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Psychology as a science, is younger than our grand- parents and great grand parents as a subject, it is as old as
Meaning: The term Psychology is derived from two Greek words Psyche Soul / Mind
Logos - Science / Study
Today Psychology is considered as the Science of Behavior.
Psychology has passed through many stages like:(1)
Study of man inside man Acc. to this definition, women were not studied. This definition was rejected as we
could not see man inside man.
Study of Soul It could not progress much because there, controversy aroused regarding the location, nature
and functions of Soul. ( nothing was sure about the existence of soul itself)
Science of mind - A person when asked, What is matter? an answered, never mind. This simply shows the
confusion and ignorance about the nature of mind (because a person reacts in different ways under the same
Study of consciousness - Person tends to change his behavior when he becomes conscious. It also doesnt
cover the unconscious of mind.
Why science of behavior?
We can study only what we can observe and behavior is the only aspect of a person that is observable. We know
very well that there are events going on the person (thoughts feeling or in general way, mental activities) we always make
them from the way a person behaves.
That is why we say that Psychology is the science of behavior.
Woodworth, Psychology is the scientific study of the activities of an individual in a relation to his environment.
Crow and Crow, Psychology is the science of human behavior and human relationship.
Pillsbury, Psychology may be most satisfactorily defined as the science of human behavior.
So we can say that psychology studies the human behavior of a person.
It is that branch of psychology which studies the behavior of a sportsperson in a particular game
(Training, camps and competitions) in a particular situation. This behavior may be affected by stress, crowd behavior, lack
of knowledge of skills, fear of opponents, effects of injuries etc.
Different games demand different type of human behavior.
Calm and soothing behavior is the key to success in some games like Chess, Archery and shooting etc
On the other hand games like Boxing, Wrestling, Judo, Karate Taek-wondo etc demand aggressive behavior.
Whereas a mixture of aggressive and calm behaviors is required in games like Basketball, Football, Cricket,
Hockey etc.

Definition of Sports Psychology:Acc. To K.M. Burns, Sports psychology for P.E is that branch of psychology which
deals with the physical fitness of an individual through his participation in games and
Acc. To Clarke and Clarke, It is an applied Psychology. It is more concerned with
personalities, emotional or motivational aspects of sports and physical activities. It
employs many of the techniques used in psychology.
Acc. To Robert and singer, Sports psychology explores ones behavior in athletics.
Sports psychology is an emerging science, but is extremely significant as it helps the coaches and the trainees to
improve their skills.
Improves Performance: Through psychological preparation (motivation) Coaches & trainer motivate the players
by using various methods by telling them their targets/goals. By providing their performance results. By reward &

Removes Competition Fear: It helps in removing fear factor in athletes. Coaches/trainer consol them and
provide lot of competitions to remove competition fear.
Emotional Balance: It provides better platform to control their emotions like anger, tension, depression, anxiety,
stress, fear and negative thinking etc. The player understands that he is able to deliver his best performance only when he
is away from such emotions.
Self Belief: A player low in self belief cannot able to perform up to the expected level. A team psychologist can
help him to regain his confidence. A counseled player starts believing in his abilities and is full of confidence. Such player
is always full of positive energy.
Setting of Goals: It helps us to understand that the targets set for the players should be realistic. These should
be set, keeping in mind the capacity of the learners. Different players have different playing capabilities therefore goal can
be set on individual basis. Non-realistic goal setting leads to frustration.
Understanding Plateau: Plateau is a phase in which there is no significant improvement in the performance of
the learner despite all efforts. (A coach adopts all means like better diet, rest & relaxation, modern & latest apparatus to
improve the performance of an athlete but no avail.) On such occasion sports psychology helps us to understand that this
is a temporary phase and can be overcome by relearning the basic skills, removing the error and by motivation.
Motivation: It helps a lot in motivating the players. A person when dejected, going through a bad phase or facing
PLATEAU is at psychological disadvantage. (His confidence & self esteem are low) At such moments the coach, parents
or co-players can motivate him. Advice by the coach, praise by other players/ peoples, reminding him of his past wins etc.
Stress Management: The players are nervous, anxious, and under tremendous stress during crunch matches.
At such time coach plays an important role in removing the stress of the players by talking to the players and makes them
feel better. Meditation, an ancient method of stress management can be practiced by the players to concentrate on
positive things only and players starts believing in their capabilities and then overcome stress.
The word motivation has been derived from a Latin word MOVERE which means to move/excite someone. It is
a way of Moving, exciting or arousing the interest of the person towards the desired goal.
Motivation is the key to learning. Without motivation it is not possible to learn anything. That is why it is referred to
as GOLDEN path of learning
Motivation is of two types. A person feels motivated due to two different factors, known as the types of motivation:
It is called internal motivation because it is internal in nature and comes from within the person. A person is motivated
from inside to fulfill a particular goal and no external help is required. It is also known as NATURAL or INTRINSIC
Various sources of internal motivation are:
1. Bodily Needs

