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Proposed Agenda4/6/14 Bishops Committee

In attendance:
Johnnette Shane, Alex Zier, Karen Henness, Julie Siedler,
Kevin Minch, Tim Baker, Steve Reiser, Krista Baker
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 12:48 P.M.
Opening Prayer
Prayer by Johnnette Shane+
Approval or corrections to prior minutes
Approved by Johnnette Shane
Seconded by Tim Baker
Approved unananimously
Services moderately attended, no drop in
Pantry for Adair County. Committee is close to
incorporating. By-laws are being drafted. 6
churches make up the group. Incorporators are the
Bishops Warden
Kevin Minch
o Maria and Kevin have discussed electronic
payment, ways to have fundraisers using
PayPal, Amazon has a portal which re-directs
a portion of the purchase back to the church.
This is a work-in-process that is being
researched. This will be researched and then
reported back
Junior Wardens
Tim Baker 13 people assisted for clean-up day.

Tim Baker after easter another outside cleanup will be scheduled.

Tim Baker modifications of sewer drain are
keeping sewer gas from creating an odor in the
kitchen. Problem seems to be solved.
Julie Seidler Two mops and mop-buckets was
purchased by Maria.
Tim Baker toilet seat has been replaced.
carbon monoxide & smoke detectors have been
replaced, old detectors were at end-of-life.
Treasurers Report
Krista Baker
o Insurance, church and vicarage was paid for the
whole year.
o Donations in the future will be broken out by week,
due to IRS regulations, anything over $250 needs
to be broken out, not disclosed as lump sum. An
announcement will be made during church and an
article posted through the What
o This month we spent $365 more than was brought
in. We are 25% through the year and have brought
in 27% of the funds. Only reason for budget
overage of is due to making of annual payment for
insurance versus making a monthly payment.
Young Adult Ministry
o Janice Weddle has been asked by Johnnette to be
the chairperson for the Young Adult Ministry. She
has received the documentation from Krista and
Karen. Karen to meet with Johnnette tomorrow
Old Business:
Building Committee
Tim Baker and Krista met with Terry Smith at PSR
Construction. Gave PSR a formal invitation to bid. There
was a target price of $225,000 for the Building Project.

There is not a lot of confidence that PSR can meet this

price. PSR is also going to get with the city to nail down
the sequence of events for the sewer project, which will
effect the front parking on Harrison. PSR will also switch
some of the items in the original project to options.
Kimi originally gave a tentative price for the project
which was not based on local contractors. Kimi
recommended that Tim and Krista present a budget
price that the church can afford to PSR.
o Krista presented ideas of how to overcome a gap
of $41,000.00. The gap comes from current
balances and outstanding pledges versus a
$225,000.00 tentative price.
o The building committee has not asked that the
$225,000 cost be authorized is received but that
the committee will ask for the go ahead once a
final bid. And if necessary an announcement on
the forthcoming expenses will be presented to the
congregation prior to the next meeting.
New Business:
Upcoming Events
Fill the Ford
o 4/12/2014
Easter Paschal Feast
o Does there need a sign-up sheet and do we have
to have someone in charge. Do we want to have a
pot-luck brunch. Johnnette will ask Jessie if she can
be in charge.
Rummage Sale
o Karen is putting out advertisement.
Liturgy @ the Lake
o June 22, 2014
o Possibility of hot-dogs and feast
Food for Kids Jessie is wanting to step down as she
has been doing this for 3 years. Need to find someone

who can be in charge of it. Possibility of Michael

Ashcraft, Paul and Colleen, Rosenbergs???
Proposal regarding the piano in the undercroft
Krista discussion about doing something with piano.
What would it take to get fixed. It is over 100 years
old. It does need to be refurbished. Scott feels that
there is value in having the piano. Tentative cost for
refurbishment would be approximately $18,000
dollars and would be done in Iowa. Krista knows of a
person who would assist Trinity in getting a grant to
assist in reburbishment. This person charges $40.00
per hour with an expected 10 hours to write grant.
Typically grant givers are looking for matching
money. Krista is looking for permission to research
the information needed for the grant writer. Krista
and Scott will donate the money to obtain the grant.
Motion to authorize Krista and Scott to explore
getting grant options was made by Alec Zier and
seconded by Karen Henness. Discussion followed.
Vote was taken and motion passed. Julie moved to
call the question and close debate on the motion. No
further discussion needed.
Johnnette feels that attention needs to be given to
the trees at Trinity. Julie and Tim to possibly talk to
the extension office.
Closing Prayer
Johnnette Shane+
Closed at 2:42
Motion by Karen Henness
Seconded by Tim Baker

Next Bishops Committee Meeting to be held on 5/4/2014 at 11:45


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