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Get More

Done In

Your Soul-Centered

Project Or

A Soulful Coaching for Busy Women E-Book Presentation

By: Joanna Lindenbaum

Get More Done In Your Soul-Centered Project Or Business

Table of Contents
Joannas Story Page 3
Introduction 5
Chapter 1: The First Key to Flowing with Time: Its NOT What You Think It Is! 6
Changing Your Beliefs about Time 6
Workbook Exercises 8
Chapter 2: Understand Drive vs. Passion 10

The Difference Between Drive and Passion 10

How to Know if Your Drive (Instead of Passion) is Motivating You 11
What to Do if Your Drive is Motivating You 11
Workbook Exercises 13

Chapter 3: Prioritize for Success 14

Aligning with Your Priorities 15
Workbook Exercises 16
Chapter 4: One of the Most Common Time and Energy Wasting Mistakes 17
Clarification Before Perfection 18
Workbook Exercises 19
Chapter 5: The Power of Mini-Action Steps 20
Baby Steps 20
Workbook Exercises 22
Chapter 6: What are Your Next Steps? Your Soulful Coaching Call to Action 23
Joannas Bio 25

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Joannas Story

I am completely passionate about helping women reclaim their intuition and power in the
world because I know firsthand how important and transformative it can be! By utilizing my
unique business and life coaching skills and techniques in my own life, I have overcome illness,
overhauled careers and built a successful business based on my heart's desires, have created a
loving and supportive marriage with the man of my dreamsand now my newest "journey" I
have given birth and become a mother to an amazing baby girl!
But it took A LOT to get here!!!!!
Eight years ago, I was a contemporary art curator at a major New York museum, on a track to
promotions and bigger responsibilities. I found myself in a job & career that I enjoyed very, very
much, but something felt missing. It was almost as if I knew there was a part of myself and my
life that was completely unchartered, unexplored and unrecognized. It was as if I was ignoring
an essential part of my soul. Also, I worked very long hours, was underpaid, had no time for a
social or romantic life, smoked, and ate spaghetti most nights: I frequently felt tired,
overworked, overwhelmed, stuck in the "same old", and disconnected from my heart and the
potential I knew I could achieve.
In mid-March of 2001 I woke up one morning and noticed that there was something very wrong
the left side of my face was completely drooping! It turned out that I had Bell's Palsy a
condition that paralyzes the whole side of the face. My eye was lodged open (I couldn't close it
and had to wear an eye patch); the muscles on my cheeks and mouth wouldn't move to let me
smile, talk clearly, eat or drink. I had to eat everything in liquid form with a straw. I spent a
month hiding out in my apartment, scared to show my face and interact with the world!
In retrospect, getting Bell's Palsy was one of the best things that ever happened to me because
it invited me to finally take a closer look at my life and the way I was living it. During that
month that I hid from the world, I knew I had hit rock bottom, and that one of the causes of the

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Palsy was my own anxiety and disconnection from self. I knew it was time to finally tap into my
intuition and connect with my heart's desire to reshape my life and career, and live it the way
I really wanted to. And that's what I did. I spent a lot of time learning about myself, learning
about what I really wanted out of life, and committing to get there. I also learned a lot about
slowing down and self-care two things that I now recognize as absolutely essential to being a
successful leader. Through acupuncture, lifestyle change, coaching, journaling, visualization and
unlocking my creativity, I was able to overcome the Bell's Palsy without any medication (even
though my doctor told me it would be impossible!).
Within two years of getting the Bell's Palsy, I had left my job to
start my own business that I was passionate about, increased my
income, managed my work hours so that I had plenty of time for
self-care and socializing, attracted the man that would eventually
become my husband, quit smoking, started a yoga and
visualization practice and found myself feeling fulfilled and
connected much of the time!
People often asked me how I was able to do this, saying;
"Weren't you scared?" Well, yes I was terrified! However,
similar to many women out there, I just couldn't, not for one
more day, live a life that was out of alignment with my heart's
desire. Uncovering my passion and my intuition gave me the
courage to take the risk and change my life!
I now am the proud owner of a highly successful and profitable business, and coach women
how to accomplish their big goals and dreams while also feeling balance and joy in their
personal lives. I do this in my private coaching and my group programs such as:
The Your Sacred Business Program
You deserve to be as BIG and JOYFUL as possible, and the world needs your gifts and talents
and all you were meant to bring forthbut in order to do that it so vitally important to make
time for yourself, listen to your intuition, and act from your heart.
So, now, the question is: "What have both you and the world missed out on because you
haven't yet truly committed to knowing and living the greatness of who you are?"


