life and
adopt and integrate alien cultures instead, like it or lump it.

Telling Tales

As events in South Belfast demonstrated, the media promote the Multicultural

ideology with unashamed bias and distortions of the truth and have no qualms
whatsoever about lying to their readers and viewers to impose the will of the ruling
elite upon their people and ensure Multiculturalism brainwashes the masses into
accepting the colonisation and decline of their once strong and advanced societies.
That such an ideology requires a never-ending stream of lies and deceptions to
support it and to convince others to support it is testimony not only to how badly
flawed Multiculturalism is but also to the questionable mental state of those who
knowingly promote it entirely on falsities.

Lies are always an insult to the intelligence of the recipient. Every liar is by definition
assuming that the recipient is stupid, ignorant and unable to understand the truth.
A liar denies the recipient access to important information they need to make an
informed choice about issues they regard as important to how they live their life. A
liar is always acting as a censor, a manipulator or worse, an enslaver, of the person
they are lying to and it is always done for the liar’s gain at the recipient’s expense.

When the British media who are trusted by the British people to inform them
truthfully and impartially about events that directly affect their lives - and who in
the case of the BBC, are funded by the British people to provide them with this
vitally important service - resort to lies and deception then they have criminally
abused their remit. They have become the lowest of the low. I’d rather know a thief
than a liar, you know what a thief is but you never know what a liar is. Those who
pay for the media in any way, shape or form are paying for people to abuse them
and deceive them. As the Arabs say, Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice,
shame on me.

The British Marxist media are fooling the British people over and over and over
again, they are part of the ruling elite that is destroying Great Britain and yet there
is zero accountability so the media continue to lie and deceive with impunity. It is
an absolute disgrace, a destructive attack on British Parliamentary democracy and
I sincerely hope the BNP will make it a priority to restore journalistic impartiality
and integrity when they are elected into government.

A Lame Excuse

These lies and deceptions repeatedly committed by the mass media are quite simply
no excuse for what is happening to the white race. Ignorance is not an excuse
because it is simply not recognised in Nature. In fact, if anything, ignorance is a
damning indictment on just how dumbed-down and cowed the white race has
allowed itself to become.

Despite the hard evidence highlighted in this book and that most people can easily
observe for themselves in their daily lives, the majority of our people swallow and
regurgitate the rotting garbage they’ve been fed by the devious media because they
are too lazy to become informed or too arrogant and conceited to challenge their
total enslavement to the Liberal-Multicultural ideology, just as pious and devout
believers of various religions have been throughout human history.

Liberal-Multiculturalism is the new religion of pity that always supports the weak
at the expense of the strong. Everything must be tolerated and discrimination
against any weak group is strictly forbidden and the weak will always be painted
as the good. This means that given a choice between discrimination and pity
Liberal-Multiculturalists will choose pity; when forced to choose between reality or
fantasy they will choose fantasy; and when given a choice between superiority and
inferiority they will willingly subjugate themselves to inferiors.

Every choice counts, every choice either brings its rewards or its punishments. As
the core of the Multicultural society is promoting the interests of minorities over
the interests of the majority of society, this means Liberal-Multiculturalists will
choose weakness and the strong will be dragged down to the level of the weak. Such
suicidal behaviour can be summed up thus: Given a choice between success and
failure they will choose failure and therefore, in a fight for survival or extinction,
extinction is chosen.

Make no mistake about it: The consequences of these choices are being seen now in
all Western societies and it amounts to suicidal madness because such choices are a
conscious denial of reality.

They demonstrate the commonality between pious disciples of all faiths including
Multiculturalism: When reality unfolds in ways that do not conform to the
particular ideology, the devout believers will put their fingers in their ears, hum
“la la la la, we’re right, not listening” and become defensive and even angry and
violent should anybody have the nerve to suggest that we put reality first and act
accordingly even if it means acting contrary to the pet ideology.

With religion, self-righteous inquisitors would smear and dehumanise their

opponents - heretic, blasphemer, anti-Christ, witch etc. Nowadays, after the
demise of Christianity in modern Western societies, those who dare question the
Liberal-Multicultural ideology will also be dehumanised, with racist and fascist as
the current weapons of choice deployed to silence dissenters and to force people to
accept fantasy over reality.

Reaping What You Sow

Believing in pet ideologies with visions of utopia is all well and good during
peacetime. But when your nation and your people are facing conquest, subjugation
and eventual extinction, placing fantasies and deeply flawed ideologies before
reality and Mother nature will result in catastrophe. What is happening to Western
societies and what those who open their eyes are witnessing is Darwinism in action,
not the will of Allah or Yahweh or Christ or some other mystical divine redeemer.
And if the West continually refuses to exert its natural superiority and defend its
territory from being attacked and invaded by aliens then it and the White race
along with it will perish.

The reality is that no supernatural friend is going to come to our aid and no amount
of “love one another” and “all races are equal if we’re kind to them they’ll be kind
to us” is going to be of any help whatsoever. Nature and our enemies know not
pity. Look at blacks in South Africa and Zimbabwe for clear evidence. These people
lived in a first-world country with first-class facilities, they were well fed, benefited
from a superb infrastructure, first-class medical care and thriving industries and yet
black rule has destroyed it all in just twenty five years despite having it all laid on
a platter for them.

Do you think the African blacks care? Not a jot, they wanted whites out, they are
still persecuting and murdering whites en masse - along with their own people - and
still stupid white liberals cling to the “we’re all equal and we’re paying for colonial
rule” nonsense as the genocide against the Boers continues apace with the goal
of eradicating whites from South Africa and it is bringing enormous suffering to
blacks too.

What kind of dominant pack-animal - including humans from all races - refuses
to defend its own territory, nurtures the young of other species and prostates
itself before weaker beasts all for flawed, lion-lying-down-with-the-lamb childish
fantasies that are flying in the face of Mother nature? The evidence regarding the
rainbow societies being created in the West is overwhelming and is telling us that
the current path the white race has chosen IS NOT WORKING.

Reality is unfolding and showing us the consequences outlined in this book and
even those who have created the nightmare are aware of it. But it is never the fault
of those who created the circumstances it is always the fault of those who suffer the
consequences for refusing to believe in a total fantasy. This is the insanity that I’m
trying to describe, that the solution to the perilous situation the West is now in
isn’t to stop pouring fuel onto the fire it is to pour more fuel onto it because those
responsible cannot admit their precious ideology is failing catastrophically.

In so doing, Liberal-Multiculturalists are akin to faith healers who peddle their

nonsense to gullible and vulnerable sufferers, urging them to “believe and you will
be cured”. When the cure doesn’t come, it isn’t because the faith healer was wrong
it is because the sufferer didn’t believe enough. When the indigenous people of
South Belfast fought to defend their communities, it was they who were blamed,
not those who imposed Multiculturalism on the community. The nauseating, self-
righteous attitude of Liberal-Multiculturalist disciples shone through:

“We are destroying your communities and your traditions and we are forcing you
to live with foreign invaders whom you should welcome and whose cultures you
should adopt. It’s your fault that it isn’t working, how dare you question our perfect
beliefs and defy us you racists!”

Here Comes The Bogeyman

And during this dispute, the focus of mainstream media and politicians and anti-
democratic groups such as UAF is on “The Racist BNP”. That’s the BNP who
didn’t cause these problems, the BNP who exposed the money-grabbing greedy
pigs in Westminster for the corrupt, dishonourable and thieving swine they truly
are. The same BNP who aren’t busy committing treason by surrendering British
sovereignty and the same BNP who opposed bailing out incompetent and greedy
bankers with public money. And let’s remember it isn’t the BNP who has deployed
slave ships in British ports to provide slave labour for avaricious global capitalists.

But the media and the politicians want to focus attention on “The Fascist BNP”
to distract attention from the unfolding Multicultural nightmare and the masses
react by reading and watching the media that is brainwashing them, they vote for
the same politicians who are destroying their communities, who bankrupted the
economy and who are busy lining their own pockets by stealing with impunity from
their own people, a people they hold in utter contempt; a people with a sheep-like
mentality who fall for the most idiotic and retarded appeal ever conducted by lib/
lab/con snake-oil-selling con-artists: We’re bad but don’t vote for the BNP, they’re

And the masses continue to do the same things over and over again and expect
different results.


In the brilliant 1978 film Midnight Express, there is a scene depicting lunatics
walking around a stone wheel in a lunatic asylum. The man whose story the film
re-creates realises that if he continues to walk the wheel each and every day he will
end up just like all of the other lunatics so he decides to walk the other way. This
of course alarms and distresses the lunatics who try to force him to walk the wheel
with them. The man knew if he was to recover his sanity, he had to stop walking
the wheel, he had to “stop doing the same things over and over again” and this is a
point the white race has yet to arrive at.

At this moment, the white race is continuing to do the same things over and over
again by supporting those who are destroying them. They continue doing the same
things over and over again in the hope that despite the evidence, a different result
will be obtained and one day the Multicultural peaceful Shangrila will happen. The
only outcome resulting from this suicidal insanity of “walking the wheel” is to take
the West further down the road to oblivion.

Nationalist parties like the BNP are the ones who are walking the other way and
they offer the chance for the West to regain its sanity. It is a chance the West has to
take, a chance to stop doing the same things over and over again in the expectation
of achieving different results. Einstein has explained it for us simply and accurately.
The West ignores his definition of insanity at its peril.

Slaying David, Crippling Britannia

So far in this book discussing the serious predicament the white race currently
faces, I have tried to explain what I believe to be the lemming-like suicide of the
white race and by lemming-like I am asserting that the white race is knowingly
choosing to behave in ways which will ensure its own destruction.

Central to the book is the way Marxist ideology has been embraced by the white
race whose societies impose Multiculturalism and Liberalism in the trivial pursuit
to establish equality between all races and all peoples. I have attempted to describe
how these ideologies are being imposed upon white societies through the creation
of numerous minority groups - e.g. blacks, asylum seekers, criminals, Muslims,
homosexuals, women, animals, planet Earth etc. - groups who are portrayed as
oppressed victims of the powerful strong majority.

Multiculturalism and Liberalism is being forced upon white societies by deploying

a moral inversion that is fundamental to Christianity and identified by the German
philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche whereby the strong and the powerful are always
portrayed as immoral whereas the wretched and the oppressed are the moral and
the good. Nietzsche described Christianity as “The religion of pity” because of this
flaw and he predicted that the West - white societies - would abandon the Christian
religion but cling steadfastly to this moral inversion of the weak and oppressed as
being moral and noble.

I firmly believe that Nietzsche’s analysis of Christianity and his prediction of how
the West would maintain the moral inversion he identified were both totally
accurate and it is this pity for the weak that is enabling alien invaders to colonise
and flourish throughout the West along with the destruction of traditional values
and morals that once made the west so strong.

But there is one minority group that is singled out as being the root cause of
the West’s problems. They are a minority group despised by Marxists and Liberals
and, I’m sad to say, equally despised by a section of British Nationalists and other

nationalist groups. The Marxists despise them for the very reasons I am describing
in this book, some Nationalists hate them for this reason too but they also hate
them for a very different, convenient but ultimately self-destructive reason as we
shall now see.

I am of course talking about the Jews and as a very proud, white British Nationalist
who is absolutely fed up of reading ill-informed, hate-filled and often asinine
comments around British Nationalist blogs about Jews I believe it is now time for
the various myths and excuses trotted out to justify Jew hatred to be challenged.
Because if this nonsense continues it is going to damage British Nationalism and
therefore, serve to promote the interests of all the enemies who are destroying our

Know Your Enemy

So who are the enemies of Great Britain and how do British Nationalists empower
our enemies by joining in with this nasty Jew hate-fest? It is vitally important to
identify our enemies because if we do not correctly identify them then we handicap
ourselves. Here in no particular order are the enemies who are busily destroying
Great Britain along with other Western societies in the pursuit of their desire to
first turn whites into a minority, then to wipe them out:

The Left - Marxists, Communists, Multiculturalists, Liberals, Socialists. Not all

are malicious, along with the dyed-in-the-wool West-hating Marxist/Socialist
raving red nutjobs are the well-meaning but totally misguided and terminally naive
Liberals. Useful idiots who provide oxygen for the enemy, an enemy who will one
day turn on them too.

Islam - The goal of EVERY Muslim is to establish the single global ummeh “fight
the infidel until the world belongs solely to Allah” . There is nothing more they
desire than the conquest of the West and they are prosecuting Islamic jihad in a
number of ways both violent and non-violent. Islam has declared war on Great
Britain - unlike Judaism - and presents perhaps the most serious threat to the entire
West and that includes Israel.

The Black Race - Look at what has happened to whites in Africa since the end
of colonial rule and look at what blacks have done in the US and Britain. Blacks
blame whites for all of their many failings and the level of racist hatred blacks have
directed upon whites in Britain, the US, South Africa and Zimbabwe is appalling.
Global Capitalists: Note the word GLOBAL. There is nothing wrong with
Capitalism, but Global Capitalism is evil and it is causing enormous harm to the
West. In this I include the huge banking corporations who thanks to their greed
and incompetence have had to be bailed out by taxpayers. Politicians of all faiths
and all parties betrayed their people and instead of serving their own people served
the Global Capitalists instead. Not content with that they then allowed cheap
foreign labour to take the jobs of British workers during a recession. Thus, each
of the main political parties have sold out their own people and along with their
support for the colonisation of Britain via mass immigration, are ipso facto now at
war with the British people.

The Western Media - From Hollywood movies to porn flicks, from commercial
broadcasters like Sky to state broadcasters such as the BBC, from world-respected
newspapers such as The Times to the free local papers, the media is now a
Multicultural propaganda machine that makes Pravda look like The Beano. As
they brainwash the British people with a continual stream of lies and deceptions to
condition the British people into accepting their own demise, the Western Media
have also declared war on their own people. Not all of the Western media is owned
by Jews and it certainly is not predominantly staffed by Jews, not by a long chalk.

Now I can hear the cries of Jew-hating Nationalists as though they were next to me:
“Yes Recon, they all are, but the Jews are behind all of this, they control the world,
they’re responsible for all of it IT’S THE JOOOOZ!”

To which I simply respond by highlighting the worst of our enemies, the enemy
who is doing more damage to Western societies and the white race than any other:

OUR OWN PEOPLE. That is, the majority of indigenous Britons who have
willingly accepted guilt, self-loathing, treason, cowardice and pity as worthy virtues
and who have swallowed the Multicultural vomit spoon-fed to them by the ruling
elite and who simply do not have the wit or the will to defend the freedom paid for
in blood that they deem to be their right. Let’s look at this in more detail.

If I Were A Rich Man

The most common smear I hear against the Jews is the charge of avarice, and it goes
something like this: “The Jew is motivated by greed and money and the Jew is never
satisfied. They own all the world’s banks and control most of the world’s money.”

First, if anyone seriously believes that only the Jews are avaricious then they must
be barking mad! ALL races containing multiple faiths are motivated by money, the
desire for wealth is not limited solely to Jews and to suggest so is plain folly. There
are avaricious Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus etc. but look at the group who
will most often use this smear against the Jews, those moral beacons on the left,
our socialist enemies. Whilst telling all and sundry “everybody is equal” they are
busy plunging their grabbing grubby paws into the public purse lining their own
pockets to pay for all manner of luxuries, not forgetting socialist politicians who are
busy playing the property market with taxpayers’ money.

The black race is also as avaricious as any other. The problem with blacks is that
they will steal the white man’s wealth - and they have just look at Rhodesia and
South Africa - but won’t contribute anything whatsoever to take humanity forward.
Unless of course you consider gangsta rap with its lust for bling and violent sex as
being an enriching contribution?

Hmm, not contributing anything of worth to humanity yet demand riches - no

wonder African blacks embrace Marxism so readily, they have so much in common.
Stealing the wealth created by others because they are incapable of creating anything
of worth to earn it being the most obvious.

Perhaps the second accusation, that the Jews control the world’s money flow because
they own the banks carries a little more weight. Without doubt many financial
institutions are owned or controlled by Jews but the Jews no longer exercise as
much control as people think. It is also prudent to realise that not all Jews are
Jews just as all Christians are not Christians. The Jews, just like whites, are affected
by self-loathing, guilt and self-hatred and are also cursed by Marxism-Liberalism.
More on this later, but do please be aware of the existence of JINO: Jews In Name
Only. They too hate their own and are going about destroying their own as well.

The biggest transfer of wealth in human history - a transfer that is ongoing has
been the transfer of US$13 trillion from the oil-thirsty West to the Middle East.
It has resulted in a catastrophic resurgence of Islam - that’s Islam, not misnomers
such as “Radical Islam” or “Militant Islam” or “Extreme Islam” - and one country
in particular is using its enormous unearned wealth to spread Islam in the West:
Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is at war with Britain - make that the West but let’s keep it to Britain,
after all we’re British Nationalists. The Saudis are funding the building of Mosques
throughout our land, they are funding the establishment of Islamic Centres in
our towns and cities, they are funding legal jihad and provide the financial clout
behind organisations working hard to promote Islam and silence critics and who
now wield considerable political influence in British politics e.g. Lord Ahmed
who threatened to mobilise an army of 10,000 Muslims should Dutch MP Geert
Wilders be afforded free speech in the House of Lords and Islamic lobby groups
and organisations such as The Muslim Council of Britain. With the oil weapon, the
Saudis can manipulate the oil-dependent West and does so frequently.

And let’s not forget that Saudi Arabia committed an act of war on September 11th
2001, murdering 3,000 people in an act of Islamic jihad committed predominantly
by Saudis. It is the Saudis who are bankrolling Islamic jihad terror groups such
as Muslim League Worldwide, International Islamic Relief Organisation, Islamic
Association for Palestine, Al Qaeda and the Taliban, those lovely examples of Islamic
tolerance and peace who not only commit the most heinous acts of barbarity against
their own people, the Taliban are sending British soldiers home in coffins much to
the delight of Muslims in Britain who also enjoy abusing British soldiers returning
from active service in Iraq and Afghanistan. Amazingly,

Saudi Arabia is deemed an ally of Great Britain and the United States. Oh, and
Saudi Arabia forbids Jews to enter their Kingdom and if you think you as a kuffar
fare any better, think again. Kuffars are forbidden to enter the cities of Mecca and
Medina on pain of death and I will bet you a pound to a pinch of the proverbial
that you will not find many Christian churches or Christians in that delightful
country and if anyone was stupid enough to preach Christianity there and demand
that Saudi school kids be fed pork and study Christianity they’d be killed in a

And as Christians are persecuted and driven out of almost every single nation in
the Middle East, only one nation provides a safe place for Christians to practice
their faith in the region. It’s the same one Jew haters throughout the West marched
against in their millions in 2009, screaming for the Jews to be sent back to the
ovens or to the gas in reference to an event in Jewish history that they often claim
simply didn’t happen.

So to those who hate the Jews let me ask this:

Are synagogues being built throughout our lands and are Jews committing acts
of terror against Britons to establish Judaism as the dominant religion? Is Israel
- a country facing exactly the same Islamic jihad as the West - funding Jewish
terror organisations enabling them to commit murderous acts of violence against
innocent people in every country where Jews co-exist alongside people of other
faiths? Are your children being force-fed kosher meals in schools, are Jews raping
your teenage girls and are Jews waging a legal war against anyone who dares criticize
the Jewish religion?

But the evil Zionist-Jew-Nazis are controlling the world, right?

More food for thought:

Of the 13,155,000 Jews in the world, 300,000 live in the UK. Of the estimated 1.3
BILLION Muslims, two million live in the UK and I can tell you that along with
their 1 billion fellow Muslims they will not be controlled by Jews, “the descendants
of apes and pigs” as their prophet Mohammed referred to them, no way whatsoever.

Hate Not Reason

I find it very difficult understand this rabid hatred for the Jewish people displayed
by a few British Nationalists. With the left-wing red rabble I can understand it
because the reds absolutely despise success because success is evidence of inequality.
Since the Jews returned to their homeland of Israel from around 1870, Israel has
developed into a first-world nation, the sole democracy in the Middle East and a
nation that shines like a beacon when compared to the brutal and retarded Islamic
garbage dumps that surround it.

Yet the Jew-haters rant and rave about Zionists as if they are the most evil people on
planet Earth, indeed, they claim that the Zionists are controlling the entire world
and that they are going to destroy all non-Jews. I’m sure you’ll have heard some
unbalanced individual spewing out numerous Zionist conspiracy theories all based
on suspicion and the flimsiest of evidence, e.g. that the Mossad were behind 9/11.

These are the same people who cannot wait to label the Israelis as “Nazis” whenever
Israel has the affront to defend itself against Islamic jihad, a jihad waged by proxy
by Iran and, yes,you’re right, Saudi Arabia who finance and equip the fanatical
Muslim jihad organisations HAMAS, Fatah and Hizballah to “drive the Jews into
the sea” in full accordance with Islamic Sharia law. Funny how the Western media
and the Jew-haters never mention how Sharia law is the core reason for this conflict
isn’t it?
That most people in the West believe this jihad is all about the persecution of
“Palestinians” and their “right of return” to their state of “Palestine” that is being
“illegally occupied” by Israel shows how clueless the West is about Islam and
how eager Jew-haters are to give vent to their intense anti-Jew hatred instead of
understanding how this conflict is being played on the world stage to establish the
global ummeh, therefore, how this conflict affects Britain.

I have written about this previously but the fact that there has never ever been a
state called “Palestine” and therefore, no such people as “Palestinians” doesn’t get
in the way of the haters.

Nor does the fact that the Saudis and their puppet Yasser Arafat used the threat
of Islamic terror to force Europe to not only fund with taxpayers’ money the
“Palestinian Cause” but also to increase Muslim immigration into Europe and the
Europeans cowered and they still cower.

So Israel defends itself against an Islamic jihad being funded by the US, Europe,
Saudi Arabia and Iran and is labelled as “Nazi Jews” for doing so.

But what’s been happening while the Jew haters have been chewing their comfort
blankets and blaming the Jews, is that Muslims around the world are committing
the same heinous acts the Jew haters lyingly accuse Israel and the Jews of. And those
who worship a prophet who was a paedophile and a murderer of Jews hate the Jews
more than anybody else does and you know what? They hate you the dirty kuffar
even more, and it doesn’t matter if you hate Jews or not.