Like hunger, thirst, clothing, sex etc.

2. Emotional Factor like love, liking, affection, hatred, attachments etc.
3. Social factors
Popularity, honor, prestige etc.
4. Financial Factor like financial competition etc.
5. Natural instinct
-- killing instincts, fighting spirit, quarrelsome nature etc.
It is also known as artificial or extrinsic motivation. It is that type of motivation which does not come from within the
person, but has to be provided by someone else. Generally it is provided by a friend, family member, coach, or a teacher.
External motivation can be provided by following methods:
1 Knowledge of the goal: To motivate a sportsperson, he must be given a clear picture about the goal he has to
achieve. He must be provided complete knowledge about his goal. He may also be provided the knowledge about the
methods and means to achieve the goal.
2 Rewards: Reward is a very effective and popular mean of motivating the learners. People of all ages like to be
rewarded. Moreover everyone feels motivated to give his best performance if he knows that his efforts are going to be
appreciated. Rewards can be in the form of Cash prizes, gifts, job opportunity, social recognition etc.
3 Praise: Everyone cannot be rewarded but can definitely be praised for his efforts. Praise, just like rewards, helps
in motivating the learner to work for excellence. Praise can boost the confidence of the person for performing better. A
player can be praised by words of appreciation, a pat on the back, a thumb up signal, clapping, smile on the face of
the coach/ trainer.
4 Audio-visual aids: these aids are very effective & interesting means of motivating a sportsman. Modern
technology has changed the course of learning to a great extent. Various techniques & tactics are explained to the
students with the help of audio visual aids. It corrects & improves their playing skills & actions.

5 Ground & equipments: The best motivational factor for young learners is the quality of ground and equipment.
Moreover good quality of grounds and equipments are always liked and helps a sportsman to exhibit his skills
6 Punishments: Though it is sometimes referred to as negative motivation and use of punishment is not
recommended, but when all other means/methods of motivating a sportsman fail to yield fruitful results, it can be used
as the last mean of motivation. But it should be used very carefully because learner may quit learning after
7 Competition: Competition always serves as the best challenge for sportsman because it always drives the best
out of them. By participating in competitions they get a chance to test their own skills. They feel excited and motivated
to excel over others. So, healthy competitions should be provided to the sportsperson.


Modern life is full of demand, deadlines, and frustrations and full of hassles. For many people stress is so
common that has become a way of life.
Stress is not always bad. In small doses, stress motivates you to your best but on the other hand if it is
running constantly in your mind then mind and body pay the price. So it is important to understand the real
meaning of STRESS.
STRESS: It is a physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way.
Acc. to free online dictionary, Stress is a state of mental strain resulting from adverse or demanding
Acc. to Merriam Webster, Stress is a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life
work etc.
Stress can be positive and negative. When the situation offers an opportunity to gain something in life,
it is a positive stress. On the other hand, when an individual faces social, physical, organizational and
emotional problems, it is a negative stress.
Types of Stress: - There are two types of stress.