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Introduction: Why its Essential to Move with the Flow of Time

I see WAY too many people out there feel like time is their enemy - you are working SO hard, putting in
so many hours, and yet you still dont feel like youre getting enough done or like you are aligned with
the life that you really want. This is because you arent paying enough attention to how you spend your
time, and what the structure of time can do for you. Instead, youre pushing, fighting, battling against
the little time you have. You arent noticing the flow of time, and how to work with it and step right into

I have seen this time and time again, and let me tell you what happens when you arent moving with the
flow of time: for sure you end up exhausted and frustrated, but sometimes the exhaustion and
frustration can lead to EVEN MORE serious things like neglecting yourself and your health, illness, and
loss of intimate relationships. So this is a very important topic to be looking at, not just to be able to
accomplish all of your soul-centered goals, but for maximum enjoyment and satisfaction in your life.

Take a moment now and ask yourself if this scenario sounds familiar: You have something that you want
to do. Youve been maybe thinking about it for some time but havent started it yet, or maybe you are
actively working on it right now. Perhaps it is your business or the documentary youve always wanted
to direct; or perhaps your dream project is that career transition you know youve always wanted to
make or the complete re-organization of your home.

At one point this goal, this dream, this project felt really exciting to you. You were passionate about it.
However, you dont quite feel that way anymore. You notice things arent moving forward as youd like
for them to. Instead, youre feeling pretty exhausted. For one thing, youve been overworking. Youve
been spending crazy hours trying to get ahead and get things done. And yet, despite all your hard work,
it doesnt really feel like youve gotten anywhere. Or, youve been overworking in your head thinking
and re-thinking over and over again, worrying and wondering, yet youre not doing much by way of
outer action. Your life seems to be spinning, spinning, spinning and you are constantly running, doing,
doing some more, yet things are not progressing or moving forward in the ways that you would like.
Sound familiar?

This is a common feeling by many who are attempting to go after their dreams or soul-centered
projects. I see this time and time again for the women who begin my Your Sacred Business Program Learning how to move with the flow of time
and not against it will help you move to a much more balanced, centered, and forward moving way of

So, lets begin!

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Chapter 1: The First Key to Flowing with Time: Its NOT what you
think it is!

Do you have a challenging time with your schedule?

Well, youre not alone! Nearly everyone I know and nearly everyone Ive ever coached can relate to this
in some way. This includes: feeling like there is too much to do, feeling like there is not enough to do,
feeling overworked, overtired, not knowing how to fit everything in, not leaving enough time for
important things, getting places late, and so on.
Most people have at least one obstacle or challenge
around how they use their time and manage their

And heres the good news!: There are a lot of
wonderful, useful tools out there for time management
and schedule creating. There are in fact a number of
Woman Wisdom Time Management Tools Ive
developed myself that work wonders for people who
are ready to move through their lives at a different pace
and in a different way. They can be really helpful in
allowing you to prioritize and make space and time.

However, before you dive into the practical how-tos of time management, there is a VERY important yet
nearly always overlooked first step to managing your time and schedule.

Changing Your Beliefs about Time

This is the foundational building block to creating a healthy and effective pace in your life that no one
really tells you about:

It is vital that you understand your relationship with time and create healthy beliefs around how time
functions and how you move through it.

Let me explain a little more: if you are having trouble managing your time, you are most likely operating
under some limiting beliefs about time that are so deeply embedded within you that you dont even
realize you hold these restrictive and sometimes damaging beliefs. However your limiting beliefs are
getting in the way of feeling balanced and energized, and allowing you to accomplish what you want

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to. These beliefs are causing your bad habits and harried experiences around managing your time and
Here are some of the most common limiting beliefs around time:

* There isnt enough time for everything I need to do
* There isnt enough time for everything I want to do
* I need to work hard in order to succeed
* People will think Im lazy if Im not busy
* In order for it to be done well, I need to give it a lot of time
* Time is fleeting
* Time is passing me by
* Doing is much more important than Being

As long as you harbor a limiting belief like one (or more) of those above, it doesnt matter how many
calendars you use, how well you schedule yourself, prioritize, make to-do lists, etc., because you will still
find yourself feeling overwhelmed, running around like crazy trying to get things done, letting important
things slip through the cracks, and feeling bullied by time.