First comes Saturday then comes Sunday, first the Jews then the Christians. Then
the Buddhists, the Hindus, the Sikhs the Zoroastrians, the atheists, the Liberals,
the Multiculturalists - ALL KUFFARS until all the world belongs to Islam. And
all the groups mentioned in this paragraph are being enriched by the “religion of
peace” as you read this book.

This conflict in the Middle East begs a question:

If the Jews are trying to control the world why is it they can’t even control Israel?
They’ve already given up the Sinai, they’ve given up Gaza, they pulled out of
Southern Lebanon, they’ve allowed Arab refugees - not Palestinians - to flourish
in Judea and Samaria (The West Bank as the Muslims and their allies want you to
believe) and they’ve also given them a third of Jerusalem. This in addition to the
loss of Jordan, half of the land of Israel which was originally promised to the Jews.
And in Israel, these Arab refugees enjoy more rights and freedoms than they would
be afforded in ANY Islamic country.

For all of this, the Israelis and the Jews have earned the hatred of the world and the
murderous terror attacks of HAMAS, Fatah and Hizballah. If Israel and the West
had any sense at all, they would kick out every single Muslim back to the Islamic
cesspits where their beasts spawned them and where they and their retarded, brutal
evil death cult truly belong. And if they dared attack any other nation then they
would face the severe consequences.

But we can’t have that can we? Oh no, instead, whites join in the Jew hate-fest
whilst pandering and cowering before an evil enemy who not only imposes Islam
on the West, it gets the myopic, gullible, Liberal-Multicultural fools to pay for their
own destruction. These are the same simple-minded hate-filled useful idiots who
scream “Kill the Jews!” as their own society is destroyed by Muslims before their
very eyes.

So blinded are they by their hatred and stupidity they cannot see it. They cannot
see the thousands of Buddhists slaughtered in Thailand. The millions of Hindus
slaughtered in India - who also lost a large part of its land to Muslims. They cannot
see the extermination of the Zoroastrians and Bahias in Iran. They cannot see the
Jews murdered by suicide bombers in Israel or Jewish children cowering in fear
from rocket attacks deliberately launched at them as they are on their way to school
but they’re Jews so who cares and besides, those “poor oppressed Palestinians”
are only firing piddling little fireworks right? Nor can they see the thousands of
Christians executed and mutilated in Iraq, Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, Egypt,
Nigeria, Somalia, The Sudan.

Of course they can’t because IT’S THE JOOZ innit?

Please. Instead of hating the Jews, let’s wake up to the very real nightmare of Islamic
jihad before it’s too late.

Lessons From History

One aspect surrounding Jew-hatred involves a quite nauseating and frankly

misguided admiration of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. I have read on various
Nationalist blogs comments about Adolf Hitler being some kind of champion for
the white race. This is the same Adolf Hitler whose insanity caused the deaths of
millions of whites right after millions of whites had been slaughtered on the killing
fields of France and Belgium just twenty years previous.

But many of the people making these comments do not seem to understand that
Hitler was not about “White supremacy” but Aryan supremacy. He held all other
races - including Anglo-Saxons, Celts and Picts - as biologically inferior to the
Nordic Aryan and would’ve had no trouble at all in exterminating inferior non-
Aryan races - who many of these Hitler admirers belong to - but why let facts spoil
a good “sieg heil” from these misguided, wannabe Nazis.

There are also the questions surrounding the Holocaust, those who deny it ever took
place and those who like to have a pissing contest about what the real numbers of
victims actually were. But whose history is being denied here is it solely the Jewish

Most definitely not because it also denies British, American, Canadian, Polish and
Russian histories because it was their soldiers who liberated the death camps and
who the deniers accuse as “liars”. Are we seriously to believe that after almost a year
of heavy and intense fighting the allies and the Russians decided to embark on such
a grand deception? And how convenient of them all to agree, along with the support
of the International Red Cross, the international media, the citizens imprisoned in
the camps and of course, the Nazis and the German people, including those who
committed the atrocities and those who witnessed them along with those white
Germans who were victims of their own master race.

Isn’t it a tad odd that only this aspect of World War II is denied? There is no
denial of British World War II history: Dunkirk, the Blitz, Arnhem, D-Day, or
the dreadful abuse endured by allied POWs in Japanese camps. Only the “Jewish”
Holocaust Jewish history - is denied. And along with denying the “Jewish
Holocaust”, the history of other victims is denied too. Ignored by these Jew haters
are the four million other victims of the Nazis: Gypsies, Slavs, the mentally and
physically handicapped, the political dissenters, Christians, members of the white
race including women just take the camp at Ravensbrueck, where Jewish prisoners
were the minority, as being one notorious example from the 55,000 concentration
camps established by the Nazis throughout Europe. Kind of all those European
nations to play an active part in creating this “Jewish Myth”.

That number doesn’t include the death camp at Jasenovac, run by the Croatian
Ustashe, the beloved allies of the Nazis. I wonder if this is denied too? If so, we can
add the Serbs to our growing list of liars and deceivers.

What is telling for me about the Holocaust is that those who perpetrated it didn’t
deny it, indeed, many were defiant about it to the end, monsters such as Irme
Grese and Adolf Eichmann. The trial of Klaus Barbie in France in the late 1980s
also reenforced this because the prosecution didn’t deny that he’d committed war
crimes but that those who aided him were still at large in the very government that
was prosecuting him.

One thing I will agree on with the Jew haters is that the Jews have hijacked the
holocaust and depicted it as solely an atrocity committed against Jews when it most
certainly was not and stating so does not diminish from what the Jews suffered
but by hijacking it they diminish the suffering of other races and peoples and I
condemn them without reservation for it.

Another accusation thrown at those who defend the Jews is one of re-writing
history, an accusation I find somewhat amusing. If the Jews have been such a threat
throughout British history and they damaged Great Britain so badly, well how did
Great Britain manage to build the greatest Empire the world has ever seen?

Yet these are the people who vote for the British National Party because they want
to make Britain great again! I’m really glad they feel this way, I do too but I wish
they’d drop this glaring contradiction. The British Empire was so mighty because
it was built largely on Judeo-Christian foundations and let’s remember that the
systems of commerce that brought trade all around the Empire and contributed to
Britain’s wealth were developed in the main by Jews.

Blame Game

When discussing the current dire situation the West is now in, the blame for the
situation is always laid at the door of the Jews. When it comes to Marxism, Jew
haters will claim Marx was a Jew but fail to mention that his family had converted
to Lutheran Christianity. But Marx isn’t the only figure to have influenced the left,
the philosophy of Antonio Gramsci, founding member of the Italian Communist
Party is also greatly admired by the leftards and he was not a Jew.

Jew haters conveniently blame the Jews for the current situation the West is in and
will claim Multiculturalism for example, has been imposed upon the West by the
ruling Jewish elite who want to destroy the West. I reject this absolutely. Jews are
not responsible for the nightmare of Multiculturalism and to single out one race
for blame is ridiculous. Are some Jews involved in enforcing Multiculturalism?
Of course. But there are also blacks, Asians, Orientals, Arabs and of course whites
including leading Christians who are all involved in inflicting this unnatural and
destructive social experiment upon the British people.

But the elite who are imposing Multiculturalism in Great Britain have only been
able to do so because the majority of the British people have chosen to accept it.
In addition to the malicious - the Marxists and the Socialists - there have been the
naive Liberals who went along with it because they truly believe in the fantasy of
a rainbow utopia, a Shangri-La where the lion lies down with the lamb, where all
the races live side-by-side in peace and tranquillity. All races that is except the Jews
because they’d only spoil it no doubt.

I’m sure Jew-haters will now say something like: “Yes, but these naive fools have
been betrayed and lied to, they trusted those who brainwashed them and those
doing the brainwashing are the Jews.”

To which I say: Ignorance is not an excuse for stupidity and it isn’t just the Jews
who are doing the brainwashing, other races have noticed the suicidal stupidity of
the West and are busy exploiting it.

This last point is absolutely crucial to this chapter and is something every British
Nationalist I believe needs to have a very clear awareness of. Blaming the Jews is
nothing more than an excuse, it is an opt-out, a get-out-of-jail card that absolves our
own people from the responsibility of the mess THEY have created. Throughout
this book I have tried to explain how the white race is behaving in ways that fly in
the face of Nature by WILLINGLY accepting the Multicultural ideology, indeed
many British people - and of the white race as a whole - are amongst the most
vehement defenders of this destructive and unnatural ideology.

Let me make it clear: The Jews didn’t force Britons to gorge themselves on porn,
to sink themselves into ever-increasing debt, to consume with insatiable greed the
cheap foreign goods that flood Britain. The Jews didn’t force Britons to watch their
Hollywood movies, to read Jewish and Marxist-Liberal propaganda through their
media and the Jews didn’t force anybody to vote for corrupt, devious, treacherous
and avaricious politicians - politicians who come from a variety of backgrounds -
native Brits, Catholics, Protestants, atheists, blacks, Muslims and Jews. The Jews
didn’t vote them in and what these traitors have done to their own people wasn’t
solely conducted by Jews and it has caused Britain far more harm than any other
race has, including the Jews.

Clear evidence of this was provided in a timely manner by the good people of
Norwich in the recent by-election. In a year where the economy has collapsed,
where taxpayers bailed out the banks, where slave ships returned to British ports
and where the sickening greed of politicians from the lib/lab/con one-party con-
trick was exposed for all to see - ironically, in the Jew-controlled media - these
rational and intelligent Britons did what they have always done and voted for these
incompetent, greedy, self-serving, duplicitous thieves in their thousands. The Jews
didn’t put a gun to their heads to make them vote this way, they voted willingly and
in full knowledge of what the politicians had done to them.

In the previous chapter, I discussed Einstein’s definition of insanity and applied it

to the behaviour of the white race. And Norwich provided the perfect example of
people doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. It
is absolute insanity, no question about it.

The Jews are infected with this suicidal madness too, Jews like George Soros and
the anti-Israel “Jewish” lobby group J-Street who continue to make demands on
tiny Israel to give up its land to the Arabs in return for a non-existent peace. In so
doing, these suicidal Jews are aiding the current global Islamic jihad and they are
far more useful to the enemy than any other Jew.

Diverting Attention

Blaming the Jews doesn’t just detract from the root cause of the problem - the
suicidal stupidity of the majority of the white race - it also diverts attention greatly
from the responsibility other races bear for the grave damage they have maliciously
inflicted upon Great Britain. Races such as the African and the Afro-Caribbean
black, parasites who have invaded our nation, sponged off our welfare system,
introduced their retarded culture including gang culture with its drug abuse and tribal
violence. Then there are blacks who’ve made careers out of being black, blaming the
white race for all the many failings of blacks and screaming “WAYCISS” at anyone
who disagrees with them, demanding more and more “positive discrimination” to
handicap the native Briton so the black invader prospers - at the expense of the now
weakened indigenous Briton.

Blacks never accept responsibility for their failures, they always blame another
race, another tribe, another person for their own shortcomings and I reject this
absolutely. Blaming the Jews is exactly the same as blacks blaming the whites and
throughout the West, blacks are using the hate-crime of racism to colonise us whilst
deceitfully blaming whites for the mess Africa is in.

Yet back in the lands of Africa, the whites have been almost ethnically cleansed
from Zimbabwe, the Boers are facing an ongoing genocide and whites in South
Africa are facing an escalating violent and anti-white racist crime wave. All in
addition to the appalling horrors blacks inflict on their own people. The behaviour
of blacks has nothing to do with the Jews, blacks and blacks alone are responsible
and nothing should distract from that uncomfortable truth.

Along with many other parasitical races who see Great Britain and the British
people as a life-support system, who invade our land, grab as much as they can and
give little if anything in return, these white-hating invaders present a much more
serious threat than the Jews and we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be distracted from


Blaming the Jews for the plight of the white race will only render British Nationalists
powerless. The Jews are not responsible for this situation, whites are. The sooner
we accept this, the sooner we accept that we are responsible for what has happened
and therefore we accept that we and we alone are responsible for getting ourselves
out of it. Blame is an excuse and an admission of inferiority and there is no way I
as a white man - a proud white Briton - will ever admit that anyone from any other
race is superior to my own and that includes the Jews.

What I resent the most when I read Jew-hating comments on BNP-supporting

blogs is the damage that they do to the efforts of all the BNP supporters and
activists who are working tirelessly and determinedly to try and save our country
and our people from being destroyed. All their good work can be scuppered in a
moment, all undermined by this crass and self-destructive hatred of a people who
do not present anywhere near the level of threat to Britain as either Islam or mass
immigration or the EU. Yes I know some comments are left by the red retards who
will do anything to damage the cause of British Nationalism but still Jew-hating
nationalists remain. This Jew hatred turns people off from the more important
message that the BNP are trying to promote: That Britain is for the British people,
that the British people have a right to their identity and their nation and the world
has to accept this.

Those who do not are our enemies no matter what race, creed or colour they are
and that includes those who have placed our people in great peril: The white race

Galloping Headstrong To Bondage

One of the major issues highlighted in this book concerns the Marxist imposition
of equality. I will now discuss how imposing equality between the sexes has had a
catastrophic effect upon Western societies.

I think if one were to observe Western societies with a neutral stance to assess how
the enforced Multicultural social experiment is progressing, it would be difficult to
assert that Multiculturalism is working. Despite being browbeaten with the “we’re
all equal” mantra, clear differences continue to arise between races and cultures
because reality stubbornly refuses to fall in line with this childish Liberal fantasy of
equality of all in a tranquil rainbow Shangri-la.

Throughout the West, vast numbers of alien immigrants shun the culture of their
host society, preferring instead to maintain their own languages, traditions and
cultures and demanding ever more tolerance and acceptance of their way of life.
Meanwhile, back in their lands of origin, their cultures and traditions are entirely
preserved and in the case of the Middle East, alien cultures and traditions are
strictly - and very forcibly - forbidden.

Making such an observation and also comparing the West with other societies, it is
crystal clear that major differences exist between races and that the predominantly
white West is behaving in ways that other societies - societies from where most
immigrants to Britain originate - do not and this means that our own culture
and our own traditions are now in decline, indeed one could honestly claim that
we are well along the road to colonisation and this is a damning indictment on
Multiculturalism and its supporters.

But what is not so easy to discern is how the imposition of equality between the
sexes is playing a major part in causing a disastrous and ongoing collapse of the
greatest civilisation ever created in human history. It is an imposition of superficial
equality that has been as equally destructive as forcibly imposing equality between
the races. It has happened once again by creating a “victim” group, in this case

women, and championed by male-hating feminists, the imposition of equality
between the sexes has severely handicapped the West and although some advances
- much needed in my humble view - have been achieved, sexual equality has also
unwittingly achieved an undesirable result of enslaving and oppressing Western
women far more than they have ever been, not least because equality for all has a
logical conclusion of leading women into a nightmare of oppression and slavery as
I will now explain.

I assert that feminism is therefore self-destructive as all pursuits of illusions - in this

case equality of the sexes - are. But before I continue, let me make clear that we
are not talking about the worth of a person or even an infantile “one sex is better
than the other” high-school debate but rather the differences inherent between the
sexes as bestowed by Mother nature and how these differences have played a part
throughout human evolution.

Natural Born Leader

When we talk about equality in Multicultural societies, remember that we’re talking
about equality Marxist-style. Marxists loathe the strong and pity the weak and this
is the inversion of morality explained throughout this book so far. The goal of
Marxists is to weaken the strong and empower the weak and so, to impose equality
between the sexes, the white male must therefore be weakened.

Human beings are dominant pack animals, they have evolved into the most
dominant animal on planet Earth without question. In the natural world, dominant
pack animals have a strict pecking order, with the strongest male the Alpha male
- imposing his leadership. The role of the leader is to maintain the pack order,
to establish and mark territory containing resources for the pack to survive and
importantly, to defend the pack from attack. He will also face challenges from his
pack for leadership and if he fails a challenge a new leader is established. As the
male is the stronger of the sexes, females do not lead the pack, but will support the
leader in maintaining order and defending the pack along with their natural role as
bearer and nurturer of their young.

The goal of the pack is to survive, each day is a struggle to find food and it has
to compete not just with packs of the same species, but other species as well for
precious resources to survive. Dominant pack animals became dominant because
of their success at competing and therefore surviving. From the leader through to
the young, the role of each member of the pack is known and those who stray will
be put in their place by the seniors or even the leader himself. It is the alpha male
who will lead and place the interest of his pack first, its survival paramount.

This is an absolute fact for pack animals: Leadership must exist, there has to be a
leader to organise the pack so that its survival is ensured. Weak leaders are never
respected in nature and this applies to humans too. All races have leaders and by
logical extension, the strongest race will lead the weaker races. If it doesn’t the weaker
races will sense this and challenge for territory and dominance. That is what happens
with dominant pack animals in Nature packs continually compete for territory and
resources and the strongest packs will dominate. At this moment in history, the
West - that is, the white race - is acting against this because it is handicapping the
strong and falsely elevating the weak and in doing so is establishing weak leaders
with the result that the West - the territory - is now being invaded and conquered.

Feel Like A New Man

Traditionally, the roles of the sexes were quite clear: Man was the hunter, the
breadwinner, the protector, the leader of the family, his pack, and woman was his
supportive partner who bore his offspring, nurtured and raised them and made
the home. Based on Judeo-Christian values, the nuclear family was at the heart
of society and helped to make the West and especially Great Britain, such strong
nations who advanced and therefore succeeded in the game of life, far better than
any others.

Reinforced by a strong work ethic, a sense of duty and of service to God and
nation along with strict moral values, the man’s role as provider for his pack from
the fruits of his labour along with the woman’s role as his wife and mother of their
children was crucial to the family’s survival and although life was harder back then,
providing for his family gave a man an important purpose and a sense of pride and
self-respect. For his wife, this would mean security to care for her family, and again,
a sense of duty, purpose, service and fulfilment from being a mother and wife.

Contrast this, an albeit basic overview of how important family life along with
clearly defined roles of the sexes was during Britain’s golden era with what is
happening today, where the roles of the sexes have changed dramatically and are
now more about self-interest than family life. Let’s take men. Today’s male in the
main cuts a very different pack animal from his forefathers. In the Multicultural
utopia, where the nuclear family has been all but trashed, many males are engaging
in long-lasting childish or feminine behaviours such as the following which I seem
to see on an almost daily basis wherever I go:

Adult males riding skateboards or roller-blading. Playing computer games night

after night or watching TV for hours on end mindlessly lapping up the Multicultural
propaganda spewed out by the deceitful media. Then there is the quite asinine
mimicking of how blacks speak “lak is da cool fing mans innit” and males will even
write in this retarded style. Modern men, sometimes referred to as “Metrosexual”
are also obsessed with appearance and fashion, from hair gel and facial scrub to
designer labels and expensive after shave, men have adopted feminine attitudes to
personal grooming and preen before mirrors as though they were beauty queens.
Style over substance is now key and many young men will have no qualms about
piling up debt to boost their image, flash cars being perhaps the most obvious

And we’ve not even mentioned the rise and rise of homosexuality.

Excessive drinking and drug-taking further anaesthetise the minds of many young
British males. From smoking weed to dropping Ecstasy from heroin to cocaine,
drug taking is rife and to be fair, Western women are also joining in the “fun”,
there’s equality for you! Shamefully, the West is awash with hardcore pornography,
many men - and to be fair, women too - watch this base “adult entertainment”
every day.

That there is nothing “adult” about it matters not a jot in the Liberal “we tolerate
everything” world. Watching consenting adults sexually debase themselves with
beautiful girls performing a variety of sexually explicit and extreme acts is surely
not what a mature adult considers entertainment? It is degenerate behaviour, a sign
of a morally bankrupt and deteriorating society yet “open-minded” Liberals will
claim porn flicks are evidence of “a celebration of sexuality because women can
now freely express and share their sexuality and can now fully enjoy sex as equally
as men without fear or guilt.”

Can I humbly ask: Is porn and the glorification of what should be private acts really
a sign of progress for women? And is porn evidence of a progressive society based
on equality of the sexes?

You tell me.

Addicted to depravity, booze and narcotics and constantly manipulated by the

Marxist-controlled media, an awareness of how important territory is and how
important it is to ensure freedom is the precious gift you need to preserve for future
generations is virtually non-existent.

The modern Western male is Multiculturalist, he has abandoned the JudeoChristian

values that shaped the mighty West, is in the main anti-war and is meekly
surrendering territory to invaders rather than defending it and in so doing, bargains
away freedom and robs it from future generations to enjoy a secure life. Football
also provides an insight into how confused modern males now are. There’s the
childish and asinine chants directed at the opposition, e.g.

“You’re scum and you know you are”, including abusing the officials, the players
and staff of opposition teams including abusing them for their physical appearance
which will often then escalate into mindless violence between rival supporters. Yet
these same mature wise men will become apoplectic with rage should anyone dare
criticise other races or even other faiths especially Islam and again resort to violence
amid hysterical cries of “Racist”. Point out that football supporters behave in this
way towards each other and they will explain fierce hate-filled football rivalries as
“it’s territorial” or “it’s tribal” totally oblivious to the colonisation of their nation
in a war which is most definitely “territorial” and certainly “tribal” and with a far
greater price at stake.

I find it odd that many males will display such misguided passion for their
football team but have zero passion or patriotism for their own nation. Football is
nothing in the grand scale of things, it is now an entertainment business, a money-
generating scheme for the rich elite that wouldn’t make a difference to life if it
ended tomorrow. But your nation, your territory, is everything, it is crucial to your
survival and the survival of your family, your children and your children’s children
yet many childish men regard football as being far more important to their lives.

This is not conjecture by the way. I’ve tried to debate and explain Islam to my fellow
supporters on several football forums and I have been banned from all of them and
vilified as a...well, insert your favourite well-worn smear for those who dare speak
the truth about Islam here, I’ve been on the receiving end of all of them and not
just on football forums either. However, I watch with interest the British Defence
Leagues that have arisen from various football “firms” as they protest against the
Islamisation of Britain.

While Western men ogle their porn, quaff their beers, smoke their pot, fret over
their wardrobes, gel their blow-waved hair and spend hours aimlessly zapping
aliens, armies of alien males filled with hate and a steely resolve to conquer the
West amass on our territory. Whilst men of other races still lead their packs and
prepare for war against us to claim more territory and more resources, the Liberal-
Multicultural Western male is preparing his “partner’s” dinner, fretting about how
he can be more tolerant, smugly priding himself with the knowledge that he isn’t
“racist” or “misogynist” or “homophobic”.

