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Environment is a combination of physical conditions that include the state of

natural resources such as soil, water, solar energy, minerals, as well as the
flora and fauna that grow in the ground or in the oceans, which cover
creatures with human institutions such as the decision how to use the








components. Abiotic components are all the inanimate, such as land, air,
water, climate, humidity, light, sound. While the biotic component is
everything animate like plants, animals, humans and micro-organisms
(viruses and bacteria). Environment is everything that is around human
influenced the development of human life either directly or indirectly









environment Physical humans can use to meet the needs materilnya, with
human biological environment can meet his physical needs, and with human
social environment to meet their spiritual needs. Environment

viewed as

home to the humans in performing all activities daily. The study of the
environment is an environmental science or ecology. Environmental science
is a branch of biology.
Damage to the environment due to two factors, both natural fator or
because the hands of ignorant humans . The importance of a well maintained
environment is sometimes forgotten by humans , and it can make the
ecosystem and life was not optimal in that environment .

Now many unhealthy environment around us. What causes it? Unhealthy
environment is dirty environment. Dirty environment means the environment
is polluted. Environmental pollution is divided into pollution of water, air, and

Dirty environment means the environment is polluted. Environmental
pollution is divided into pollution of water, air, and soil. Dirty environment it
has become a hallmark of the city residents, Like many found garbage
strewn in the river especially in the obvious there are plenty of junk, until the
water is deep black color, due to the waste pollution,not only


environment was found in dense settlements such as plant density

residential, tourism, to rent though.
Residents should be aware of the environmental cleanliness of clean living
habit like taking out the trash in its place, with the house cleaning routine
and get children to live with cleanliness, instead of letting the play
environment filled with dirty.
Disease did not come by itself but a dirty environment, Source disease
can grow rapidly even devastating , source of disease was found in, piles of
garbage, sewage plant, up there in the stagnant water. Why the stagnant
water can cause many diseases?, Because stagnant water can stimulate long

terlalau insects can breed mosquitoes with fast disease.the rooms were
unkempt and dirty drains. Source of the disease can be avoided by getting
healthy, and clean the house every day on a regular basis in order to source
the perch disease slowly disappear by itself.
The body needs a clean environment are protected from many
diseases, not the other way dirty environment makes the body feel
uncomfortable even health can be impaired even contracted a disease. Will
residents have really - really emphasizes healthy living?, So avoid the
disease. It all depends on the people applying to live clean or dirty life filled
with disease, in addition estra residents should keep their environment to be
free from disease


Most of people didnt

know health

really important, many people

didnt instreasted to keep our world. Cause of dirty enviorement is pollution ,

many kinds of pollution like:
1. Water pollution
Water pollution is a major global problem that requires evaluation and
revision of water resource policy at all levels (international down to individual
aquifers and wells). This issue has been the cause of death and disease utam

in the world, accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people every day.
An estimated 700 million Indians have no access to a proper toilet, and 1,000
Indian children die of diarrheal sickness every day. Approximately 90% of
China's cities suffer from some degree of water pollution, and nearly 500
million people lack access to safe drinking water. In addition to the acute
problems of water pollution in developing countries, developed countries
continue to struggle to overcome the problem of pollution. In the most recent
national report on water quality in the United States, 45 percent of the flow
of water, 47 percent of lakes, and 32 percent of the classified polluted bays
and estuaries. Typically referred to as polluted water when disturbed by
anthropogenic contaminants and does not allow for human use such as for
drinking water, and / or a marked shift in its ability to support biotic
communities of support, such as fish. Natural phenomena such as volcanoes,
algae blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water
quality and ecological status of water.
Sources (contaminants)
Certain contaminants in water causing pollution, covering a wide spectrum of
chemicals, pathogens, and physical or sensory changes such as elevated
temperature and discoloration. While some chemicals may arise naturally
(missalnya calcium, sodium, iron, manganese, etc.) the concentration of a
substance commonly used as a benchmark for determining whether a
substance is a natural component of water, or a contaminant. Concentration

of a substance that exceeds the average sufficient to classify that the water
was contaminated.
The content of substances that reduce oxygen levels may be derived from
natural ingredients, such as plant matter (eg leaves and grass) or man-made
chemicals. Natural and other anthropogenic materials may cause turbidity
and disturbing light inhibits plant growth, and interfere with the working
system of the gills of some fish species. Many chemicals are toxic.
Pathogenic microorganisms can result in diseases transmitted through water
and can infect humans or animals. Physical changes in water chemistry
include acidity (change in pH), electrical conductivity, temperature, and
eutrophication. Eutrophication is an increase in the concentration of chemical
nutrients in an ecosystem. Depending on the severity of eutrophication
negative effect on the environment such as anoxia (reduced oxygen) and
reduction in water quality. Eutrophication affecting fish and other animal
populations. Some contaminants causes of water pollution are:
1. Pathogenic microorganisms
Coliform bacteria is a bacteria commonly used as an indicator of bacterial
contamination, although coliform bacteria is not an actual cause of disease.
Other microorganisms sometimes found in surface water and cause human






parvum, Giardia lamblia, Salmonella, Novovirus and other viruses and some
parasites jenisCacing.