On the flip side, once you let go of your limiting beliefs around time, then you are ready to move on to
and make use of all of the amazing time management tools out there, and make them work for you!


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Chapter 1 Workbook Exercises for You:

Now you are probably wondering: how can I actually go
about transforming my limiting beliefs around time? Here
is a 4-step process for you:

1. Identify the pace of your life and your relationship with
time by asking yourself the following questions:

* What is the pace of my life?
* What does is feel like to move through my day?
* How busy am I?
* Do I feel I am able to accomplish all the things I want to?
* Do I have open space in my day, or do I run from thing to thing?
* Do I feel rested or exhausted?
* Do I take care of myself?

2. Uncover your limiting belief around time

Based on what you discover about your relationship with time, begin to formulate a succinct one
sentence statement that captures your limiting belief. For example, lets say you are an extremely busy
working mom who feels guilty about being so busy but at the same time feels useless when you arent
busy. So, your limiting belief around time might be: I believe that I am useless unless Im busy.

3. Get clear on how your limiting belief has been serving you

The belief is there for a reason. Get clear on WHY youve been holding on to this belief for so long,
what is has done for you, where it has come from.

To use the example above: maybe you are able to make the connection between the prejudices you
held against your mother being a stay-at-home mother which made you want to launch into a career in
order to not be like her. You realize that you fill up your time with work while not allowing yourself to
also respect your natural motherly instincts. Working makes you feel successful and as if you are doing
something worthwhile with your time while tending to motherly duties makes you feel simple,
uninteresting, and as if you are wasting your time.
Often times, enlisting a coach or mentor is the BEST way to help you deeply uncover and understand
your limiting beliefs around time!


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4. Create new beliefs for yourself around time

Now that you have made the incredibly important discovery of what limiting beliefs you harbor, you
can rewrite the internal script you have been unknowingly living by.
To continue the example I used above, now that you realize why you have not been respecting your own
motherly instincts you might create the following NEW belief for yourself: I believe that creating time
for myself and my family will make my professional life even better.

Once you create your new beliefs around time and start living them, then you can start implementing
practical time management tools as well, for long-lasting habits to a healthier, happier and more
balanced way of approaching the way you spend your time!


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Chapter 2: Understand Drive vs. Passion

I have been talking a lot lately with women who are telling me that they are working hard, quite often
achieving their goals, and yet still not feeling successful, accomplished, or good about what they are
doing. A typical story goes like this:

You decide that you want to accomplish a big project, for example, writing your book. You work on it for
six months. You create your action plan, you meet all of your mini-goals or milestones, and you finally
finish your book. You have a completed manuscript! And yet, you dont feel all that accomplished for
putting the final edits on it. Instead, you start brainstorming how you are going to get your book
published. So, you work hard to find an agent, and then to get your manuscript publishedand all that
happens! And yet, you still dont feel satisfied. You still feel like youve got more to do, and you start
thinking about working on your next book.

Know what Im talking about?
Its as if no matter what you do, no matter how small or how big,
no matter what you complete, you are constantly thinking and
maybe even stressing over the next big accomplishment, the next
milestone. You find it hard to simply take pleasure in your process
and in your achievement. You feel hungry for the next success all the

When enough never feels like enough - and you always feel like
you need to be doing more and making more happen - you are being
motivated by your Drive, not by your Passion.

The Difference Between Drive and Passion

There are different factors that can motivate or push you to move forward. When you are motivated by
your Passion, you are connecting to your project or goal with your full heart and getting things
accomplished because you are really inspired to see this vision become a reality. You truly feel the
importance and weight of not only manifesting your goal, but of enjoying the path to making it happen.

When you are motivated by your Passion, you are able to take a step back and enjoy the fruits of your
labor once you achieve your goal. You are able to pause and feel good about your efforts. Your heart
feels satisfied with your accomplishment.


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Now, being motivated by Drive may yield similar results to being motivated by Passion - you achieve
your visions - however, it feels very different. If you complete goal after goal, and still feel like you
havent accomplished enough, you are most likely being motivated by Drive. When you are motivated
by Drive, you are being driven from a place of fear and scarcity.
When you are being motivated by Drive, your desire for
success, recognition or accumulation takes precedence over
your connection to what you are doing and your desire to
really see whatever it is manifest in the world. When you are
motivated by Drive, you are actually disconnected from
your Passion.