That enemies are now in our territory preparing to conquer us isn’t just the fault
of the modern metrosexual male. Because the fairer sex has also changed and has
contributed enormously to the current plight the West is now in.

Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves

The progression of feminism throughout the 20th Century to the present has
presented a challenge to the Western male which quite frankly he has continually
refused to rise to. What began as a struggle to give women the vote gradually
morphed into a struggle to establish women as the equals of men - employment,
property rights, education, marital rights, sexual freedoms and legal status.

Having secured a victory to establish women’s suffrage, feminists then moved onto
the next issue, then the next issue, then the next, continually citing “inequality”
and “oppression” and demonising their menfolk as “enslavers” at each step of the
way, demanding equality at all levels presenting a determined challenge to male

Each victory spurred on feminists to the next. Except true equality isn’t the goal,
the goal is leadership and that is now exactly what is happening. Pack animals must
have leaders and women are now challenging for this role but they have to be aided
in their quest.

Equality of the sexes doesn’t exist and cannot exist. To artificially establish equality
in the Multicultural Shangri-la, the strong must be unfairly penalised which is
camouflaged by the Orwellian phrase “Positive discrimination”. This is happening
right now to the Western - British - male. Companies are forced by law to employ
people based on sex or colour meaning that the best candidate cannot be selected if
it means legal quotas of ethnic minorities or women will not be met.

Conversely, check out which sex does most of the fighting and dying in Iraq
and Afghanistan. No rush to establish quotas there on the violent blood soaked
battlefields of course and this is not a flippant remark, in fact the reason underpins
this entire book.

Feminists have also trashed completely the traditional role of wife and mother
whilst at the same time elevating the virtues of work and encouraging a fiercely
competitive “we’re independent, we don’t need men, we can do everything for
ourselves and we can do it just as well if not better”. Inspired by cultural Marxism,
feminists have demanded the right to sexual freedom, the right to end marriages
and claim half of the man’s wealth as part of divorce and usually, custody of the
children will be awarded to the mother and all of this places a wholly unequal
burden of risk on the male as well as making marriage a not too attractive prospect
for either sex for very different reasons. The divorce rate is sky-high and this doesn’t
account for the thousands and thousands of couples who live together only to part
company before even a year has passed.

Greater sexual freedoms have also resulted in women now having the right to kill
their babies under the “right to choose” abortion laws and liberal attitudes to sex,
along with the widespread availability of pornography, results in promiscuity being
promoted as a healthy lifestyle choice with a strong emphasis on pleasure and self-

The rise in single parent families resulting from liberal attitudes to sex has brought
about the quite ridiculous and, in my humble opinion, demeaning spectacle of a
woman having as many children as she pleases and demanding the state step in
and act as surrogate father to provide food and shelter. With the father - or now in
many cases, fathers - absent from the home, children are raised with only a female
authority figure without strong discipline or a masculine influence.

By trashing the role of wife and mother within the nuclear family, and elevating
the values of work and female independence instead, feminists have so transformed
the role of women in the pursuit to establish themselves as pack leaders that many
women simply don’t have enough time or even the desire to reproduce and the
birth-rate in Western societies is now so low it may be impossible for the West to
recover and reproduce itself sufficiently to maintain its survival and you can bet
your last penny that our enemies who absolutely despise us and are chomping at
the bit to conquer us have noticed this and they know that victory will soon be

But a more pressing issue to consider is that with such a catastrophically low birth-
rate, there will be fewer strong males to protect the pack from attack and right now
the West is under attack from a variety of other packs, packs whose birth-rates are
far higher, where the males are dominant pack leaders, whose goal is to conquer our
territory and subjugate us or even annihilate us.

Taking The Bait

My contention is that what started out as a perfectly just fight to establish suffrage
has morphed not just into a battle for equality but outright hatred for the white
male. This hatred for men - misandry - has been seized upon by Marxists and
promoted as healthy yet there will be very unhealthy - make that devastating -

The promotion of misandry and of feminist issues hasn’t just empowered women it
has demoralised Western men to the point of self-hatred. These self-hating “men”
have sided with feminists and follow the lead of females having fallen hook, line
and sinker for the Marxist “we’re all equal” propaganda.

One could even go as far as saying that instead of making a better society by
promoting a healthy respect and true equality between the sexes by reducing
conflict, feminism has resulted in greater mistrust and hostility between the sexes
and as men-haters like the demented Harriet Harman clearly demonstrate, it is a
war to humiliate and discriminate against indigenous males to weaken them and
empower women via numerous “positive discrimination” laws.

Let’s not forget that these laws are in addition the “positive discrimination” laws
enforcing the equality of the races. Oh, and let’s also not forget that those who hate
us and seek to conquer and destroy us do not pass such laws in their own territories.
Do you think that may be, perhaps, for a very good reason?

This Marxist promotion of feminism also encourages society to adopt feminine

attitudes and traits such as equality, tolerance, compassion, understanding, peace,
non-discrimination, non-judgemental, these are weak feminine traits that have now
been adopted by weak males, many of whom adopt these traits to impress females,
especially those who are Liberal-Multiculturalists and to my embarrassment I write
from years of experience as a one time dyed-in-the-wool Liberal. I too swallowed
this equality garbage lock, stock and barrel and honestly as I write this book, I
cannot believe I fell for it. I know I’m just one of millions who were brainwashed
from childhood to accept the Multicultural ideology and although I had no idea
of the ensuing very serious consequences, ignorance is no excuse and sadly, the
majority of Westerners believe strongly in Multiculturalism.

Such is the astuteness and the cunning of our Marxist enemies.

The more feminine attitudes are adopted the weaker society becomes. Criminals
are treated like children. Murderers, child abusers and drug pushers - utter scum
- receive light punishments as their human rights are sacrosanct and must not be
violated. The death penalty, abolished on the oft-broken promise that a life sentence
will mean life, is no longer an option, and our prisons now provide all home
comforts for those who prey upon society and who have no mercy or compassion
for their victims. And have you noticed how women are often portrayed in the
media and in Hollywood as warriors and fighters who are as strong as men yet
reality reveals a vastly different picture? Look at violent crime for example. Men
commit the vast majority of violent crimes, there are very few female armed robbers
and gangs are dominated by males. Brutal, violent males at that.

Ridiculously, criminals even have the right to sue the police if they think their rights
have been violated as happened with one of the armed robbers arrested during the
raid on the millennium dome. Crime is rife in our society, criminals are using the
law to their own advantage and gang crime blights inner cities all because we lack
the courage to severely punish criminals and this is another sign of how feminine
traits such as compassion and pity weaken Western society.

Yet unlike myself and many other former Liberals, not once have I heard a prominent
Liberal in society ever question their beliefs and say: The evidence is showing us
that we’re getting it badly wrong. Not once have I heard any of our leaders in the
lib/lab/con admit that their Multicultural pursuit of equality between the races
and the sexes is not working. None of them ever look further than the present and
deploy a little bit of insight and warn of the dire consequences future generations
are now destined to face. Not one. Instead, as always with the power-mad self-
serving elite, the reason things are going badly awry is because there simply isn’t
enough equality so the answer is more of the same: more legislation to punish the
strong and artificially empower the weak, more propaganda and lies to support the
childish Multicultural Utopian fantasy piling yet more problems on top of existing

When a society adopts a feminine perspective, it will smear masculine males as

“racists”, “thugs”, “xenophobes” or “fascists”, handicapping their own men who
are competing with other races - packs - and who want to defend their pack from
attack or defend their territory and resources from invaders who are determined
to conquer and plunder them. This only serves to empower our enemies because it
weakens the ability of the entire pack to defend itself and preserve its territory. Such
self-destructive behaviour is akin to asking a boxer to fight with two hands tied
behind his back. While his opponent wears head guards and body pads, just in case.

Such stupidity is a complete denial of how Nature works, it is a catastrophic

undermining of the strong pack leaders to handicap them from defending the entire
pack and ensuring the safety and progression of the entire pack from predators who
are competing AGAINST them. This is how life is, it is competitive and territory
and the resources within it are absolutely essential. Those who refuse to defend
their territory and protect their resources will not survive because other stronger
and more determined enemies will attack and get what they can to ensure their
own success in the fight for survival and the struggle to establish dominance in the
harsh competition of life.

What feminists and their self-hating male sympathisers fail to grasp is that when
the pack and its territory is threatened, it is the stronger sex, the male, who will
have to fight and defend it. By propagating feminine attitudes throughout Western
society, another quite alarming issue is raised.

Be Careful What You Wish For

Equality of the races and equality between the sexes is being vigorously pursued by
the ruling Marxist elite with an almost fanatical religious zeal.

Anyone who dares to oppose this unnatural equality is smeared, de-humanised and
criminalised. Equality can only be imposed by force and that means handicapping
the strong.

Should any man reach down and find a pair and dare to criticise feminists he will be
met with an hysterical outrage along with more smears and slurs: Hater, misogynist,
male-chauvinist pig, bigot and “typical male”, these of course in addition to all the
other insults hurled his way for wanting to preserve his identity and perform his
natural role as provider and protector for his pack, these idiotic slurs along with the
tired out brickbats trotted out by totalitarian Marxists to stifle debate, to silence
opposition: Racist, Nazi, fascist, thug, Islamophobe. All as predictable as they are
tiresome and bankrupt.

But there is a self-destructive consequence for a society that chooses to adopt weak
feminine traits and perspectives and imposes an unnatural equality between the
sexes and the races. In doing so, Liberal-Multiculturalists are making the white
male a demon to all people, even to his own women, women who are so busy
handicapping and dis-empowering their menfolk all they are doing is serving the
interests of aliens who hate the entire West, who want to loot and pilfer the bounty
created by the West and are busy going about occupying the territory of the West.
And the women who are part of it are building the chains of their own oppression
and bondage link by link and one day those they have sided with will force them
to wear the chains they’ve constructed.

Blinded by their own desire to be the equal of the male and an arrogant belief that
they possess an absolute and unquestionable moral justification, all these people
can see is the here and now and they simply don’t acknowledge that in the future,
the utopian equal society they are busy building may have to face a very serious
attack. Now obviously, if a society - a pack - is led by women, then it is in serious
trouble because women may well lead society but they will be wholly incapable of
fighting for it and defending it.

That job, as history and other packs teach us, always falls to the stronger sex, the
male. Now let me ask you a question:

If a male is brainwashed into believing that his forefathers were evil and guilty of
oppressing weaker races; into believing that all races are equal and that because his
nation and his people colonised other lands and stole their wealth his people must
now atone; that his race is responsible for causing all the conflicts and wars; that it
is only right and proper for other races to share the abundant resources of his land
and that his womenfolk are not just equal to him but superior to him and actually
hate him then is it possible that such a disgruntled male might ask:

Why on earth he should fight and defend his territory and his pack if such a society
- his pack - holds him in such low esteem?

I mean, if you have no bond with your nation and your people, if you have no
family because you’ve been divorced and punished punitively for committing the
crime of marriage and if your society affords more rights and privileges for other
pack animals and discriminates against you at every turn then maybe, just maybe,
you will have as much desire to fight and defend your territory from attack as a
Muslim has to co-exist in peace with the dirty kuffar.

The last sentence is very pertinent because there is something else I want to bring to
your attention regarding how women are perceived by our enemies that feminists
and their merry band of Liberal-Multiculturalists ignore at their peril.

To the fanatical jihad army of Islam, the women of kuffars in the lands of Dar al
Harb are “war booty”. This means that when a land is conquered into Dar al Islam,
the kuffar women will be enslaved and used as sex-objects for their Islamic masters.
Using dirty kuffar women as sex-slaves is an example personally set by the Islamic
paedophile prophet Mohammed and it is an example that Muslims not only will
follow should Great Britain become Al Britannia, Muslim jihadists are following
it right now in many communities throughout the realm and indeed throughout

British women will then discover to their horror the consequences of their battle
to establish equality between the sexes and that not all are sold on their fantasy of
a rainbow Shangri-la where all are equal and where all live in peace and harmony.
The evidence is there for them to see it but they prefer to turn a blind eye, yet all
they have to do is open their eyes and look at the barbaric horrors endured by their
sisters throughout Dar al Islam where rape, stoning, wife-beating, honour killings
and mutilations aren’t just common they are legal and where under Sharia law the
life of a Muslim female is valued as half of that of a Muslim male and where women
are afforded virtually zero rights in either marriage or divorce and many other
inequalities I’m sure you could add.

But the point that needs to be made is: Whose civilisation is in decline and whose
is in the ascendancy? One is very masculine, the other increasingly feminine. Take
a wild guess as to which civilisation is going to prevail.

Eyes On The Prize

It isn’t just Muslim jihadists who see women as spoils of war, as sexual objects
to fulfil not just their own perverted sexual gratification but to humiliate white
women and their menfolk. Gang rape of white women is now rife in the West, and
along with Muslims following the example of their perverted prophet, gangs of
black males delight in gang raping white women over and over again, a diabolical
crime committed by blacks wherever they go, from the United States, to Britain
and Europe but especially in South Africa where gang raping the poor victim in
front of her husband, her parents or her children is common.

But the long tradition of men being the leaders and the protectors of the pack has
been abandoned in white societies thanks to the advent of Marxism and feminism.
Only the strong lead but now in white societies, women have been elevated to
the equals of men and are competing to lead at every turn and Western men are
allowing a feminisation of society and the establishing of women as equals and

Other societies and races do not allow women this prominence in their societies
and this poses an interesting question: when whites become a minority in the West,
will women enjoy the same freedom and equality the feminists have fought for and
demanded whilst supporting the rights of a tsunami of immigrants flooding our

Well if the evidence is anything to go by, they will timidly submit before their
new masters. Take rape for example. Feminists become incandescent with rage
and hatred for men who say that they raped a woman because she was dressed
provocatively. They say a woman has the right to dress how she chooses without
being raped by a lust-crazed sex-beast and of course, this is quite correct.

But when Muslim males rape dirty kuffar women in the lefty rainbow lunatic
asylum of Sweden, these same feminists side with the Muslims who cite the issue
of provocative dress as the reason for their assault - al taqqiya of course - and so-
called feminists advise Swedish women to dress in a less provocative fashion. And
shamefully, whilst I was writing this book, a woman from Amnesty International
spoke out AGAINST a film depicting the horrific and barbaric stoning of women
in Iran. This absolute washout of a woman who is supposed to be concerned about
human rights was more interested in protecting the barbarian mullahtocracy of
Iran and in true nauseating Liberal style whined “this film will not help”.

What utter morally bankrupt cowards these weasels are! They won’t even defend
their own principles when other races and minorities trample all over them even
to the cost of their sisters. This is what weak leadership based on feminine traits -
compassion, non-judgemental, pity etc. - is all about and it will lead women into a
very real horrific nightmare.

It is this weak leadership that continually makes excuses to tolerate the abuse of
women by hate-filled aliens who commit these crimes, the very people feminists
warmly welcomed into the West. Yet it has been these same feminists who have been
blaming their own menfolk for oppressing them, for enslaving them in marriages,
for abusing and raping them, for denying them opportunity. It is feminists who
have continually competed for and demanded equality, who, egged on by Marxists
who filled them with resentment for the traditional roles of mother and home-
maker, who painted family life as a prison, and who demanded an end to “gender
apartheid”, another Marxist false construct to denote victimhood.

What needs to be realised - and quick - is that we’re not here to have a competition
to see which sex is the better, the stronger, the more intelligent, the more
independent. We’re here to compete and survive in the game of life and those who
play by Mother nature’s rules will flourish and those who do not will perish and
at this moment in time the West is engaging in an artificial pursuit of racial and
sexual equality whilst subjugating itself before enemies who are instead engaging
with reality. The message we’re sending is loud and clear: We are ripe for the taking
and our enemies know it.

Poisoning Minds

Another symptom of the feminisation of Britain is the lamentable fact that we do

not make anything any more. Thriving industries that made Britain strong and
independent - mining, shipbuilding, engineering etc. - have all been absolutely
decimated along with the communities who provided the labour. Nowadays, more
and more men are employed in “unisex” jobs, especially as civil servants, the pen
pushers who serve the growing and parasitical state Titan as wealth distributors
helping it to destroy our nation. These are the men who are now performing a
variety of unnecessary government jobs that regulate and interfere with the daily
lives of people, robbing them of their hard-earned wealth and their even harder-
won freedoms.

This while our armed services have been cut down to the bare bones yet which is
better? Employing an army of bureaucrats who weaken the nation or an army of
soldiers who can protect and defend the nation? In 21st Century Britain, there are
too many people doing things we simply do not need and that contribute little of
worth to our society and not enough people doing things we desperately need to
make our nation self-sufficient, strong and able to protect and support its people.

It’s all happened because of a concerted attack by Marxists on the very foundations
of our once strong society. Fuelled by a seething hatred of success, Marxists have
been tearing down the standards behaviours and morals that lead to success to
weaken our once strong society all performed with relish by people who hate success
because they are incapable of contributing anything of worth to society. So they
maliciously ruin everything that contributes to a successful life and they’ve done it
by promoting failed practices as healthy throughout the print and broadcast media:
Promiscuity, equality, hatred for religion especially Christianity, and self-indulgence
including binge drinking and drug abuse. They have force-fed their Multicultural
propaganda with its equality of the sexes, equality of races and equality of cultures
down the throats of the British people at every level of our society including the
schools educating our children. Sorry, my mistake, make that “brainwashing our

For women, this has meant the trashing and demeaning of one of the most precious
roles in Nature: That of mother. Women have been made to feel that they are victims
because of their natural role as child-bearers. Marriage too has been portrayed as
female oppression and work and independence - including sexual freedom - have
now been assigned far greater importance. Feminists have blamed men for their
oppression yet it seems to me that feminists are in fact battling against Nature.

In 21st Century Britain, if a woman doesn’t want her child she can abort it. If
she tires of her marriage she can end it and even if marital breakdown is caused
by a straying wife, the legal system will side with her and award her custody of
children along with half of her husband’s wealth. Should a woman want a child,
she can even have one without having met the father, knowing full well the state
will provide for all of the family needs.

A liberal attitude to sex, where immediate pleasure and gratification are the
overriding priorities and damn the long-term consequences has been unashamedly
promoted. But it isn’t as liberal as suggested. It has all been deliberately designed to
trash the sanctity of marriage, the honour of woman, the respect between husband
and wife to ruin the quiet, contented and vitally important bond between a man
and woman and the raising of children in the security of family life.

Marxists have filled people with petty jealousies and even rancour for the opposite
sex by making them believe they are missing out, that they are being trapped, that
married life and family life robs them of precious life time. Along with the rest of
the issues raised in this book, the promotion of behaviours that lead to failure have
all been maliciously calculated to destroy the white race by portraying successful
lifestyle choices as harmful and flawed lifestyle choices as desirable thus leading to a
catastrophic and probably irrecoverable decline in the birth-rate of the race.

Along with the feminisation of males and the elevation of women to pack leaders
whilst other males in other races continue to be raised with masculine, aggressive
and dominant attitudes, Great Britain, a nation that created the greatest Empire
in human history, has sown the seeds of its own destruction and its conquest is a
very real prospect that the latest generations of Britons could well witness in just
fifty years.


Weak feminine leaders are not respected, certainly not in Nature by any dominant
pack animal. The feminisation of Western societies has led to men adopting feminine
traits and attitudes such as compassion, pity, nonjudgemental and more emotional.
It has been noticed by our enemies who know that Liberals and Multiculturalists
are weak, faint-hearted and war-averse. They hear the anti-war, “let’s all live in
peace as equals” rhetoric, they know that the West will not put the interests of its
own people before alien invaders and they know a simple truth:

These lily-livered cowards are the dominant demographic in Western society. They
know that feminised males in the West are too cowardly to compete with other
races who are chomping at the bit to pilfer and destroy the West and who are
exploiting the cowardice of the West to the maximum.

The West is now acting in a way that is removed from reality: that life is all about
survival and working against the balance of Nature is placing our long-term survival
under threat because we are failing to recognise the competitive nature between
and among species. The more territory you hold, the greater resources you control
and the greater you increase your chances of survival. The more you weaken and
reduce the competition the better. It is all about territory and failing to dominate
and protect your territory isn’t just catastrophic, it’s suicidal.

We are in a competition for territory yet because of the imposing of weak feminine
attitudes on Western society, we are meekly surrendering our territory to invaders
who seek to become conquerors and masters to further the interests of their own
tribes. They have no problem in using our tolerance against us to further their aims
and if we ever do try to defend what is rightfully ours, they will dehumanise us as
racists, fascists etc. knowing full well that many of our own will side with them - i.e.
collaborate with the enemy - to help them strengthen their foothold in the West. It
is very difficult to fight and defend your territory when your own pack is fighting
against you and helping invaders to settle in your territory.

Take a look at the societies of two of our enemies, the host societies of the parasitical
alien packs invading our nation, particularly Africa and the Middle East. See with
your own eyes what Africans are doing to whites and see the harsh and decidedly
unequal reality of how Islamic countries truly are behind the “Religion of Peace”
veil. And check out the birth rates there and if you can, have a search for Equality
and Multiculturalism.

Mother nature is doing her very best to tell us: “All are not equal, only the strong
survive, defend your territory or perish. Heed well my warning.”

Behind The Smiling Rainbow Mask

The title of this book “From Titans To Lemmings - The Suicide of the White Race”
reflects in a nutshell what I believe to be THE biggest problem facing Western
civilisation at this moment in time, that being, the white race itself. Like it or not,
since the end of World War II, the white race as a whole has willingly chosen to
behave in ways that are self-destructive; flawed ways that fly in the face of Mother
nature as I have been describing throughout this book, but one perhaps stands out
as the most destructive of all:

An almost fanatical religious belief in the Marxist-created Multicultural ideology

and the imposing of multiracial societies throughout the West where various
races will live together as equals in peace and harmony. This modern-day Godless
religion has been adopted by the vast majority of whites in the Western world
who are enthusiastically swallowing hook, line and sinker the blissful fantasy of a
rainbow Shangri-la.

