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Verbos auxiliares o modales /Auxiliary verbs or modals

Resumen general
Los verbos auxiliares en ingls son lo siguientes: will and would; shall and
should; can and could; may and might; must and had to; ought to; and had
Will and would:
"will" (wil) = expresa una accin o un plan futuro.
I will be there at 7:00 pm. (Estar ah a las 7:00 pm)
I will work tomorrow (Trabajar maana)
"would" (wuld) = pone a una accin en terminacin "ra", y/o expresa una
. . .. . . Peticin amable. Ex: would you help me please? (wuld iu jelp mi pli..s?)
(me ayudara usted por favor?). . . Un deseo. Ex: I would like to see her.
(ai wuld laik tu si jer) (me gustara verla)
. . . Un rechazo. Ex: she wouldnt lend any money to me.
(shi wuldent lend eni moni tu mi) (ella no me prestara ningn dinero). . . Una
buena voluntad.
Ex: I would take the car to the mechanic but i am very tired.
(ai wuld teik de car tu de mecanic bat ai am veri taird)
(yo llevara el carro al mecnico pero estoy muy cansado)
Shall and should:
"shall" (shal) = expresa una sugerencia con sentido futuro.
Shall I see you tomorrow? (shal ai si iu tumowrou?) (te ver maana?).
Nota: recuerde las reglas de los auxiliares:

Los auxiliares se escriben igual para todas las personas.

I will, you will, he will, she will, etc...
I would, he would, etc...
I shall, you shall, we shall, he shall, etc...
Primero se pone la persona, luego el auxiliar y despus la accin
sin pluralizar (para todas las personas).

I can kiss her. He can do it.

She can kiss her. It can do it.

Despus de un auxiliar, las acciones "be" y "have" no cambian su

forma ni se dividen como lo hacen normalmente con las
I can be a good student. He can have a lot of money.
She will be with her parents. Shall he have a house too?
It would be fine. She would have a good future.

"should" (shuld) (debera) = expresa recomendacin.

Con "I" y "we" = indica una responsabilidad personal.
Con "you", "they", "we", "he", "she" e "it" = indica sugerencia.
I should do my homework but I never have time.
(ai shuld du mai jomwork bot ai never jav taim)
(yo debera hacer mi tarea pero nunca tengo tiempo)
She should visit her grandmother but she doesnt have time.
(shi shuld visit jer grandmoder bot shi dosent jav taim)
(ella debera visitar a su abuela pero no tienen tiempo)
We shouldnt kill animals or plants.
(ui shuldent kil animals or plants)
(nosotros no beberamos matar animales o plantas)
Should I love everyone in the world?
(shuld ai lov evwri wuan in de world?)
(debera yo amar a cada uno en el mundo?)
Can and could:
"can" (can) (poder, pero de habilidad) = you are able to do something.
"could" (culd) (podra, poda, pudiste, pudo)
She can do whatever she likes to.
(shi can du jwatever shi laiks tu)
(ella puede hacer lo que sea que ella quiera hacer)
He could speak english very well 3 years ago.

He couldnt afford the car which he liked.

(ji culdent aford de car wich ji laikt)
(l no pudo pagar el carro que le gusto)
Can you speak louder than she does?
Could he do his work so well as she did it?
May and might:
"may" (mei) (poder) = expresa permiso para acciones presentes y
futuras, y una posibilidad en un 60% posible.
When it is hot, you may open the windows.
May I dance with you?
It may rain this afternoon because the sky is cloudy.
You may not touch her.
"might" (maigt) (puede, podra, podrias) = expresa un permiso que fue
dado en algn punto del pasado, y una posibilidad en un 20% posible.
He said that he might open the windows.
It might snow in Mexico City this winter.
If you scold him, he might tell you the truth.
Must and had to:
"must" (mast) (debe, debes, deben) = expresa . . .
1) Necesidad = have to.
I must go now = I have to go now.
He must see them tomorrow.
She mustnt smoke a lot.
Must they do what you want?
Para expresar necesidad en pasado, se usa "had to".
He told me that he had to tell you the truth.
2) Probabilidad o una conclusin lgica.
All the people are leaving, it must be time for them to do it.
She isnt here, so she mustnt want to go with us.
She has gotten a new job, she must like it.

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