2. Chemical contaminants








substances. Organic water pollutants include: Detergents, By Product

disinfectant, food processing wastes which may include fatty substances and
oils, insecticides and herbicides, a large number organohalides and other
chemical compounds, Petroleum hydrocarbons, including fuels (gasoline,
diesel, jet fuel , and fuel oil) and lubricants (motor oil), and fuel combustion









compounds (VOCs) such as industrial solvents from improper storage.,

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Trichloroethylene , Perchlorate, Various
chemical compounds found in personal hygiene products and cosmetics
Inorganic water pollutants include: industrial waste (mainly sulfur dioxide),
Ammonia from food processing waste, chemical waste as industrial byproducts, Fertilizers containing nutrients - nitrates and phosphates, heavy
metals from vehicles, waste sediment from construction sites, logging, and
site clearing.
Macroscopically visible item called "floatables" or marine debris when found
on the high seas, can include items such as: Trash (eg paper, plastic, or food
waste) discarded by people on the ground, along with accidental or disposal
of waste, which washed by rainfall into storm drains and eventually
discharged into surface waters, Shipwrecks.

Meanwhile, if the terms of the origin of pollutants and sources of pollution,

water pollution can be distinguished among others:
1. Agricultural Waste
Agricultural waste may contain insecticides or fertilizers organic pollutants.
Insecticides can kill the river biota. If the biota of the river is not dead then
eaten by animals or humans, who eat it will be poisoned. To prevent this, try
to choose a narrow-spectrum insecticides (specifically kill the target animal)
and are biodegradable (can be decomposed by microbes) and do the
spraying in accordance with the rules. Do not discard the obet to the river.
While organic fertilizers are water soluble can fertilize the aquatic
environment (eutrophication). Because the water is rich in nutrients, algae
and aquatic plants flourish (blooming). Such things would threaten the dam.
bemdungan be fast and shallow water biota will die from it.
2. Household Waste

Liquid household waste is a source of water pollution. Of liquid household

waste can be found a variety of organic materials (eg, leftover vegetables,
fish, rice, oil, Lemek, human sewage) water-borne sewer / ditch, then follow
the flow of the river.
Unisex inorganic materials such as plastic, aluminum, and a bottle of water
washed away. Piled garbage, clogging drains and cause flooding. Other
pollutants from household waste is biological contaminants such as germs,
bacteria, and fungi.
Dissolved organic matter in the water will undergo decomposition and decay.
As a result, oxygen levels in the water dropped drastically so that water biota
will die. If contamination of organic matter increases, we can see reddish
Tubifex worms clustered. This worm is an indication of biological (bioindicators) the severity of contamination by organic materials from the waste
In the cities, the water got colored black and the pungent odor issue. Water
in the gutter so no living organisms except bacteria and fungi. Compared
with industrial waste, household waste in urban areas in Indonesia reaches
60% of all existing waste.
3. Industrial Waste
Presence of some industrial waste products into the water. Kinds of
pollutants produced depend on the type of industry. May be organic

pollutants (foul smelling), inorganic pollutants (berbuaih, colored), or may be

pollutants that contain sulfur acid (stink), or in the form of temperature (a
hot water). Government set regulations to control the water by industrial
waste pencemara. For example, industrial waste must be treated before it is
discharged into the river to avoid pollution.
At sea, often leak oil tanker collided with another ship due or coral. Existing
oil spill in the ship submerged in a sea of hundreds of kilometers. Fish, coral
reefs, sea birds and marine animals are dying because of it. To overcome
this, pollutants limited by floating pipe so as not to spread, then sprinkled
with a surface pollutant substances which can decompose oil.