Towards the end of the previous chapter I stated that the Multicutural ideology has
been force-fed to our people at every level of our society. For the last fifty years,
equality of the races has been widely promoted throughout the West as hordes of
immigrants flooded into our lands. Along with equality of all, a demonising of
the white man and a re-writing of his history to portray him as an evil tyrant who
looted the wealth of other weaker races while enslaving and oppressing them has
placed what I call “the Mother of all guilt trips” on our people to brainwash them
into accepting the colonisation of their homelands.

Dissent simply isn’t tolerated and those who dare resist the propaganda and speak
out against Multiculturalism are de-humanised with a myriad of Orwellian thought
and hate crimes: Fascist, Hater, Nazi, and of course the worst sin any disbeliever can
commit against the Liberal church, Racist, the modern-day heretic of the Godless,
Multicultural religion.

But something is rotten in Denmark, Sweden, France, Holland, USA, Great

Britain - every Western nation. Whites throughout the West have now had fifty
years of being browbeaten with the Multicultural “all races are equal” ideology.
Fifty long years of watching their nations become colonised by millions of aliens
flooding into the West; fifty years since the end of colonial rule in Africa; fifty long
years since the civil rights movement won equality for blacks in the United States
and fifty years of a resurgent Islam with millions of Muslims bringing their retarded
faith to our once mighty nations.

For British nationalists, we’ve had fifty years of enduring a pernicious social
experiment being forcibly imposed by an elite who never gave their own people a
choice in the matter and who demonised and vilified opponents whose only crime
was to speak out against the enforced colonisation of their nation.

So after fifty years, why don’t we put this Multicultural social experiment and its
claim of racial equality in the dock? Because behind the smiling rainbow mask lies
millions of smashed lives mercilessly sacrificed for the Multicultural dream and in
this chapter, I want to expose one of the most destructive myths being vehemently
asserted by deceitful Liberal/Multiculturalists:

That the black man is the equal of the white man. The ocean of evidence - much
of which is deeply distressing - clearly demonstrates that this assertion is nothing
more than an outright lie that is causing immense suffering to both whites and
blacks alike. And it’s way past tea for this lie and the enormous suffering it is
causing to be exposed under the spotlight of uncomfortable truth. What follows is
the horrific reality festering behind the rainbow mask, a barbaric, savage and brutal
reality the Liberals and Multiculturalists deliberately ignore, a reality they’d rather
you didn’t see.

Dawn Of A New Man

In 1950, the United Nations Educational and Scientific Organisation - UNESCO

- declared that “All men belong to the same species: Homo Sapiens”. Thus the crux
of Multiculturalism was spawned, the belief in equality of all races, that all humans
are the same followed by the quite ridiculous assertion that race is purely a social
construct. Talk about putting the cart before the horse.

In the sixty years since this declaration, the world has witnessed dramatic changes
and in Africa, the “Dark Continent”, these past sixty years have seen the end of
white colonial rule with African nations now ruled and governed by the native
black peoples. As Africa has moved towards self-rule, millions of African blacks
have left their homelands to build new lives in the affluent West, a West that offers
them equal status and equal opportunity and a share of its wealth within its now
Multicultural rainbow societies.

Let’s review then these sixty years to see just how equal the races truly are, in this
case the black race and the white race by looking at the lands of the West AND the
lands of Africa, in particular the former British crown colony of Southern Rhodesia
and the former British Dominion of South Africa.

Slaying A Titan

If you’re old enough to remember the late Sixties and the early Seventies, cast
your mind back and recall how the issue of apartheid in South Africa was a
prominent news item. Reports about how blacks were forced to live in poverty and
squalor in shacks in the townships and were denied opportunity in their own land
were embellished with accounts of police brutality and government oppression.
Depictions of racial segregation in public places further illustrated how the South
African black was being oppressed by evil whites, with South African whites
dehumanised as evil racists who were cruelly oppressing their fellow human beings.

Musicians refused to tour South Africa “I don’t wanna play Sun City” they defiantly
sang whilst sportsmen and women refused to take part in events in South Africa.
Perhaps the most famous incident occurred in 1974, an incident that highlighted
the nauseating greed and hypocrisy of politicians who had demanded that the
British Lions cancel their tour of South Africa, citing apartheid as the reason.

The Lions ignored them, and with some magnificent displays of rugby became
the first touring side to win a test series in South Africa in the 20th Century.
Captained by Willie John McBride, the Lions refused to be intimidated by the
normally effective “rough-house” approach of the Springboks and McBride’s tactic
of meeting aggression with outright violence through the call that defined the tour
“99”, whereby on hearing this each Lion was to hit the nearest Springbok gave the
once invincible South Africans the biggest shock of their lives.

The Lions’ victory was a truly magnificent achievement and the British politicians
who had vilified the Lions for this tour suddenly changed their tune and made sure
they welcomed back the triumphant Lions to bask in reflected glory. Such is the
nature of the cunning, power-hungry politician.
Graphic reports of violence in the townships, especially Soweto, featured heavily in
television news broadcasts and spawned the icons that defined the black struggle
against apartheid, the main one being of course the black terrorist - make that Saint
- Nelson Mandela.

All the time the emphasis was on portraying South Africa as a racist state that
brutally oppressed blacks to make South Africa a pariah on the international stage.
Finally, after much international pressure, 1994 saw the end of white rule in South
Africa and under the black Saint the new “rainbow nation” was born.

Saint Nelson announced the new state to the world thus:

“We enter into a covenant that we shall build a society in which all South Africans,
both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts,
assured of their inalienable right to human dignity- a rainbow nation at peace with
itself and the world.”

Fine words. But that’s all they are - words. What is the reality of the rainbow nation
for both black and white and has it lived up to the lofty and noble goal of a rainbow
nation at peace with itself?

Compare and Contrast

Before we look at today’s South Africa, let’s first remember what South Africa
was like under white rule. Under white rule, South Africa was a prosperous, first-
world country boasting magnificent cities such as Johannesburg, Cape Town and
Durban, cities complete with first-class medical care, advanced transport systems,
superb communications infrastructures and magnificent architecture.

South Africa also created a flourishing agricultural industry that not only fed its
own people, South African farmers also helped feed the rest of Africa and South
African wines earned a reputation as being among the very best wines available
in the world. This is a nation blessed with an abundance of natural resources and
South African gold and diamonds, again of the very highest quality, earned South
Africa enormous wealth. Along with an excellent judicial system that kept crime
firmly in check, the old South Africa stood out as the most advanced nation in
Africa, a nation that compared favourably with ANY other first-world nation.

When the blacks came to power in 1994, they were handed on a platter this gem
of Africa. Having watched the white man apply his ingenuity and his industry to
solve the problems presented to him by Mother nature, the South African blacks
inherited a superb, advanced nation without them having to build it. All they had
to do was maintain it and if possible, build upon it and improve it to benefit all
people, black and white alike.

Yet in just FIFTEEN years, black rule has turned the nation of South Africa into
a crime ridden, degenerating, crumbling and stinking cesspit, whose cities are in
decay, just take a look for yourself to see how two of the cities named above have
fared under black rule:

In particular, check out the “A Tour Through Hillbrow” section and if you have
time, read through the comments. Imagine how you’d feel if this was once your
community. Many Britons will see the same thing happen to their communities,
indeed, many have seen it already. Where blacks go, Africa soon follows.

The webmaster there asserts: “Durban is now a filthy squatter camp”. See the
evidence he presents and judge for yourself.

These images - rarely if ever shown in the duplicitous Western media - are damning
evidence of just how unequal the white and black race are. If you listen to Liberal
apologists, they will tell you that blacks live in such filth and squalor in these cities
because of the legacy of apartheid, yet again placing the blame at the door of the
white man for the black man’s abject failure. But let’s get real here, we’re all equal
right? No matter what has happened in the past how on earth does that excuse
ANY race ANY people ANYWHERE for living in filth that they have created?
We’re talking about some of the finest cities created by man handed to blacks on a
platter and that blacks have allowed them to decay and to become nothing more
than garbage dumps where they raise their children casts a huge shadow of doubt
on the belief in equality because if blacks can’t manage basic cleanliness then the
equality assertion falls at the first hurdle. And what price pride and dignity?

Such filth and decay aren’t solely evident in South African cities. You can also
see the same decay in Nairobi, London, Birmingham, Manchester, Los Angeles,
New York, Philadelphia, and especially, Detroit. Many others too but I will leave
you to investigate and discover for yourself but the mess in Detroit is particularly

What if we reversed the situation and forced whites out of their cities and into the
townships to dwell in shacks? Do you think whites would make these townships
decay - if that is possible - or do you think that there is a very good chance that
whites would dramatically improve these places?

The hypocrisy of lily-livered Liberals who blame whites for these conditions is
sickening because when blacks lived in the shack-riddled townships, these bleeding-
heart Liberals castigated whites for their “criminal oppression”. Whites have built
fine cities, built a magnificent nation, handed it all to blacks and when blacks bring
the squalor of the townships to these once first-class cities, whites are once again
blamed for something that ended years ago, a lame excuse that has no bearing on
how black people are CHOOSING to live in the present.

Such typically anti-white Liberal behaviour is yet more evidence of inequality. If

the races are truly equal, then all should be judged by the same standards without
exception. Of course, Liberals refuse to do so because if they did their whole claim
of equality would lie in tatters as reality continually highlights the failures of the
black race. The Liberals’ answer then is to blame it all on whites. How cute.

But the deterioration and squalor of South African cities is just the “ears of the
hippo”. The savage barbarity blacks are committing throughout the nation of
South Africa, not just to whites but also to their own people, is a suppressed truth
that needs to be spread to as many as possible. Because what is going on in South
Africa is also creeping into the West and in fact, the root cause of what is destroying
South Africa is also the same root cause that is destroying the West including Great
Britain - Cultural Marxism.

Law Of The Jungle

During the time of apartheid, South Africa was depicted as the most racist and evil
nation on planet Earth. Once black rule became reality and signalled the end of
apartheid you would think that peace and harmony would reign in the rainbow
nation. Think again.

Let’s get some facts down about apartheid. Apartheid was a system of racial and
legal segregation introduced by the governing National Party in 1948 and it lasted
until the end of white rule in 1994. During these forty-six years, a total of 21,000
blacks were killed due to political violence but this figure doesn’t paint a true
picture. Because out of these 21,000 deaths, 14,000 of them occurred between
1990 and 1993 as the country transitioned towards black rule. Of these 14,000,
92% of them, were due to black on black violence, mostly tribal for territory and
only 514 of them were down to South African security forces. Further, between
1948 and 1989, 7000 blacks were killed, the majority of them as they committed
criminal acts, namely armed robbery, rape or assaults.

Life for blacks under apartheid was a far cry from the unjust and oppressive picture
painted by white-hating Liberal-Multiculturalists who never mention just how
much blacks benefited under apartheid, check out this two minute video that busts
the Liberal myths:

But surely things must be better post-apartheid, right? Let’s see.

Crime is now totally out of control with an unbelievable murder rate of between
50 - 140 murders EVERY DAY. Violent robberies committed against whites are
an almost daily occurrence and the extreme levels of violence and brutality against
the victims is absolutely appalling. From biting off fingers or cutting them off with
scissors or shears to remove rings to torture with red-hot irons to obtain money, the
brutality has no bounds. But what is even more alarming is that once the money or
valuables have been obtained, many victims have either been badly beaten, raped
- both husband and wife - repeatedly or executed with a bullet to the head or even
tied up and burned alive.

Liberals assert that the rampant crime is caused by poverty but this begs the question:
Why are whites battered, raped and murdered AFTER giving the robbers what they
wanted? I suggest it isn’t poverty that leads to these horrors being committed it is
racial hatred that brokers no compassion for the victims whatsoever. And the media
and the world’s governments, so vehemently critical of apartheid, say nothing of
this inhumane savagery.

They don’t even report that in the shack-ridden townships, ALL crime is committed
by blacks against blacks. These are townships policed by black vigilante groups
whose punishments include whipping, beating and burning their fellow black
brothers who they deem guilty of committing a crime.
In addition to the out-of-control crime levels, there is also an ongoing genocide
against the Boer farming community with over 3000 Boers murdered by blacks
since 1994 and to its shame, the world turns its back on these victims, preferring
instead to perpetuate the myths about apartheid. This SKY news report shows how
these farmers have to live and the horrific brutality they are suffering:

If you listen very carefully to the black politician who dismisses the genocide of the
Boers as the actions of criminal elements, you will hear him mention a word - a
lie - that betrays the envious reason at the root of these vile atrocities. I will leave
you to judge for yourself without giving any more away and you’ll find more links
to the right of the video providing more information about this diabolical crime
against humanity.

No Place For Innocence

But perhaps the most shocking statistic of all concerns child abuse. In the rainbow
nation of South Africa, 530 children are raped every day with a staggering 23,450
children raped in the last year alone, that is ONE CHILD RAPE EVERY THREE
MINUTES. Over 1,000 children were murdered and 20,870 were assaulted during
this time, many of whom had body parts - lips, ears, genitalia and internal organs
- removed for making traditional black African “Muti” medicine.

Here’s a distressing report about child abuse in the rainbow nation over on the
excellent South Africa Sucks blog, a blog that is revealing the truth about what
is happening there. Warning: Some of the images on the page are graphic and

When you discover that there are over 10,000 child prostitutes on the streets of
Johannesburg and that children are also being sold as sex slaves in Bloemfontein,
Port Elizabeth, Durban and Cape Town, then the scale of child abuse in the rainbow
nation is simply astronomical.

Just before I completed this chapter, I read this report dated 9/9/09 over on WMD.
COM and astonishingly, the heinous child abuse perpetrated by African blacks is
plumbing new depths of depravity:

How on earth any race that treats its young in such a savage, diabolical manner
can be regarded as human never mind equal to other human races I have no idea.

Another Titan Falls

If things are bad and deteriorating daily in South Africa, then they are utterly
catastrophic in Zimbabwe, the former British Colony of Southern Rhodesia. Since
the end of white rule there in 1980 and the establishment of the black-ruled nation
of Zimbabwe, a once strong and advanced nation has totally imploded and the
similarities with its neighbour South Africa are a damning indictment both of the
African black and the self-righteous Liberal-Multiculturalists who blindly insist
that the races are equal.

Did you know that Rhodesia used to be referred to as “The bread basket of Africa”?
Here we had a nation whose white farmers were so industrious and so successful
they not only fed ALL of Rhodesia’s people, they created so much surplus they
helped to feed an entire continent!

Look at it now. Under the rule of the dictator Robert Mugabe, a man who has
no problem whatsoever with executing and persecuting blacks who oppose him
- his own people - the Zimbabwean economy has deteriorated into an absolute

The land reform program, the process by which land was stolen from white owners
and handed over to blacks, has achieved the not-so-enviable feat of turning the
country from a net exporter of food with an industry that employed 400,000
people into a net importer of food. This insanity has now led to a severe famine
in Zimbabwe with an estimated five million people now facing malnutrition and
starvation. On top of this, water shortages are causing a cholera epidemic.

Due to the complete inability to effectively manage their own nation, Zimbabwe
under black rule now suffers from hyper-inflation, with the dizzy height of
11.2 MILLION percent being reached in 2008. From one US dollar buying 80
Zimbabwean cents at the time black rule was established in 1980 to the current
rate of around one US dollar to 50 million Zimbabwean dollars, and with the
desperate spectacle of a loaf of bread costing SEVEN MILLION Zimbabwean
dollars, under black rule, Zimbabwe has collapsed into a dysfunctional state with
devastating consequences for ALL of its people with yet more pain and suffering
piling on the misery.

All underpinned by the Western Liberal-Multiculturalists who stood by and

watched whites being ethnically cleansed from their homeland and who propagated
the despicable lie that this was right and fitting because of the horrors inflicted
on the African black under colonial rule. In typical arrogant and self-righteous
Liberal style, once whitey has been kicked out of his land, these paragons of virtue
completely ignore the devastating consequences being endured by black African
people whose empty bellies know all too well the difference between living under
white rule and black rule.

Not that your cappuccino-drinking, sushi-nibbling devout Liberal-Multiculturalists

will ever take their rainbow glasses off and see the reality they’ve helped to create.
For these naive well-fed dreamers, the Multicultural fantasy is their sole raison d’
etre and when reality unfolds in stark contrast to the rainbow utopia, they will
simply put their ideology first and disconnect from reality because they simply
cannot bear to confront it. Truth hurts, especially when it’s brutal.

That these people are afforded the luxury of avoiding any responsibility or
accountability for their misguided and irresponsible actions is an absolute disgrace.
Yes I know many of them are acting with good intentions but you and I both know
a certain road that’s paved with them. South Africa and Zimbabwe are strewn with
these roads and millions of people there are living in the harsh, brutal destination
that all these roads lead to.

What is important to realise about this all-too-short appraisal of black rule in South
Africa and Zimbabwe is that the same game that destroyed these once-mighty Titans
is now being played throughout the West including our nation, Great Britain.

Besmirching Britannia

Just as the white South Africans were made to pay for the injustice of apartheid
and just as white Rhodesians were ethnically cleansed from their land to right the
wrongs of colonialism, so too are British whites made to feel guilty because of
Britain’s role in the Transatlantic slave trade. Indeed, such is the determination of
our Marxist enemies to deploy the guilt weapon, Britons who had nothing to do
with slavery whatsoever were so bullied, intimidated and burdened by this guilt
trip that they marched in chains, led by a British politician, the rotund hypocritical
Labour MP John “two Jags” Prescott. He certainly doesn’t know what an empty
belly feels like.

If the hypocrisy and cowardice doesn’t make you vomit, here’s the BBC report of
this shameful event that happened in March 2007, a full two hundred years after
the abolition of slavery:

Note the organiser’s risible “as we seek to undo the damage caused by the slave
trade...” guilt-inducing nonsense, not missing the chance to hammer home the
myths about the slave trade. What these self-hating dolts never mention is that
African blacks were not just victims of the slave trade, they were actively involved in
the slave trade by capturing and then selling their own. Nor is the fact that slavery
is also rife in Africa itself, where albinos, dwarves and people from other tribes are
enslaved by African blacks and always have been.

What rankles with me is pious Liberals banging on and on about how evil whites
were for enslaving blacks but never mentioning the appalling conditions many
of their forefathers were forced to work under at that time in their own country
Great Britain. But as their forefathers were white, their exploitation is left in the
cold shadows while the rainbow spotlight focuses on maximising the “injustice and
horror” of the Transatlantic slave trade.

But tellingly, those who continually remind us of the wrongs Britain committed
during the Transatlantic slave trade don’t mention the fact that by far the worst
enslavers of blacks isn’t the white race it is the Arab race who enslaved blacks for the
best part of 1,400 years. Indeed, blacks who converted to Islam aided the Muslim
Arabs to enslave their own people. Arabs refer to black slaves as “abid” and these
slaves were treated barbarically, from castrating the males to using the women as
sex-slaves, and a shocking 85% of these people died as a result of slavery.

Contrast this with the fact that 90% of blacks captured during the Transatlantic
slave trade survived and it begs the question:

Why is it blacks, egged on by irrational Liberal-Multiculturalists, continually bleat

about the Transatlantic slave trade, using it as a brick-bat to portray the white
man as inherently racist and to demand never-ending reparations for this injustice
yet do not apply this to their brutal Arab slave-masters? The Transatlantic slave
trade lasted for the best part of 300 years and it was brought to an end by whites
themselves, so why is it blacks don’t have the same anger and sense of injustice
about the Arab slave trade that they have towards whites?

Maybe the fact that you will never find Arabs marching in chains through their
cities to apologise for enslaving blacks offers a little clue. Guilt won’t work on
the Arabs but blacks know it works like a charm on whites and blacks will blame
whites as much as possible, from slavery to racism to apartheid to colonialism all
to distract from their own severe shortcomings and to extract as much value from
whites as possible.

That whites are so easily manipulated by this insidious guilt weapon is further
evidence to support my assertion that it is the white race that is behaving in self-
destructive ways amounting to suicide of the species.

A Bitter Pill

It is time for whites to refrain from meekly accepting this guilt-trip, a guilt-trip that
damages blacks as much as it damages the white race, and to stand up and speak the
truth. Enough of the lies, enough of the deceit and the manipulation and enough
of this naive and futile devotion to a seriously flawed, childish ideology that forces
truth to be sacrificed on the altar of Multiculturalism in the pursuit of a fantasy that
cannot ever become a reality: Racial equality, especially equality between whites
and blacks.

If one studies history, it becomes clear that wherever the white man has taken root,
he has used his ingenuity and his industry to assess and then solve the problems
presented to him by Mother nature. History is cram-packed with innovations that
have taken mankind forward in leaps and bounds: Agriculture, Science, Medicine,
Engineering, Technology along with efficient systems of governance and the rule
of law.

What is glaring is that there is absolutely nothing invented or created by the

African black that has advanced mankind in any significant way. I cannot think of
ONE single invention that has made my life much more comfortable, much more
pleasant or made work much more efficient that has been invented by the African

In contrast, look at what the white man brought to Africa, from flourishing
agriculture to vibrant commerce to medicines that helped the black man combat
many of the illnesses that blight the dark continent - malaria, cholera, dysentery,
yellow fever, typhoid fever - do you like me wonder how many black Africans have
benefited from the wonders of the white man’s medicine?

Indeed, the current disease blighting Africa, especially South Africa is HIV/AIDS
and in what can only be described as a quite astonishing and grossly irresponsible
action, the ruling black ANC government advised people to have a shower after sex
so they wouldn’t contract HIV/AIDS. Is this a sign of equality? Really?

I assert that blacks know all too well that they cannot compete as equals with the
white race. They know full well - and many are finding out to their great cost - that
left to themselves, black societies degenerate into chaos and catastrophe. Blacks
know that whites produce the wealth they are wholly incapable of creating and this
arouses an intense racial hatred for whites in the black race that manifests in violent
crimes such as the robberies described above or in the repulsive and demeaning
gang rape of white women.

Yet still these retarded incompetents blame it all on the white man because that’s
all blacks can think of. So bereft are they of any creativity at all, the only answer
blacks can think of when asked as to why Africa remains a third-world sewer is
“eiish, cuz da wyt stole everything and oppressed us, das why we got entitlemunt to
everything.” What utter nonsense.