Positive Stress: - Stress can be positive when the situation offers opportunities for a person to gain

something. It acts as a motivator for peak performance.

Negative Stress: - Stress can be negative when a person faces social, physical, organizational and
emotional problems.


Physical Symptoms

Behaviural Symptoms

Emotional symptoms

Cognitive Symptoms

Chest Pain , Body Pain,

Use of drugs to relax

Short temper

Memory problem

Headache, Nausea

Neglecting responsibilities


Constant worrying


Excess or less eating

Sense of loneliness

Lack of concentration


Excess of sleep or lack of sleep


Poor judgment

Frequent Cold etc.

Nervous habits like nail Biting


Anxious thoughts etc.

Use of alcohol or cigarettes etc.

Restlessness etc.

Causes of Stress:a)

The factors which cause stress are called stressors. Following are the major causes of stress:
Work place stress causes included:
Long working hours.
Being unhappy in your job.
Facing discrimination and harassment at workplace.

4. Fear of job termination.

5. Working under dangerous condition.
6. Poor work management.
7. Heavy work load or too many responsibilities.
8. Unhealthy work environment.
9. Doubt about your promotion etc.
b) Life Stress Causes include:
1. Death of a loved one
2. Loss of job
3. Transfer of job
4. Shifting to new placed name
5. Divorce
a) Unadjustment of children
b) Cronic diseases or injury
c) Taking care of an elderly or sick family member
d) Emotional problems like depression, anger, anxiety etc
c) Inner or psychological stress causes like:
1. Fear of uncertainty of life
2. Attitude, particularly it is negative attitude
3. Unrealistic expectations
4. Major financial set back
Management of Stress:- Stress management is the key to stay healthy, you can manage your stress by
following there stress relieving strategies:

1. Strategy I
Avoid unnecessary stress- No of stresses can be eliminated by avoiding situations
a) Learn how to say no: Know your limits, stick to them. Refuse to accept added responsibilities in
personal and professional life.
b) Avoid people who stress you: If you feel someone is constantly causing stress in your life, you can
limit the amount of time you spend with them.
c) Take control of your environment: Keep your environment healthy. Avoid the things or situations
which create stress for you like if traffics got you tense, opt for less travelled route.
2. Strategy -II



Alert the situations: If you cant avoid the situation, you can change the way you
communicate and you operate in your daily life such as:
Feel free to express your emotions: If someone or something is bothering you, communicate your
concern in an open and respectful way. Voice your feeling to decrease and manage with the stress.
Be willing to compromise: When you ask someone to change his or her behavior, be willing to do the
Manage your time: Poor time management can be a cause of stress when you are progressing little
and running behind, it is difficult to stay claim and focused. You can keep the stress away if you plan
ahead; finish your work in time.
3. Strategy-III
Adapt to the stressor: If you cant change the stressor, change yourself. Try to adapt to
the stressful situation and regain your sense of control by changing your expectations
and attitude.
Refrain problems: Look at the stressful situations very positively. For example: Fuming on traffic jam,
see its a time to listen to your favourite music or enjoying alone.
Focus on the positive: When stress is getting you down, take a moment to reflect on all the things
you appreciate in your life. Focus on your positivity.

4. Strategy-IV
Accept the things you cant change: Some causes of stress are unavoidable like
death of a loved one, a serious illness etc. In such circumstances, the best way to cope
with stress is to accept things as they are:
a) Look for upside: Learn from your mistakes and become stronger with them. Be sure major challenges
are the better opportunities for personal and professional growth.
b) Learn to forgive: Accept the fact that we are leaving in imperfect world, where people make mistake.
Let go off anger and keep on moving ahead by forgiving the undeserving.
c) Share your feelings: Talk to your trusted friend or be empty to a therapist.
5. Strategy-V
Keep time for fun and relaxation by giving a regular time for fun, relax and reset to
yourself. You can recharge yourself properly. The healthy ways to recharge and relax
1) Listen to music.
2) Go for movie.
3) Go for walk.
4) Spending time in nature.
5) Take a long bath.
6) Go for picnic.
7) Call a good friend.
8) Play with a pet.
9) Having warm cup of tea and coffee.
10) Work in garden etc.
11) Play your favorite game etc.