How to Know if Your Drive (Instead of Your Passion) Is Motivating You

Understanding the difference between Drive and Passion and knowing which one is motivating you is SO
essential to all you do in your life that in my Your Sacred Business Program - each woman gets this very, very clear for
herself and her particular situation.
* It doesnt matter how much money you make, you still feel like you need to make more.
* You complete the goal you had been pursuing, and immediately start focusing on the next goal
instead of enjoying the moment.
* You have trouble resting or slowing down.
* You spend more time working than you would like to.
* You are often exhausted and overwhelmed and seem to be running on adrenaline.
* You live with a sense of urgency.
* You feel most comfortable when there is too much.
* You often feel burnt out.
* You often feel tense in your body.
* You feel bad or ashamed about your ambition.

What to Do if Your Drive Is Motivating You

Once you recognize that it is Drive that is motivating you instead of Passion, its time to take a closer
look at your fears and your limiting beliefs. Common limiting beliefs that lurk behind Drive are: There
is never enough; Im not enough; Ill never get anywhere, unless I work hard; and Nobody sees

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me. Other fears that give rise to Drive are: Ill never be like my father/mother; he never amounted to
anything and I will never be as successful as my father/mother. Another frequent fear is, Who will I
become if I slow down?


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Chapter 2 Workbook Exercises for You:

1. Identify the fear and limiting beliefs that are behind your Drive
This can sometimes be difficult to assess on your own, because these fears in particular can be
surreptitious and really a blindspot that blocks you deeply. The best way to get clear on the fears and
limiting beliefs behind your Drive are to work with a mentor or coach who is trained to see what you
cant see for yourself.
2. Get clear on what excites you.
In other words, begin to connect to your Passion -
about your job, your business, your family, your
project - and begin to notice if you can move
forward from that place of love and soul-centered
desire to get things done.

Youll find that moving from Passion helps you feel
more excited, more energized, and more able to
take appropriate pauses and rests to recharge your
batteries and nourish yourself.


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Chapter 3: Prioritize for Success

How we spend our time is essentially how we spend our lives. Its a very big deal.

For those of us that have busy lives, time is incredibly precious. Sometimes time can feel like the biggest
thing you are fighting against. Its that feeling of rushing to get things done, or confusion and inactivity
from having too many things to do and not enough time to do them, or feeling dissatisfied because your
life isnt in alignment with your heart.

Know what I mean?
One of the most common mistakes that I see
people make when trying to create balance,
time, and energy in their life stems from not
being clear on their priorities.

Each and every day, we are presented with
endless possibilities of things to do, see, and
hear. Often, we arent clear on what is more
important to do and what is less important to do
- both in terms of our Overarching Priorities and
Day-to-Day Priorities. This lack of clarity leads to
feeling harried, overworked, or stuck. Once you get clear on these priorities, you can begin to
understand the most effective, efficient, and pleasurable ways to spend your time, and create a plan
to do so.

Lets take a look at Overarching Priorities first. Aligning with your Overarching Priorities means that
you are matching whats most important in your heart and soul with how you spend your time.

For example, if connecting with family and loved ones is a big priority in your life, yet youve set your
business up so that you are working seven days a week, then you are going to feel as if something is
missing from your life. Or, if traveling makes your heart sing, yet you havent taken a single vacation in
five years, chances are you are going to feel exhausted and drained.

However, if you can tap into your inner wisdom and get clear on what is most important to you -
spending more time on your career or spending more time with family, spending your time traveling or
spending your time training for a marathon - then you will have a powerful blueprint for how to live your

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Aligning with Your Priorities

Now, lets look at Day-to-Day Priorities. Your Day-to-Day Priorities are the many things you would like to
accomplish in any given day, week, or month. When you align with your Day-to-Day Priorities, you
make your life and work more efficient, effective and successful.

For example, lets say you own a business. If you are
unclear on your business priorities, you might try to get
your newsletter out, return all of your client emails, create
a new product, and do your accounting all in one
afternoon. Clearly, attempting this will only cause
overwhelm and exhaustion. Most probably you would not
be able to accomplish it all, and if you did, youd probably
be working until 3am!

However, if you assess your priorities beforehand, and
get clear that you have three urgent client emails to return and that youd like for your newsletter to
go out the following day, then you can plan accordingly and do exactly what you need to do in the right
time and at the right pace. You can rest easy that your accounting can wait until next week.