Blacks will always blame whites for their many failures and they will always
demand a share of what the white man creates because they just cannot sustain
themselves otherwise. Should whitey refuse they scream “WAYCISS!” like little
children scream “I hate you!” when Mummy refuses to give them sweets at the
supermarket checkout.

Instead of giving them a share of its wealth in return for nothing the white race
should demand that blacks do something to earn a share or leave them to get on
with it in their own dark continent and let Mother nature take care of them. Which
she most certainly will if stupid, pious, bleeding-heart white Liberals can resist the
urge to interfere and stop treating the black to a title blacks can never earn: The
white man’s equal.

If the white race fails to understand that continually allowing itself to be manipulated
into handing over its wealth then not only will it hasten its own demise, it will
also continue to cause African blacks enormous suffering. Not just through black
incompetence but also through violence because blacks not only bear a seething
hatred for whites, a fierce tribal mentality leads blacks to inflict even greater acts
of savagery and horror on their own people. And this occurs wherever blacks go as
Londoners know all too well.

Sick Dependency

Here’s a couple of examples that illustrate how handing over wealth to Africans
who have not earned it and who believe they are entitled to it either because of
colonial rule, slavery or merely for the fact they can manage to breathe air, actually
causes more misery and suffering and just prolongs the problem. I could provide
hundreds more and I am not exaggerating.

In 1984 and `85, Bob Geldof and Midge Ure highlighted the famine in Ethiopia
and along with the major rock and pop stars of the time, launched an appeal to
raise money for the victims. Band Aid and Live Aid literally rocked the world, it
was an amazing feat but what did it achieve? In 1985 the population of Ethiopia
was around 35 million, today, just twenty-five years later, it is 70 million and
growing. This in a country with very little arable land, a country blighted by
political corruption, war and famine, yet Saint Bob screamed at us:

“Give us yer money people are f**king dying!”

No Bob, drop the word “dying” and then realise that for all your good intentions
all that’s been achieved is to line the pockets of the corrupt rulers there and instead
of alleviating the suffering of the people, it’s actually increased it.

Saint Bob isn’t the only one. There are a myriad of charities that exist to improve
the lot of the African people. Many find out the hard way that blacks have little
appreciation or gratitude for it, a good example being the Irish charity Niall Mellon
Township Trust who built basic brick houses for South African blacks, all funded
by donations from the West, handed over the keys to people who had paid nothing
for them and who did very little to aid in constructing them and who, once whitey
had cleared off, rented them out to their own people and returned to the shacks
and pocketed the cash.
Other Liberals pay a far higher price for placing fantasy before reality such as this
poor woman here:,1,22

Allowing people to believe they can have something for nothing creates a sick
dependency and is certainly not a noble virtue because it does nothing to help the
receiver, it just keeps them down with the giver feeling a misguided superior sense
of moral piety and an inflated ego. The barbaric and savage events that occur each
year in Africa demonstrate how badly flawed this approach is. Another question
concerns what happens to people who are wholly dependent on handouts should
the handouts stop?

Why is it that after all the aid that has been donated to Africa through God
knows how many charities and after white colonial rule had created infrastructure,
systems of governance, agriculture, wealth-generating and thriving commerce and
introduced advanced medical care that has helped cure people of many of the
diseases inherent to the continent, why why why are people in Africa still living in
squalor and filth and committing so much barbarity?

Additionally and importantly we can also ask: Why are swarms of African blacks
still leaving their homelands and their people to live in the West? Surely a better
approach is to force Africans to do something to earn Western aid, aid which should
focus on helping the Africans address and solve the problems Nature presents them
so they can build stronger nations in the long-term, that’s real help, not just bailing
them out when the proverbial hits the fan. Do you like me wonder what will it
take to make Africa a peaceful, independent and just society where all Africans can
enjoy a dignified life as promised by their blessed Saint Nelson?


Every time somebody dares to question Liberal-Multiculturalists who assert that

the races are equal, they are demonised and dehumanised as racists. Yet it is now
very clear to me that in fact, the Liberal-Multiculturalists are the true racists. In
chasing their rainbow fantasy, they have destroyed South Africa and Zimbabwe
with catastrophic consequences that have caused blacks to suffer enormously -
famine, violent crime, government abuse and oppression, child abuse and murders
of children for muti medicine and rampant HIV. They scream racist at their
opponents but they care not a jot for what has happened to millions of African

Whites too have suffered and are suffering from an escalating and brutal violent
crime wave including a genocide of the Boer farmers. And at each turn Liberal-
Multiculturalists blame whites for everything and reward other races with scant
regard for the consequences. This is because Multiculturalism is anything but. It
is about the total destruction of the affluent Western, first-world societies created
by whites followed by the annihilation of the white race without any care or
responsibility for the ensuing dreadful suffering that will be endured by blacks. All
that matters is that whites and their societies are erased from every corner of the

There is a trite sound-bite regarding evil that is regularly trotted out in an attempt
to explain how evil arises: “All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to
do nothing.”

It may have a grain of truth but that’s about it. Because for evil to truly flourish it
requires much more. It requires people to willingly place fantasy above reality, to
knowingly accept falsities over truth and to place vanity and self-interest above all
else along with avoiding any responsibility for the consequences of their actions
and to knowingly disconnect from the realities they create.

South Africa and Zimbabwe show us the destiny that awaits Great Britain if we
continually allow the evil that destroyed them to continue to thrive in our lands.

Dancing With Dragons

Chapter Six focused on Africa and in particular, the former British colonies of South
Africa and Rhodesia. I described how those once-strong nations have deteriorated
badly since the end of colonial rule and the establishment of black governance
and I presented evidence to counter the myths of colonialism and apartheid, two
barb-encrusted sticks used to inflict a guilt trip on the white race and to justify the
looting, land grabs and ethnic cleansing all being conducted against whites in these
once advanced and prosperous nations.

As these nations implode catastrophically, enormous suffering is inflicted upon both

the white people AND native black peoples whilst those responsible for creating
the mess - namely the traitorous Marxist-Liberals in the West - turn a blind eye
and avoid any responsibility for their malicious interference which had nothing to
do with the welfare and the future of the black peoples and everything to do with
destroying the whites, the very people who had built the strongest nations in Africa.

As well as building these Titans of Africa, the white man also brought his medical
expertise to the dark continent and as well as helping black people to combat killer
illnesses endemic there - yellow fever, malaria, cholera etc. systems of medical
care constructed by whites dramatically reduced the infant mortality rate and
significantly increased the life expectancy rate. Not that your average self-righteous
Liberal will ever be aware of these things.

Africa isn’t the only continent that has seen dramatic changes in the last fifty years.
Great Britain - in fact the entire West but for the purpose of this chapter I wish to
focus mainly on Britain - the country whose vast empire did more than any other
nation to bring the advances of Western civilisation to the whole world, has seen
its empire crumble. Now the world comes to Britain, with millions of Africans,
Pakistanis, Indians and many more immigrants all flocking to Great Britain.

Just as the white man introduced aspects of Western culture to the third world,
so now are immigrants into Britain introducing their culture here. Much of what

is being introduced is having a corrosive effect upon British society and I assert
this is not happening by chance. In fact, I believe a war is being waged upon the
British people deliberately with the aim to destroy Great Britain and the British
people. The scale of what is being done to our people is absolutely staggering,
the consequences are heartbreaking and devastating and the saddest part of all is
that the British people - and many others throughout the West - are knowingly
choosing to behave in seriously flawed ways, all contributing to the collapse of the
West and the eventual extinction of the white race.

It’s now time to bring attention to one aspect of the war against Britain to expose
its enormous scale and the destructive impact it is having on our nation. In this
chapter, I want to focus on narcotics and in particular, the trade in one of the most
potent narcotics, cocaine and its highly addictive derivative, crack.

A Nasty Shock

The BNP councillor Kevin Edwards express a personal opinion regarding drug-
pushers, stating:

“...personally, I would like to see the first three pushers/dealers hung on live TV”

after the revelation that deaths by drugs had quadrupled in Llanelli.

Three months ago, I had absolutely no idea as to how enormous the nature of
the drugs trade is. Had I been asked then what I felt about drugs I would’ve
shown little interest, maybe mentioning the role it plays in Islamic jihad. But a
chance conversation about cocaine with several of my Dutch friends led to one of
them saying: “You don’t want to know what’s going on in the UK.” I pressed him
further and he recommended some resources to me and they shook me out of my

I realised a couple of things: First, that a debate about drug taking usually centres
around legalising drugs and a tolerance of personal choice, i.e. it’s up to you if you
want to take narcotics. This personalising of drug taking narrows the scope and
is also somewhat naive as I will explain. Second, I would consider myself to be
an informed British Nationalist with a good awareness of the current increasingly
desperate plight of the British people. I figured if I had little understanding of
the enormous scope of the global drug-trafficking industry, then there will be
many more who are in the same situation I was and this is an ignorance we British
Nationalists simply cannot afford.

There are many enemies waging a war against the British people. Muslims prosecuting
Islamic jihad, a jihad covering many areas including drug jihad, especially with the
opiate drug heroin, is one enemy I will not discuss here as I prefer to write solely
focusing on the nature of the threat posed by Islam. Most British nationalists are
aware of Islamic jihad and its drug trafficking but here I want to concentrate on the
cocaine trade and on the enemies of Britain few are aware of. Let us begin where
the trade in cocaine begins.

Heart Of The Beast

The abundant coca farms of Colombia provide the raw material for the lucrative
cocaine industry. Pickers - many of them entire families - pick leaves for eleven
hours a day, six days a week with the farmers paying a wage of about £8 a day
with accommodation provided. Land mines are rife, there are more in the fields of
Colombia than the deserts of Iraq after an ill-conceived attempt by the Colombian
and US governments to wipe out the farms.

Many pickers suffer horrendous injuries from these deadly weapons but they have
little alternative employment. After picking, the leaves are then processed by coca-
kitchen workers to eventually produce the coca base fluid.

In addition to paying workers, farmers also have to pay left-wing guerillas

AND right-wing paramilitaries with the latter collaborating with military and
government representatives to aid the trafficking of the drug from Colombia. These
organisations are nothing more than terrorists who murder opponents and who
have massacred entire villages who they suspected of siding with the opposition.
These terrorists also sow around 26,000 land mines every year and these mines kill
three Colombians every day.

Corruption is rife, bribes all-too-easily accepted by law enforcers, soldiers and

government officials of the countries that border Colombia enabling the drug to be
distributed with little hindrance. Most of this money comes from drug trafficking
so straight away, you can see that other issues such as exploitation of workers and
funding of terrorists in Colombia have already widened the debate and we’re only
at square one.

As well as paying various state officials and personnel as the drug crosses borders,
another far more sinister party arrives to take control of the drug within borders,
acting both as a middleman between the Colombian cartels and international
dealers and pushers as well as dealing the drug themselves. Getting the cocaine
out of Colombia and to the world’s hungry and lucrative markets, especially the
United States, Great Britain and Europe is the next and most important stage of
the process with the cities of Miami, Amsterdam, Madrid and London forming the
main hubs. Wherever cocaine is trafficked, criminal gangs are heavily involved and
one gang in particular has emerged as the dominant gang on the entire continent
of America with absolutely devastating consequences for society.

An Army Of Ants

After the civil war in El Salvador came to an end in the mid 1980s guerrillas who
had fought in the war banded together to form organized criminal gangs with the
aim of dealing crack cocaine. Immigrants from El Salvador to the United States
who had congregated in Los Angeles also became involved and as they grew in
strength they formed the gang that has now become one of the most dangerous
organized criminal gangs in the world today, “La Mara Salvatrucha Troce” - The

The gang takes its name from its two main territories, La Mara Street in El Salvador
and 13th Street in Los Angeles. The Salvatrucha is derived from the guerrillas who
fought in the war, describing them as being like an army of ants. The MS-13 rules
by outright and extreme violence and from its early beginnings in the mid 1980s
it has already decimated two countries and has left behind it thousands of tortured
and murdered victims in its wake.

The first nation to be decimated by the MS-13 was the once democratic state
of Honduras. Before the tentacles of the MS-13 had wrapped themselves around
Honduras, it had been a stable democracy, largely drug-free and with peaceful
governance. As the MS-13 increased its criminal operations in Honduras, the
country gradually fell apart. Trafficking crack cocaine generated huge revenue for
MS-13, with the city of San Pedro Saula now an MS-13 territory boasting over
35,000 members many of whom of course are crack addicts. At around a dollar
(US$1) a rock you can see how much money gangs can generate EVERY DAY and
San Pedro Saula is just ONE city.

By the year 2000, Honduras had completely imploded and a state of war between
the government, MS-13 - and by now, rival gangs who had formed to take a piece
of the action, especially Dieciocho (18) - and anti-gang vigilantes who would
shoot gang members on sight existed. In the most notorious incident, two MS-13
mobsters forced passengers off a public bus and executed all of them, children as
well, with AK-47 and M-16 machine guns. The message was loud and clear: Don’t
get in our way - or else.

From the 13th Street of Los Angeles, the MS-13 has now spread across the states of
the US to the east coast and the cities of New York and Washington. Washington,
the capital of the US now harbours over 6000 MS-13 members and growing and
the violence that blighted Honduras - along with crack cocaine - is now blighting
the US as the death of a 16 year-old boy who after having his hands amputated bled
to death in an alley just a few blocks from the White House shows. Be in no doubt
that the MS-13 have no mercy for those who cross them no matter what their age.

Age is also of little concern when it comes to new recruits. School-kids are targeted
and indoctrinated with MS-13 gang culture and all of them are subjected to the
gang’s brutal initiation ceremony, a 13 second violent and intense gang assault
which requires the recruit to take a severe beating without retaliating. Sex is of no
concern either as girls undergo the same beating with the small mercy that it is
administered by the female gang members.

Loyalty to the gang is paramount, betrayal merits the severest of punishments but
the most severe and inhumane is reserved for any gang member who deals cocaine
under their own steam, thus cutting out the gang from its share. These renegade
dealers will be hacked to death with machetes, their bodies cut into little pieces
and flushed down the toilet. The internal organs will be reserved and strung in
prominent places for all to see and get the message: Do not cross MS-13. Woe
betide those who do.

The MS-13 presents a huge threat to the future stability of the United States and
one of the resources my Dutch friend recommended me was this excellent five-
part documentary on YouTube which features a testimony about MS-13 from a
female member who turned grass and who paid the ultimate price. It is compulsive
viewing and provides a valuable insight into the workings and the power of the

“You live for your God and your Mum but you die for your gang.”
What made my ears prick up was the statement made by the mobster about the
MS-13 supplying LEGAL prescription drugs. Yet another angle to the debate rarely
- if ever - discussed when debating the legalising of narcotics.

OK, you may now be thinking: “All well and good Reconquista but how does a
Latin American criminal mob present a threat to Great Britain?”

They most certainly do because the next stage in our journey takes us to the
Caribbean and to the British commonwealth realm of Jamaica. Now you will see
the scope of what is being done to our people and why I class it as a war against us.

Mule Train

Although one of the most beautiful islands in the world, Jamaica is a country
that has been continually beset by problems. The political scene is turbulent with
both main parties having connections to criminal militias to control voting. Gang
crime is rife with the notorious “yardies” as the kingpins of Jamaican organized
crime, crime in which drugs have long formed a lucrative stream of income for the

Then came the MS-13 bringing with them the most addictive narcotic in the world,
crack cocaine. Seizing the opportunity, the militias evolved and have developed
drug-trafficking networks to take Colombian cocaine to the international markets.
These Jamaican gangs are enormously powerful, and they, just like their MS-13
counterparts, rule with brutal and extreme violence.

Political corruption has now firmly taken root with Jamaican ghettos run by
“Community Leaders” who are nothing more than drug barons. They wield
enormous influence over the ghettos and this influence is used to gain votes for
politicians in return for political protection. Money generated from the sale of crack
also greases the greedy palms of politicians, with even Prime Ministers demanding
the release of drug barons in their protection.

Poverty is rife in Jamaica and apart from joining gangs, the only way out of poverty
for most Jamaicans is to become a “drug mule”. Drug mules - most of them women
including pregnant women - are paid to carry the cocaine from Jamaica to North
America, Europe and of course Great Britain and deploy a variety of methods to
conceal the drug: in seams of trousers, false compartments in suitcases, hollowed
out heels and commonly, swallowing tightly-wrapped cocaine tablets - risky
business because the tiniest hole in the wrap or even a split will cause a lethal dose
of cocaine to be released into the stomach resulting in an agonising death.

Jamaican drug mules are responsible for providing 65% of the cocaine that reaches
Great Britain. These mules earn up to £5000 for each trip and given that the average
salary in Jamaica is £1500 a year, you can see why many choose to take the risk.
Here’s another shocking statistic: One third of all women in prison in England and
Wales are Jamaican drug mules.

However, although these mules are hoping to build a better life for themselves and
their families, they are doing it without any regard for the devastating consequences
endured by people who ingest the poison they carry and deliver, including children
and teenagers and little if any sympathy should be afforded to drug mules, they are
every bit an enemy of the British people as the gangsters.

Indeed the gangsters themselves have no pity, drug mules are just beasts of burden
and patsies for them, ten of whom die each year, with many more suffering
cocaine poisoning. But the scale of how much cocaine these mules bring into the
UK is astronomical as the following taken from the superb book “Crackhouse”

In 1999 UK Deputy High Commissioner in Jamaica Phil Sinkinson provided this


One in ten passengers on a flight to the UK is a mule.

If one in ten passengers are mules, this equates to a conservative estimate of


There are four flights every day for 50 weeks a year to the UK from Jamaica.

One kilo of cocaine converted into crack is worth between £60,000 and £90,000.


£1.2 BILLION is brought into the UK by Jamaican drug mules.

Oh, and surprise raids on Jamaican airliners conducted at London Heathrow and
Amsterdam Schiphol found DOUBLE these conservative estimates at London and
QUADRUPLE at Amsterdam.

Can you see why I call this a war against Britain? No? Well how about the fact
that the Jamaican police force was discovered to have formed an alliance with
the Colombian drug cartels? The game is to make our people dependent on their
poison so they can make millions of pounds whilst our society collapses. How
anyone can regard this as anything other than a war I do not know.

Perhaps the next stage of our journey will convince any doubter. Because now that
the cocaine has reached our nation, it is delivered to the various dealers and gangs
who carefully mix and heat the cocaine with sodium bicarbonate until the liquid
escapes from the crystals with an accompanying cracking sound. Crack cocaine
is now ready to be pushed onto Britons craving the exhilarating, sky-high rush it
quickly delivers.

Let’s Share The Crack

Here’s another appalling statistic. In the Daily Mail edition of 21st August 2009, it
reported that there are 350,000 heroin and crack addicts in the United Kingdom
raking in up to £1.6 billion in benefits. These are of course the ones the authorities
know about. What’s important to note here is that many users indulge the habit of
taking heroin AND crack cocaine, often one after the other in what is termed as
“back to back”.

Crack cocaine is one of the most addictive narcotics there is. The intense high
is delivered very quickly and wears off slowly. Users describe it as being akin to
blasting to orbit in a rocket and floating back down on a feather. One hit is all it
can take to make a user addicted and once addicted they will be the slave of their
addiction, each hour of each day devoted to obtaining the delirious high only crack
can provide.

Such a sweet high produces an intense craving in the user and will lead many of
them into a downward spiral where they engage in all manner of unsavoury and
criminal behaviours so they can afford to buy a fix: Thieving, mugging, begging,
dealing drugs, prostitution, dealing guns - whatever it takes to feed their habit, a
habit that costs on average £500 a week.

The behaviours crack induces in addicts are quite distressing. The first waking
moment will involve inhaling from the - empty from the night before - crack pipe.
Desperation takes hold and the addict will now use their fingers to comb through
the carpet and the floor in the hope of discovering a tiny rock that will bring
ecstasy, referred to as “ghost-busting”. As crack addicts are meticulous with their
precious rock, ghost-busting will always end in frustration, their desperation for
crack further stoked, lost zombies controlled by the overwhelming need for crack.

Crack induces “ticks” in users, such as scratching imaginary itches to the point
of severe bleeding, rubbing heads against walls, continually searching through
pockets or continually feeling objects such as balls. Many are totally unaware of
this behaviour.

Debts mount for addicts, the more debts they accumulate the more they crave the
relief from the fear of them only crack can provide. Marriages are destroyed, once
loving crack-addicted husbands beat their wives, once loving wives become crack
whores to feed their habit, all because of addiction to crack. To obtain money,
addicts indulge in benefit fraud, mugging and petty crime such as pick-pocketing.

Muggings are carried out against any target deemed easy and the consequences
suffered by the victim are irrelevant to the attacker. Shattered confidence, depression
and physical scars will blight the victim’s life for years but the money stolen from
them will last just minutes in the addict’s crack pipe. Then it’ll be someone else’s
turn to become an unwitting victim of crack addiction. Some addicts graduate into
serious crime such as armed robbery.

Anything goes to get crack. Anything.

And there’s no “honour among thieves” in the crack world. As well as addicts
stealing from each other, street dealers are robbed by other street dealers with
appalling violence deployed without mercy. To prevent their crack being stolen,
one of the most disgusting tactics street dealers deploy is to hide their stash in
bushes protected by dirty needles. Street dealers who are caught dealing on a gang’s
patch will be slashed, battered senseless or shot. This is not a game where players
play nice.

Fallen Angels

Perhaps most distressing of all is the exploitation of girls and women whose
addiction to crack leaves them wide open to the various perverts and predators
surrounding the drugs industry. Teenage girls are targeted by pimps, who will first
impress them as they play the role of loving boyfriend. Gradually, drugs and then
crack will be introduced and from that moment the girl is under the control of the

First she will be played with a guilt trip to “do your share to pay for rock”, then
encouraged to have unprotected sex with the pimp and a friend, then more and
more “friends”. Eventually, the girls will indulge in dangerous and perverted sex
including gang banging groups of perverts all engaging in unprotected sex just to
earn £150 and every penny of it will be spent on crack - supplied courtesy of the
pimp of course.

Crack addicted teenage girls are exploited mercilessly and the younger they are the
better. Twelve, thirteen and fourteen-year-old girls are so desperate for crack they
let perverts use them in any filthy way so they will be given crack and pimps supply
crack-addicted teens to paedophiles. The girls simply don’t care what is done to
them they crave the crack hit and this is all they think about, all that matters in life.
The only way they can make money to feed their addiction is to sell their tender
young bodies to satiate the depraved lust of beasts.