6. Strategy-VI


Adopt a healthy life style: - By adopting a healthy lifestyle like Yoga, Meditation,
Exercise etc you can keep the stress away.
Eat Healthy: Well nourished body is better prepared to cope with stress. So include lot of green, leafy
vegetables, fruits and other nutrients in your diet.
Exercise Regularly: Morning and evening walk, aerobic exercise, meditation, yoga and other physical
exercise reduce the effect of stress. Daily 30 minutes walk is mandatory to keep yourself stress free.
Reduce sugar and caffeine intake: Try to avoid or reduce the amount of caffeine, sugar, snacks,
chocolates, soft drinks, toffees etc. to have a relaxed and stress free life.
Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and drugs: Self medicating with alcohol or drugs give you only a temporary
escape from stress.
Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep fuels your mind as well as your body.

Everyone gets a little nervous before a big game or athletic event this affects the performance of the athlete.

Sometimes the athlete performs better than his level of play but on other occasions his performance
deteriorates. This makes us to understand that optimum level of anxiety helps in improving the performance of
a sportsperson. Every sportsperson faces anxiety at different levels of play. The level of anxiety could be
different for different individuals.
Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional, and behavioral
components. These components combine to create an unpleasant feeling that is typically associated with uneasiness,
fear, or worry. Anxiety is a form of negative self-appraisal characterized by worry, self-doubt and Apprehension.

TYPES OF ANXIETY: Anxiety can be either a short term State or a long term Trait Anxiety.
STATE ANXIETY: State anxiety is anxiety present in very specific situations. It is a short term anxiety in which
the person is anxious for a short span of time in response to a particular situation. For example, players are anxious
before the start of a match, but when it starts, the anxiety level drops considerably.
TRAIT ANXIETY: Trait anxiety is the level of anxiety present in a person on a regular basis. It is a long-term
anxiety in which the person in anxious most of the time, with or without any reason. A person with high trait anxiety is
anxious much of the time.
COMMON SYMPTOMS OF ANXIETY: The various symptoms of anxiety are:
Muscle weakness
Shortness of breath
Numbness in arms,
Hands or legs
Trouble falling or
Staying asleep

Heart palpitations
Stomach aches
frequent urination
Increase in heart rate
and blood pressure

Getting tired easily
Muscle tension

CAUSES OF ANXIETY: There may be many causes like environmental factors, medical factors, and genetics etc causing
anxiety. Most commonly anxiety is a response to outside forces, but one can make oneself anxious by negative selfthinking also.
Stress at school, home or at workplace.
Stress in personal relationship, marriage, friendship, and divorce.
Stress from natural disasters
Trauma from separation or death of a loved one.
Lack of entertainment in daily life
Lack of oxygen in high altitude areas

Stress from being anemic or asthmatic

Stress from a serious medical illness
Side effects of medication
Symptoms of a medical illness