4. Catching Fish Using poison

Some residents and fishermen there who use tubes (toxins from plants or
cyanide (poison) to catch fish, but also to all aquatic biota. Toxins are not
only adult animals, but the animals are still small. Thus poison propagated
species will destroy living things in it. fishing practices in a way that resulted
in the pollution of the aquatic environment and reduce water resources.
Impact of water Pollution
At the end of the twentieth century, industrial activity waste is said to have
threatened seluruh.negeri. This is because through natural mechanisms such

as wind, water flow, the vines in the ground through the diffusion of such
waste can be spread everywhere.
Discharges in waters cause problems in the form of microbial life in poisoning
or even death. Disturbance to aquatic biota has resulted in decline in the
quality and quantity of aquatic biota (fish and shrimp). Excess fertilizer is
applied to the swamp or lake can lead to the proliferation of water hyacinth.
In addition, erosion silt carried into the sea result in the obstruction and then
deposited on the surface of coral reefs ultimately lead to death.
As a result of the pollution in the water of life can interfere with deadly
animals and plants in the water due to dissolved oxygen in the water for
consumption or aerobic decomposition of organic substances that are
contained in the waste water.
Pollution is not caused by the toxicity of the pollutants are:
1. Increased content of mud in the water reduces the amount of light
entering necessary for photosynthesis. Excessive nutrients entering
aquatic ecosystems can lead to very rapid growth of algae or aquatic
plants, thus causing reduction in other forms of life such as fish and
2. Hot exhaust though not directly kill aquatic biota, can change the
conditions of their environment. As a result, one type will grow faster
while others can actually inhibited. Fish behavior is always moving

(migration) may change due to temperature changes relatively quickly

at short distances.
3. Mud erosion as a result of poor land management can be deposited on
shore and off-shore coral life or damage the aquatic biota beachhead.
4. Organic compounds in the decay process can take acidity from too
much water, thus endangering the life in that place.
5. Excessive river water flowing into coastal waters can form a layer that
prevents water mass exchange with the water layer is more fertile than
the bottom.
Waste pollution to the environment need to be considered and anticipated
well, the more the river, because the river water is used for various purposes
population. River pollution by waste water from the point of microbiology
include: contamination of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria and
organic matter. Amount of organic material will stimulate the rapid growth of
a microorganism. This resulted in oxygen consumption will rise rapidly and,
consequently dissolved oxygen levels in the water will be a little thinner and,
that ultimately the result of microorganisms and other aquatic organisms
that require oxygen dead. Water ecology will change drastically. Become
anaerobic state, so that the river water foul, and not healthy for the growth
of microorganisms that water flora and fauna. Thus the environment is
damaged and no longer fit for the needs of our lives.

Water Pollution Reduction

Prevention and effort solving each of these problems must necessarily be
different. For instance:
1. Reforestation or afforestation efforts and the management of the river
water (DAS) to reduce the intensity and volume erosion.
2. Restrictions on catching up with various ways (fishing season, mesh,
type specific capture tools, etc.).
3. Arrangements and restrictions on industrial materials disposal with all
sanctions for the problem of marine pollution and coastal areas.
4. Monitor any changes in the composition of biotic and abiotic and
marine ecosystems pointing to pollution, destruction, and disruption.
In addition to countermeasures that have been mentioned above, we also
can do other countermeasures such as the following:
1. Maintaining the availability of water with no damage or exploit water
sources that are not tainted.
2. Do not throw garbage into the river. This could be due to the lack of
adequate waste disposal facilities and insufficient, especially in big
cities. Often we see the accumulation of garbage in areas that are not

3. Creating landfills are sufficient and adequate. This is essential in order

to dump the system can run well and smoothly. Waste into the highest
contribution to water pollution. If the issue can be resolved soon so the
garbage water pollution will also be resolved quickly.
4. Reduce the intensity of household waste.
5. Perform filtering waste so that the plant which will unite with the river
water is not evil destroyer waste ecosystems. It has been regulated by
the government. This shows the government's commitment to tackle
this pollution. but the commitment of all waste contributors company is
also highly desirable that all parties can contribute to protecting the
environment there.
6. Making proper sanitation and clean so that the sources of clean water
are not polluted.
Meanwhile, to address water pollution, can be done several ways as follows:
1. Program to control pollution and environmental destruction
2. Reducing the pollution load of water bodies by industrial and domestic.
3. Reducing the burden of emissions from motor vehicles and industry.
Rehabilitation and conservation of natural resources and environment
1. Optimize the rehabilitation of degraded land.

2. Tackling the damage mined land, landfill, and disaster.

3. Increase the underground water conservation.
4. Rehabilitation and conservation of biodiversity.
To reduce the impact of water pollution caused by this we can perform water
pollution prevention efforts. water pollution prevention efforts is not a simple
process, but it involves a variety of factors as follows:
1. Wastewater will be discharged into waters should be processed first so
that it meets discharge standards set by the government.
2. Using materials that can prevent and absorb the oil spilled in the
3. Do not dispose of household wastewater directly into the waters. This
is to prevent water contamination by bacteria.
4. Radioactive waste must be processed first so no danger of radiation
and then dumped in the waters.
5. Issued or elaborate detergents or other chemicals by using specific
microbial activity before discharge into public waters.
6. All of the above provisions can not be met when penalized.

