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<Country Scope>

add_accepted_culture = [culture]
makes the defined culture one of a nation's accepted cultures
Make a certain province a core of the current country.
Syntax: add_core = [province id]
Add a country modifier with certain effects to the country.
Syntax: add_country_modifier = [name of modifier]
Used to remove or add money relative to country's income with maximum taxation
Syntax :
add_tax_relative_income = x
Move the capital to a new province.
Syntax: capital = [province id]
will affect the province containing the national capital in whatever way listed
Syntax: capital_scope = [
effect 1
Example :
capital_scope = {
bureaucrats = {
consciousness = 2
militancy = 3
All bureaucrats in the capital will gain +2 CON and +3 MIL
change_tag = <tag>
will change the tag of the nation into another nation
Example : change_tag = GER means the nation will become Germany
Increases or decreases the value of an existing variable.
Syntax: change_variable =
which = [name of variable]
value = x
(x = +-1..)
civilized = [yes/no]
Will make the nation civilized or uncivilized.
Removes the specified country flag.
Syntax: clr_country_flag = [name of flag]
Removes the specified global flag.
Syntax: clr_global_flag = [name of flag]
Triggers the specified country event for the current country.
Syntax: country_event = [event id]

Creates an alliance with the specified country.
Syntax: create_alliance = [this/from/tag]
Makes the specified country a vassal of the current country.
Syntax: create_vassal = [tag]
dominant_issue = { factor = 0.45 value =<issue> }
makes the political or social issue specified the dominant political issue for X
percent of the pop
Syntax : dominant_issue = { factor = 0.45 value = laissez_faire }
means 45% of the POPs will consider laissez-faire their dominant issue
enable_ideology = ideology_name
Enables the specified ideology.
Syntax: enable_ideology= [name of ideology]
The current country will no longer guarantee the specified country.
Syntax: end_guarantee = [tag]
Ends the military access between the specified country, tag and the current coun
try, tag2.
Syntax: tag = { end_military_access = tag2 }
Ends a non-aggression pact between the current country and the specified country
Syntax: end_non_aggression_pact = [tag]
Ends any war between the specified country, tag and the current country, tag2.
Syntax: tag = { end_war = tag2 }
goodtype = X
adds or subtracts X amount of the named good from the national stockpile
Syntax : ammunition = -40
will remove 40 ammunition from the national stockpile.
Change the current form of government for the country.
Syntax: government = [government type]
The current country will guarantee the specified country.
Syntax: guarantee = [tag]
hold_election = yes
ideology = { factor = X value = <new ideology> }
makes the ideology specified the dominant ideology for X percent of the pop
Syntax : ideology = { factor = 0.45 value = socialist }
means 45% of the POPs will now have socialist ideology
Allow the current country to inherit the specified country.
Syntax: inherit = [tag]

Sets the specified reform for the current country.
Syntax: [reform name] = [type]
Kill the specified leader.
Syntax: kill_leader = [leader id]
Remove the current country from an alliance with the specified country.
Syntax: leave_alliance = [this/from/tag]
will trigger if the conditions within the limit are true for the category applie
ex :
random_state = {
limit = {
is_slave = yes
aristocrats = {
consciousness = 1
aristocrats will gain +1 consciousness in a random state of the nation that has
slavery allowed in it.
Increase/decrease the overall literacy a country has by X.
literacy = x
Increase/decrease the amount of manpower a country has.
Syntax: manpower = x
(x = +-0..1)
Gives the specified country, tag military access to the current country, tag2.
Syntax: tag = { military_access = tag2 }
Changes the national value of the current country to type.
Syntax: nationalvalue = [type]
Dissolves all alliances a nation has and set all satellites free
Syntax :
neutrality = yes/no
Creates a non-aggression pact between the current country and the specified coun
Syntax: non_aggression_pact = [tag]
Raises or decreases the overall plurality in a nation by X.
Syntax :
plurality = x

Gives the specified country the specific level of political reform.

political_reform = name
Example : vote_franchise = wealth_weighted_voting means the country will have vo
ting rights set at weighted wealth voting
Raises or decreases the overall prestige of a nation by X.
Syntax :
prestige = x
Effects within the block has an
Syntax: random = {
chance = x

x percents chance of taking effect.

Effects within the block has an x percents chance of taking effect.
Syntax: random_list = {
x = { effects... }
x = { effects... }
x = { effects }
random_list = {
50 = { dissent = 4 }
20 = { dissent = 3 }
20 = { dissent = 2 }
10 = { dissent = 1 }
Means 50% chance dissent rise by +4, 20% chance dissent will rise by +3, 20% cha
nce dissent will rise by +2 and 10% chance will rise by +1
Increase/decrease the relations value between two countries by x.
Syntax: relation = { who = [tag/this] value = x }
Allows the current country to release the specified country and thereby create a
new independent nation.
Syntax: release = [tag]
Allows the current country to release the specified country as a vassal.
Syntax: release_vassal = [this/from/random/tag]
Change state religion
Syntax :
religion = [religion]
removes a culture from the list of accepted cultures in the nation
Syntax :
remove_accepted_culture = [culture]
The specified province will no longer be core province.
Syntax: remove_core = [province id]

Removes a certain country modifier from the current country.