The children of a family with a history of anxiety are likely to suffer from anxiety disorders.
Intoxication from Drugs like cocaine or amphetamines. Withdrawal from an illicit drug such as heroin, barbiturates, opium
MANAGEMENT OF ANXIETY: Anxiety can be managed by following the simple rules mentioned below. It can be
manages at home, without a doctor or a special counselor, if it is state anxiety and the cause is known. But for complex
cases where the person suffers from trait anxiety or is in a trauma, medical help is recommended with counseling
The various means for the management of anxiety are:
Healthy Living Style: An unhealthy lifestyle may turn a mild anxiety into a major Anxiety. A person should lead a
happy life. He should always think about the positive aspects of a matter. He should avoid being alone as negative
thoughts capture the mind. He should meet different people as it helps in making the person more confident. He should
discuss his problems with his friends who are supportive.
Regular Exercise: Performing regular exercise is a very good habit. It increase the
Blood supply to all parts of the body including the brain. The person feels fresh as his brain receives a rich supply of
blood. Also the attention of the person is drawn from the worries and stress towards the game or sport. He starts
enjoying the game and forgets about his anxiety.
Sleeping Habits: It has been seen that the people who do not sleep well have higher tendency of suffering from
anxiety. Therefore proper and regular sleep pattern should be adopted. Ideally a sound sleep of 8-10 hours is sufficient

for an ordinary person. The sleeping surface, the room atmosphere, room temperature, ventilation etc play a vital role in
sound sleeping.
Balanced Diet: Another major factor for the management of anxiety is the intake of balanced diet. The diet should
be nutritious and should provide daily requirements of the body. The person should reduce the consumption of stimulating
foods like caffeine, tea, cola and chocolates.
No Smoking or Drinking: Smoking or drinking habits have a very strong effect on the individual. He becomes
slave of these bad habits. For the management of anxiety, these conditions have to be brought under control. Therefore
one should give up smoking and drinking.
Medical supervision: Medical treatments for anxiety are available. If the cause of the Anxiety is a physical ailment;
treatment for the ailment should be started under medical supervision. Several types of drugs are available in the market,
which helps in reducing the anxiety level of the person. Medicines such as anti-depressants, benzodiazepines, tricycles,
and beta-blockers are used to control anxiety. But these drugs are addictive in nature and have side effects.
Conscious efforts: A person should also learn to manage stress and anxiety in his life. He should make conscious
efforts to be happy. He should keep an eye on pressures and deadliness and should commit to taking time away from
study or work. He should remind himself that all is well and if not, it is going to be well soon. He should replace negative
self talk with positive self talk. He should write his negative thoughts on a paper and then should replace them with
positive thoughts.
Meditation: The person should learn a variety of relaxation techniques to manage Anxiety. One such excellent
technique is the meditation. It not only allows him to have a better conscious control over his breathing, but it also helps
him shift his thoughts away from stressful anxious feelings. A person can meditate by leaving his worries and
concentrating on a particular thing like a candle or the almighty. He can also practice setting his mind free and enjoy the
Breathing Exercise: This is also a very useful technique in handling and managing Anxiety. The person
practices deep breathing exercises. This includes breathing in deeply and slowly through nose and then breathing out
slowly and gently through mouth. The person concentrates on the air entering or exiting the body, this helps in relieving
him of other worries. Breathing exercises should be done for at least 1 minute when anxious.
Counseling: A standard method of treating anxiety is with psychological counseling. A trained person like mental
health professional, psychologist,. Psychiatrist or a counselor talks to the person and tries to fine the root cause of the
anxiety. He then suggests the ways to cope with anxiety. Seeking counseling and support after a traumatic experience is
always helpful in reducing the chances of anxiety.

Copying Strategies

Problem focused and emotional focused:

Copying Strategies:- Copying Strategies refers to the specific efforts which and individual makes to master,
tolerate or minimize the stressful situations or events. These efforts may be psychological or behavioral.

Types of copying strategies

Hundreds of copying strategies have been identified, which have not been yet classified properly. There are
two distinguished general copying strategies.


Problem focused copying strategies: People using problem focused strategies try to deal

with the cause of their problem. They do this by finding out information on the problem and learning
new skills to manage the problem.
Problem focused copying is aimed at changing or eliminating the source of stress. The problem
focused copying strategies include the following techniques:
1. Building self confidence: Sports person are always facing stressful situations. They should try to
build their self confidence to face the stressful situation more effectively.
2. Resetting the goal: The goals set for the sports person should be realistic if the goals sets are
unchangeable and unrealistic it may lead to stress for the sport person. Therefore the goals should be
set accordingly.
3. Improving physical fitness: Stressful situation can easily be tacked by the physical fitness and
hard work. Therefore, more stress should be laid on physical fitness aspect of the sports person.