Adult women fare no better and their addiction to crack leads them into performing
all manner of extreme and perverted sexual acts. Extreme filthy acts such as “the hit
kiss” where addicts blow crack smoke into each others mouths or into the vagina
or anus. But the ultimate for a crack-addicted male is to experience the “double
master blast”. This is where the crack whore will perform oral sex on the addict
with the goal of timing his orgasm at the same time the crack rush hits. If she times
it right she will be rewarded with crack. If she times it wrong...

...and the possibility of this is more likely. Crack induces intense sexual urges but in
males, prolonged usage leads to impotence. If the guy cannot produce an erection,
the girl will be blamed and as well as denying her the precious crack, she will be
battered and beaten, sometimes repeatedly, always severely.

The brutal truth of the crack world is that men who own the crack are able to
manipulate the sexual encounters with addicts and all he has to do is withhold
the drug. If she doesn’t want to swallow his semen or have unprotected sex with
him and his friends - no crack. The addict will always cave in, they crave the crack
and in time they will be desperate for clients. STDs are rife, and for many crack
whores, personal hygiene is non-existent. Pimps will force these girls to have group
sex, sex with each other and with other addicts all unprotected and all controlled
by crack and HIV is an increasing problem with one in twenty-five crack addicts
HIV positive.
Please don’t be fooled into believing crack whores come from the poorer areas of our
society. Crack makes whores out of girls and women from all types of backgrounds.
One pertinent example being a high-class crack whore in London. When her grand
home was raided by the police, not only did they find a thriving cannabis farm,
they found copious amounts of crack and over ONE MILLION POUNDS IN
CASH. This was a whore with clients in high places and when she informed the
judge that most of her money was made from prostitution, he was all too keen to
believe her story and allowed her to keep around £300,000 of it.

By the way, this raid represents just ONE example of ONE house in ONE city, our
once-magnificent capital London.

Mother’s Ruin

Many of the girls and women whoring for crack fall pregnant and not only do
they continue smoking crack, they continue to provide sexual favours to fund their
addiction. A mother addicted to crack will give birth to babies sharing her addiction
and many babies overdose on crack whilst breast-feeding, fatally so. Another risk of
smoking crack during pregnancy is giving birth to babies with spina bifida.

As crack-addicted mothers aren’t responsible enough to look after their children,

many of these kids end up being taken into care. In 2006, twenty thousand
innocent victims of crack and subsequent parental neglect were placed into care
and out of a total of sixty thousand kids in care, 34% of the cases were drug-related.

For mothers who have had their kids taken from them and placed into state care,
the emotional void will be filled by further pregnancies and in one case, a crack-
addicted mother had fifteen children taken into care, what an absolutely tragic
circle to go around, all because of crack.

Children of crack addicts placed into care suffer long-term psychological

consequences all of which are exploited by crack dealers. Kids are ruthlessly targeted
by crack dealers, especially street dealers who use children - they call them “tinies”
- as runners to take crack from dealer to client. Tinies are less likely to attract the
law and are also easily intimidated and controlled by the dealers. Once in the gang
world, it is very hard for them to leave.

These kids learn just how lucrative drug dealing is. How do you explain to these
kids that it is better to stay away from gangs and drugs and to find a decent job
to provide for yourself and your family when they know they can make more in a
week or a month than most people earn in a year?

That many of them will never earn the vast amounts made by the serious players
is irrelevant. They know the rewards on offer and they will chase them come what
may. As one said: “Why should I cook fries and get no respect for eighteen grand a
year when in just six months of dealing I can buy my own restaurant?”

Another issue surrounds a cultural change in British youth who are adopting black
gangsta culture and attitudes - respect and disrespect, the way they talk, the way
they dress, the way they act and the way they arrogantly demand respect for nothing
in return - or else. All of this is contributing to the breakdown of British society.

Dawn Of A New Age

Since the turn of the new millennium, Great Britain has been gradually suffering
more and more from the effects of crack cocaine. Cruel and inhumane murders -
Mary Ann Leneghan, WPC Sharon Beshenivsky, Jesse James to name but a few
infamous ones - were all victims of crack addicts. Others such as the five prostitutes
murdered in Ipswich by Steve Wright died whilst selling their bodies to fund their
crack addiction.

As crack has spread from London, crack-related deaths have increased nine-fold
and in Aberdeen, the number of crack addicts increased by a staggering 600 per
cent in just five years and the trade in crack there - where it is five times the price
in London - is worth a stratospheric ten million pounds A WEEK!

Shootings in the UK have seen a three-fold increase and in 2006, London saw two
people shot every day. As crack spreads to other UK cities so too does violent crime
along with it. Gang hitmen will shoot anyone who gets in the way, from addicts,
dealers and rival gang members to children and witnesses - and their families - who
dare to give evidence against them.

Such is the reality of crack and I’ve only scratched the surface here. But before
I bring this essay to a close, there is one more enemy to be aware of, an enemy
that illustrates the power of the Colombian drug cartels and how cocaine is being
used as a chemical weapon of warfare that destroys nations, a weapon now being
deployed against Great Britain and the British people.

Out Of Africa

There is a tiny country located on the West African coast with a population of just
1.6 million, a tiny country where poverty is rife, the life expectancy is just forty
years and starvation is common. Its fishing stocks have been raided by European
fishers thus destroying the main source of income. It is an undeveloped nation
where electricity and communications infrastructure is at best basic.

Very few Britons will have heard of the place let alone possess an awareness of its
role in the trafficking of cocaine yet Guinea-Bissau is fast becoming one of the
major centres for cocaine trafficking on the planet. All because a shipwreck led to
fishermen discovering a stash of cocaine and when the Colombians arrived to buy
back what was left, they showed the natives how to use cocaine and how to cook it
to create its highly-addictive derivative, crack.

From having zero crack-addicts to hundreds of them in less than a year, addicts are
bringing the same degenerate behaviours and criminality described in this chapter
to this tiny nation.

For the drugs cartels, Guineau-Bissau provides a lawless hub from where they are
able to distribute enormous quantities of cocaine into Europe. With little in the
way of law enforcement to stop them, the cartels teamed up with the military
and quickly enabled cocaine to become the country’s main export and source of
income. Government corruption once again is rife as the country becomes gripped
by the drugs industry.

Cocaine is now trafficked into Europe from Africa, via the already established
networks used to smuggle cannabis from Morocco into Great Britain. The
Colombian drugs cartels have established themselves and have built luxury villas
for themselves and smaller homes including swimming pools for those who aid

To give you an idea of the scale of what we are facing, it is now estimated that one
third of the cocaine being smuggled into Europe is being trafficked from Guinea-
Bissau. It is now easier than ever for cocaine to be brought into Great Britain and
it is now easier than ever for cocaine and crack to be dealt in our towns and cities.
Such an abundance of cocaine means the street price has now dropped making it
more widely affordable for all.

What occurred to me whilst writing this chapter is the contrast between how the
white man brought medicine to bring life to Africa whereas the blacks from Jamaica
and now Guinea-Bissau bring medicine to the West - to Great Britain - that takes
life. It matters not how many lives are ruined because they’re whites - crackers. And
blacks still whine about slavery and colonialism, while curiously silent about the
malicious actions of their own. But I digress.

Failing to realise that this is a war against our people will result in one outcome:
destruction of our people and our nation. Right now, Great Britain is failing to
defend its borders in more ways than one. Cocaine is poisoning our people, the
more of our people who are poisoned the more devastating the impact upon our
society and the easier it is for enemies to achieve their goals of subjugating us,
conquering us and ultimately, destroying us.


The liberal approach to drugs again has tolerance at the core. Yet we’ve seen
repeatedly how tolerance fails. Liberals demanded the removal of the death penalty
and a focus on education and rehabilitation claiming it would reduce murders - it
didn’t work. Let’s tolerate homosexuality they said and now homosexuality isn’t just
tolerated - liberals are now encouraging it and promoting it to kids. Let’s tolerate
other people and other cultures they said. Look where that is taking us.

Now liberals demand we legalise drugs, again citing education as being the most
effective way to combat the drug problem. This would mean legalising ALL drugs,
including heroin and of course crack cocaine. Failing to legalise these will just
increase their appeal.

But I wonder how many “enlightened” liberals would be proud to see their thirteen-
year-old daughter being exploited by paedophiles who know she’ll do ANYTHING
for crack. Perhaps they could educate her in how to perform the perfect blow-job
for a crack addict to deliver the “master blast” so she doesn’t get used as a punch-
bag or a football? No way to avoid that if the guy can’t get wood though, but never
mind they’ll do it anyway.

Would liberals beam with pride to see their teenage sons injecting heroin in
government safe houses with their friends? Perhaps dad and lad could share a crack
pipe and maybe do “back to back” with a shot of heroin? And what family doesn’t
dream of seeing their well-educated drug-aware kids using cocaine or heroin
regularly in a “responsible” way? Never mind they’ll do it anyway.

What parental love for our young to give them legal access to highly-addictive
substances; to encourage them to take powerful narcotics that can make them
impotent, confused, violent, hyper-active and paranoid. Poisons that can send
them into a downward spiral that causes their lives to implode and leaves them
vulnerable and at the mercy of malicious predators and perverts ever ready to
pounce, ever ready to exploit lost and abandoned souls.

As British Nationalists, what aspirations are we holding for our people if we tell
them it’s perfectly fine to use narcotics that will not only poison their bodies, but
also the bodies of their babies?

And people wonder why I say the white race is behaving like lemmings. This liberal
approach to legalising drugs is a line of thinking that says well if only it were legal
then all the nasty problems would go away. I suggest they wouldn’t, that some
would worsen and that new problems would occur, including the trafficking of
prescription drugs. Legalising drugs will not stop the crime that comes with gangs
and their territory and there is no way with the amounts of power, control and
money involved that the gangs and cartels will simply say: “Right, that’s us then,
we’ll clear off now and let you get on with it.”

Then there is the issue of the state becoming a pusher and of pharmaceutical
companies becoming involved in a gang war to secure the supply of cocaine to
their laboratories along with asking them to produce highly addictive substances
that ruin health not improve it. All this at a time when smoking has been banned
in all public places! What madness.

I stated that I have only scratched the surface so here’s a couple of excellent sources
for you to discover more about the reality of gangs, drug trafficking, corruption and
of course, the harrowing realities endured by crack addicts.

1. Crackhouse, by Harry Keeble. I strongly recommend this book about how a

copper destroyed the crackhouses in Tottenham. It is a compelling read, I really
couldn’t put it down. The London gang scene is discussed in detail and you’ll
also meet some of the nastiest most violent gangsters from Jamaica and the US
who brought horror, death and destruction to the UK along with the distressing
experiences endured by addicts.

2. I found this whilst researching for the essay. Re-instating the death penalty is
a BNP policy and this site provides a superb, reasoned and rational argument to
support capital punishment.

Regarding drugs and Councillor Edwards’ comment, I agree with him, in fact I
would have no problem with making dealers and pushers eat their poison with the
first three being filmed. That is my personal view. However, I know many would
recoil at this so death by lethal injection would have my full support. The scum
who push their poison deserve it, I have absolutely no sympathy for any of them,
the same as they have for their victims.

3. Finally, another documentary I found that provided gripping and informative

viewing. This one is about the 18th Street Gang, how they control their territory,
how they punish those who cross them and it also includes footage of girls being
initiated into the gang.

I assert that the cartels and gangs - including collaborating governments - are
waging another form of asymmetric warfare against our people. It is a war that is
destroying our people and our nation while these enemies prosper and further their
goal of destroying us. They will not go away, they have to be fought and I believe
this is the duty of every British Nationalist.

Be careful what you wish for...

Genocide Of The Titans

Before I continue with this the final chapter of this book explaining how I believe
the white race is committing suicide, let’s just have a quick recap as to the main
issues covered thus far.

In the first chapter, Selected For Extinction: I asserted that the future of the white
race is seriously threatened. Although Christianity has been almost abandoned, the
moral inversion inherent in it and identified by the brilliant German philosopher
Friedrich Nietzsche - whereby the weak and the oppressed are regarded as moral
whereas the strong and the powerful are regarded as immoral - has been retained
and is being used to allow minorities to dominate our society, e.g. homosexuals,
Asians, women etc. It is being underpinned with a gross distortion of history to
always portray whites as exploiters and oppressors. I also explained that Marxists
are deploying this moral inversion through the new godless religion they created:
Liberalism and its holy trinity of Multiculturalism, Political Correctness and

Chapter Two: Halting The Tide: discussed the false notion of equality of all
peoples and all races and in Chapter Three, Walking The Wheel: I gave a brief
description of the state of Multiculturalism in white western societies along with an
assertion that whites are repeatedly behaving in the same flawed ways yet expecting
different results and I compared this to Einstein’s definition of insanity - with very
good reason because I assert that the white race is consciously making a choice for

Busting the myths surrounding the convenient scapegoats for the white race the
Jews - and explaining why it is the white race that is solely to blame for the current
desperate state it is now in was the theme of Chapter Four, Slaying David, Crippling
Britannia: and in Chapter Five, the feminisation of Western societies along with
a prediction that this would eventually cause women enormous suffering because
these societies are Galloping Headstrong Into Bondage: was also discussed. This
chapter sounds a very clear warning about the inhumane horrors Islam will impose
upon Western women should Islam conquer the West.

Exposing the harrowing nightmare lying Behind The Smiling Rainbow Mask: of
the Rainbow Nation of South Africa, a nation that along with Zimbabwe is falling
into chaos forms the Sixth Chapter and in Chapter Seven, Dancing With Dragons:
I explained how a variety of enemies are waging a war against the British people
through the trafficking of cocaine and heroin; how these drugs are destroying the
lives of Britons and how drugs and organised gangs present a very clear and deadly
serious threat to the stability of Western societies.

To wrap up the book, this final chapter will now discuss major events that have
happened during the last sixty or so years and will attempt to paint a clear picture
as to how and why the West - particularly Great Britain - is dying. And please don’t
think I’m being overly dramatic. Britannia, heavily blooded, battered and bruised,
is on her knees and we are running out of time to save her. Those who have violated
her are playing a very nasty game and right now they are the masters of the game

But what is the game they are playing?

Turning Points And Watersheds

The Second World War signalled the end of the once mighty British Empire.
Having fought a second major conflict just twenty years after the Great War had
cruelly robbed Great Britain of the flowers of one generation, the loss of more of its
fine young men not only weakened the nation, it brought significant changes. To
replace the loss of manpower, first women flooded into the workplace - something
that had also occurred during the Great War - then the beginning of immigration
with the British government offering affordable passage to Jamaicans willing to
work in the UK.

The arrival of the ship “MV Empire Windrush” at Tilbury on June 22 1948
signalled the first step of the Multicultural social experiment. But that isn’t the only
significant step the end of the Second World War brought that heralded enormous
changes for Great Britain.

Contrary to common public opinion - an opinion grounded no doubt from pride

in one’s nation and kin, there’s irony for you - Great Britain did not win World
War II. Although it can quite rightly claim the moral high ground in having fought
Hitler’s vile National Socialists of Germany and the brutal militarists of Imperial
Japan, this sense of moral pride is the only positive Great Britain can take from this
war because Great Britain paid a very heavy price for exercising its moral duties and
responsibilities in fighting to defend the world from tyrants.

Driven almost to bankruptcy with the costs of waging war and weakened by the loss
of so many fighting men together left Britain unable to maintain her magnificent
Empire. Additionally, native peoples around the Empire realised their demographic
advantage and having tasted war now demanded independence knowing full well
the weakened British were simply not in a position to resist. But as the sun finally
set on the British Empire, it rose on a new superpower and it is this dawn of a new
power that has caused, and is still to this day causing, enormous problems for Great

The clear victor of World War II was the United States of America. It emerged
triumphant, more wealthy than before the outbreak of war and assumed the role
of the world’s policeman having secured victory in Europe and in the Pacific. But
it is the USA’s role as being the winners in a European war that was to have a
catastrophic result.

Aware of increasing world dominance of the United States, European nations

in particular France and a fast-emerging, re-building West Germany - became
concerned that Europe was being overly-dominated by the United States and
moves were instigated to create greater European unity. Underpinning this was a
false belief that nationalism had caused both of the wars that had decimated the
continent, and an attitude that if nationalism was crushed war would end was also

Four men originated the plan for a Federal European Community and they are
names no British Nationalist should ever forget: Frenchmen Jean Monnet and
Robert Schuman, Belgian Paul-Henry Spaak and the Italian Alcide de Gasperi.

The efforts of these men led to the signing of The Treaty of Rome in 1957 by
the founding nations: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands and West
Germany and thus gave birth to the anti-democratic, anti-nationalist soviet-styled
European Union that exists today.

Rebirth Of A Nation

The changes brought about by the end of the Second World War that have brought
Britannia to her knees just sixty years after she ruled over the greatest Empire the
world has ever seen do not solely lie within the borders of Europe.

On November 29th 1947, the United Nations - another global community formed
to preserve the peace and end conflict - passed Resolution 181, and thus the nation
state of Israel proclaimed its independence on 14th May 1948. UN Resolution 181
approving the state of Israel was unanimously rejected by the Arab League and the
Arab nations and led to a year of fighting that eventually ceased and saw Jordan
take control of Judea and Samaria renamed the West Bank - while Egypt took
control of the Gaza strip.

A conflict in the Middle East that began with the return of the Jews to their
homeland of Israel around the 1870s that was supposed to end with UN Resolution
181 is still continuing today and the failure to find a peaceful solution to the Arab-
Israeli conflict has not only destabilized the Middle East it has also destabilized the
West, especially Europe as we shall now see.

In 1964, a paramilitary organisation calling itself “The Palestinian Liberation

Organisation” was founded with the stated aim of representing the interests of
the “Palestinian” people. The organisation, led by the Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat,
was perceived by many Westerners - including Britons - as having an interest in
establishing a two-state solution with the Israelis. Others who possessed a greater
understanding of Islam more correctly stated that its main goal was the destruction
of Israel and although this is far closer to the truth, it isn’t completely accurate and I
will elaborate on this soon. But the PLO was not only a thorn in Israel’s side, it was
also a very painful thorn in Europe’s side and the ramifications of what the PLO
did are still being endured by Europeans today.

In 1967, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan amassed their armies on the borders of
Israel, and the Jewish state launched a pre-emptive strike and routed the Arab
nations acquiring the West Bank and the Gaza strip as well as unifying the city of
Jerusalem. Israel’s victory led to the Arabs realising that they could not defeat Israel
via conventional warfare and so they would have to resort to other means to enable
them to “drive the Jews into the sea”.

The PLO has now been succeeded by openly terrorist organisations such as
Hizballah and HAMAS - both of whom state that the destruction of Israel is their
goal - and by the far more subtle Fatah, who also shares the same goal but differs as
to how best to achieve it.

The desires of the Arab - predominantly Muslim - nations to annihilate Israel would
have been of little consequence to the West were it not for one other watershed, a
watershed that even as I write is destroying the entire West with Great Britain being
one of the worst of its victims.

A Curse Of Nature

Dammam Number Seven is perhaps one of the most significant yet largely
anonymous sites in the history of the twentieth century. After signing a concessionary
agreement with the Saudi Arabian government in May 1933, the California-Arabian
Oil Company - Casoc - discovered in 1938 the first Saudi Arabian commercial oil
field in Dhahran and Dammam Number Seven, the seventh drilling site, was the
first to strike oil. In 1944, Casoc changed its name to Aramco, the Arab -American
oil company, and with production reaching 1,500 barrels a day, Aramco thrived.

What is purely a geographical accident of nature - the location of precious oil -

was to have far greater consequences than enabling American oil companies to
supply their oil-thirsty customers and earn huge profits as they pumped thousands
of barrels of crude a day from the abundant Saudi oil fields. Realising the enormous
wealth being generated by Saudi oil, the Saudi King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud threatened
to nationalise the entire oil production industry in Saudi Arabia unless the US
oil companies shared the profits 50/50. Helped by tax concessions from the US
government, in 1950, the oil companies agreed to the King’s request and for the
first time, the Saudis had exercised the power of their mighty oil weapon.

It would not be the last. With oil production in the United States having peaked
in 1970, the Yom Kippur war of 1973 showed exactly how much power the Saudis
along with their fellow Arabic oil producing nations could now wield. They decided
to limit the supply of oil to the United States for supporting and equipping Israel.
The Saudis threatened other countries with the same restrictions on oil supply if
they supported the USA and Israel and this caused conflict between the USA and
Europe. Normal supply would only be resumed if the USA brokered a successful
peace. After a settlement was signed between Israel and Syria over the Golan
Heights, the embargo was lifted - with increased oil prices.

The Americans had been brought almost to their knees by the oil weapon; NATO
had almost fractured; and Israel now found itself as the sacrificial lamb whose so-
called allies would offer it on a platter to secure Arab oil supplies to the USA and

Unable to defeat a single tiny nation militarily, the Arab nations now had the power
to divide Israel and her allies. They also realised that their precious and mighty oil
weapon would enable them to conquer not just Israel but the entire West because
the enormous profits they earned from the black liquid would enable them to first
resurrect and then export the ideology that will help them to subjugate and control
the people of the world under one global system:


This ideology which holds Islamic global supremacy to be a command from God
and which had been in decline since the fall of the Turkish caliphate in 1923 thus
further exacerbating the dominance over Islam by the West because the West
possessed a far greater scientific and technological superiority - had now been given
an unexpected kiss of life; a kiss willingly delivered by the dirty kuffars themselves
because of their insatiable lust for black gold.

The consequences of the 1973 oil crisis should not be underestimated. By 1974,
the Saudis had secured 60% ownership of Aramco and by 1980, they’d attained
100% ownership. Since 1973, a previously pro-Israel, pro-United States Western
media has become increasingly anti-Israel and in the case of both governments and
media throughout Europe, virulently anti-USA. The competition for oil between
two continents whose entire economies along with the stability of their societies
are completely dependent on the plentiful supply of oil has not only caused a
somewhat fractious and fragile relationship between the victor of the Second World
War and the nations it liberated, it has created a catastrophic subservience to the
Islamic world, and for Europe this has created a perilous situation that worsens by
the day and that threatens the long-term future of the indigenous peoples of this
once-mighty continent built upon Judeo-Christian foundations.

