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A patient who has terminal cancer has an order for morphine sulfate (MS)tablets
every 8 to 12 hrs p.r.n for moderate pain or morphine sulfateinjections of 10 to
12 mg every 4 hrs p.r.n. intramuscularly for severe pain.The patient has been r
eceiving MS Contain p.o. every 12 hrs but isexperiencing breakthrough pain after
about 10 hrs. Which of the ff nursingaction is most appropriate?A. Administer i
njectable morphine sulfate, 12 mg, IM, p.r.n.B. Administer the MS Contain, po, e
very 12 hrsC. Administer the MS Contain, po every 10 hrsD. Withhold the pain med
ications and notify the physician
Which of the following outcomes observed by the nurse during the draincycle of p
eritoneal dialysis should be reported immediately to the physician?A. Clear yell
ow outputB. Cloudy outputC. Patient Complaint of slight crampingD. A drain outpu
t of 50 cc less than instilled
Which of the ff conditions would a nurse recognized as contributing to thedevelo
pment of respiratory alkalosis?A. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)B.
Episodes of hyperventilationC. Frequent loose stoolD. Hiatal hernia
When planning preoperative care for a child suspected of having WILMStumor, the
nurse should recognized that which of the ff interventions placesthe child at ri
sk for complications?A. Palpating the child s abdomen every 8 hrsB. Measuring the
child s temperature rectallyC. Monitoring the child s blood pressure every 4 hrsD. M
onitoring the child s intake and output
Which of the ff comments by a patient should indicate to a nurse that thepatient
has ideas of reference?A. Those other nurses are talking about me B. The nurse expl
ained how my medication works C. Do all the nurse here have a college degree? D. Will
a nurse lead group therapy today?
Which of the ff conditions would a nurse recognize as contributing todevelopment
of respiratory acidosis?A. EmphysemaB. HyperventilationC. DiarrheaD. Achalasia
A woman who is 24 hrs postpartum and who has an episiotomy would beinstructed to
report which of the ff findings immediately?A. Decrtease in urine outputB. Abse
nce of a daily bowel movementC. Presence of lochia rubraD. Increase in perineal
pain sensation
A nurse is counseling a parent of a 6 mos old infant about beginning solidfoods
in the infant s diet. Which of the ff should the nurse recommend beintroduced init
ially?A. Poached eggB. Strained peachesC. Pureed peasD. Rice cereal
A nurse observes a nurse s aide taking all of the ff measures when caringfor a pat
ient in the postoperative period ff a pneumonectomy. Whichmeasures would require
immediate intervention by the nurse?A. Assisting the patient to ambulate in the
hallB. Positioning the patient on the unoperated sideC. Placing elastic stockin
gs on the patient s legsD. Splinting the patient s chest during coughing
Which of the ff pulmonary findings would a nurse expect to assess ina patient wh

o has lower lobe pneumonia?A. Paradoxical chest movementB. EupneaC. Bronchial br

eath soundsD. Kussmaul respirations
A nurse would assess a patient who has peripheral vascular disease of which of t
he ff venous insufficiencies?
For HAAD/PROMETRICS REVIEWER orders text 0919-286-29-29 (Philippines)Emailhaadpr Orders)Like us on Facebook www.facebook
.com/haadprometricsreviewerA. ParesthesiasB. Bounding pedal pulsesC. Intermitten
t claudicationD. Edematous ankles
A young boy who is receiving chemotherapy develops alopecia and saysto the nurse
, I ve lost all my hair. Which of the ff responses would beappropriate for the nurse
to make to the child?A. Did you know that because your hair fell out, we know th
at themedicine is working to make you better? B. Would you like to see some picture
s of famous men who are bald? D. You can wear a baseball cap until your hair grows
A patient expresses many physical complaints during the first 2 weekson the alco
hol rehabilitation unit. The results of physical examination havebeen negative.
The patient frequently approaches staff members to requestmedication for her dis
comfort. Based on the patient s behavior, which of theff interpretations is correc
t?A. The patient is trying to make the staff feel guiltyB. The patient is attemp
ting to relieve her anxietyC. The patient is experiencing organic pain from alco
hol withdrawalD. The patient is using a more mature way of meeting her needs tha
Which of the ff foods should be removed from the dietary tray of apatient who ha
s hepatic encephalopathy?A. PastaB. SpinachC. Fresh fruitD. Eggs
A patient who had a tonsillectomy reports spitting up copious amountsof blood at
home 10 days after the operation. Which of the ff actionswould the nurse instru
ct the patient to take first?A. Take nothing by mouth and go to the emergency ro
omB. Gargle with warm saline solutionC. Drink ice cold waterD. Apply direct pres
sure to the carotid artery

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