4. Knowing the limits: Everyone must know capabilities, capacities and limits to accept the reality. If
one fails to fight against the stressful situation it will affect the performance.
5. Showing the views with experience persons : If any one faces any problem and stresses it is
always better to talk directly to the experienced persons like coach, teacher to remove the conflicts and
problems in order to avoid the stressful situations.
6. Analyzing the situation: It is always better to analyze the stressful situation completely and try to
know the root cause of the problem which will help to stressful situation.

B. Emotional Focused: Emotional Focused coping is oriented forward managing the emotions that
accompany the perception of stress. It tries to reduce the negative emotional responses associated with
stress like fear, anxiety, embarrassment, depression, excitement and frustration. It helps to manage the
Drug Therapy can be seen as emotion focused copying as it focuses on the arousal caused by stress on the
problem. Emotion focused strategies includes:

Keeping you busy to take yourself away from the issue.

Praying for guidance and strength.
Ignoring the problem with the hope that it will go away.
Distracting you.
Building you up to except the worse.



Meaning of Personality:To an ordinary person the word personality conveys the meaning of ones appearance, his habits,
his way of dressing up, his reputation, his manners and other similar characteristics. The word
personality is derived from word Persona meaning the mask.( The actor used mask to hide their
identity while performing their role in a theater in ancient Greece). Personality is the total sum of
being and includes physical, mental, social, emotional and intellectual aspects. Ones personality
reflects his perception, imaginational, attitude, habits values, interest and sentiments about
himself and his self worth.

Definition of Personality:According to Dashiell, Personality is the total picture of ones organized behavior, especially
as it can be characterized by his fellow one in a consistent way.
According to J.B. Watson, Personality is the sum of activities that can be discovered by actual
observation over a long enough period of time to give reliable information.
According to Guild Ford, Personality is an individuals unique pattern of traits.
According to warren, Personality is the entire organization of a human being at any stage of
his development.

Dimensions of Personality
Personality is a complete unit. It has various dimensions. It is the collective as well as integrated
image of various dimensions like physical, mental, social and emotional dimensions. These
dimensions are interrelated.
1) Physical Dimension: - The physical body structure or the physique is the primary
aspect or dimension of human personality and all other dimensions are (subservient) sub
parts to it. No doubt that heredity has very important role in the development of this
aspect of personality. Physical dimension refers to ones physical appearance i.e. the
outward mask and how on carries himself. Physique muscular framework has profound
effect on the on lookers. It has been generally observed that person having weak, sick and
deformed physique are not sure of themselves whereas persons having tall, and athletic
built have commanding and effective appearance. A healthy individual not only
contributes to the welfare of the society but is an asset to it.
According to Sheldon, Three types of physical dimensions of personality are
endomorphic (having round fat and soft bodies) , Mesomorphic (having well developed,
athletic body), Ectomorphic having, weak and delicate body).
2) Mental and Intellectual Dimension: - A well built physical stature of an individual
devoid of mental and intellectual abilities is just like a statue without life. Human
personality lose sits meaning if conceived without mind and intellect. Man is a psychophysical organism i.e a mind and body unit and one part is incapable of effective survival
without the other mental and intellectual capabilities of an individual help him in adjusting
to new requirements, circumstances and over changing conditions of present day life in a
most appropriate way. Importance of mental and intellectual dimension can never be overemphasized.
Sheldon gave three types of mental and intellectual dimensions of personality viscerotonic
(happy and lovers of food). Comatotonic (bold and risk taking), Cerebrotonic (tense and
3) Social Dimensions: - By nature man is a social being. He has learnt speaking,
reading, writing and behaving with others from one society in which he lives. If he is
isolated completely from the society, he will not be able to survive for long
psychologically, each individual is born with specific inherent attitudes, interests,
tendencies and capacities. In order to be an acceptable member of the society, he has to
mould and modify his behavior, learn and acquire various manners, qualities and
etiquettes, and has to follow the rules, customs and traditions of the society. The social
interaction enables an individual to develop social attributes like tolerance, co-operation
and fair play etc.
On the basis of social dimensions:Theme and Znaniechie classified personality in three types:The philistine (Practical man) the bone man (who inclines towards new experiences) and
creative man (who though relatively stable and creative sort in the field of art, religion,
politics etc).