Syntax: remove_country_modifier = [name of modifier]
Add research points in absolute quantities.
Syntax: research_points = X
Cede a certain province to the specified country.
Syntax: province id = { secede_province = [tag] }
Sets a flag for the current country.
Syntax: set_country_flag = [name of flag]
Sets a global flag regardless of country.
Syntax: set_global_flag = [name of flag]
Creates a new variable and assigns it the specified value.
Syntax: set_variable = {
which = [name of variable]
value = x
(x = +-1..)
Gives the specified country the specific level of social reform.
social_reform = name
Example : wage_reform = trinket_wage sets the nation's wage level to trikets
Gives the specified country, x percent of the current country s troops.
Syntax: tag = { split_troops = x }
ex. Give Germany 10% of your troops.
GER = { split_troops = 0.10 }
Add or subtract money in absolute quantity X.
Syntax :
treasury = x
increases the % support of an ideology in the upper house by x%
Syntax: upper_house = {
ideology = name
value = 0.x
where value is a fraction 0.0 to 1.0, so value 0.4 = ideology will gain 40% more
Start a war between the current country and the specified country.
Syntax: war = [tag]
expanded war trigger :
war = {
target = TAG
attacker_goal = {

casus_belli = cbtype
defender_goal = {
casus_belli = cbtype
nation will declare war on the TAG set as target, with the attacker having the w
argoal defined in attacker_goal and defender having the wargoal defined in defen
Increase/decrease the amount of war exhaustion a country has.
Syntax: war_exhuastion = x
(x = +-1..)
Add research points relative the amount a nation is currently generating, with a
mount in number of years (fractionals allowed).
Syntax: years_of_research = X
<Province Scope>
Creates a province modifier for the specified province.
More on add_province_modifier
this is used to give temporary or permanent changes to a specific province
the full syntax used in events is
add_province_modifier = {
name = X
desc = Y
duration = z (in days)
the name x and description y noted in the syntax are defined in a separate provi
nce modifiers file, which will allow the event to display information as to what
the modifier will do. All the actual changes to the province are put into the
province modifiers file, not the event.
Change the controller of a province.
Syntax: change_controller = [tag]
Increase/decrease the manpower available in a certain province.
Syntax: change_manpower = x
(x = +-1..)
Changes the name of the current province.
Syntax: change_province_name = [new name]
Creates a revolt of the specified size.
Syntax: create_revolt = x
(x = 1 / 2 / 3)

increases the infrastructure level of the province by amount X
Syntax: infrastructure = x
increases or decreases the life rating level of the province by amount X
Syntax: life_rating = x
Triggers the specified province event.
Syntax: province_event = [event id]
create a rebelion in province by the specified type of rebel
Syntax: <rebel_type> = size (in number of brigades)
Removes a certain province modifier from the current province.
Syntax: remove_province_modifier = [name of modifier]
will affect all the provinces of a state in whatever way listed :
Syntax: state_scope = [
effect 1
Example :
state_scope = {
bureaucrats = {
consciousness = 2
militancy = 3
All bureaucrats in the state will gain +2 CON and +3 MIL
Changes the trade good of the current province to
Syntax: trade_goods= [trade good type]

type .

<POP Scope>
Base definition of POPs is by workforce :
syntax : workforce_type = { militancy/consciousness = x }
example : artisans = { consciousness = 1 }
gives all artisans a +1 gain in consciousness
affects all pops with the defined limits of religion or culture
Syntax : any_pop = {
limit = { has_pop_religion = X/has_pop_culture = X }
militancy/consciousness = X
gives all POPs with the religion or culture tag the change in POP Mil or conscio
any_pop = { limit = { has_pop_religion = hindu } militancy = 1 }

All Hindus in country will get +1 MIL.

this can also be used to target specific workforces
artisans = { limit = { has_pop_religion = hindu } militancy = 1 }
all Hindu artisans will get 1 militancy
any_pop = { scaled_militancy = { factor = X ideology = name } }
will increase or decrease the amount of militancy all classes of POPs will get e
quivalent to factor*% of that pop that is that ideology
any_pop = { scaled_militancy = { factor = 1 ideology = liberal } }
If 20% of the POPs are liberal, this command will give a +0.20 MIL gain to all p
ideology can be replaced with political issue, and for unemployed (fixed syntax
: unemployment = 1).
any_pop = { scaled_militancy = { factor = 1 unemployment = 1 } }
If 20% of your POPs are unemployed, then this effect will give a +0.20 MIL boost
to all POPs
any_pop = { scaled_militancy = { factor = 1 issue = atheism } }
If 20% of your POPs have atheism as their dominant issue, then this effect will
give a +0.20 MIL boost to all POPs
this can also be used to target specific workforces
artisans = { scaled_militancy = { factor = 1 unemployment = 1 } }
if 20% of artisans are unemployed, then this effect will give +0.20 MIL to all a
the factor can be any number, positive for increase, negative to decrease, and c
an be partial, not only integers.
any_pop = { scaled_militancy = { factor = 0.2 ideology = liberal } }
any_pop = { scaled_militancy = { factor = -2 ideology = liberal } }
If 50% of pops are liberal, the first will give +0.1 MIL boost to all pops, the
second will give a -1.0 MIL decline.
Consciousness behaves the same way, with the following syntax
any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = X ideology = name } }
any_pop = { scaled_ consciousness = { factor = 1 ideology = liberal } }
If 20% of the POPs are liberal, this command will give a +0.20 CON gain to all p

give money to pop in amount X
Syntax :
money = x
Move pop to another province with id x
Syntax :
move_pop = x
Change poptype on pop
Syntax :
pop_type = poptype
reduce pop size by percent, expressed betwee 0.00 and 1.00
Syntax :
reduce_pop = x

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