Life offers so many options, and with all of these possibilities, it is easy to lose command of how you
spend your time. Yet, how you spend your time is the essence of your life. Its vital to connect with your
inner wisdom to get clear on your Overarching and Day-to-Day Priorities so that you can design your
life and action steps for joy and success.


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Chapter 3 Workbook Exercises for You:

1. What is most important to me?
2. What feels missing from my life?
3. What are the most important things to focus on in my work-day today?
4. What are lower priority tasks or errands that can wait until tomorrow or next week?


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Chapter 4: One of the Most Common Time and Energy Wasting


By now, you probably know that creating a solid Action Plan and Blueprint are key to envisioning and
following through on any BIG project, from building your business to publishing your book to reaching
your health or fitness goals.

If you plan correctly, you will have not only a juicy vision of your BIG project; you will also end up with a
thorough and easy to execute day-by-day and week-by-week plan of how you will get from point A to
point B, while still having plenty of time left over to enjoy your life.

But did you know that if you create the details of your plan before being clear on your bigger vision,
you usually end up wasting a ton of time and energy?

While you dont need
your 100% completed
idea in place in order
to plan and move
forward, you do need
to have a pretty good
idea of what you want
your vision to look

Think of it this way:
imagine you live on
the East Coast and
want to take a road
trip to the West Coast. You pack your bags, buy your road map, buy your local attraction guide, get in
touch with your friends on the West Coast to let them know youre coming, and then get in your car to

Where are you going? To Los Angeles? To Seattle? To Portland?

If you were driving from NYC to Los Angeles, you would pack a different set of clothing and take a very
different driving route with particular rest stops than if you were driving to Seattle. Your plan would be
completely different.


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But imagine now that you hadnt decided on whether to go to Los Angeles or Seattle? It would be very
hard to plan for your trip, and you might waste quite a bit of time planning out your driving route or
even getting to your first rest stop before realizing you were on the wrong course (or that you had to
turn around and go back home to get the right set of clothing for your trip!).

Through my years as a Soul Success Coach for women, Ive seen this mistake made by entrepreneurs,
artists, mothers, professionals, and others working on creating their Blueprints for their BIG projects.
Take, for example: You are ready to switch careers because you are unhappy in your current position
and your current field. You feel the pressure of time and money to get a new position quickly, so you
randomly search job listings and websites instead of taking a little time to get really connected to what
you want for yourself and your career and the possibility and opportunity that these desires might lead
you to. Your mis-connected search may provide a new job or career, but not one that will ultimately
fulfill you anymore that your current career.

In other words, it is essential to define or determine your bigger vision before setting out on your path
or road trip.

Clarification Before Perfection

A few years ago, a client of mine - a very talented photographer with her own practice - discovered this
important lesson through our work together. She had been putting out a lot of time and energy working
on her website without having a clear sense of what she wanted her end product to look like and feel
like. It created a lot of busy work for her, and not very many results, until together, we focused on her
inner wisdom and got super-clear on exactly what she wanted her website to do and be. My client
astutely termed this process Clarification Before Perfection - meaning, get clear on what you want
before you spend time doing and perfecting it! This will save you a ton of time and energy!


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Chapter 4 Workbook Exercises for You:

Here are some questions to ask yourself in order to get your clarification for your project or endeavor:

1. What is my big vision here? What does is look like? What are the details?
2. Where am I going with this? Where do I want this project to be in 6 months? 1 year? 5 years?
3. If money is involved: how much money do I want to earn or raise?
4. How much time do I want to spend on this?
5. What is my timeline, and my time goals?
6. What do I know I absolutely dont want included in this project?

After answering these questions, you can then create an action plan that is aligned with your vision, and
that will use your time efficiently and productively!
It often takes expertise and an outside eye to help you create an action plan that is incredibly effective
and powerful. I highly recommend hiring a coach or mentor to help you with this process so that you are
ensured success, forward movement and ease. I invite you to learn about the Your Sacred Business
Program where you have the opportunity to
learn from me and a circle of like-minded women how to create a plan for your business, career, book,
or any other soul-centered goal!


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Chapter 5: The Power of Mini-Action Steps

Today I want to share with you an important piece of information that may seem very obvious. The
truth is, though, most people dont utilize this incredibly effective tool for moving forward and getting
unstuck instantaneously! The powerful tool Im talking about is the mini-action step, as I like to call it.