4) Emotional Dimensions: - Emotion in an all important factor in life and occupies a very
prominent position in our daily life. Love, affection etc are not the only emotions by which
our life is made worth living. Emotions make our life interesting as well as dull, happy as
well as unhappy. These are present in each and every living organism at all the stage of
development. Emotions are personal in nature, and differ from and individual to individual.
On the basis of emotion, Morgan and Gilliland classified personality into four
Elated(Happy and optimistic), Depressed(pessimistic and emotional), irritable(Short
tempered), and unstable(unbalanced and emotional).

Types of Personality:Psychologically classification of different types of individuals is called Personality type. There are
following types of personality:-

1) ISTJ (Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judgement) The duty filler:People with this type of personality are serious, quite, interested in security and peaceful
living. Such people are extremely thorough, responsible and dependable. They are hard
working and well organized. They are target oriented and fulfill their duties very sincerely.

2) ISTP(Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Perception). The mechanic:They are very quiet and reserved, interested in how and why things work. Excellent skills
with mechanical things. Usually interested in and talented at extreme sports.
Uncomplicated in their desires, Loyal to their peers and to their interval value systems, but
not overly concerned with respecting laws and rules if they get in the way of get
something done.

3) ISFJ (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling and Judging) . The nurturer:People with this type of personality are kind, quite. Usually they put the needs of others
above their own needs. They are practical and stable. They have well developed skills of
space and function. They take case of feelings of others.

4) ISFP (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perception) The artist:These type persons are quite serious, sensitive and kind. They do not like conflict and not
likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful extremely well
developed senses, not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible and open
minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoy the present moment.

5) INFJ (Introversion, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging). The protector:INFJ are quite forceful, original and sensitive. They do not leave the things, until they have
finished. They are extremely intuitive about people and more concerned about their
feelings. They are well respected in the society for doing the right things.

6) INFP (Introversion, Intuitive, Feeling, Perception). The Idealist:People of this type of personality quite, reflective and idealistic. They have well developed
value system. They like to serve the humanity. They are mentally very quick and sharp
and optimistialistic, loyal. Usually they are talented writers.

7) INTJ (Introversion, Intuitive, Thinking, Judgement). The scientist:10

These persons are independent, original, analytical and determined. Have an exceptional
ability to
theories into solid plans of actions. Highly value knowledge, competence and
structure. Have very high standard for their performance and the performance of others.
They are born leaders.

Role Of Sports In Personality Development

Games, Sports and Physical activities play an important role in the development of
individuals personality. (These activities must be learned and involve thinking, analyzing
and interpreting).
1. Growth and Development: - Games and sports developed the personality in physical
appearance. An individual is able to developed its neuro muscular coordination through
participation in these activities.
2. Mental and Intellectual Development:- With the participation in games as well as
physical activities one learn to analyze the situation through analytical thinking, analyzing
and interpreting new situations.
3. Emotional Development: - Games and sports help the individual to control emotions
and learned to tackle the situations through achievement and disappointments.
4. Social Development: - Games and sports provide the chance to the individual for
interaction and lay stress for the development of the relations. Success in any activity
gives social recognization, statues and respect to sports person.
5. Development of Multi Dimensional Personality: - Games and sports provide
opportunity to the persons coming from different religion, region, caste etc. Participation
intense gave helps to develop the multi-dimensional personality of the person.
6. Development of Ideal Character: - Participation in games and sports develop the
qualities like fair play, punctuality, dedication, obedience of rules, respecting the elders,
moral values etc. Thus the character of a person is developed which is very essential for
ones personality.
7. Positive outlook: - Participation in games develops a positive outlook towards life and
this leaves a permanent impression on the individuals personality.
8. Development of Balanced Personality: - Participation in games and sports trains a
person to manage and control his aggression and temper which help in the development
of a balanced personality.