Because instead of maintaining a strong alliance with the nation that fought to
liberate Europe from tyranny, the need for oil has now led the governments of
Europe to form an unequal alliance with the very people whose sacred religious
duty is to conquer and subjugate them.

Subjugation Of The Titans

It didn’t take the Arab nations long to realise that they now had two very powerful
weapons which they could deploy against the West without resorting to high-risk
military warfare.

The absolutely-despised Israel with its unwanted Jewish presence on what was
formerly part of the sacred ground of Dar al Islam had now become an ace in their
hand. From the Arab perspective, the conflict against those “descendants of apes
and pigs” the Jews, could now be expanded to include the previously untouchable
dirty kuffars in Europe and through the openly terrorist PLO, they had an army
of fanatical believers all keen to sacrifice their lives for Islamic jihad and “fight
the unbelievers until fitna ceases to exist and the world solely belongs to Allah” as
commanded in 8:39 of the Qur’an.

Along with their precious and unexpected priceless gift generously bequeathed to
them by Mother nature, the Arab world was now receiving the oil riches it needed
to wage a third global jihad against the infidels with the aim of re-establishing
the global Islamic caliphate. The nature of warfare was about to change forever as
asymmetric warfare and not conventional warfare would be the new strategy of
choice for prosecuting the modern day Islamic jihad.

The Arabs also realised something else: Europe was but a small step away from the
borders of Dar al Islam and the lands of Europe bordering the Mediterranean sea
made very tempting and very obvious targets.

For many Britons, the whole concept of the European Union means a unifying
of the nations of Western and central Europe and I could also say this is true for
most Europeans too. I believe very few of them are aware that the European Union
is actively engaged in forming closer ties with North African and Middle Eastern
nations with the explicit aim of fostering free movement of people between the
people of the EU and the peoples of Islamic nations such as Syria, Egypt, The
Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Jordan. This is in addition to the
ongoing campaign to accept Islamic Turkey into the EU.

All of this is happening because during the 1970s, the Arab League demanded free
movement around Europe for Palestinian terrorists in return for immunity from
Islamic terrorist attacks. In his brilliant series of essays, “The Eurabia Code”:


the perceptive Norwegian essayist Fjordman reveals that the Italian government
of the time headed by Prime Minister Aldo Moro not only signed treaties with
Palestinian terror groups, these terror groups were also allowed to maintain armed
bases of operation in Italy.

Such an abject surrender has further empowered Dar al Islam and greatly
strengthened its foothold in Europe. Following on from this the Arabs have also
secured not only the sympathy of the European nations for the wholly fabricated
“Palestinian” cause, but also they have forced the European nations to hand over
thousands of millions of Euros to support this cause, taxpayers’ money meekly
handed over in what amounts to nothing more than jizya, the Islamic tax on dirty
kuffars to secure protection from their Muslim superiors.

Various organisations within the EU now exist with aim of aiding and abetting the
global Islamic jihad by promoting Islam and encouraging a tidal wave of Muslim
immigrants to flood into Europe. Muslim immigrants who have no intention
of integrating into their host societies and whose communities are financially
supported by the abundant petro-dollars of Saudi Arabia, the nation where the two
holiest of Islamic cities Mecca and Medina are located; a nation whose trillions of
petro-dollars are not only funding the hundreds of mosques dominating the skylines
of many European cities, they are funding the existence of Islamic organisations
whose sole raison d’etre is to wage jihad in a variety of ways against the dirty kuffar
to conquer the lands of Dar al Harb into Dar al Islam.

Fjordman’s “ The Eurabia Code”

I believe is essential reading for all British Nationalists, and readers will find much
more detail about how the EU is collaborating with Islamic nations to destroy
Europe. But be very assured: Europeans - including Britons - are being betrayed by
their own governments who are deliberately selling them out in a bid for personal
power. It is occurring because of another catastrophic turning point in Western

Fly The Red Flag High

In the three decades preceding the outbreak of World War II, the pure communist
ideology rooted in the philosophies of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had gradually
spread across the whole of Europe. Socialism, which asserts that a class struggle will
result in capitalism being replaced by a classless, stateless society, had become a
serious force in Western politics, encouraged with the establishment of the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1922 as the world’s first pure communist state.

Socialism had also been gathering momentum in Great Britain during the lead up
to World War II and after hostilities had ended, the British people gave the Labour
Party the mandate to rebuild the nation. The administration was to introduce a
number of social reforms including National Insurance, free health care for all
under the National Health Service and financial assistance for unemployed citizens.

The state had taken the first steps towards providing welfare for all of its citizens,
a step which over the years has allowed the British people to vote more and more
money for themselves and enjoy cradle-to-grave welfare all provided by a benevolent
socialist state. From providing for fatherless children to paying funeral expenses,
the state will provide not only for those who are in need but also for those who
choose welfare as a lifestyle choice.

Like their European socialist comrades, it was imperative for them that the horrors
and losses of the two World Wars were never to be repeated and to ensure this,
the root cause of these wars had to be identified. Exploiting the hatred across the
continent for Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, the blame was laid firmly - and deceptively
- at the door of nationalism and throughout Britain and Europe - socialists waged
a propaganda war in subtle and not-so-subtle ways to demonise nationalists and
in doing so, have dramatically altered the entire culture and way of life established
over centuries in Great Britain and Western Europe.

For socialists, the state is all. Loyalties to families, communities, to religions and to
ideologies must be dismantled, as loyalty to the state is paramount and anything
that threatens this is deemed a legitimate target for social re-engineering. Since
the end of World War II, Christianity in Great Britain has declined so much that
not only do the Christian clergy preach to sparse congregations, many churches
have either been converted into mosques or simply demolished. A new religion
has arisen that has now overtaken Christianity and it is a religion followed by the
majority of European citizens, a religion created by Marxists to prosecute their goal
to establish the classless society:

Liberalism and its holy trinity of Multiculturalism, Tolerance and Political

Socialists realised that if the blame for the carnage of the two world wars was to
be laid at the door of European nationalists then they would have to attack all the
foundations that made the West so strong and powerful. First and most obvious is
the colour of the indigenous Europeans who are predominantly white, and Marx
himself stated that colour and not class would be the defining factor in the struggle
to create the socialist utopia.

Laying a guilt trip on an entire race of people has been a task socialists have
performed with great relish and enthusiasm in a variety of ways. Falsely blaming
nationalism of the white race for the two world wars was just the starting point. In
Great Britain, via the print and broadcast media, the entire history of the British
people has been placed under the microscope with the atrocities committed by
the British colonialists throughout the British Empire being maximised whilst
atrocities committed by other races are minimised. Every noble achievement of the
British Empire has been belittled and castigated, with history being re-written to
ensure that the British are portrayed as the strong, the cruel oppressors who abused
the weak indigenous peoples of the Empire, stealing their wealth, colonising their
lands, waging continual murderous wars against them and enslaving them as the
evil British plundered nation after nation.

No British nationalist needs to be reminded how slavery has been continually used
to demonise the British people and to make them feel guilty not only for the
unpardonable “sins” of their forebears but indeed for the crime of being white.
Liberal-Multiculturalists will always cite the “sins” of whites committed centuries
previous, but conveniently, will not mention either the wars Britain fought to
liberate people from tyranny and slavery, nor mention that other races especially
Turks and Arabs and the “poor oppressed black” have committed far more of these
crimes in their histories and continue to do so with impunity.

It logically follows that if whites are to blame for such heinous crimes and atrocities
then everything they have created must be bad also and this may explain why
guilt-ridden Britons have been reluctant to defend their religions, their traditions
and their way of life to the point where they bow and subjugate themselves to
accommodate the never-ending demands of hordes of alien invaders, especially
Muslims and blacks.

The Multicultural society has been forcibly imposed upon Great Britain with
indigenous Britons now minorities in many inner city areas, the communities of
expendable Britons who are now foreigners in their own land. The Multicultural
“rainbow” religion has replaced Christianity and its believers are filled with self-
righteousness and an unshakeable belief that they and they alone possess the
truth. Unbelievers and sinners who dare to question their perfect truth will be
dehumanised as racists, fascists and of course, the favourite smear deployed by
socialists, Nazis.

Marxists have infested the British education system and schools and universities
are now the madrassas of Multiculturalism, brainwashing impressionable young
citizens with Socialist-Multicultural doctrine, imposing upon them a false view of
British history so that they develop a deep sense of guilt and loathing for their own
people and a wholly misplaced and totally unmerited sense of duty and sympathy
towards other races and minorities who they believe have been oppressed and who
are always portrayed as victims.

Despite the efforts of the Marxists and the socialists to create their classless
multicultural utopia, the reality is clearly showing that there is something very,
very wrong with modern day Great Britain. Very wrong indeed.

Déjà Vous

The assertion that all people are equal (discussed fully in Chapter Two) is simply
nothing more than well, an assertion. It flies in the face of Nature but where
Marxism is concerned, all one has to do is to look at those who are conducting the
not-so-great socialist Multicultural experiment to see how bankrupt this assertion
actually is.

As ever those who piously preach the wonders of their religion are often-times
the very last people who intend to practice it. The Liberal-Multicultural religion
also has its pious clergy - the celebrity-courting socialist politicians, actors and TV
personalities, musicians, sport stars etc. - where stadia, theatre, television, cinema
and rock concerts attract the flock to the new churches to hear preachers reveal the
good news. And as has been the case with all religions throughout human history,
believers and preachers alike are blind to their own sins, they avoid responsibility
and accountability for the dire consequences of what they impose upon society and
always bask under a “look at me I’m a true believer” false sun but never ever face
the harsh realities of the suffering they and they alone have been responsible for

Great Britain has recently seen exactly how this works as politicians from all parties
- all Liberal-Multiculturalists - had their hypocrisy laid bare as the expenses scandal
broke in the press. The extent to which public servants had pilfered the public
purse demonstrated that these “holier than thou” pious Liberal-Multiculturalists
possess a seething contempt for those who believe in them and who vote for them,
believers whom they lie to and deceive at every turn and then steal taxpayers’ money
at will solely for personal gain.

Swindlers, con artists, exploiters and parasites have zero respect for the gullible fools
they prey upon and these greedy avaricious Marxist-Liberal parasites have shown
precisely what little respect they have for the British people; British democracy; the
British Houses of Parliament and the rule of British common law all of which the
pious Marxist-Liberals have royally abused and dumped the lot without so much
as a wink into a festering, rancid sewer.

The mantra of those who are busy creating the Multicultural utopia is “do as I
say not as I do because I am more equal than you”. They are an unequal elite and
their sneering, condescending attitude is not born from a sincere desire to serve the
people and represent the will of the people but a smug piety that the public now
exist to serve the will of the Marxist-Multiculturalist politicians and their lackeys
who as the high-priests of Liberal-Multiculturalism know precisely what is best for

As such they are no longer political servants but preachers of a creed, the new
priests, rabbis and imams who guide the flock and keep them from straying into
immorality (i.e. non-belief in Multiculturalism) and so the flock do not need to be
consulted about:

• Who is allowed to cross their borders and take up residence in their communities

• How criminals - especially paedophiles and murderers - are punished

• How much tax they should pay

• Whether or not they wish to retain British sovereignty or be governed by

unelected and unaccountable foreigners residing in foreign lands

• If they are allowed to keep their culture and traditions or have them replaced
by the cultures and traditions of alien immigrants

• If the infrastructures that serve the entire British people should be sold off to
private corporations or even foreign governments

• How their children will be taught in British schools including sexual education
and the promotion of unnatural and unhealthy behaviours as being sensible
lifestyle choices equal to more natural, more healthy behaviours

And while they have decimated Britain’s cities and forced their own people to
live in a multi-racial boiling cauldron that has destroyed their once proud British
communities and their traditional British way of life, supposed socialists have been
profiteering from it all and living a privileged life far removed from the rainbow
societies they have created.

Crimes Against The People

All of this is happening across Europe and all of it is being imposed by socialist elites
who zealously pursue the goal of creating a Multicultural, classless and stateless
Federal Europe. What you and I are witnessing before our very eyes amounts to
nothing less than a coup d’état - a power grab by the European socialist elites. And
as they go about establishing the single European Union, they are doing it without
a mandate from the entire European population, and even when the people of
France, Holland and Ireland refused to give them the mandate, these power-hungry
self-righteous socialists simply ignored the will of the people - along with their own
rules of governance - and carried on regardless.

This total disregard of the will of the people has rendered the ballot box option an
illusion and it is clear that power is now wielded by an unelected politburo in the
EU and by influential organisations such as the Bilderberg Group and especially
by the Saudis. Ruled by socialists who are hell-bent on destroying nation states and
poisoned by their insatiable thirst for Islamic oil, the peoples of Great Britain and
Europe are ripe for the conquering by Islam and they are already being prepared for
dhimmitude, a fate which the EU hasn’t just accepted on behalf of the people, it has
been collaborating with the enemy to help Islamic jihadists achieve it.

Be in no doubt whatsoever: Democracy is now dead. Various minority groups in

society are able to vote for parties who will place their interests over the interests
of the majority of society. This includes being able to vote for money, or voting for
ethnic interests best served by a party that will penalise, punish, discriminate and
betray the interests of their own people by placing the interests of ethnic minorities
and alien invaders first and foremost.

To maintain their grasp on the reins of power, brainwashing through the media
and through the education system so that indigenous Britons feel guilty about their
birthright and are diabolically smeared as “Racists” if they seek to place their own
interests before the interest of other races, is now commonplace.

Indigenous Britons - and Europeans - have been reduced to nothing more than
sacrificial lambs to be mercilessly offered on the altar of Multiculturalism to placate
the God of Islam and to satisfy the West-hating Marxist-Liberal priests of the
Multicultural religion.

This is an age where the British media have completely abandoned their remit to
inform the British people impartially and fairly and are now openly promoting
the Multicultural ideology and are willingly acting as propaganda merchants for
the enemies, the traitors and the colonisers of Great Britain. Patriots - the lowest
of unbelievers - who wish to preserve their British identity are publicly named,
shamed, humiliated and dehumanised along with tacit and subtle calls for violence
against nationalist Britons.

News events are reported to portray unbelievers in the worst possible light all
underpinned with lies, deceptions and even fabrications and in the cases of the
Islamic jihad waged against Israel and Serbia, the deceitful reporting committed
by the Western media including BBC News and ITN amounts to war crimes, evil
heinous crimes that cost the lives of thousands of innocent people including those
who were murdered on 9/11. The media’s deceit also led to the deplorable 78-day
bombing of Serbia by NATO, another vile war crime and I will be posting an essay
on the Green Arrow website very soon containing shocking evidence to support
this most serious accusation. The British media are up to their necks in the blood
of innocents, and don’t dare for one second to doubt it or forget it.

All of this spells out a message loudly and clearly: The British media - that is,
the news print media, the entire broadcast media, the journalists, researchers,
presenters, camera crews, junior and senior level management and the NUJ - are
engaged in committing acts of war against the British people, the most serious
charge of all being treason but certainly not limited to this. They are the modern-
day Lord Haw-Haws, mocking and laughing at the demise of the British people
whilst they aid and abet those who seek to destroy Great Britain and the British
So keen are the media to betray their own people they are forgetting a very basic
rule about warfare: Those who start a war will not dictate how it ends and having
chosen their side and their ideology, it may just be that when the British Lion rises
from its slumber, the traitors in the media will bitterly regret provoking it.

What should be absolutely understood is that the media are no different to the
greedy parasites in Westminster. The media are betraying their people and they
are doing it for money. It is treason, they have betrayed their own, they knowingly
spread enemy propaganda and are therefore actively engaged in acts of war against
the British people. I see no reason why traitors who betray their own and who are
enabling the enemy to fight and prevail on British soil should be exempt from the
consequences of their sickening collaboration. It is my hope that the British people
will serve justice on them via the courts once the BNP are elected.

However, should a civil war break out - and I believe this is now a question of
when, because of what these Liberal-Multicultural traitors have created with their
pernicious social experiment - then justice will have to be served on them in an
alternative manner. Either way, I for one will feel no sympathy for those who, solely
motivated by an insatiable lust for money and power, sold out their own people
with scant regard for the horrendous consequences they forcibly imposed upon the
British people whose communities have been destroyed and torn asunder by the
Multicultural social experiment.

Corruption of Morality

The way the nature of war has changed is alas understood by all too few. Warfare
has now evolved into asymmetric warfare where a militarily weaker enemy can
deploy a variety of tactics to confuse and defeat their enemies. In addition to terror
attacks committed by combatants who masquerade as civilians, there is propaganda,
deceptions, demographics, colonisation and imposing doctrine upon the enemy
and claiming victim status to win sympathy from the enemy’s populace all being
conducted right now in the West as part of the current third global Islamic jihad
being financed by the oil -rich Middle East, most notably Saudi Arabia.

Under the anaesthetics of tolerance and diversity, the modern day global jihad is
gaining momentum in Great Britain because it is being aided and abetted by the
British government and the British media, and all of them together are conducting
a psy-op on the British people to keep them in the dark as to the nightmare reality
of Islam that awaits them.
Those who are clued-in to what is happening will soon feel the wrath of the Liberal-
Multicult clergy and their brainwashed disciples. Anti-war and anti-violence -
unless deployed against those who dare to disagree with them - are core principles
of Liberals who will smear and demonise those who seek to fight back as “haters”
or the utterly bankrupt “Islamophobe” and of course “Nazis” to stop them resisting
their own demise.

This is again a clear demonstration of siding with the weak and crippling the strong.
Strong nations are always wrong if they resort to violence, whilst so-called weaker
nations, especially the nations of blacks, Muslims, “Palestinians” etc. will always be
portrayed as weak victims of the strong who have been forced to resort to violence
because of their “oppression”.

Violence just begets violence they screech. Thus for strong nations, appeasement
is the only “moral” option. Our enemies know this, and they continue to make
demand after demand backed by threat after threat.

“Give us this or else”. Britain gives and they come back with “give us this or else”
and Britain gives again then they come back with “now give us this or else” and if
Britain dares to refuse, they along with the Liberals scream “oppression!”

What Liberals and their fellow pacifists completely fail to accept is that a lack of
the will to fight one’s enemies invites subjugation. Failing to fight those who seek
to conquer you is cowardice and the only reward of cowardice is loss of freedom.
Only Western nations are forced to handicap themselves in this way, meanwhile,
our enemies and in particular African blacks and Muslim jihadists, are free to wage
war via any murderous way they choose.

But no matter what slaughters and atrocities are committed by our enemies, Great
Britain - and the West - must not deploy violence to defend itself and if it does,
it comes under intense scrutiny from the duplicitous media and the West-hating
outraged eyes of a myriad of self-perpetuating “Human Rights” organisations such
as The UN, the Red Cross, and Amnesty International who will always side with
the enemies of the West as little Israel has continually experienced each time it has
been forced to defend itself against the genocidal Islamic jihad being waged against

Yet those evil forces waging jihad against Israel - and against almost every other
dirty kuffar nation in the world - never come under such intense scrutiny no matter
what. Selfish greed, self-righteousness and self-loathing form a deadly cocktail
that amounts to nothing less than an outright betrayal of the noble values these
supposed guardians of human rights were founded upon. These pious Liberal-
Multiculturalists who dream of a one-world government in a stateless world make
it quite clear that everybody has human rights - except the citizens of the West and
Israel who have no human rights whatsoever to defend their nations and preserve
their cultures, traditions and way of life.

There is nothing honourable or moral about this because it is abject weakness

amounting to a willing, suicidal submission. It is based on a childish “if we give
you this then you MIGHT give us peace”. It is not new, it never succeeds and as the
appeaser Neville Chamberlain discovered to his enormous political and personal
cost, to be an appeaser means that eventually your cowardice will condemn you, he
a man humiliated and shamed by Churchill, a broken man who died not long after
and who was thanked for his cowardice by a nation who buried him at night time.

The consequences of continual appeasement - cowardice - are to live as conquered

peoples who live on their knees as serfs. But better to die on your feet than live
cowering and kneeling before your enemy. And by God are the British cowering,
and by God are the British reaping the rewards of this sickening suicide.

False Hubris

Appeasement is the refuge of the coward who lacks the courage to fight and defend
his beliefs and who wishes through appeasement that his enemies will embrace
cowardice too. But the harsh truth is that one can avoid making hard decisions, one
can avoid taking strong actions and one can avoid fighting to defend freedom. But
one cannot avoid the consequences of cowardice and one cannot avoid the laws of
Mother nature that govern all life on this planet. Life is hard and it is competitive
and those who refuse to defend their territory will be conquered and replaced by
those who will fight for territory.

Continually appeasing enemies highlights the dangerous stupidity of Liberals:

They scream their vitriol and mantras of equality from behind the safety of freedom
- a freedom fought for and paid for in blood by soldiers, sailors and airmen who
sacrificed their lives for their freedom. Without these courageous warriors, the
Liberal would be as extinct as a dinosaur because other hateful and supremacist
humans would have enslaved or executed every last one of them.

Those who now vehemently oppose war are the very same people who have benefited
enormously from it. They are parasites who thrive off the dead of their own to hate
their own and in doing so they are collaborating with the enemy. They claim that
appeasement and non-violence is the way to uphold their often childish, naive and
contradictory principles of human rights, democracy and freedom yet those whose
nefarious causes they defend DO NOT SHARE THEIR MORALITY.

Liberals and their fellow appeasers want to enjoy the fruits of freedom paid for in
blood by others but do not want to make the same sacrifice to defend this precious
freedom. Blinded by their own piety, they pursue peace at any cost and this will
eventually result in the total loss of liberty which is exactly what is now happening
in Great Britain and Western Europe.

But there is a fatal flaw with appeasement. The core of appeasement asserts that if
one is nice to others then they’ll be nice back. Dead wrong. The nicer you are to
your enemy the more they despise you for being weak and the more convinced they
are that they are absolutely right to conquer and subjugate you. Even destroy you
completely and steal what you have.

This is Nature at work. When a strong group allows a weaker group to first become
its equal then its master, the weaker group will hold nothing but contempt and
scorn for the stronger group. This is happening throughout Western societies -
most strikingly in South Africa - where the weaker races of every kind are allowed
to dominate the strong, who, for their meek appeasement, are rewarded with ever-
increasing demands and ever-increasing hatred.