Without mini-action steps, its very easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer size and extent of your
dream goals. While dream goals can create excitement and enthusiasm, if you arent sure how to make
those dream goals happen, or dont know what your next steps are, you can end up very stuck.

In contrast to the enormity and greatness of your BIG Project or dream goal, the mini-action step is the
smallest, simplest, itty-bitty, next part of ANY project you are working on, whether it is your business
newsletter, your painting portfolio, the re-organization of your home, or your weight loss plan.

The power of this mini-action step is that it is an easy, quick, do-able chunk that takes you from point A
to point B instead of feeling overwhelmed and stuck because you are thinking you need to jump from
point A to point Z all at once!
Heres what I mean: Lets say you want to organize a conference. When you
start to think about all of the tasks and details you need to take care of to
get that conference up and running - renting a space, hiring speakers,
attracting attendees, etc. - its easy to get dizzy and overwhelmed, and just
decide that you dont have the time or energy to make this dream of yours
come true.

However, if you were to remove yourself from that sea of hundreds of
details and possibilities, and begin to get clear on just the very next little
step you needed to take - perhaps that step is simply to make a list of 5 -10
possible places to hold your conference - then things would quickly stop
feeling so overwhelming, and you would feel confident and ready to move

As you can see, the mini-action step is truly TINY; although it can pack a powerful punch!

Baby steps

The mini-action step does not include tasks that take more than one step to accomplish, such as Secure
location for conference. And, the mini-action step is not even Call every possible location for
conference. Its simply and truly the smallest, itty-bitty next step: to make a list of possible locations

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for the conference. The mini-action step shouldnt take more than 30 - 60 minutes of your time; and it
should be the next obvious step that you need to take.
Here are some examples of other mini-next steps:

* Coming up with the idea for your next article (NOT writing the entire article)
* Making a list of 5 possible speakers for your conference (NOT securing your full roster of speakers)
* Choosing a healthy and nutritious recipe for dinner (NOT losing 5 pounds by the end of the week)
* Deciding on which service to use for your website (NOT launching your website)
* Signing up for an online dating site (NOT making sure you go on your first date within a week)

So, WHY is the mini-action step so important? Because it is an easy-breezy, quick, and uncomplicated
next piece that will move you towards your larger goal. It is something that you can put into motion
right away, and not feel overwhelmed by it, or as if you dont have enough time for it.

The more you break your big goals down into mini-action steps, the easier it will be for you to move
forward CONSISTENTLY without getting overwhelmed or feeling stuck in a place of fear around the
enormity and difficulty of accomplishing your goals.

The truth is that you DONT need to know how to accomplish every piece of your goal, and you dont
need to focus ahead on how you will figure out every piece of your goal. You need only focus on the
very next task ahead of you, and figure THAT piece out. Then youll have moved forward to the next
place, and it will be time to simply figure out the next piece after that. Baby steps. Oh, yes!


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Chapter 5 Workbook Exercises for You:

Activate the Power of Mini-Action Steps NOW:

1. Acknowledge that you are in a state of overwhelm. You can recognize this if you are telling yourself
things such as Im just ready to give up, Theres to much to do here, or I dont know how to get this
all done.
2. Allow yourself to let go of the bigger picture for a few moments, and ask yourself: What is the very
next step that I need to take here?
3. If that next step seems overwhelming, then it is still too large! Ask yourself, What is the smallest
mini-action step here? Remember, this next step should take no more than 60 minutes.
4. Once youve arrived at the smallest next step, write it down, and decide when you will do it.
5. Focus ONLY on that mini-action step until its complete. Keep yourself in the present moment with it,
and dont stray towards thoughts of the overwhelming big picture.


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Get More Done In Your Soul-Centered Project Or Business