Self Esteem and Body Image

Self Esteem: - Self esteem is a state of mind. It is the way you think and feel
about yourself. The term self esteem is derived from Greek word means reverence
of self. In Psychology, Self esteem reflects a person overall emotional evaluation
of his or her own worth.

It is the judgment of oneself as well as an attitude towards the self. It affects our
trust in others, our relationships, our work and every part of our life.
It is a person attitude towards him.

Types of Self Esteem:

There are three types of Self Esteem:1) High Self Esteem: High Self Esteem is a stage when a person loves and accepts
himself. The person is confident, optimistic, self directed, independent, co-operative
and have ability to solve the problems. They are creative and original and to do not
afraid to talk and express their views. They are very responsible, well organized and
enjoy their life.
2) Low Self Esteem: An individual with low self esteem, feels unworthy, incapable
and incomplete. Such people have negative view of life. They are very anxious and
nervous. They are isolated and hardly have any friend. They dont like to compete
with others. They are not satisfied with others and lacks in confidence.
3) Inflated Self Esteem: Inflated Self Esteem gives us a false impression of our
worth and our abilities. It creates a false picture of us to the world and to people
around us. Such people are excessively confident of them and believe that are
always right. They are filled with superiority complex and believe they can do
everything. They love themselves and feel attractive. Usually they are very friendly
to people. They are completely happy and extremely optimistic.

Body Image:Body Image means an individuals concept of his own body. It is refers to a person
emotional attitude, beliefs and perceptions of their own body. Body Image is both the
mental picture that you have of your body and how you preceive yourself when you look at
a mirror.
According to free online dictionary, Body Image is the three dimensional concept of
ones self, recorded in context by perception of every changing body posture and
constantly changing with them.

Types of Body Image:

There are two types of Body Image:1) Positive or Healthy Body Image: - It is the feelings of an individual happy
and satisfied about your body as well as being comfortable with and accepting they
way you look.
2) Negative or Unhealthy Body Image: - When an individual feels unhappy with
the way he looks is known as Negative Body Image. Often it is associated with
wanting to change your body size and shape.

Factors Effecting Self Esteem and Body Image:

The following factors affect the self esteem and body image of an individual:-


a) Family and School: - Members of the family, school and society can influence
the self esteem and body image of an individual because many times these
members criticize the child about his look and it develops in negative body image.
b) Puberty: - Usually teenagers struggle with their self esteem and body image
when they entered puberty as the body goes a numerous changes. In this age,
individual compare their body with the others. In this age girls and boys usually
wants to lose weight and boys want to gain height and built-up muscles while the
girls want to look thinner.
c) Media: - Now a days, media also plays an important role to affect the self esteem
and body image. The teenagers become more aware about the celebrities and
compare themselves with the image of celebrities. This will affect their self esteem
and body image.
d) Life experience and Ageing:- Life experience and Ageing are important
factor which influence the self esteem and body image. Body changes with ageing
and experience. This will affect the self esteem and body image of a person.

Methods to Improve the Self Esteem and Body Image

In order to improve the self esteem and the body image the following points are
kept in mind:1)

Recognize beauty and health in all sizes.

Professional Health
Stop internal negative comments
Compliments about the good things
Identify the aspects of the appearance
Changing the life style
Thinking about the positive qualities
Always have a positive and optimistic attitude.



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