Many ways the government to deal with the water pollution. but all that
means nothing when our own people do not support as a clean and
comfortable environment. It all depends on the consciousness of each of us
to protect the environment. We can instill an attitude of love in the
neighborhood since the early family environment. just do service projects
such as cleaning the house once a month, pointed directly to the children
that we have to dispose of waste in place, do not use more water than
needed, teach our children to grow crops around the house.
2. Air Pollution
Air pollution is the accumulation in the atmosphere of substances that, in








measured effects on living matter and other materials. Among the major
sources of pollution are power and heat generation, the burning of solid
wastes, industrial processes, and, especially, transportation. The six major
types of pollutants are carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides,
particulates, sulfur dioxide, and photochemical oxidants.
Examples of Air Pollution

Noise Pollution
Noise pollution or unwanted sounds that are carried by the air, have an
irritating and detrimental effect on humans and other animals. Careful
planning of streets and biuldings in towns and better control over noisy
vechiles may add to the control of noise pollution.

Tobacco Smoke
Tobacco smoke is one of the major forms of pollution in buildings. It is
not only the smoker who is infected, but everyone who inhales the
polluted air. There is a very strong connection between smoking and
lung cancer. Bronchitis is common among smokers and unborn babies
of mothers who smoke also suffer from the harmful effects of smoking.

Exhaust Gases of Vehicles

Pollution from exhaust gases of vehicles is reponsible for 60% of all air
pollution and in cities up to 80%. There is a large variety of harmful
chemicals present in these gases, with lead being one of the most

Combustion of Coal
The combustion of caol without special precautions can have serious
consequences. If winds do not blow away the poisonous gases, they
can have fatal effects and may lead to death.

Acid rain
Acid rain is the term for pollution caused when sulfur and nitrogen
dioxides combine with atmospheric moisture to produce highly acidic
rain, snow, hail, or fog. The acid eats into the stone, brick and metal
articles and pollutes water sources. Coal in South Africa is rich in

sulphur and the power stations in the Mpumalanga Province could be

reponsible for acid rain over other areas of our country.

Control Measures
Although individual people can help to combat air pollution in their own
immediate environment, efficient control can be best achieved by
legislation. Some commonly enforced control measures include

the establishment of more smokeless zones;

control over the kinds of fuel used in cars, aeroplanes, power stations,

3. Land Pollution
Land pollution is the contamination of the Earths land surface
and it is a serious problem. Resulting from human activities, land
pollution results in an imbalance in nature that exposes the land to
harmful chemicals and depletes the quality of soil, one of the Earths








degradation of the land due to human activities, such as the

exploitation of minerals, poor disposal of waste and improper
utilization of soil. Deforestation, urbanization and industrialization are
the factors responsible for land pollution. These processes have
destroyed habitats and polluted the environment--affecting animals
and humans. One of the chief reasons for the land pollution is disposal
of solid waste obtained from human and animal activities. Non-

biodegradable material that cannot be broken down or decomposed is

dumped onto the environment.
Causes of Land Pollution

Increase in urbanization is one of the major causes of land pollution.

Construction uses up forestland. This leads to the exploitation and
destruction of forests. There is more demand for water. Reservoirs are
built resulting in the loss of land.

The disposal of non-biodegradable wastes, including containers, bottles

and cans made of plastic, used cars and electronic goods, leads to the
pollution of land.

Agricultural wastes including the waste matters produced by crop,

animal manure and residues of the farm land are one of the major
causes of land pollution. The pesticides and fertilizers used by farmers
to increase the crop yield, leaches into the nearby land areas and
pollutes them.

The process of mining leads to the formation of piles of coal and slag.
When these wastes are not disposed through proper channel, they are
accumulated and contaminate the land.

Industrial wastes are major contributors of land pollution. Dumping of

toxic materials such as chemicals and paints makes the areas
surrounding the industries, look very filthy.

Improper treatment of sewage leads to the accumulation of solids,

such as biomass sludge. These solid wastes overflow through the
sewage, making the entire area look dirty.

Burning of solid fuels leads to the formation of ashes, which is yet

another cause of land pollution.

Although domestic and industrial wastes are collected and recycled or

burnt in incinerators, a large amount of rubbish is left untreated. These
are then dumped into grounds, leading to land pollution.

Garbage dumped by people makes the streets unhealthy, unfit and

dirty to reside in. The waste matter usually consists of leftover food,
fruit and vegetable peels and other non decomposable solid materials
such as glass, cloth, plastic, wood, paper etc.
How to Keep the Environment Clean?

There are many things you can do to keep the environment clean. You can
make sure to not litter, try to recycle whenever possible, try to buy as many
recycled products as possible, watch your water use at home, turn off the

lights when you are not in a room, and either buy a Hybrid car or learn to
drive your regular fuel car as conservatively as possible.

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