What we are seeing right now in the West and in Great Britain is a declaration
of war on whites by other races who then dehumanise whites as racists if they
dare question what is happening or heaven forbid, have the guts to fight back and
defend their own territory.

It is time the British people realised that the demonising and smearing is being used
as a weapon of war with a defined goal: To identify and deploy pejorative, mind-
jolting phrases to silence people who want to defend their culture, traditions and
nation. Such dehumanising behaviour is nothing new.

From fanatical and pious Christians with their “Witch”, “Blasphemer”, “Heretic”
and “Anti-Christ”; Muslims with their deplorable reference to non-believers as
“dirty kuffars”; Adolf Hitler’s vile references to Jews, Gypsies, and the physically
and mentally handicapped as “untermensch”; today’s demented Marxists, Liberals
and Multiculturalists who scream “Nazi” and “Racist” at anybody and anyone who
refuses to believe in their perfect, absolute rainbow truth, going right through to
the new white-haters on the block, the “environmentalists” who screech “Denier”
at people who choose to believe the science regarding Global Warming and Climate
change instead of listening to profiteering con-artists like Al Gore - who failed his
basic science exam - dehumanising dissenters has always been the grubby refuge of
the self righteous, bigoted tyrant.

This deplorable and dishonest practice of demonising people who argue against
deeply flawed ideologies is as ancient as it is bankrupt. But for those who possess
courage, perception and understanding, such powerful phrases have no bearing
on the truth and they also realise that the use of these terms in such a dishonest
manner constitutes a breach of human rights because they are being used solely to
avoid any criticism of flawed and failing totalitarian ideologies and therefore deny
free speech and stifle debate. The irony is that these self-appointed guardians of
morality will resort to the same violent and despicable tactics they so readily and
unfairly accuse their opponents.

Genocide Of The Titans

And they should be called on it time and time and time again because it is clear
evidence that they know full well just how bankrupt and downright wrong their
beliefs truly are and that such hypocrites are frightened to death of the truth and
will do anything to suppress it.

Look at Israel for clear evidence. These people - the Liberal-Left - demonise and
de-humanise their opponents most commonly with the words “Nazi”, “Racist”
and “Fascist”. Yet at the same time, they march in support of “Palestinians”
complete with HAMAS and Hizballah flags, insist the UN investigate “Nazi” Israel
for war crimes, demand “Nazi” Israel leave “Occupied Territories” and instruct
“Nazi” Israel to restrict the number of Jewish births in the settlements in their own
homeland and who also fund and support terrorist organisations who are sworn to
the destruction of Israel - and the West.

In what can only be described as blind hypocrisy, they blame the Jews for terrorist
attacks against them and believe that all would be peace and light if the Jews would
kindly allow themselves to be exterminated by their enemies. In other words, the
end goal is to make the Middle East “Jew free”, or as another left-wing Jew-hating
socialist liked to say: “Judenrein”.

And to support this genocidal stance towards Israel, Liberals and Multiculturalists
deploy the same absolutely vile excuses as paedophiles and rapists do to excuse their
diabolical crimes: The victims are not really victims, they were asking for what they
got, i.e. slut women and “knowing kids” fully deserve being raped and “evil Nazi”
Jews deserve annihilation.

The hypocrisy is not restricted to Israel and the Jews, the left adopts the same
approach to race issues: Whatever blacks and Muslims do is somehow twisted to
prove that “racist” white victims and “inherently racist” white societies are always
to blame, whether it’s for the unforgivable crime of Apartheid, the inhuman
oppression of slavery or the criminal invasion of Iraq or the blood-thirsty crusades,
or the unjust oppression of the Roma in “Racist” Northern Ireland, there is no
depth to which these devious and conniving pity-filled tyrants will not stoop to
always prove their ideology is right, that other races are always the victims and that
whites and Jews are always strong, evil, ignoble oppressors who must be destroyed
for their crimes against humanity.

Their cowardice and hypocrisy makes me retch and I firmly believe this is hard
evidence to support my claim that Multiculturalists and Liberals are psychologically
ill. Because the only conclusion anybody with an ounce of sense can arrive at is
that Multiculturalists and Liberals feel nothing at all for other races apart from
pity because they are filled with self-loathing, guilt and intense hatred for their
own countries and their own people. They are filled with hatred for these for no
other reason than the fact that Great Britain and the West are the most successful
nations in the competition for survival on planet Earth, nations whose people have
advanced the whole of mankind far more than any other races yet who must pay
for their “unfair” success by being reduced to the level of weaker nations. I have to
say that this particularly applies to Great Britain and I don’t believe I now need to
elaborate as to why.

This means that once the Middle East has become “Judenrein” then the attention
of Muslims, Blacks, Socialists and Liberals can focus fully on making Western
societies “Weissrein”. This genocidal goal is already being prosecuted in South
Africa, Great Britain and Europe, and the recent blatant anti-white openly racist
election in the US to elect a mixed-race “black” Muslim who is fast proving he is
the biggest coward to ever shame the White House adds further proof to what is
going on. Can you imagine what will happen in 20-30 years’ time when whites will
be a minority throughout the West?

Plan For The Future

Imagining such a future shines the spotlight of truth on Liberal-Multiculturalists

and exposes their true cowardice: By choosing continual appeasement, they
are willingly bargaining away the future of British children. What is absolutely
deplorable about their appeasement is that they avoid the difficult hard decisions
and pass on the responsibility to future generations who will face the horrifying
prospect of being minorities in their own land, or worse, living as second class
citizens - dhimmis - should Islam triumph.

The bottom line is that Liberals and Multiculturalists play their devious destructive
game hiding behind and enjoying in abundance the fruits of freedom and liberty
paid for in blood by millions of their kinsmen who sacrificed their today for a better
tomorrow. A better tomorrow to be enjoyed and nurtured by future generations
but who instead willingly defecate all over their sacrifice and meekly surrender
the freedoms they fought and died for to hate-filled and fanatical invaders who
want to conquer Great Britain and who have nothing but contempt for freedom,
democracy and human rights.

It’s way past tea to lay bare this sickening cowardice of the Liberal Multiculturalist,
a pious, selfish parasite of liberty who reaps the priceless commodity of freedom in
abundance but who possess neither the will nor the backbone to fight and defend
freedom so future generations can live and enjoy the very freedom these lily-livered
weasels take for granted. For such cowards anything is better than fighting, for
them even living on bended knee with head bowed is a more morally correct choice
than having to wage war and preserve freedoms for their offspring and they’ll chant
their little mantra: “War what is it good for, absolutely nothing” smugly unaware
that were it not for war and the selfless sacrifice of their forebears these leeches
wouldn’t enjoy the freedom to protest and sing their immature songs.

By committing such a criminal abrogation of responsibilities to those who follow,

and by refusing to discriminate against evil, they ensure that future generations of
innocents will have to suffer and they are going to have to pay a very heavy price
one way or another for the cowardice of their forebears. Forebears who tolerate
everything and anything except for their own people who wish to preserve their
identity and their way of life and who are willing to fight and protect their nation
because they believe that prostrating yourself before enemies who hate you all in
the name of peace is a sure-fire way to destroy your own nation and your own

Such craven cowardice is sending a clear and easily understood message to the
enemies of the West: This is now a society in decline that is ripe for the taking.
Make no mistake, it is a message they all understand, and like vultures hovering
in anticipation for their prey’s final breath, they are gathering en-masse within the
West’s borders.

To excuse their cowardice, a culture of denial is created. Denial of the existence

of hatred; of the desire to conquer and subjugate other people and their nations;
denial of the existence of jealousy and greed and covetousness; denial of the
existence of evil among and between different races, different cultures, different
tribes and different ideologies. Marxist-Liberals always promote equality of all races
yet demonise the white race as the only people who are racists. Some races are more
equal than others it would seem.

As stated above, the white race in the West have created the most prosperous
and advanced societies in the world yet naive Liberal-Multiculturalists deny the
possibility that other races would ever want to smash these societies and take for
themselves what the white man has abundantly and industrially created. A fact of
Nature is the existence of parasites, indeed, parasites and their hosts are the very
core of all life on this planet and parasites exist in the human race too.

Time Waits Not For Man Nor Titan

What is happening right now is that those races who cannot create wealth for
themselves will demand as much as they can from whites and if they don’t get
it they will resort to threats and violence. At the same time they will play by the
white man’s rules whilst making themselves stronger and stronger in the West with
the aim of conquering it. And suicidal fantasy-led weak Liberals are helping them
achieve it, they are dragging their own race into the abyss and our enemies know
it all too well. Jealous, self-hating, Western-loathing, success-despising Marxists
know it too and they are deliberately using all of this to destroy their own societies.

It is totally a one-way street. Only the West is playing this suicidal game, only the
West is inviting hordes of alien immigrants to flood into their lands, and while
Africa, the Middle East and the Far East all retain their cultures and traditions
and fiercely uphold them, the West is being altered dramatically and possibly

The spread of Islam illustrates this perfectly. While Western societies allow Muslims
to proselytise and to build mosque after mosque in city after city, Islamic countries
forbid other religions to proselytise and throughout the Middle East, Christians
who try to spread their faith are executed and Christians live in a state of total
subjugation. Yet the West - including Christians - fully supports the rights of
Muslims to proselytise and Islam flourishes in the West, especially in Great Britain,
all paid for and funded by Saudi Arabia who uses the petro-dollars given them by
the dirty kuffars themselves to conquer the nations of Europe into Dar al Islam.

It is madness, absolute madness be in no doubt about it. And Enoch Powell called
it such more than forty years ago. He said:

“Those the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad.”

It is pretty clear to me that the Titans are now mad. And if the madness continues,
the Titans are not going to live much longer. The clock is ticking and time is
running out for the greatest civilisation the world has ever seen.

It is time the madness stopped.


With the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, it is clear that the coup d’état is proceeding
at haste and it is imperative now that British Nationalists respond quickly and
firmly as time is very much against us.

The end game for the Titans is now being played out. Of that I have absolutely no

Can Britannia Be Saved?
From Titans To Lemmings -
Epilogue - An Invitation To Debate

Whilst writing the eight chapters of “From Titans To Lemmings - The Suicide Of
The White Race”, several major issues arose and I would like to share my thoughts
with my fellow nationalists. The issues raised have caused me think very deeply
about the current situation and consider how best to wage the battle to save Great
Britain and preserve the identity of the British people. One of the biggest questions
I considered is:

Can The Titans Be Saved?

Great Britain really is in a desperate situation, so desperate that it may now no

longer be possible to not only halt what is being done, but also to restore Great
Britain to what it was and indeed one could say the same about Western civilisation
as a whole.

It is strikingly obvious that Marxism, with its Liberal-Multiculturalism spawns, is

now THE dominant ideology throughout ALL Western societies. With the advent
of the Marxist European Union, Great Britain will cease to exist as a sovereign
state. Democracy in Britain is now well and truly dead, and no matter which of the
established parties wins the next “election” it will be more of the same: The EU,
mass immigration, foreign aid, multiculturalism, economic instability, punitive
taxation (and without representation at that) and social degeneration.

Did I say “economic instability”? Better make that economic collapse because the
entire global economy is utterly and catastrophically bankrupt and it is only a
matter of time as to when it completely implodes.

The entire print and broadcast media will continue to brainwash the people with
the Multicultural doctrine through lies and deceit - an act of war against Britons -
and the media have so much power over the people they will also shape which way

the masses will vote in what will be nothing more than a sham election, a pretence
of democracy conducted to fool the people and anaesthetise them to the unpleasant
totalitarian Marxist reality that is being established by stealth.

Borders are not enforced, immigrants have more rights than indigenous peoples
and MPs are now redundant as laws are passed by an unelected politburo in a
foreign land, a group of people who the British people do not even know the names
of never mind vote for, a group who is not answerable or accountable in any way to
the British people. Such power is a Marxist dream.

The Marxists have triumphed, they have achieved what Hitler wanted, socialism
for Europe, a Federal Europe designed and now ruled by socialists and it has been
achieved by criminals and traitors engaged in conducting a coup d’état. Threats and
unfair pressure have been applied to governments who disagreed, to Presidents
who stalled, and even the results of elections have been ignored. Those who oppose
the Marxists are publicly vilified yet the ones who have conducted the coup have
no hesitation in deploying violence, mob rule, lies and deceptions to achieve their
aims. The fascists aren’t the patriots who are smeared and dehumanised relentlessly,
the fascists are the ones in power and they are determined that now they have
achieved power, they will never let it go.

And the reigning British Monarch hasn’t said a word in defence of the British

No Going Back

It has to be said, and honestly, it pains me greatly to write this, but it’s a truth
that must be stated, that the Britain we all once knew and the Britain all patriots
are fighting to preserve - make that “re-establish” - has changed dramatically. The
British people, brainwashed by Marxist/Socialist doctrine throughout all levels of
society for the last fifty years are not the same people they used to be. Christianity,
once the fulcrum of family and community life has all but died and even the Church
of England has undergone drastic changes, from homosexual and female clergy - an
outright flouting of the teachings of the Bible - to openly endorsing Islamic sharia
law, a law that gives Muslims around the world free rein to oppress and slaughter
Christians - and any other unbelievers, all of them regarded by Muslims as “dirty

All of this begs the question:

Is it possible to resurrect the Christian faith in Britain?

Britain IS multicultural. What nationalists may have to realise is that whether

Multiculturalism is moral or immoral, the majority of British people WANT a
multicultural society. It may well be possible for a BNP government to halt
immigration but it is not beyond the realms of reality to suggest that it will be
absolutely impossible to reverse Multiculturalism. This means - and again it really
hurts me to write this believe me - that the British identity has now been irreversibly

What is important here is to realise that Britons are no longer a united people.
Unlike Muslims, who are all united by their Islamic faith and who share the desire
to make Islam the dominant religion in Great Britain and the world, Britons are
divided in many ways. Not least - and for nationalists perhaps most importantly
- on the issues of immigration and Multiculturalism. There are so many minority
groups, all pursuing their own interests that there is not one cause that the majority
of the British people are prepared to unite behind.

Time Is The Enemy

Speaking of a BNP government - and by God would I love to see that day dawn -
there are two very serious issues that urgently need addressing. Time is desperately
against us. I believe the BNP will be targeting twelve wards for returning MPs in
the next general election. Twelve is such a small number, and that is assuming all
twelvecandidates are returned. This made me realise something:

How long will it take for the BNP to achieve the mandate to form a government?

At least ten years, and in that time the whole continent of Europe could be engaged
in a civil war as the Muslim population will have significantly increased. Especially
if as expected, Turkey is admitted into the EU, and then there is the question of
expanding the EU to North African and Middle Eastern countries.

As stated above, the European Union is where political power now resides and if it
takes ten years - the most optimistic outlook - how will governance and the political
landscape have changed by then and will it even be worth pursuing political power
in Westminster by then?

Call me cynical if you must, but I don’t think there is any way the establishment
will co-operate with any BNP elected MPs whatsoever. Just as our MEPs and GLA
member Richard Barnbrook have discovered, the anti-democratic elite will make it
very difficult for BNP MPs to carry out their duties, slowing down their progress.

The bottom line here is that it may be that British Nationalists now do not have the
luxury of time to pursue the political route, in fact one could make a strong case
stating that this option ran out in 1997 with the election of Nu-Labour, a Marxist
party who has absolutely decimated Great Britain through mass immigration,
Multiculturalism and membership of the EU. They, along with the bankers, have
also completely mismanaged - abused - the global economy and this is going to bite
very very hard sooner rather than later.

These issues along with the time factor now bring me to the crux of the matter.

Fighting To Win

When taking into account these issues, again a question is begged:

Is the current strategy of pursuing political power an unfeasible strategy to save

Great Britain that merely amounts to a token act of resistance, an act of defiance
by a patriotic few?

If the Britain of old has gone forever, and along with it, the irreversible dilution of
British identity, then what will be achieved by pursuing political power? Stopping
what is being done may be the best result one can hope for from this strategy.
Maybe. But if political power is to mean something then the fight for it has to be
escalated and intensified, right now if possible. I sincerely believe that the BNP isn’t
fighting anywhere near hard enough and because of the time factor, it needs to be
much more proactive and aggressive in persuading the electorate to give them their
precious vote. The hour for removing the gloves has long since passed.

But what about exploring alternative, perhaps more fruitful options? Let us consider
two alternatives.

Let The Lion Roar

The first alternative is to abandon the political route and instead adopt a strategy
of civil disobedience, or perhaps better, combine the two. This would transform
the fight for Britain from a political struggle to a resistance movement deploying a
variety of strategies to defeat the enemy. To those who recoil at this let me make it
absolutely clear that the political elite and the entire British media is waging a war
against the British people, i.e. YOU.

They have surrendered your sovereignty, they have outright lied to you, stolen your
taxes, decimated your manufacturing base, royally abused the economy and allowed
millions of aliens to invade your territory thus destroying British communities.
And those responsible have made small fortunes from it. It is war, be in no doubt.
Playing nice and playing by the rules simply isn’t going to cut the mustard.

In fact, playing nice and playing by the rules - THEIR RULES - actually helps the

One could reasonably ask: Why pay taxes to people who don’t even make the laws
or defend British borders? Why should patriots play by the rules of the game the
elites have created, elites who have no hesitation in abandoning those rules when it
suits them? They most certainly aren’t playing nice or fair, and neither then should
British nationalists.

Perhaps the Marxists have been so successful in pursuing their goals because the
British people are too content with their lives and therefore cannot be bothered to
fight or resist their own betrayal. Or it could be that they are so brainwashed by
Marxist-Liberal “violence is wrong” ideology they do not have the will to fight for
their country.

Meanwhile Great Britain is perched on a ticking rainbow time-bomb.

Spirit Of Britannia

But there is another option that I think deserves to be debated, an option I am

beginning to believe offers the best hope for those people who do not want to be
forced to live in a rainbow society.

Let’s accept please, that what is being done throughout the West right now is a
slow genocide against the white race. I regularly keep an eye on what is going on
in South Africa and one of the options the white community there are exploring
is the establishment of an all-white state in the Western Cape, a state where those
people who do not want to live in a rainbow nation and who want to maintain
their identity, culture and a way of life rooted in Judeo-Christian foundations can
unite and live together under their own nation.

Let me share this: I’m often accused of being Jewish because of my staunch support
for Israel. I am not Jewish, but I’ll say this: For all of their faults - and their survival
instinct is in lack for one - the Jews are one very creative, highly intelligent people,
a Titan race just like the British. Look at what the Israelis have achieved in just
sixty years. From a desert land to an oasis, a shining beacon of modern democratic
civilisation that shames the totalitarian Islamic cesspits around it. A nation that
contributes more to the whole of humanity than all of the Islamic nations put

You know what? I think that other Titan races could emulate their brilliant
achievement, especially the British as we have a history of it. So could establishing
such a new Titan state be a more worthwhile strategy than pursuing either political
power or civil disobedience?

What does concern me is if we are to save the Titans, whatever route is chosen, a
far harder fight needs to be fought and that desperately needs to happen right now.
It is a question of time and the Titans - particularly Britannia - are fast running out
of it. And what is shocking is that the fall of the Titans has taken just sixty years. It
really is incredible - and despicable when you think about what has been done to
the people of the West.

It’s time to have YOUR say:

How Can Nationalists Save Britannia and The Titans?

Post-Debate Conclusions

After an excellent debate on the Green Arrow website, this book can now be
brought to an end. With grateful thanks to all contributors for providing a lively
and well-mannered debate, here then are the conclusions drawn.

The majority opinion is that the ballot box democratic option must continue
although civil disobedience may well have to be seriously considered at some point.
Some debaters leapt to the premise that civil disobedience involves mass protest
and violence but it does not. Many other options exist that do not involve mass

One excellent example of non-violent civil disobedience is the Green Arrow’s call
to “Boycott the Press” and ALL nationalists should be part of this. The press are the
enemy of the British people, of that there is no doubt.

It is clear to all British Nationalists that an awful lot now hangs on the coming
General Election. It is imperative that the BNP not only return MPs but earn a
good share of the vote across the nation. The question is still one of time and I
remain sceptical as to whether or not there is time to save Britain even if the BNP
do well.

Democracy has been corrupted, and like myself, some fellow nationalists expressed
a doubt that solely pursuing the political route is the best strategy. We shall see. But
the hardest task facing the BNP is to educate the British people about the realities
of Multiculturalism, the EU, Islam and the economy. This presents a real challenge
to British Nationalists because most people really do not like to be confronted with
the truth about their fantasies and many just don’t want to know and don’t want to
listen. Ignorance is bliss. It’s also fatal.

A very real concern about civil war was expressed by many debaters and I too
simply cannot see how, if mass immigration continues, this can be avoided. A
sad fact is that the British people are not united and a concern was also expressed
that not only have the British people changed, people throughout the West have
changed, and they are now passive and sheep-like. This begs the question: Is the
white race now divided into two categories: Patriots who love their nation and
Multiculturalists who care nothing for their nation?

One commenter summed up the issue of identity: “The British people today are a
shadow of what they used to be.”

This was highlighted further when a commenter stated:

“Let us give to our country the honest and happy life that this island people have
striven for through the centuries.”

My reply to this is: What if people have changed so much they now don’t want
that? It’s something we nationalists need to consider. It may be that the ultimate
question facing nationalists is to choose to live in a rainbow society or to leave it.

Little interest was shown in the third option, pursuing a new Titan state, although
it is fair to say that this would require white nationalists around the West to unite
and pursue this goal where white people can live their way of life with their own
people who share their values and culture, just as the Africans, Arabs, Chinese,
Japanese, Pakistanis and Indians do. Just as they have that right, then so do white

I intend to research this further, and although it would need an international

effort which would present huge challenges, I am of the mind that pursuing a new
Titan state offers the best hope for the Titans. The West has been all but ruined
by Multiculturalism, so I sincerely doubt that what has been done can be reversed,
and it is clear that the future survival of the white race is now seriously threatened.

The final sentence of this book has not been written by my own hand, it was written
by a fellow nationalist “Agent Chameleon” who contributed this simple but harsh
truth about the Titans themselves that I believe should be read and understood by
every British Nationalist - indeed every nationalist throughout the West:

“Remember, the true enemy of the Titans is themselves.

They have no one else to blame for their downfall.”

The Home of the Green Arrow
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