Chapter 6: What Are Your Next Steps? Your Soulful Coaching Call to
It has been a pleasure to give you all of the tools, methods and wisdom included in this e-book. I have
developed each of these tools from both my own experience in life and also the thousands of women
Ive coached, mentored and presented to. The tools WORK in amazing, concrete ways.if you are
committed to practicing them and consistently implementing them in your life.
If you are a soul-centered woman who is ready to achieve more in the world in a feminine, flowing and
abundant way, then I invite you to participate in the Your Sacred Business Program
The Your Sacred Business Program will train you in foundational & transformational Woman Wisdom
principles to support you in bringing your Soul Purpose into the world. Whether you are an
entrepreneur, artist, visionary or working on any other type of Soul-Centered project, or even if you are
in transition, this program will provide you with the foundation you need to make being in your Sacred
Purpose in BIG and SUCCESSFUL ways a reality. Unlike other foundational business-building programs,
though, I believe it is of absolute importance that you receive PRIVATE COACHING TIME with a coach
who is there to guide you, give you support, and hold you accountable, and Im thrilled to be able to
offer you personal care and attention in this powerful
The Your Sacred Business Program is for women who are
ready to be seen, heard, happy, and abundant. It is a 6-
month supportive, encouraging and empowering
mentorship with both PRIVATE support and COMMUNITY
connections where you will learn the basic - yet vital- steps
to attract your first or next clients.
Using the techniques that you will learn in this program, I
was able to create a 6-figure business working part-time. I now have a full private coaching practice, and
multiple group programs that fill time after time after time. I am now confident from the inside-out, and
have so much more time for myself, my family, and my life.
In the program, you are guided through 10 Woman Wisdom Modules:
1) Your Sacred Message and Your Ideal Client
2) Your Soul-Centered Offerings & Brilliance-Based System

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Get More Done In Your Soul-Centered Project Or Business

3) Move with Flow of Time
4) Soul-Centered Copy Writing Techniques
5) The Invitation: How to Bring Paid Clients into Your Offerings!
6) The Enrollment Conversation: How to Effectively Talk to Prospects from
Your Heart
7) Befriend Your Marketing Fear
8) Soul-Centered Pitches, Presentations, and Preview Classes
9) Expand Your Community, Expand Your Visibility
10) Introduction to Online Marketing Tools

I invite you to learn more about the program today:

Before starting the Your Sacred

Business Program I had no website,
no leads, and no list or community
to speak of. Your Sacred Business
was my solution. It gave me
direction and addressed my fears. I
gained the confidence I needed. I
moved from a dream to a reality
and left a job that no longer was
aligned for me. I have a list of
clients that is continuing to grow,
and I now see opportunity where I
used to see defeat. Its not just
about taking action steps, but
about addressing the inner pieces
to help you do so in a way that
supports you and leaves you feeling
empowered. The training modules
alone are invaluable, but the one-
on-one time and small group Q &
As are priceless.
--Megan Slaven, Yoga and Life

I'm a soul-centered life coach with a passion for helping women transform self-doubt and live their heart's

calling. I began Joanna's Your Sacred Business program when I was struggling with how to balance my deep
commitment to motherhood with my desire to create a sustainable, vibrant coaching
business. I dreaded

marketing. It felt like I had to choose between walking my path with integrity or being profitable. Joanna's class
zapped this block and introduced me to a new paradigm, one where I could be true
to myself and
simultaneously be abundant in my life purpose. The Your Sacred Business Program has given me the knowledge,

confidence, and inspiration to grow my Soul-Centered Life Coaching practice authentically
and passionately.
Joanna skillfully demystified the tools for successfully bringing my work into the world. In just three months

my income doubled, my clientele grew, I taught a fantastically successful teleclass, and my group coaching
program filled with ideal clients. To top it off, Joanna shared valuable, concrete techniques for magnetizing my


~Meggie Winchell, Life Coach & Women's Empowerment Facilitator,


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Get More Done In Your Soul-Centered Project Or Business

Joannas Bio

I am the CEO and owner of Soulful Coaching for Busy Women and the creator of the Women
Wisdom Success Principles. I am also the proud creator of the Your Sacred Business Program For the last 12 years I have extensively
studied and practiced journaling, meditation, movement therapies, women's spirituality and
rituals from around the world, art, public speaking, workshop development, leadership training,
public dialogue systems, organization systems and time management systems. I received my
B.A. in Art History from Rutgers College and my M.A. from Hunter College. I am a Certified
Graduate of Coach U's Core Essentials Program, as well as a graduate of the Priestess Path
Apprenticeship Program and the WomanWheel Apprenticeship Program.
I have presented over 200 thought provoking workshops internationally, including seminars at
Omega Institute, Renfrew Center, Womb & Belly Conference, and Womongathering. In 2004, I
was flown to Botswana, Africa to teach local women my signature class Everyday Bliss (created
with Dawn Copeland); the class inspired these women to start businesses and support groups
that exist to this day. Along with Dawn Copeland, I have also created Journey to Yourself: a 6-
month experimental empowerment program that has radically healed and transformed the
lives of many women.


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